110 research outputs found

    Estudio necrópsico de la muerte súbita cardíaca de origen isquémico, en un cuerpo en avanzado estado de descomposición

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    Es evidente que los cambios que se inician en un cadáver como consecuencia de la putrefacción suponen importantes trabas para la determinación de la causa de la muerte. Aunque un cadáver se encuentre en avanzado estado de descomposición, la realización de una autopsia detallada puede aportar una gran y rica información acerca de la etiología de la muerte y sobre el intervalo postmortem (IPM). En el caso que analizamos, a pesar de tener un cuerpo en fase colicuativa, podemos establecer que con bastante probabilidad el individuo estudiado falleció por una muerte súbita cardiaca (MSC) de origen isquémico. A esta conclusión se llega a través del análisis conjunto de los hallazgos en el cadáver durante la autopsia, la fisiopatología de la MSC de origen isquémico y los elementos fundamentales que caracterizan a este tipo de muerte. Se pudo establecer, además, un IPM de unas dos semanas.It´s evident that the changes that begin in the corpse as a consequence of putrefaction are important obstacles to determine the cause of death. Even in a body in an advanced stage of decomposition, a detailed autopsy can provide great information about the ethiology of death and postmortem interval (PMI). In the case under study, despite having a body in colliquative stage, we can establish that the cause of death was, with a high level of certainty, a sudden cardiac death (SCD) of ischemic origin. This conclusion was reached through analysis of the findings in the body during the autopsy, along with the pathophysiology of ischemic SCD and the key elements that characterize this type of death. Also it was determined a PMI of two weeks approximately

    Dental diversity patterns: relevance in portuguese military population

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    This research’s purpose was to build a dental database of a Portuguese military population, to know the frequency and distribution of different medical conditions or pathologies found in each dental piece. In order to meet the goals, this study was based on a sample of 1636 professional military people of the Portuguese Armed Forces. Dental data was collected using the Forensic Dental Symbols® and Dental Encoder® database, Microsoft Excel, and SPSS v.23. Teeth were named following the FDI notation system. The analyzed sample population was composed of 83.4% of men and 16.6% of women. The age group with most individuals was 23 - 27 years with a frequency of 32%. The most frequent code in the 32 teeth was “unrestored”. The younger group (≤32 years) had healthier teeth and less missing teeth. Although inconclusive, the dental condition allows individuals classification based on age. The short variability of dental conditions found in the sample, which reflects the population under study, restricts the analysis and, hence, the number of inferences that could be drawn. Studying more heterogenic populations could provide more conclusive results and extraction of additional knowledge from the sample.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Technical note: A mobile collaborative workspace to assist forensic experts in disaster victim identification scenarios

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    Integrated approaches to disaster victim identification (DVI) management have led to a need for technologies to improve interaction among parties involved in post-mortem (PM) and ante-mortem (AM) data collection through better communication and coordination. Mobile Forensic Workspace© (MFW) is a collaborative mobile system that not only facilitates the systematic collection of high-quality data, but also allows DVI professionals to coordinate activities and exchange data through secure real-time communication at major disaster scenarios in accordance with security, privacy and legal protocols. MFW is adaptable to any communication format (text, voice calls, photographs, etc.) and is dynamically self-reconfigurable when connectivity problems arise. It also allows data integration and backup through secure communication channels between local and remote servers. The feasibility of the system has been demonstrated through implementation of MFW on the iOS platform for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad terminals. A further strength of MFW is that it provides out-of-the-box support for INTERPOL DVI forms. The application of information and communication technologies for DVI was shown to be useful in improving DVI management by enhancing the quality of data collection and enabling non-Internet dependent real-time data sharing and communication

    Three-dimensional analysis of third molar development to estimate age of majority

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    This research was supported by Research Excellence Project P09-SEJ-4738, 2010 from the Andalusian Regional Government, Spain. The authors also acknowledge funding from CEIFA (3193-00) (Centro para la Excelencia en Investigación Forense en Andalucía). Ana Belén Márquez-Ruiz was the recipient of an FPU (Formación del Profesorado Universitario) grant FPU13/03543 from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Spain.Third molars are one of the few biological markers available for age estimation in undocumented juveniles close the legal age of majority, assuming an age of 18years as the most frequent legal demarcation between child and adult status. To obtain more accurate visualization and evaluation of third molar mineralization patterns from computed tomography images, a new software application, DentaVol©, was developed. Third molar mineralization according to qualitative (Demirjian's maturational stage) and quantitative parameters (third molar volume) of dental development was assessed in multi-slice helical computed tomography images of both maxillary arches displayed by DentaVol© from 135 individuals (62 females and 73 males) aged between 14 and 23years. Intra- and inter-observer agreement values were remarkably high for both evaluation procedures and for all third molars. A linear correlation between third molar mineralization and chronological age was found, with third molar maturity occurring earlier in males than in females. Assessment of dental development with both procedures, by using DentaVol© software, can be considered a good indicator of age of majority (18years or older) in all third molars. Our results indicated that virtual computed tomography imaging can be considered a valid alternative to orthopantomography for evaluations of third molar mineralization, and therefore a complementary tool for determining the age of majority.Andalusian Regional Government, Spain P09-SEJ-4738, 2010CEIFA (3193-00)Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Spain FPU13/0354

    Diversity in dental clinical characteristics in portuguese and spanish military populations

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    Introduction Dental characteristics were compared in population samples of Spanish and Portuguese military personnel. The main aim of this study was to identify those dental characteristics that could potentially serve to differentiate between these populations in a forensic analysis. Material and methods A sample of 5136 individuals belonging to the professional military staff of the Portuguese and Spanish armed forces was studied. Dental data were recorded with the Forensic Dental Symbols® for the Dental Encoder® database. The population sample analysed in this study consisted of 68.1% Spanish and 31.9% Portuguese individuals. Results The population was mostly male, with 86.6% men (88.1% in the Spanish sample versus 83.4% in the Portuguese sample), and 13.4% women (11.9% Spanish and 16.6% Portuguese). The frequency of unrestored teeth was lowest for first molars in all quadrants, and the highest frequency of unrestored teeth (>90%) was for the upper and lower anterior teeth and lower first premolars. The highest frequencies of restorative treatment were found for the first and second molars in all quadrants, and the highest frequencies of missing teeth were found for the third molars (always >28%). Concordance analysis showed that correlations between contralateral teeth were significantly higher than between antagonist teeth in both samples. Conclusions Our findings provide potentially useful information on the importance of dental record databases and their value for identification purposes.Introducción Se ha realizado una comparación de las características dentales de 2 poblaciones militares de Portugal y España. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue identificar aquellas características dentales que podrían ser de utilidad para diferenciar estas poblaciones en un análisis forense. Material y métodos El estudio se realizó en una muestra compuesta por 5.136 militares profesionales de las fuerzas armadas, el 31,9% eran militares portugueses y el 68,1% del total de la muestra pertenecían a las fuerzas armadas españolas. Los datos dentales se registraron empleando los símbolos dentales descritos en Forensic Dental Symbols®, gestionados con la base de datos Dental Encoder®. Resultados La población de estudio estaba constituida por un 86,6% de hombres (88,1% en la muestra española y 83,4% en la muestra portuguesa) y un 13,4% de mujeres (11,9% en la muestra española y 16,6% en la muestra portuguesa). La frecuencia de dientes no restaurados fue menor para los primeros molares en todos los cuadrantes, mientras que la mayor frecuencia de esta característica (>90%) se observó en los dientes anteriores, superiores e inferiores, y en los primeros premolares inferiores. Las frecuencias más altas de tratamientos restauradores fueron encontradas para los primeros y segundos molares en todos los cuadrantes, y las mayores frecuencias de ausencias dentarias se observaron en los terceros molares (superior al 28% en todos los cuadrantes). El análisis de concordancia mostró que las correlaciones entre los dientes contralaterales fueron significativamente mayores que entre los dientes antagonistas, para ambas muestras poblacionales de estudio. Conclusiones Nuestros resultados proporcionan información potencialmente útil sobre la importancia de las bases de datos de registros dentales y el análisis de las características dentales con fines de identificación.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Primer registro de Unguiculariopsis ravenelii (Leotiomycetes, Ascomycota) en México

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    Background and Aims: The genus Unguiculariopsis of the class Leotimycetes within Ascomycota is characterized by forming inconspicuous apothecia up to 2 mm in diameter, with hook-shaped hairs on the external surface, inoperculate and inamyloid asci, and globose, subglobose to ellipsoid ascospores, which are hyaline with guttules. They are fungicolous fungi which are host-specific. The objective of this study is to report Unguiculariopsis ravenelii for the first time in Mexico.Methods: The specimens studied are deposited in the ENCB herbarium of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico. The material was reviewed in fresh and dry, and described macromorphologically using a stereomicroscope, based on pictures taken in situ, and micromorphological characters with an optical microscope. They were identified with specialized keys and literature.Key results: The description of Unguiculariopsis ravenelii of Mexico is presented. This is a species characterized by being mycoparasite and forming gregarious apothecia growing on Rhytidhysteron rufulum.Conclusions: This species is distributed in tropical dry forest and produces its sporomas during the rainy season in the states of Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Sonora, Tabasco and Tamaulipas in the Neotropical region of Mexico.Antecedentes y Objetivos: El género Unguiculariopsis de la clase Leotiomycetes dentro de Ascomycota se caracteriza por formar apotecios inconspicuos de hasta 2 mm de diámetro, con una superficie formada por pelos en forma de gancho, ascas inoperculadas, inamiloides y ascosporas globosas, subglobosas a elipsoidales, hialinas con gútulas. Son hongos fungícolas que presentan especificidad por el hospedero; en el presente estudio se tiene por objetivo reportar a Unguiculariopsis ravenelii por primera vez en México.Métodos: Los especímenes estudiados están depositados en el herbario ENCB del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México. Los materiales fueron revisados en fresco y en seco, se describieron macro morfológicamente usando un estereoscopio, fotografías tomadas in situ y micro morfológicamente con un microscopio óptico. Se identificaron con claves y literatura especializada.Resultados clave: Se presenta la descripción de Unguiculariopsis ravenelii de México, una especie que se caracteriza por ser micoparásita y por formar apotecios gregarios sobre Rhytidhysteron rufulum. Conclusiones: Esta especie se distribuye en bosque tropical caducifolio y produce sus esporomas durante la temporada de lluvias en los estados de Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Sonora, Tabasco y Tamaulipas en la región Neotropical de México

    A Novel Late-Stage Autophagy Inhibitor That Efficiently Targets Lysosomes Inducing Potent Cytotoxic and Sensitizing Effects in Lung Cancer

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    Simple Summary Lung cancer is the main cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, mainly due to treatment resistance. For that reason, it is necessary to develop novel therapeutic strategies to overcome this phenomenon. The aim of our study was to design and characterize a synthetic anionophore, LAI-1, that would be able to efficiently disrupt lysosomal activity, leading to autophagy blockage, one of the most important resistance mechanisms in cancer cells. We confirmed that LAI-1 selectively localized in lysosomes, deacidifying them. This effect produced a blockage of autophagy, characterized by an abrogation of autophagosomes and lysosomes fusion. Moreover, LAI-1 produced cell death in lung cancer cells from different histological subtypes, inducing cytotoxicity more efficiently than other known autophagy inhibitors. Finally, LAI-1 was evaluated in combination therapy, showing sensitization to the first-line chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin. Altogether, LAI-1 is a novel late-stage autophagy inhibitor with potential therapeutic applications in tumors with cytoprotective autophagy. Overcoming resistance is one of the most challenging features in current anticancer therapy. Autophagy is a cellular process that confers resistance in some advanced tumors, since it enables cancer cells to adapt to stressful situations, such as anticancer treatments. Hence, the inhibition of this cytoprotective autophagy leads to tumor cells sensitization and death. In this regard, we designed a novel potent anionophore compound that specifically targets lysosomes, called LAI-1 (late-stage autophagy inhibitor-1), and evaluated its role in blocking autophagy and its potential anticancer effects in three lung cancer cell lines from different histological subtypes. Compared to other autophagy inhibitors, such as chloroquine and 3-Methyladenine, the LAI-1 treatment induced more potent anticancer effects in all tested cancer cells. LAI-1 was able to efficiently target and deacidify lysosomes, while acidifying cytoplasmic pH. Consequently, LAI-1 efficiently blocked autophagy, indicated by the increased LC3-II/I ratio and p62/SQSTM1 levels. Moreover, no colocalization was observed between autophagosomes, marked with LC3 or p62/SQSTM1, and lysosomes, stained with LAMP-1, after the LAI-1 treatment, indicating the blockage of autophagolysosome formation. Furthermore, LAI-1 induced cell death by activating apoptosis (enhancing the cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP) or necrosis, depending on the cancer cell line. Finally, LAI-1 sensitized cancer cells to the first-line chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin. Altogether, LAI-1 is a new late-stage autophagy inhibitor that causes lysosomal dysfunction and the blockage of autophagolysosome formation, as well as potently induces cancer cell death and sensitization to conventional treatments at lower concentrations than other known autophagy inhibitors, appearing as a potential new therapeutic approach to overcome cancer resistance

    Ascomicetes of the Cozumel Island Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

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    Antecedentes y Objetivos: Los ascomicetos son el grupo más diverso del reino Fungi; han sido descritos como saprobios, necrótrofos, biótrofos y endófitos. En la Isla de Cozumel, Quintana Roo, México, aunque recientemente se han citado 29 especies, no existe un estudio exclusivo de este grupo de hongos. El objetivo del presente estudio es hacer una lista de las especies de ascomicetos de tres Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANPs) de la Reserva de la Biosfera Isla Cozumel, México.Métodos: Se realizaron cuatro exploraciones en las Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la Reserva de la Biosfera Isla Cozumel: Centro de Conservación y Educación Ambiental, Parque Ecológico Punta Sur y Zona Arqueológica de San Gervasio Chen-tuk, todas administradas por la Fundación Parques y Museos de Cozumel. Los ejemplares recolectados fueron estudiados, descritos y determinados de acuerdo con las técnicas tradicionales en micología. El material está depositado en el Herbario ENCB.Resultados clave: Se determinaron 40 especies de ascomicetos; de éstos, 15 se citan por primera vez para Quintana Roo y ocho se registran para la Isla de Cozumel. Bertia tropicalis se cita por primera vez para México y Platystomum mexicanum se describe como especie nueva para la ciencia. Conclusiones: La clase Sordariomycetes es la mejor estudiada con 28 especies, mientras que el orden Xylariales, con 25, tiene 62.5% del total de las 40 registradas. La familia Hypoxylaceae, con 40% de los taxa determinados, es la familia más representada. Hypoxylon lenormandii, Rhytidhysteron neorufulum y R. rufulum fueron encontradas en todas las ANPs estudiadas.Background and Aims: Ascomycetes are the most diverse group of the kingdom Fungi; they have been described as saprobes, necrotrophs, biotrophs and endophytes. On the Island Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 29 species have recently been cited; however, there is no exclusive study of this group. The objective of this study is to present a list of ascomycetes species from three Protected Natural Areas in the Cozumel Island Biosphere Reserve, Mexico.Methods: Four explorations were carried out in the Natural Protected Areas of the Cozumel Island Biosphere Reserve: Centro de Conservación y Educación Ambiental, Parque Ecológico Punta Sur and Zona Arqueológica de San Gervasio, Chen-tuk; all are administrated by the Fundación Parques y Museos of Cozumel. The collected specimens were studied, described and determined according to the traditional mycological techniques. The material is deposited in the ENCB Herbarium.Key results: Forty species of ascomycetes are determinated, of these 15 are cited for the first time for Quintana Roo, and eight are recorded for Cozumel Island. Bertia tropicalis is a new record from Mexico and Platystomum mexicanum is described as a species new to science.Conclusions: The class Sordariomycetes is the best represented with 28 species, while the order Xylariales with 25 species has 62.5% of the total of 40 registered. The family Hypoxylaceae, with 40% of the determinated taxa, is the best represented family. Hypoxylon lenormandii, Rhytidhysteron neorufulum and R. rufulum were found in all Natural Protected Areas studied

    El género Rhytidhysteron (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) en México

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    Background and Aims: Currently, 21 species associated with the genus Rhytidhysteron are recognized. In Mexico, only Rhytidhysteron rufulum has been reported. The genus is characterized by its navicular to apotecial histerothecia, the margin is striate or smooth; the colours of the epithecium vary from orange-reddish, yellow, green to black and its ascospores present three longitudinal septa. The objective of this study is to carry out a taxonomic review of the genus Rhytidhysteron in Mexico, based on macro- and micromorphological characters. Methods: Ten exploration trips were realized between 2017 to 2019 in several regions of Mexico. In addition, the specimens deposited in the fungus collection of the ENCB herbarium were reviewed. The specimens were studied, described and determined according to traditional mycological techniques. Key results: 381 specimens belonging to the genus Rhytidhysteron were reviewed, of which four species were determined: R. neohysterinum, a new species for science, R. neorufulum and R. thailandicum, new records for the country, and the previously cited R. rufulum. Conclusions: The genus Rhytidhysteron has a high diversity of species in Mexico. Most specimens have been found on decomposing branches, mainly of genera of the Fabaceae family in tropical dry forest, which suggest that this group of plants represent the microhabitat to which Rhytidhysteron species have best adapted.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Actualmente, se reconocen 21 especies adscritas al género Rhytidhysteron. En México sólo se ha reportado Rhytidhysteron rufulum. El género se caracteriza por sus histerotecios naviculares a apoteciales, el borde es estriado o liso; los colores del epitecio varían de anaranjado-rojizo, amarillo, verde a negros y las ascosporas presentan tres septos longitudinales. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una revisión taxonómica del género Rhytidhysteron en México, basada en caracteres macro y micromorfológicos. Métodos: Se realizaron diez exploraciones entre 2017 y 2019 en diversas regiones de México. Además, se revisaron los especímenes depositados en la colección de hongos del herbario ENCB. Los ejemplares fueron estudiados, descritos y determinados de acuerdo con las técnicas tradicionales en micología. Resultados clave: Se revisaron 381 especímenes pertenecientes al género Rhytidhysteron, de los cuales se determinaron cuatro especies: Rhytidhysteron neohysterinum, una nueva especie para la ciencia, R. neorufulum y R. thailandicum que son nuevos registros para el país, y R. rufulum previamente citado. Conclusiones: El género Rhytidhysteron tiene una alta diversidad de especies en México. La mayoría de los especímenes se han encontrado sobre ramas en descomposición, principalmente en géneros de la familia Fabaceae en bosque tropical caducifolio, lo que podría sugerir que este grupo de plantas representa el microhábitat al que las especies de Rhytidhysteron se han adaptado

    El género Daldinia (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) en México

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    Background and Aims: The genus Daldinia, with 48 species worldwide, is characterized by perithecia immersed in globose to claviform stromata, which are cupper, violet, wine, brown to black coloured; releasing ochraceous, purple, greenish and gray pigments in KOH. It is characterized by cylindrical stipitate ascii with an apical amyloid pore, and ellipsoid, brown, smooth or ornamented ascospores. The asexual state was described in the genus Nodulisporium. It is now known that the group is mainly endophytic. The objective of the present study is to carry out a taxonomic revision of the genus Daldinia in Mexico, based on macro- and micromorphological characters and the observation of the spores with a SEM to identify the species.Methods: The specimens were studied, described and determined according to the traditional techniques in mycology. In addition, the spores were observed with a scanning electron microscope. The material is deposited in the fungus collection of the ENCB herbarium.Key results: Fourteen species of Daldinia were identified in Mexico, of which D. decipiens, D. cuprea, D. petriniae and D. rehmii are cited for the first time for the country. The species of this genus were mainly associated with the tropical dry forest. Daldinia childiae, D. eschscholtzii and D. vernicosa are the species with major distribution in the national territory.Conclusions: The genus Daldinia is well represented in Mexico, being one of the best studied of the family Hypoxylaceae. The group has a remarkable tropicaldistribution with more than 80% of the species located in tropical dry forest. It has a restricted distribution in temperate regions, as well as a greater specificity for the host, mainly Alnus and Quercus. The state of Oaxaca is the most species-rich entity.Resumen:Antecedentes y Objetivos: El género Daldinia, con 48 especies a nivel mundial, se caracteriza por presentar peritecios inmersos en estromas globosos a clavados de colores cobrizos, violáceos, vináceos, marrones a negros, liberando pigmentos de colores ocráceos, púrpuras, verdosos y grisáceos en KOH. Está caracterizado por ascas cilíndricas estipitadas con poro apical amiloide, y ascosporas elipsoidales marrones lisas u ornamentadas. El estado asexual fue descrito en el género Nodulisporium. Actualmente, se sabe que el grupo es principalmente endófito. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una revisión taxonómica del género Daldinia en México, basada en caracteres macro y micromorfológicos y la observación de las esporas al MEB para identificar a las especies.Métodos: Los ejemplares fueron estudiados, descritos y determinados de acuerdo con las técnicas tradicionales en micología. Adicionalmente, las esporas se observaron al microscopio electrónico de barrido. El material está depositado en la colección de hongos del herbario ENCB.Resultados clave: Se determinaron 14 especies de Daldinia en México; de éstas, D. decipiens, D. cuprea, D. petriniae y D. rehmii se citan por primera vez para el país. De acuerdo con el hábitat, las especies de este género se asociaron principalmente al bosque tropical caducifolio. Daldinia childiae, D. eschscholtzii y D. vernicosa son las especies con mejor distribución en el territorio nacional.Conclusiones: El género Daldinia se encuentra bien representado en México, siendo uno de los mejor estudiados de la familia Hypoxylaceae. El género tiene una distribución principalmente tropical, con más de 80% de las especies descritas. En regiones templadas su distribución es restringida y manifiesta una mayor especificidad por el hospedero, principalmente Alnus y Quercus. El estado de Oaxaca fue la entidad con mayor riqueza de especies.