26 research outputs found

    A simple procedure to determine the infectivity and host range of viruses infecting anaerobic and hyperthermophilic microorganisms.

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    International audiencePlaque assay is the method traditionally used to isolate and purify lytic viruses, to determine the viral titer and host range. Whereas most bacterioviruses are either temperate or lytic, the majority of known archeoviruses are not lytic (i.e. they are temperate or chronic). In view of the widespread occurrence of such viruses in extreme environments, we designed an original method, called the inverted spot test, to determine the host range and infectivity of viruses isolated from anaerobic hyperthermophilic and sulfur-reducing microorganisms. Here, we used this approach to prove for the first time the infectivity of Pyrococcus abyssi virus 1 (PAV1) and to confirm the host range of Thermococcus prieurii virus 1 (TPV1), the only two viruses isolated so far from any of the described marine hyperthermophilic archaea (Euryarchaeota phylum, Thermococcales order)

    Living Side by Side with a Virus: Characterization of Two Novel Plasmids from Thermococcus prieurii, a Host for the Spindle-Shaped Virus TPV1.

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    International audienceMicrobial cells often serve as an evolutionary battlefield for different types of mobile genetic elements, such as viruses and plasmids. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of two new archaeal plasmids which share the host with the spindle-shaped Thermococcus prieurii virus 1 (TPV1). The two plasmids, pTP1 and pTP2, were isolated from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus prieurii (phylum Euryarchaeota), a resident of a deep-sea hydrothermal vent located at the East Pacific Rise at 2,700-m depth (7°25'24 S, 107°47'66 W). pTP1 (3.1 kb) and pTP2 (2.0 kb) are among the smallest known plasmids of hyperthermophilic archaea, and both are predicted to replicate via the rolling-circle mechanism. The two plasmids and the virus TPV1 do not have a single gene in common and stably propagate in infected cells without any apparent antagonistic effect on each other. The compatibility of the three genetic elements and the high copy number of pTP1 and pTP2 plasmids (50 copies/cell) might be useful for developing new genetic tools for studying hyperthermophilic euryarchaea and their viruses

    Euryarchaeal genomes are folded into SMC-dependent loops and domains, but lack transcription-mediated compartmentalization

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    International audienceHi-C has become a routine method for probing the 3D organization of genomes. However, when applied to prokaryotes and archaea, the current protocols are expensive and limited in their resolution. We develop a cost-effective Hi-C protocol to explore chromosome conformations of these two kingdoms at the gene or operon level. We first validate it on E. coli and V. cholera, generating sub-kilobase-resolution contact maps, and then apply it to the euryarchaeota H. volcanii, Hbt. salinarum, and T. kodakaraensis. With a resolution of up to 1 kb, we explore the diversity of chromosome folding in this phylum. In contrast to crenarchaeota, these euryarchaeota lack (active/inactive) compartment-like structures. Instead, their genomes are composed of self-interacting domains and chromatin loops. In H. volcanii, these structures are regulated by transcription and the archaeal structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein, further supporting the ubiquitous role of these processes in shaping the higher-order organization of genomes

    Thermococcus prieurii sp. nov., a novel hyperthermophilic archaeon isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent at the East Pacific Rise.

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    International audienceA novel hyperthermophilic, anaerobic archaeon, strain Bio-pl-0405IT2(T), was isolated from an hydrothermal chimney sample collected from the East Pacific Rise at 2700 m depth on the "Sarah Spring" area (7°25'24 S, 107°47'66 W). Cells were irregular, motile cocci (0.8 to 1.5 ”m in diameter) and divided by constriction. Growth was observed at temperatures between 60°C and 95°C with an optimum at 80°C. The pH range for growth was between 4 and 8 with an optimum around 7. Strain Bio-pl-0405IT2(T) grew at salt concentrations ranging from 1% to 5% (w/v) NaCl with an optimum at 2%. The novel isolate grew by fermentation or sulphur respiration on a variety of organic compounds. It was a chemoorganoheterotrophic archaeon growing preferentially with yeast extract, peptone and tryptone as carbon and energy sources and sulphur and organic compounds as electron acceptor; it grew also on maltose and starch. Sulphur or L-cystine were required for growth and were reduced to hydrogen sulfide. The strain was resistant to 100 ”g/ml rifampicin, chloramphenicol, vancomycin and kanamycin but was sensitive to tetracyclin. The G+C content of its genomic DNA was 53.6 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis of the almost complete 16S rRNA gene sequence (1450 bp) of strain Bio-pl-0405IT2(T) showed that the novel isolate belonged to the genus Thermococcus. The DNA-DNA hybridization values with the two closest relatives T. hydrothermalis and T. celer were below the threshold value of 70%. On the basis of the physiological and genotypic distinctness, we propose a novel species Thermococcus prieurii sp. nov. The type strain is Bio-pl-0405IT2(T) (=CSURP577(T) =JCM16307(T) = LMM3069(T))

    Euryarchaeal genomes are folded into SMC-dependent loops and domains, but lack transcription-mediated compartmentalization

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    International audienceHi-C has become a routine method for probing the 3D organization of genomes. However, when applied to prokaryotes and archaea, the current protocols are expensive and limited in their resolution. We develop a cost-effective Hi-C protocol to explore chromosome conformations of these two kingdoms at the gene or operon level. We first validate it on E. coli and V. cholera, generating sub-kilobase-resolution contact maps, and then apply it to the euryarchaeota H. volcanii, Hbt. salinarum, and T. kodakaraensis. With a resolution of up to 1 kb, we explore the diversity of chromosome folding in this phylum. In contrast to crenarchaeota, these euryarchaeota lack (active/inactive) compartment-like structures. Instead, their genomes are composed of self-interacting domains and chromatin loops. In H. volcanii, these structures are regulated by transcription and the archaeal structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein, further supporting the ubiquitous role of these processes in shaping the higher-order organization of genomes

    TPV1, the first virus isolated from the hyperthermophilic genus Thermococcus.

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    International audienceWe describe a novel virus, TPV1 (Thermococcus prieurii virus 1), which was discovered in a hyperthermophilic euryarchaeote isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal chimney sample collected at a depth of 2700 m at the East Pacific Rise. TPV1 is the first virus isolated and characterized from the hyperthermophilic euryarchaeal genus Thermococcus. TPV1 particles have a lemon-shaped morphology (140 nm × 80 nm) similar to the structures previously reported for Fuselloviruses and for the unclassified virus-like particle PAV1 (Pyrococcus abyssi virus 1). The infection with TPV1 does not cause host lysis and viral replication can be induced by UV irradiation. TPV1 contains a double-stranded circular DNA of 21.5 kb, which is also present in high copy number in a free form in the host cell. The TPV1 genome encompasses 28 predicted genes; the protein sequences encoded in 16 of these genes show no significant similarity to proteins in public databases. Proteins predicted to be involved in genome replication were identified as well as transcriptional regulators. TPV1 encodes also a predicted integrase of the tyrosine recombinase family. The only two genes that are homologous between TPV1 and PAV1 are TPV1-22 and TPV1-23, which encode proteins containing a concanavalin A-like lectin/glucanase domain that might be involved in virus-host recognition

    Extracellular membrane vesicles and nanotubes in Archaea

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    International audienceMembrane-bound extracellular vesicles (EVs) are secreted by cells from all three domains of life and their implication in various biological processes is increasingly recognized. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on archaeal EVs and nanotubes, and emphasize their biological significance. In archaea, the EVs and nanopods have been largely studied in representative species from the phyla Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeaota. The archaeal EVs have been linked to several physiological processes such as detoxification, biomineralization and transport of biological molecules, including chromosomal, viral or plasmid DNA, thereby taking part in genome evolution and adaptation through horizontal gene transfer. The biological significance of archaeal nanotubes is yet to be demonstrated, although they could participate in EVs biogenesis or exchange of cellular contents. We also discuss the biological mechanisms leading to EV/nanotube biogenesis in Archaea. It has been recently demonstrated that, similar to eukaryotes, EV budding in crenarchaea depends on the ESCRT machinery, whereas the mechanism of EV budding in euryarchaeal lineages, which lack the ESCRT-III homologs, remains unclear

    Greigite nanocrystals produced by hyperthermophilic archaea of Thermococcales order.

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    Interactions between hyperthermophilic archaea and minerals occur in hydrothermal deep-sea vents, one of the most extreme environments for life on Earth. These interactions occur in the internal pores and at surfaces of active hydrothermal chimneys. In this study, we show that, at 85°C, Thermococcales, the predominant hyperthermophilic microorganisms inhabiting hot parts of hydrothermal deep-sea vents, produce greigite nanocrystals (Fe3S4) on extracellular polymeric substances, and that an amorphous iron phosphate acts as a precursor phase. Greigite, although a minor component of chimneys, is a recognized catalyst for CO2 reduction thus implying that Thermococcales may influence the balance of CO2 in hydrothermal ecosystems. We propose that observation of greigite nanocrystals on extracellular polymeric substances could provide a signature of hyperthermophilic life in hydrothermal deep-sea vents