6 research outputs found

    Cliff Retreat Contribution to the Littoral Sediment Budget along the Baltic Sea Coastline of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

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    Mobile coastal sediments, such as sand and gravel, build up and protect wave-dominated coastlines. In sediment-starved coastal environments, knowledge about the natural sources and transport pathways of those sediments is of utmost importance for the understanding and management of coastlines. Along the Baltic Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), the retreat of active cliffs—made of cohesive Pleistocene deposits—supplies a wide size range of sediments to the coastal system. The material is reworked and sorted by hydrodynamic forcing: the less mobile stones and boulders remain close to the source area; the finest sediments, mostly clay and silt, are transported offshore into areas of low energy; and the fractions of sand and fine gravels mostly remain in the nearshore zone, where they make up the littoral sediment budget. They contribute to the morphodynamic development of sandy coastlines and nearshore bar systems. Exemplarily for this coastal stretch and based on an extensive review of local studies we quantify the volume of the potential littoral sediment budget from cliff retreat. At an average retreat rate of 0.24 m yr−1 (<0.1–0.73 m yr−1), the assessment indicates a weighted average sediment volume of 1.5 m3 yr−1 m−1 (<0.1–9.5 m3 yr−1 m−1) per meter active cliff. For the whole area, this results in an absolute sediment budget Vs,total of 39,000–161,000 m3 yr−1. The accuracy of the results is limited by system understanding and data quality and coverage. The study discusses uncertainties in the calculation of littoral sediment budgets from cliff retreat and provides the first area-wide budget assessment along the sediment-starved Baltic Sea coastline of Schleswig-Holstein

    3D characterisation and quantification of an offshore freshened groundwater system in the Canterbury Bight

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    Although offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) systems have been documented in numerous continental margins worldwide, their geometry, controls and emplacement dynamics remain poorly constrained. Here we integrate controlled-source electromagnetic, seismic reflection and borehole data with hydrological modelling to quantitatively characterise a previously unknown OFG system near Canterbury, New Zealand. The OFG system consists of one main, and two smaller, low salinity groundwater bodies. The main body extends up to 60 km from the coast and a seawater depth of 110 m. We attribute along-shelf variability in salinity to permeability heterogeneity due to permeable conduits and normal faults, and to recharge from rivers during sea level lowstands. A meteoric origin of the OFG and active groundwater migration from onshore are inferred. However, modelling results suggest that the majority of the OFG was emplaced via topographically-driven flow during sea level lowstands in the last 300 ka. Global volumetric estimates of OFG will be significantly revised if active margins, with steep coastal topographies like the Canterbury margin, are considered

    Für das Meer ist es schon fünf nach zwölf

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    Neues Konzept soll den Meeresschutz in Kiel voranbringen - Expertin Nicole Walter erläutert die Grundzüge - Mitmach-Angebot am Samsta

    Multiple drivers and controls of pockmark formation across the Canterbury Margin, New Zealand

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    Shallow seabed depressions attributed to focused fluid seepage, known as pock- marks, have been documented in all continental margins. In this study, we dem- onstrate how pockmark formation can be the result of a combination of multiple factors— fluid type, overpressures, seafloor sediment type, stratigraphy and bot- tom currents. We integrate multibeam echosounder and seismic reflection data, sediment cores and pore water samples, with numerical models of groundwa- ter and gas hydrates, from the Canterbury Margin (off New Zealand). More than 6800 surface pockmarks, reaching densities of 100 per km2, and an undefined number of buried pockmarks, are identified in the middle to outer shelf and lower continental slope. Fluid conduits across the shelf and slope include shal- low to deep chimneys/pipes. Methane with a biogenic and/or thermogenic origin is the main fluid forming flow and escape features, although saline and fresh- ened groundwaters may also be seeping across the slope. The main drivers of fluid flow and seepage are overpressure across the slope generated by sediment loading and thin sediment overburden above the overpressured interval in the outer shelf. Other processes (e.g. methane generation and flow, a reduction in hydrostatic pressure due to sea- level lowering) may also account for fluid flow and seepage features, particularly across the shelf. Pockmark occurrence coin- cides with muddy sediments at the seafloor, whereas their planform is elongated by bottom currents