553 research outputs found

    Structure-function relationships of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein

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    Abstract.: The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) is a 58-kDa RNA binding protein involved in multiple aspects of mRNA metabolism including splicing regulation, polyadenylation, 3′end formation, internal ribosomal entry site-mediated translation, RNA localization and stability. PTB contains four RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) separated by three linkers. In this review we summarize structural information on PTB in solution that has been gathered during the past 7 years using NMR spectroscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering. The structures of all RRMs of PTB in their free state and in complex with short pyrimidine tracts, as well as a structural model of PTB RRM2 in complex with a peptide, revealed unusual structural features that provided new insights into the mechanisms of action of PTB in the different processes of RNA metabolism and in particular splicing regulatio

    High power arcjet

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    The activities of the High Power Arcjet Project (HIPARC) from August 1990 to January 1991 are discussed. In this period the HIPARC thruster was ignited for the first time. Power levels up to 140 kW with a mass flow rate of 300 mg/s hydrogen were reached. Specific impulse values of more than 1300 s were shown to be possible. Tests were performed with the baseline thruster version only, which has a 6 mm throat diameter and a conical nozzle with a 20 degree half angle. Measurement data summing up all tests carried out until now is included. All measuring methods are described, including a check on possible error sources

    Können wir dem Schicksal der Dinosaurier entgehen? : ein Beitrag der Raumfahrttechnik zu unserem Überleben

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    Erst seit wenigen Jahren ist bekannt, welches Ereignis zum Aussterben der Dinosaurier geführt hat. Aufnahmen aus dem Weltall haben zur Klärung dieser Frage wesentlich beigetragen. Zunehmend wird man sich der Bedrohung durch andere Himmelskörper bewusst, nicht nur unter Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Auch die politisch Verantwortlichen in den USA und Europa reagieren, und die Wirtschaft horcht auf Die Überwachung unserer Umgebung, die Erforschung erdnaher Objekte und die Entwicklung effizienter Abwehrstrategien sollten in naher Zukunft zu wichtigen Gemeinschaftsaufgaben aller Menschen werden. Die Raumfahrttechnik wird hierfür eine Schlüsseltechnologie sein

    Grußwort zur Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve

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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Reden, die während der akademischen Feier anlässlich der Verleihung der Würde eines Dr. theol. honoris causa an Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve am 19. November 2007 in der Universität Hamburg gehalten wurden.This volume documents the speeches that were given during the academic celebration on the occasion of the award of the dignity of Dr. theol. honoris causa to Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve at the University of Hamburg on November 19, 2007

    Begrüßung durch die Universitätspräsidentin

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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert Reden, die anlässlich der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Hamburg an Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. Manfred Lahnstein gehalten wurden.This volume documents speeches given on the occasion of the award of an honorary doctorate by the University of Hamburg to Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr. h. c. Manfred Lahnstein


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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert Reden, die zur Amtseinführung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Monika Auweter-Kurtz als Präsidentin der Universität Hamburg am 1. Februar 2007 gehalten wurden.This volume documents speeches given at the inauguration of Prof. Dr. -Ing. habil. Monika Auweter-Kurtz as President of the University of Hamburg on 1 February 200

    Short, synthetic and selectively 13C-labeled RNA sequences for the NMR structure determination of protein-RNA complexes

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    We report an optimized synthesis of all canonical 2′-O-TOM protected ribonucleoside phosphoramidites and solid supports containing [13C5]-labeled ribose moieties, their sequence-specific introduction into very short RNA sequences and their use for the structure determination of two protein-RNA complexes. These specifically labeled sequences facilitate RNA resonance assignments and are essential to assign a high number of sugar-sugar and intermolecular NOEs, which ultimately improve the precision and accuracy of the resulting structures. This labeling strategy is particularly useful for the study of protein-RNA complexes with single-stranded RNA in solution, which is rapidly an increasingly relevant research area in biolog

    From Facility to Application Sensor Data: Modular, Continuous and Holistic Monitoring with DCDB

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    Today's HPC installations are highly-complex systems, and their complexity will only increase as we move to exascale and beyond. At each layer, from facilities to systems, from runtimes to applications, a wide range of tuning decisions must be made in order to achieve efficient operation. This, however, requires systematic and continuous monitoring of system and user data. While many insular solutions exist, a system for holistic and facility-wide monitoring is still lacking in the current HPC ecosystem. In this paper we introduce DCDB, a comprehensive monitoring system capable of integrating data from all system levels. It is designed as a modular and highly-scalable framework based on a plugin infrastructure. All monitored data is aggregated at a distributed noSQL data store for analysis and cross-system correlation. We demonstrate the performance and scalability of DCDB, and describe two use cases in the area of energy management and characterization.Comment: Accepted at the The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC) 201

    ICS Bulletin, Number 4, 2015

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    Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Reden, die während der akademischen Feier anlässlich der Verleihung der Würde eines Dr. theol. honoris causa an Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve am 19. November 2007 in der Universität Hamburg gehalten wurden.This volume documents the speeches that were given during the academic celebration on the occasion of the award of the dignity of Dr. theol. honoris causa to Prof. Dr. Helmut Greve at the University of Hamburg on November 19, 2007

    Short, synthetic and selectively 13C-labeled RNA sequences for the NMR structure determination of protein–RNA complexes

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    We report an optimized synthesis of all canonical 2′-O-TOM protected ribonucleoside phosphoramidites and solid supports containing [13C5]-labeled ribose moieties, their sequence-specific introduction into very short RNA sequences and their use for the structure determination of two protein–RNA complexes. These specifically labeled sequences facilitate RNA resonance assignments and are essential to assign a high number of sugar–sugar and intermolecular NOEs, which ultimately improve the precision and accuracy of the resulting structures. This labeling strategy is particularly useful for the study of protein–RNA complexes with single-stranded RNA in solution, which is rapidly an increasingly relevant research area in biology