170 research outputs found

    SNS programming environment user's guide

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    The computing environment is briefly described for the Supercomputing Network Subsystem (SNS) of the Central Scientific Computing Complex of NASA Langley. The major SNS computers are a CRAY-2, a CRAY Y-MP, a CONVEX C-210, and a CONVEX C-220. The software is described that is common to all of these computers, including: the UNIX operating system, computer graphics, networking utilities, mass storage, and mathematical libraries. Also described is file management, validation, SNS configuration, documentation, and customer services

    Two P domain potassium channels in GtoPdb v.2021.2

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    The 4TM family of K channels mediate many of the background potassium currents observed in native cells. They are open across the physiological voltage-range and are regulated by a wide array of neurotransmitters and biochemical mediators. The pore-forming α-subunit contains two pore loop (P) domains and two subunits assemble to form one ion conduction pathway lined by four P domains. It is important to note that single channels do not have two pores but that each subunit has two P domains in its primary sequence; hence the name two P domain, or K2P channels (and not two-pore channels). Some of the K2P subunits can form heterodimers across subfamilies (e.g. K2P3.1 with K2P9.1). The nomenclature of 4TM K channels in the literature is still a mixture of IUPHAR and common names. The suggested division into subfamilies, described in the More detailed introduction, is based on similarities in both structural and functional properties within subfamilies and this explains the "common abbreviation" nomenclature in the tables below

    RELICS: Strong Lens Models for Five Galaxy Clusters From the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey

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    Strong gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters magnifies background galaxies, enhancing our ability to discover statistically significant samples of galaxies at z>6, in order to constrain the high-redshift galaxy luminosity functions. Here, we present the first five lens models out of the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS) Hubble Treasury Program, based on new HST WFC3/IR and ACS imaging of the clusters RXC J0142.9+4438, Abell 2537, Abell 2163, RXC J2211.7-0349, and ACT-CLJ0102-49151. The derived lensing magnification is essential for estimating the intrinsic properties of high-redshift galaxy candidates, and properly accounting for the survey volume. We report on new spectroscopic redshifts of multiply imaged lensed galaxies behind these clusters, which are used as constraints, and detail our strategy to reduce systematic uncertainties due to lack of spectroscopic information. In addition, we quantify the uncertainty on the lensing magnification due to statistical and systematic errors related to the lens modeling process, and find that in all but one cluster, the magnification is constrained to better than 20% in at least 80% of the field of view, including statistical and systematic uncertainties. The five clusters presented in this paper span the range of masses and redshifts of the clusters in the RELICS program. We find that they exhibit similar strong lensing efficiencies to the clusters targeted by the Hubble Frontier Fields within the WFC3/IR field of view. Outputs of the lens models are made available to the community through the Mikulski Archive for Space TelescopesComment: Accepted to Ap

    Scientific issues related to the cytology proficiency testing regulations

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    The member organizations of the Cytology Education and Technology Consortium believe there are significant flaws in current cytology proficiency testing regulations. The most immediate needed modifications include lengthening the required testing interval, utilizing stringently validated and continuously monitored slides, changing the grading scheme, and changing the focus of the test from the individual to laboratory level testing. Integration of new computer-assisted and located-guided screening technologies into the testing protocols is necessary for the testing protocol to be compliant with the law

    RELICS: High-Resolution Constraints on the Inner Mass Distribution of the z=0.83 Merging Cluster RXJ0152.7-1357 from strong lensing

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    Strong gravitational lensing (SL) is a powerful means to map the distribution of dark matter. In this work, we perform a SL analysis of the prominent X-ray cluster RXJ0152.7-1357 (z=0.83, also known as CL 0152.7-1357) in \textit{Hubble Space Telescope} images, taken in the framework of the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS). On top of a previously known z=3.93z=3.93 galaxy multiply imaged by RXJ0152.7-1357, for which we identify an additional multiple image, guided by a light-traces-mass approach we identify seven new sets of multiply imaged background sources lensed by this cluster, spanning the redshift range [1.79-3.93]. A total of 25 multiple images are seen over a small area of ~0.4 arcmin2arcmin^2, allowing us to put relatively high-resolution constraints on the inner matter distribution. Although modestly massive, the high degree of substructure together with its very elongated shape make RXJ0152.7-1357 a very efficient lens for its size. This cluster also comprises the third-largest sample of z~6-7 candidates in the RELICS survey. Finally, we present a comparison of our resulting mass distribution and magnification estimates with those from a Lenstool model. These models are made publicly available through the MAST archive.Comment: 15 Pages, 7 Figures, 4 Tables Accepted for publication in Ap

    Genome-wide expression analyses of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC11168 reveals coordinate regulation of motility and virulence by flhA.

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    We examined two variants of the genome-sequenced strain, Campylobacter jejuni NCTC11168, which show marked differences in their virulence properties including colonization of poultry, invasion of Caco-2 cells, and motility. Transcript profiles obtained from whole genome DNA microarrays and proteome analyses demonstrated that these differences are reflected in late flagellar structural components and in virulence factors including those involved in flagellar glycosylation and cytolethal distending toxin production. We identified putative sigma(28) and sigma(54) promoters for many of the affected genes and found that greater differences in expression were observed for sigma(28)-controlled genes. Inactivation of the gene encoding sigma(28), fliA, resulted in an unexpected increase in transcripts with sigma(54) promoters, as well as decreased transcription of sigma(28)-regulated genes. This was unlike the transcription profile observed for the attenuated C. jejuni variant, suggesting that the reduced virulence of this organism was not entirely due to impaired function of sigma(28). However, inactivation of flhA, an important component of the flagellar export apparatus, resulted in expression patterns similar to that of the attenuated variant. These findings indicate that the flagellar regulatory system plays an important role in campylobacter pathogenesis and that flhA is a key element involved in the coordinate regulation of late flagellar genes and of virulence factors in C. jejuni

    EPOCHS VII: Discovery of high redshift (6.5<z<126.5 < z < 12) AGN candidates in JWST ERO and PEARLS data

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    We present an analysis of a sample of robust high redshift galaxies selected photometrically from the `blank' fields of the Prime Extragalactic Areas for Reionization Science (PEARLS) survey and Early Release Observations (ERO) data of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) with the aim of selecting candidate high redshift active galactic nuclei (AGN). Sources were identified from the parent sample using a threefold selection procedure, which includes spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting to identify sources that are best fitted by AGN SED templates, a further selection based on the relative performance of AGN and non-AGN models, and finally morphological fitting to identify compact sources of emission, resulting in a purity-oriented procedure. Using this procedure, we identify a sample of nine AGN candidates at 6.5<z<126.5 < z < 12, from which we constrain their physical properties as well as measure a lower bound on the AGN fraction in this redshift range of 5±15 \pm 1\%. As this is an extreme lower limit due to our focus on purity and our SEDs being calibrated for unobscured Type 1 AGN, this demonstrates that AGN are perhaps quite common at this early epoch. The rest-frame UV colors of our candidate objects suggest that these systems are potentially candidate obese black hole galaxies (OBG), or AGN with very little galaxy component. We also investigate emission from our sample sources from fields overlapping with Chandra and VLA surveys, allowing us to place X-ray and 3 GHz radio detection limits on our candidates. Of note is a z=11.9z = 11.9 candidate source exhibiting an abrupt morphological shift in the reddest band as compared to the bluer bands, indicating a potential merger or an unusually strong outflow.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, 12 pages, 11 figures, typos correcte

    A Candidate z10z\sim10 Galaxy Strongly Lensed into a Spatially Resolved Arc

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    The most distant galaxies known are at z~10-11, observed 400-500 Myr after the Big Bang. The few z~10-11 candidates discovered to date have been exceptionally small- barely resolved, if at all, by the Hubble Space Telescope. Here we present the discovery of SPT0615-JD, a fortuitous z~10 (z_phot=9.9+/-0.6) galaxy candidate stretched into an arc over ~2.5" by the effects of strong gravitational lensing. Discovered in the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS) Hubble Treasury program and companion S-RELICS Spitzer program, this candidate has a lensed H-band magnitude of 25.7+/-0.1 AB mag. With a magnification of \mu~4-7 estimated from our lens models, the de-lensed intrinsic magnitude is 27.6+/-0.3 AB mag, and the half-light radius is r_e<0.8 kpc, both consistent with other z>9 candidates. The inferred stellar mass (log [M* /M_Sun]=9.7^{+0.7}_{-0.5}) and star formation rate (\log [SFR/M_Sun yr^{-1}]=1.3^{+0.2}_{-0.3}) indicate that this candidate is a typical star-forming galaxy on the z>6 SFR-M* relation. We note that three independent lens models predict two counterimages, at least one of which should be of a similar magnitude to the arc, but these counterimages are not yet detected. Counterimages would not be expected if the arc were at lower redshift. However, the only spectral energy distributions capable of fitting the Hubble and Spitzer photometry well at lower redshifts require unphysical combinations of z~2 galaxy properties. The unprecedented lensed size of this z~10 candidate offers the potential for the James Webb Space Telescope to study the geometric and kinematic properties of a galaxy observed 500 Myr after the Big Bang.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to ApJ Letter