39 research outputs found

    Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual en un caso de fobia a la muerte

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    En este art铆culo se describe el tratamiento cognitivo-conductual llevado a cabo en un caso de fobia a la muerte, con un seguimiento de doce meses. La paciente es una mujer de 38 a帽os. En la evaluaci贸n se utiliz贸 el SCL-90-R, la CL-FODS y las conductas-objetivo. El tratamiento se aplic贸 en 16 sesiones. Se utilizaron t茅cnicas de control de la activaci贸n, t茅cnicas de exposici贸n (exposici贸n en imaginaci贸n y en vivo e inundaci贸n en imaginaci贸n), as铆 como t茅cnicas de reestructuraci贸n cognitiva. Tras un a帽o de seguimiento, se produjo una mejor铆a en la reducci贸n de las conductas de evitaci贸n, en el control de los s铆ntomas de ansiedad y de pensamientos y creencias relacionadas con la muerte, los muertos y el proceso de morir, as铆 como en el malestar psicol贸gico asociado a la vivencia de la muerte. Se comentan las implicaciones de este caso para la investigaci贸n y la pr谩ctica profesional.In this paper, the cognitive-behavioural treatment applied in a case of death phobia monitored during twelve months is described. The patient is a 38 year old woman. In the evaluation, the SCL-90-R, the CL-FODS and objective behaviour were used. The treatment was applied in 16 sessions. Activation control, exposure techniques (exposure in imagination and in vivo, and flooding in imagination), as well as cognitive restructuring techniques were applied. After one year of monitoring, an improvement in the reduction of avoidance behaviour, in the control of anxiety symptoms, thoughts and beliefs related to death, the dead and the process of dying, as well as the psychological discomfort associated to the experience of death took place. The implications of this case are discussed for investigation and professional practice

    Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual en un caso de fobia a la muerte

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    En este art铆culo se describe el tratamiento cognitivo-conductual llevado a cabo en un caso de fobia a la muerte, con un seguimiento de doce meses. La paciente es una mujer de 38 a帽os. En la evaluaci贸n se utiliz贸 el SCL-90-R, la CL-FODS y las conductas-objetivo. El tratamiento se aplic贸 en 16 sesiones. Se utilizaron t茅cnicas de control de la activaci贸n, t茅cnicas de exposici贸n (exposici贸n en imaginaci贸n y en vivo e inundaci贸n en imaginaci贸n), as铆 como t茅cnicas de reestructuraci贸n cognitiva. Tras un a帽o de seguimiento, se produjo una mejor铆a en la reducci贸n de las conductas de evitaci贸n, en el control de los s铆ntomas de ansiedad y de pensamientos y creencias relacionadas con la muerte, los muertos y el proceso de morir, as铆 como en el malestar psicol贸gico asociado a la vivencia de la muerte. Se comentan las implicaciones de este caso para la investigaci贸n y la pr谩ctica profesional.In this paper, the cognitive-behavioural treatment applied in a case of death phobia monitored during twelve months is described. The patient is a 38 year old woman. In the evaluation, the SCL-90-R, the CL-FODS and objective behaviour were used. The treatment was applied in 16 sessions. Activation control, exposure techniques (exposure in imagination and in vivo, and flooding in imagination), as well as cognitive restructuring techniques were applied. After one year of monitoring, an improvement in the reduction of avoidance behaviour, in the control of anxiety symptoms, thoughts and beliefs related to death, the dead and the process of dying, as well as the psychological discomfort associated to the experience of death took place. The implications of this case are discussed for investigation and professional practice

    Bulimia Nervosa, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Executive Functions: Treatment and Follow-up in a Case Study

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    This study describes the clinical case of a 20-year-old woman diagnosed with bulimia nervosa (BN), borderline personality disorder (BPD), and impaired executive functioning. The objectives were to: 1) Determine the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT) in a case of BN and BPD comorbidity, evaluating the improvement of specific parameters related to eating disorders (BN) and aspects of BPD after treatment (posttreatment) and at 1-year follow-up; and 2) Determine whether the psychological intervention of choice for BN and BPD is also of benefit for alteration of executive functions. She was assessed at three time points: pretreatment, posttreatment, and at 12-month follow-up. The instruments used were EDI-3, SCL-90-R, MCMI-III, ring test, and WCST. CBT and DBT were applied for 11 months. The results at 1-year follow-up showed a decrease in the characteristic symptomatology of BN and BPD, whereas executive functioning impairments did not show any improvement. It was concluded that a specific unit on neuropsychological rehabilitation must be included in the treatment protocol for patients with these characteristics. However, more research is still necessary to provide an answer to the open debate on whether alterations of executive functions are previous to or consequences of ED

    Preocupaci贸n por la apariencia f铆sica y alteraciones emocionales en mujeres con trastornos alimentarios con autoestima baja

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate differences in age, nutritional state (Body Mass Index or BMI), anxiety, depression and body dissatisfaction in eating disorder (ED) patients with low, medium and high self-esteem. We also attempted to identify discrepancies between the real and desired nutritional state. A total of 146 women with EDs (anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa; DSM-IV-TR criteria) were evaluated. The Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were used as measure-ment instruments. The results showed significant differences between the low, medium and high self-esteem patients regarding anxiety, depression, body dissatisfaction, desired BMI and the relationship between real and desired BMI. The women with low self-esteem presented higher levels of anxiety, depression and body dissatisfaction than the other groups. Furthermore, ED patients with low self-esteem have a stronger desire to achieve their ideal BMI. We suggest including self-esteem techniques in ED prevention and treatment programs in order to decrease anxiety and depression symptoms.El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar las diferencias de edad, estado nutricional (脥ndice de Masa Corporal o IMC), ansiedad, depresi贸n e insatisfacci贸n corporal en pacientes con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA.), con una autoestima baja, media y alta. Adem谩s, intentamos distinguir las discrepancias entre el estado nutricional real y el estado nutricional deseado. Se evaluaron un total de 146 mujeres con TCA (Anorexia nerviosa y Bulimia nerviosa seg煤n el DSM-IV-TR). Los cuestionarios utilizados fueron el Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), el Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) y la Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Los resultados reflejan diferencias significativas entre los tres subtipos de pacientes de baja, media y alta autoestima en cuanto a la ansiedad, depresi贸n, insatisfacci贸n corporal, IMC deseado y la relaci贸n dentro de IMC real y el IMC deseado. Estos hallazgos indican que las mujeres de baja autoestima presentan altos niveles en insatisfacci贸n corporal, ansiedad y depresi贸n en comparaci贸n con los otros grupos. Adem谩s, los pacientes con TCA con baja autoestima mostraban un mayor IMC deseado. Sugerimos que se incluyan t茅cnicas de autoestima en la prevenci贸n y el tratamiento relacionados con programas de TCA para disminuir los s铆ntomas de ansiedad y depresi贸n

    Relationship Between Self-Perceived Health, Vitality, and Posttraumatic Growth in Liver Transplant Recipients

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    Our objective was to analyze the differences in posttraumatic growth in 240 liver transplant recipients based on two factors. First, self-perceived health: better (Group 1 = G1) and worse (Group 2 = G2). Second, vitality: more (Group 3 = G3) and less (Group 4 = G4). The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, SF-36 Health Survey (Item 2) and SF-12 Health Survey (vitality dimension) were used. Firstly, analyzing main effects recipients with better (G1) compared to worse (G2) self-perceived health, showed greater posttraumatic growth. Interaction effects were found on essential posttraumatic growth domains such as new possibilities (p = 0.040), personal strength (p = 0.027), and appreciation of life (p = 0.014). Statistically significant differences showed that among transplant recipients with worse self-perceived health (G2), those with more vitality had higher levels on abovementioned posttraumatic growth dimensions. However, in transplant recipients with better self-perceived health (G1) respective dimensions were not significantly influenced by the level of vitality. Among the recipients with less vitality (G4), those with better self-perceived health showed higher scores on abovementioned posttraumatic growth dimensions. We conclude that positive self-perceived health might compensate for a lack of vitality as well as a high level of vitality may compensate for negative self-perceived health regarding the development of crucial aspects of posttraumatic growth after liver transplantation.Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad de Espa帽a PSI2014-51950-

    Influencia del apego en pacientes con obesidad m贸rbida candidatos a cirug铆a bari谩trica. Estudio comparativo en funci贸n del g茅nero

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    El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar si las variables apego y genero guardan relaci贸n alguna con personas candidatas a cirug铆a bari谩trica con obesidad m贸rbida en comparaci贸n con personas que no lo son. De los 274 individuos participantes en este estudio, 162 presentaban obesidad m贸rbida candidatas a dicha cirug铆a (72,76% mujeres y 27,33% hombres) y 112 formaron el grupo control, los cuales no presentaban obesidad (75% mujeres y 25 % hombres), seleccionados por el m茅todo de conveniencia. Los instrumentos utilizados han sido: Cuestionario de Apego Adulto y unas plantillas con datos sociodemogr谩ficos y cl铆nicos. Los datos obtenidos en este estudio ponen de manifiesto que existe una mayor prevalencia de apego preocupado en el grupo no apto para la cirug铆a bari谩trica en comparaci贸n con los otros dos grupos comparados. Atendiendo al g茅nero, se concluye que existen diferencias significativas, siendo las mujeres las que obtienen mayores puntuaciones en apego preocupadoThe aim of this study is to see if attachment and gender variables are linked in any way to those bariatric surgery sufferenig morbid obesity candidates, in comparison with people that are not. 274 people participated in this study; 162 suffered from morbid obesity and were candidates to the surgery (72.76% were women and 27.33% were men); 112 people were included in the control group and they didn鈥檛 suffer from morbid obesity (75% were women and 25% were men). All of them were selected by the convenience method. The instruments used were: Adult Attachment Questionnaire and socio-demographic and clinical data questionnaires. The results of the study show that there is a higher preoccupied attachment prevalence in the group that is not suitable for the bariatric surgery. Regarding gender, there are significant differences: women obtained higher scores in preoccupied attachment

    Diferencias de g茅nero en pacientes con obesidad m贸rbida candidatos a cirug铆a bari谩trica: Influencia de ansiedad, depresi贸n y autoestima

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    Debido a la gravedad actual de la obesidad m贸rbida, siendo causa de muerte de muchos casos en la poblaci贸n, la cirug铆a bari谩trica es una buena soluci贸n para esta enfermedad. Ante dicha situaci贸n este estudio analiza las diferencias significativas que pueden darse entre un grupo de candidatos a cirug铆a bari谩trica, un grupo no candidato a esta cirug铆a y una muestra control en diferentes variables, como son la ansiedad, la depresi贸n y la autoestima, vi茅ndose la posible influencia del g茅nero en todo ello. Se utiliz贸 una muestra de 274 individuos a trav茅s de un m茅todo de selecci贸n de conveniencia. El dise帽o realizado fue ex post facto prospectivo. Una vez realizado el estudio, se concluye que existen diferencias significativas entre los tres grupos en todas las variables. Sin embargo, no existen dichas diferencias con respecto a los hombres en ninguna de las variables, excepto en autoestima.Currently, the majority of the morbid obesity patients die due to the severity levels of that disease, thus the bariatric surgery seems to be a good solution nowadays. Taking into account the actual situation, this research tries to analyse the significantly differences between a group of patients proposed to bariatric surgery, a group of patients who are not proposed to bariatric surgery and a control sample with different variables, such as anxiety, depression and self-steem, taking into account the possible gender influence among all conditions. The sample is composed of 274 individuals. The design was ex post facto prospective. The results of the research show significant differences between the 3 groups in all the variables conditions. However, there are no significant differences with the male group in any of the variables conditions, except for self-estee

    Perceived parental rearing styles in eating disorders

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    El objetivo ha sido poner a prueba un modelo estructural para determinar c贸mo pueden estar afectando los estilos de crianza percibidos al desarrollo personal y emocional, as铆 como a la aparici贸n de conductas directamente relacionadas con los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA). La muestra estuvo formada por 168 mujeres con criterios diagn贸sticos para alguno de los tipos de TCA. El modelo estimado se ajust贸 satisfactoriamente. Los resultados muestran que la calidez emocional percibida del padre desempe帽a un importante papel frente a la percepci贸n de rechazo de la madre, en el desarrollo personal y emocional, as铆 como en la aparici贸n de conductas relacionadas con los TCA. Adem谩s, se comprueba la relevancia de las variables personales y emocionales para el desarrollo de los TCA, en especial de la baja autoestima, m谩s all谩 de la influencia directa de los estilos de crianza parentales, percibidos como disfuncionales.The aim of this study was to test a structural model designed to determine how perceived parenting styles may, in women with eating disorders (ED), affect their personal development and the emotional disturbances they experience, and also to explore how these styles may influence the emergence of behaviors directly related to ED. EMBU, BSQ, EAT-40, EDI-2, BDI, STAI, and BITE were administered to 168 women with some type of ED. The estimated model showed a satisfactory fit. The results show that perceived emotional warmth in the father plays an important role in mitigating perceived rejection by the mother. The analysis also highlights the relevance of personal and emotional variables, particularly low self-esteem, in the development of ED, above and beyond the direct influence of parental rearing styles that are perceived as dysfunctional