10,116 research outputs found

    Operating experiences of retardant bombers during firefighting operations

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    Data are presented on operational practices and maneuver accelerations experienced by two Douglas DC-6B airplanes converted to retardant bombers and used in firefighting operations. The data cover two fire seasons in the mountainous regions of the northwestern United States

    Development of a high capacity toroidal Ni/Cd cell

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    A nickel cadmium battery design which can offer better thermal management, higher energy density and much lower cost than the state-of-the-art is emphasized. A toroidal Ni/Cd cell concept is described. It was critically reviewed and used to develop two cell designs for practical implementation. One is a double swaged and the other a swaged welded configuration

    Family Businesses: Can the Family and the Business Finances Be Separated? Preliminary Results

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    Small businesses had nearly $1.25 trillion in loans outstanding from commercial lenders, business finance companies, other businesses in the form of trade credit, and friends and relatives in the early 1990s (Ou, 1991). Based on recent information derived from the National Survey on Small Business Finance (NSSBF), loans held by commercial banks and family members or owners of the firm were significant sources of credit, comprising 54 and 18 percent of all loans, respectively (Haynes, 1996). The relative importance of these types of loans suggests that the finances of the business and the family are often intertwined. This study utilizes the recently released Survey of Consumer Finances to examine the impact of small business ownership on the household’s debt structure

    Modeling the ballistic-to-diffusive transition in nematode motility reveals variation in exploratory behavior across species

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    A quantitative understanding of organism-level behavior requires predictive models that can capture the richness of behavioral phenotypes, yet are simple enough to connect with underlying mechanistic processes. Here we investigate the motile behavior of nematodes at the level of their translational motion on surfaces driven by undulatory propulsion. We broadly sample the nematode behavioral repertoire by measuring motile trajectories of the canonical lab strain C.elegansC. elegans N2 as well as wild strains and distant species. We focus on trajectory dynamics over timescales spanning the transition from ballistic (straight) to diffusive (random) movement and find that salient features of the motility statistics are captured by a random walk model with independent dynamics in the speed, bearing and reversal events. We show that the model parameters vary among species in a correlated, low-dimensional manner suggestive of a common mode of behavioral control and a trade-off between exploration and exploitation. The distribution of phenotypes along this primary mode of variation reveals that not only the mean but also the variance varies considerably across strains, suggesting that these nematode lineages employ contrasting ``bet-hedging'' strategies for foraging.Comment: 46 pages, 18 figures, 6 table

    Impact of multiscale dynamical processes and mixing on the chemical composition of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment–North America

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    We use high-frequency in situ observations made from the DC8 to examine fine-scale tracer structure and correlations observed in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during INTEX-NA. Two flights of the NASA DC-8 are compared and contrasted. Chemical data from the DC-8 flight on 18 July show evidence for interleaving and mixing of polluted and stratospheric air masses in the vicinity of the subtropical jet in the upper troposphere, while on 2 August the DC-8 flew through a polluted upper troposphere and a lowermost stratosphere that showed evidence of an intrusion of polluted air. We compare data from both flights with RAQMS 3-D global meteorological and chemical model fields to establish dynamical context and to diagnose processes regulating the degree of mixing on each day. We also use trajectory mapping of the model fields to show that filamentary structure due to upstream strain deformation contributes to tracer variability observed in the upper troposphere. An Eulerian measure of strain versus rotation in the large-scale flow is found useful in predicting filamentary structure in the vicinity of the jet. Higher-frequency (6–24 km) tracer variability is attributed to buoyancy wave oscillations in the vicinity of the jet, whose turbulent dissipation leads to efficient mixing across tracer gradients

    TAB interconnects for space concentrator solar cell arrays

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    The Boeing Company has evaluated the use of Tape Automated Bonding (TAB) and Surface Mount Technology (SMT) for a highly reliable, low cost interconnect for concentrator solar cell arrays. TAB and SMT are currently used in the electronics industry for chip interconnects and printed circuit board assembly. TAB tape consists of sixty-four 3-mil/1-oz tin-plated copper leads on 8-mil centers. The leads are thermocompression gang bonded to GaAs concentrator solar cell with silver contacts. This bond, known as an Inner Lead Bond (ILB), allows for pretesting and sorting capability via nondestruct wire bond pull and flash testing. Destructive wire pull tests resulted in preferred mid-span failures. Improvements in fill factor were attributed to decreased contact resistance on TAB bonded cells. Preliminary thermal cycling and aging tests were shown excellent bond strength and metallurgical results. Auger scans of bond sites reveals an Ag-Cu-Tin composition. Improper bonds are identified through flash testing as a performance degradation. On going testing of cells are underway at Lewis Research Center. SMT techniques are utilized to excise and form TAB leads post ILB. The formed leads' shape isolates thermal mismatches between the cells and the flex circuit they are mounted on. TABed cells are picked and placed with a gantry x-y-z positioning system with pattern recognition. Adhesives are selected to avoid thermal expansion mismatch and promote thermal transfer to the flex circuit. TAB outer lead bonds are parallel gap welded (PGW) to the flex circuit to finish the concentrator solar cell subassembly

    Limits on the Position Wander of Sgr A*

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    We present measurements with the VLBA of the variability in the centroid position of Sgr A* relative to a background quasar at 7-mm wavelength. We find an average centroid wander of 71 +/- 45 micro-arcsec for time scales between 50 and 100 min and 113 +/- 50 micro-arcsec for timescales between 100 and 200 min, with no secular trend. These are sufficient to begin constraining the viability of the hot-spot model for the radio variability of Sgr A*. It is possible to rule out hot spots with orbital radii above 15GM_SgrA*/c^2 that contribute more than 30% of the total 7-mm flux. However, closer or less luminous hot spots remain unconstrained. Since the fractional variability of Sgr A* during our observations was ~20% on time scales of hours, the hot-spot model for Sgr A*'s radio variability remains consistent with these limits. Improved monitoring of Sgr A*'s centroid position has the potential to place significant constraints upon the existence and morphology of inhomogeneities in a supermassive black hole accretion flow.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures submitted to Ap

    Species Identification of Golden and Bald Eagle Talons Using Morphometrics

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    The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are the largest avian predators in North America, and are thus species of great ecological importance and cultural significance. There is a long history of human use of eagle body parts, and this use continues today: Bald and Golden eagles are among the North American birds most affected by the illegal wildlife trade. Detached eagle talons are often recovered in both law enforcement and archaeological contexts, but data to allow morphological identification of these talons have been lacking. This study documents measureable differences in the morphology of Bald Eagle and North American Golden Eagle talons, which can be used to identify the detached talons of these two species. We measured talon samples of both species from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory and other collections and categorized them according to species, sex, age, and digit number (Digits I–IV). We then conducted ANOVA and principal components analysis to test for statistical differences in the talon measurements of these two species. Although species identification was not always possible, due to overlap in the morphology of the talons of the two eagles, our results demonstrated that measurements allow identification of many talons, especially the large talons of Digits I and II, which are most commonly recovered in law enforcement cases. These results will be valuable for researchers studying North American eagle remains in the contexts of law enforcement, archaeology, and anthropology

    Submillimeter wavelength molecular spectroscopy of the Orion molecular cloud

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    A submillimeter wavelength spectroscopic study of the Orion molecular cloud has been made in the J = 4-3 HCN, H13CN, HCO+, H13CO+, and J = 7-6 CS molecular transitions. Densities of up to a few times 106 cm-3 are found coupled with high inferred brightness temperatures, indicating kinetic temperatures of 120 K. Evidence for lower densities in the surrounding ambient molecular cloud is presented along with maps of HCN and HCO+ emission. The maps indicate different spatial distributions in the two lines. The abundances of HCN and HCO+ in the plateau source are found to be enhanced relative to those in the surrounding molecular cloud, and there is a suggestion that a number of small-angular-diameter clumps may be present. The present observations do not confirm the previously reported detection of CO+ in the interstellar medium
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