1 research outputs found
Celebrating young Indigenous Australian children's speech and language competence
- Author
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
- Australian Curriculum Assessment, and Reporting Authority
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) & the Federation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages
- Australian Population and Migration Research Centre (APMRC)
- Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY)
- Ball
- Bauert
- Booth
- Boswell
- Bus
- Butcher
- Centre for Community Child Health and Telethon Institute for Child Health Research
- Coghlan
- Costantino
- De Lemos
- Department of Families Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)
- Department of Families Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)
- Department of Families Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)
- Department of the Environment Water, Heritage and the Arts
- Dixon
- Dodd
- Duursma
- Eagleson
- Ehri
- Gibson
- Glascoe
- Glascoe
- Glascoe
- Gould
- Grech
- IBM Corporation
- Kaldor
- Kaldor
- Kaldor
- King
- Kirsch
- Laura Bennetts Kneebone
- Lee
- Loeb
- McAllister
- McConvell
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McLeod
- McLeod
- O'Shannessy
- Obata
- Oller
- Park
- Patterson
- Pearce
- Power
- Renfrew
- Ruggero
- Sarah Verdon
- Saravanan
- Sharpe
- Sharynne McLeod
- Shriberg
- Shriberg
- Soloff
- Taylor
- Toohill
- United Nations
- Verdon
- Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages (VACL)
- Vivas
- Weigel
- Westby
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wong Fillmore
- Zubrick
- Zumach
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study