15 research outputs found

    Lago Mare and the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Evidence from the Alboran Sea (S. Spain)

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    International audienceThis paper provides a new environmental, sedimentological and stratigraphic context of the Lago Mare deposits from the North Alboran region and clarifies their chronologic location with respect to the Messinian Salinity Crisis. We present new micropaleontological data (dinoflagellate cysts, calcareous nannoplankton, planktonic foraminifers), correlated with field observations and offshore seismic interpretations. We show that the Lago Mare event known in three onshore localities (RĂ­o MendelĂ­n near Malaga, Zorreras near Sorbas, Gafares near NĂ­jar) follows the marine reflooding of the Mediterranean Basin which ended the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Chronologically, these Lago Mare deposits last from the latest Messinian to the early Zanclean. In fact, the first influx of Paratethyan- organisms is revealed by the dinoflagellate cyst record from near Malaga within a Gilbert-type fan delta overlying the Messinian Erosional Surface. Invading molluscs and/or ostracods may have persisted in lagoonal coastal areas more or less affected by discontinuous marine influxes (Sorbas and NĂ­jar). The Malaga area is convenient for a paleogeographic and sedimentary reconstruction which shows the prevalent forcing of sea level changes during the time-interval 5.600-5.332 Ma at the difference of the usually solicited prevalent tectonics. The studied Lago Mare event is the third episode resulting in such a paleobiological assemblage in the Mediterranean region and corresponds to the final two-way water exchange at high sea level between the Mediterranean and the former Paratethys. It documents the onset of the modern marine circulation in the Mediterranean after the reflooding ending the Messinian Salinity Crisis

    The northwestern Iberian margin: A Cretaceous passive margin deformed during Eocene

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    The structural evolution of the northwestern Iberian margin has been reconstructed from the results of IPOD drill site 398, as well as from numerous dredgings and a dense network of seismic profiles. During the MesozoĂ­c the margin first underwent two consecutive extensional phases interpreted as the result of two episodes of rifting in the Atlantic. Then during Eocene, subsidence was interrupted by compression and related deformation caused by subduction of oceanic sea floor of the Bay of Biscay beneath the Iberian Peninsula. Present day marginal banks are interpreted as blocks of the older passive margin uplifted during early Tertiary as a result of that subduction. Fault escarpments provide opportunities to sample older sediments and basement by dredging


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    National audienceLa caractĂ©risation des roches mĂšres en partie distale des marges (domaine profond et domaineultra profond) reste une question clĂ© en gĂ©ologie pĂ©troliĂšre. Un des points fondamental encoremĂ©connu est de comprendre comment de la matiĂšre organique d’origine continentale se dĂ©pose aussiloin des continents dans les bassins profonds. C’est pourquoi l’origine, continentale ou ma- rine, lesprocessus de dĂ©pĂŽts, et les mĂ©canismes de prĂ©servation de ces roches mĂšres sont encore mal comprisdans ces domaines sĂ©dimentaires. Le climat, ainsi que le contexte ocĂ©anique ont de toute Ă©videnceune forte influence sur ces processus. Il est Ă©galement important d’associer Ă  cette question l’étude dutransport et de la sĂ©dimentation des argiles, ces derniĂšres pouvant ĂȘtre le vecteur de transport de lamatiĂšre organique.Afin de comprendre ces processus, l’EocĂšne du domaine arctique est un chantier idĂ©al : l’EocĂšneenregistre une forte variabilitĂ© climatique caractĂ©risĂ© par l’optimum climatique PalĂ©ocĂšne-EocĂšne(PETM) puis par l’initiation de la pĂ©riode “ icehouse ” de l’EocĂšne moyen (niveau Azolla). CettepĂ©riode clĂ© peut ainsi permettre de caractĂ©riser l’impact du climat sur la production de matiĂšreorganique et sur son export et prĂ©servation en domaine distal. Ainsi, dans le bassin Canadien, unpartitionnement des volumes sĂ©dimentaires a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence dans le cycle climatiqueYprĂ©sien/LutĂ©tien entre les zones proximales et les zones distales. Les plus forts taux de carboneorganique dans le bassin profond se trouvent dans les sĂ©ries enregistrant le refroidissement LutĂ©- tienet non dans celles enregistrant l’optimum climatique YprĂ©sien. De plus, le bassin Arctique ne subitaucune transformation gĂ©odynamique majeure et Ă©tait quasiment isolĂ© pendant tout le Tertiaire, leseffets ocĂ©anographiques Ă©tant de ce fait limitĂ©s. On a choisi notamment le delta de Mackenzie(Canada) qui se dĂ©veloppe depuis le dĂ©but du Tertiaire dans un contexte gĂ©ody- namique stable, surla marge passive nord-canadienne d’ñge CrĂ©tacĂ© (dĂ©but de l’ouverture du bassin ocĂ©anique Canadien).Pour l’étude de ce delta, nous avons Ă  notre disposition des donnĂ©es biostratigraphiques, un jeuimportant de lignes sismiques 2D onshore et offshore couvrant tout le delta, des puits pĂ©troliers ainsique les donnĂ©es de carottes et de cuttings associĂ©s. La premiĂšre Ă©tape de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© de rĂ©aliserun dĂ©coupage stratigraphique des donnĂ©es sismiques en utilisant les calages aux puits dĂ©jĂ  existants.Le cadre chronostratigraphique de cette Ă©tude est basĂ© sur une rĂ©Ă©val- uation biostratigraphiquedes donnĂ©es disponibles et par de nouvelles datations (palynologie, micropalĂ©ontologie). Les carottesdisponibles sur les puits pĂ©troliers ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crites afin d’avoir une caractĂ©risation des faciĂšs etenvironnements sĂ©dimentaires. L’échantillonnage de ces carottes et des cuttings des puits Ă©tudiĂ©spermettra de caractĂ©riser la matiĂšre organique et les argiles (Rock-Eval, palynofaciĂšs, RX...).Il s’agit ainsi sur une coupe proximale-distale du delta de Mackenzie de caractĂ©riser les cortĂšgesargileux et organiques et ceci dans un cadre stratigraphique afin d’identifier les conditions optimalesde sĂ©dimentation de la matiĂšre organique continentale en position distale d’une marge

    Late tectonic uplift of an inverted oceanic basin in South East Asia: the case of Palawan Island (western Philippines)

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    International audienceThe elongated island of Palawan, bounded by two marginal basins, the South China Sea to the North and the SuluSea to the South is composed of remnants of an inverted basin (Proto-South China Sea) thrusted onto the marginof a continental terrane which rifted away from the Chinese-Vietnamese margin. Based on field observationscoupled with seismic and drill-holes data, our study focuses on the structural architecture of the island in order todecipher the geodynamic evolution of the southern margin of the South China Sea.Structurally, the Palawan Island consists of: (i) the Palawan wedge, which extends towards the South China Sea iscomposed of deformed slope to deep ocean deposits of Cretaceous (north Palawan) to Tertiary (central and southPalawan) ages. This accretionnary wedge is characterized by small wavelength folds of mainly NE-SW trend.Offshore, the unconformable Middle-Late Miocene Tabon limestones unit postdates the last stages of the Palawanwedge growth/setting; (ii) On top of this wedge lie thrust slices of ophiolite bodies comprising ribbon cherts ofAlbian age as indicated by radiolarians.; these bodies are likely to be relicts of the now-subducted Proto SouthChina Sea; (iii) The central and southern parts of the Palawan island are characterized by a large wavelengthantiform of NE-SW trend. This structure is sealed by the slightly tilted Early Pliocene marls unit; (iv) The islandalso presents necking zones bordered by N-S trending transform faults.This area witnessed the geodynamic evolution of the South East Asia which consists of a succession of opening/closure of oceanic basins and block accretions. The Palawan Island therefore results of the closing of theProto-South China Sea which once formed both the Palawan accretionary wedge and the overlying ophiolitetectonic slices. During a later compressive event, the rifted continental margin which composes the basement ofthe Island was inverted, inducing the uplift and the large scale folding of the Palawan Island. In a final stage, thestrain relaxing results in the formation of the necking zones, probably reactivating the inherited transform faultsof the Proto-South China Sea