90 research outputs found

    A formação de redes e o processo de internacionalização do setor vitivinícola brasileiro: um estudo de caso no Wines from Brazil

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    This study aims to analyze the forming process of inter-organizational network for internationalization of an industry. Therefore, it has developed a case study of the “Integrated Sector Project Wines of Brasil”, seeking to analyze the process of articulation and performance of the actors in this project. The data were collected through observation, documents and interviews with persons involved in the process of creating and managing of the network. The theoretical propostion is that the relationships that exist in inter-organizational network provide effective solutions to the process of internationalization, especially for small and medium-sized businesses with limited strategic resources. “Wines of Brasil” has been develop the image of wine in the world market, the main challenge for the internationalization of the industry. Network also enables the exchange of information between the actors and access to knowledge about the internationalization process and foreign markets. It was noted that the internationalization also has a positive reflection on the domestic market, because the Brazilian consumer has linked this process to increase the quality of domestic product.O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de formação de uma rede interorganizacional para internacionalização de um setor. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso do Projeto Setorial Integrado Wines of Brasil, buscando analisar o processo de articulação e atuação dos atores neste Projeto. Os dados foram coletados por meio de observação, documentos e entrevistas semiestruturadas com quatro pessoas envolvidas no processo de formação e gestão da rede. A proposição teórica é de que os relacionamentos existentes na rede interorganizacional proporcionam soluções eficazes para o processo de internacionalização, principalmente para pequenas e médias empresas com recursos estratégicos limitados. O Wines of Brasil tem buscado desenvolver a imagem do vinho no mercado mundial, principal desafio para a internacionalização do setor. A Rede também possibilita a troca de informações entre os atores e o acesso a conhecimentos sobre o processo de internacionalização e mercados externos. Observou-se que a internacionalização também tem um reflexo positivo no mercado doméstico, uma vez que o consumidor brasileiro tem associado esse processo ao aumento da qualidade do produto nacional

    Reconfiguring the Firm’s Assets for Innovation

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    The innovation process and the generation of sustainable competitive advantage are permanently on the agenda in technology management. According to Teece (2007), one way to achieve a competitive advantage is to develop dynamic capabilities, a process in which the author identifies three moments: i) to perceive and shape opportunities and threats (sensing), ii) to grasp the opportunities (seizing), iii) to increase, to combine, to secure and, when necessary, to reconfigure the tangible and intangible assets. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the strategic internal changes were introduced to influence on developing the innovation capability in order to sustain and expand the competitive advantages of the firm. To do so, a case study was carried out in a firm that work within the furniture sector more than 30 years and took decision to increase its competitive advantage by investing in product design, what created conditions for the development of new capabilities. Interviews were conducted using questions that allowed the respondents to freely express their experiences and perceptions about the changes that have occurred in their sectors as a result of this process and was possible to identify the intensity of reconfigurations in capabilities that resulted from the creation of the Design Center

    Routines, Capabilities and Innovation in the Brazilian Wine Industry

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    As environments become more competitive and change, firms need to look for new ways of competing by implementing changes and innovations aiming at improving or even building new capabilities. Through multiple case studies, we examine the relationship between routines, capabilities and innovation seeking to identify the changes and innovations that have occurred along the trajectory of two wine producing firms in the Serra Gaúcha of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The results indicate that both companies submitted changes/innovations in routines and capabilities, however, the different strategies and decisions made led to totally different outcomes in terms of size, growth and market-share

    Recursos, competências e capacidade de inovação: um estudo de múltiplos casos na indústria eletro-eletrônica no Rio Grande do Sul

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    O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a influência dos recursos e competências na capacidade de inovar das empresas. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um estudo de múltiplos casos na indústria eletroeletrônica no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, abrangendo três empresas de diferentes segmentos de mercado: automação predial, telecomunicações e automação industrial. A partir da Visão Baseada nos Recursos, elaborou-se um esquema teórico-analítico, segundo o qual a empresa motivada para inovar, desenvolve um arranjo de recursos e competências, que resulta nas inovações oferecidas ao mercado. Os critérios para avaliação do valor estratégico das inovações foram quatro características propostas por Barney (1991) para avaliação de recursos: para ser estratégica a inovação deveria ser valiosa, rara, de difícil imitação e sem substituto equivalente. Os resultados indicam que existem duas competências principais para o desenvolvimento de inovações estratégicas nas empresas: a cooperação e a obtenção de financiamento. Dos três projetos avaliados, apenas apresenta todas as características de inovação estratégica.The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of resources and capabilities in the firms´ innovation. This study was carried out in three enterprises of the electric/electronic industry in Brazil. It included enterprises of three different segments: building automation, telecommunications and industrial automation. Resource Based-View was used to develop a framework for analysis of the combination of resources and competences to innovate. The firm, motivated to innovate, develop a pool of resources and competences, resulting in innovations offered to the market. The criteria for assessing the strategic value of the innovations were four characteristics proposed by Barney (1991) for evaluation of resources. The strategic innovation should be valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and without equivalent substitute. The results indicate that there are two main competences for the development of strategic innovations in enterprises: abilities to cooperate and to obtain financing. Of the three projects evaluated, only one has all the four characteristics that leads to strategic innovation

    Who is the entrepreneur ? The implications of three technological revolutions in the construction of the term entrepreneur

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    O empreendedor tem desempenhado um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento econômico das nações. Contudo, desde sua origem no século XVI, o termo empreendedor tem passado por modificações. Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar contribuições para a formação e as modificações nesse termo à luz das mudanças ocorridas ao longo de três paradigmas tecnológicos: revolução industrial, fordismo e tecnologia da informação. O argumento central deste ensaio é que empreendedor refere-se a um termo dinâmico e multifacetado, influenciado por revoluções tecnológicas e sociais. Foram identificadas quatro concepções de empreendedor: individual, intra-empreendedor, coletivo e social. Conclui-se que os diferentes empreendedores têm motivações, barreiras e desafios que divergem em características, mas convergem na busca pela construção de um novo empreendimento.The entrepreneur has played an important role in the economic development of countries. However since its origin in the XVI century the term entrepreneur had different definitions. The objective of this paper is to identify contributions for the formation and the modification in this term throughout three technological paradigms: industrial revolution, mass production and technology of information. The central argument of this paper is that "entrepreneur" refers to a term dynamic and multifaceted, influenced by technological and social revolutions. These paradigms lead to four types of entrepreneurs: individual, intra-entrepreneur, collective and social entrepreneur. Each entrepreneur has different characteristics and motivation, but the main objective is the same: to start a new enterprise. The implications of these different characteristics should be investigated in new studies

    Reconfiguring the firm’s assets for innovation

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    The innovation process and the generation of sustainable competitive advantage are permanently on the agenda in technology management. According to Teece (2007), one way to achieve a competitive advantage is to develop dynamic capabilities, a process in which the author identifies three moments: i) to perceive and shape opportunities and threats (sensing), ii) to grasp the opportunities (seizing), iii) to increase, to combine, to secure and, when necessary, to reconfigure the tangible and intangible assets. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the strategic internal changes were introduced to influence on developing the innovation capability in order to sustain and expand the competitive advantages of the firm. To do so, a case study was carried out in a firm that work within the furniture sector more than 30 years and took decision to increase its competitive advantage by investing in product design, what created conditions for the development of new capabilities. Interviews were con-ducted using questions that allowed the respondents to freely express their experiences and perceptions about the changes that have occurred in their sectors as a result of this process and was possible to identify the intensity of reconfigurations in capabilities that resulted from the creation of the Design Center

    The Electronic Industry in Brazil and China: A Comparative Study and the Analysis of the Public Policies of Stimulaton the Technological Capacity of the Sector

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    Title: The Electronic Industry in Brazil And China: A Comparative Study And the Analysis of the Public Policies of Stimulation the Technological Capacity of the Sector. The world-wide economy has passed for reorganization processes. It having evidenced a set of emergent countries that will be able to become the main productive forces of next the 50 years. These countries constitute the BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China. The objective of the article is to compare the development of the electronic industry in Brazil and China, both integrant countries of the BRIC, and to bring elements for the reflection on the public politics of stimulation technological capacity of the sector. This study evidence that the intervention of the government, in form of technology policy, plays an important role in stimulate the national technological capacity of the sector.Title: The Electronic Industry in Brazil And China: A Comparative Study And the Analysis of the Public Policies of Stimulation the Technological Capacity of the Sector. The world-wide economy has passed for reorganization processes. It having evidenced a set of emergent countries that will be able to become the main productive forces of next the 50 years. These countries constitute the BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China. The objective of the article is to compare the development of the electronic industry in Brazil and China, both integrant countries of the BRIC, and to bring elements for the reflection on the public politics of stimulation technological capacity of the sector. This study evidence that the intervention of the government, in form of technology policy, plays an important role in stimulate the national technological capacity of the sector.A economia mundial tem passado por processos de reestruturação, evidenciando um conjunto de países emergentes que poderão se tornar as principais forças produtivas dos próximos 50 anos. Esses países constituem o BRIC - Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China. O objetivo do artigo é comparar o desenvolvimento da indústria eletrônica no Brasil e na China, ambos países integrantes do BRIC, e trazer elementos para a reflexão sobre as políticas públicas de estímulo capacidade tecnológica do setor. Nesse estudo exploratório, evidencia-se a importância da intervenção do governo através de programas e políticas tecnológicas de incentivo a capacidade tecnológica nacional do setor

    Entrepreneurship Ecosystems and the Stimulus to the Creation of Innovative Business: A Case in the App Industry in Brazil

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    This paper aims at analyzing how entrepreneurship ecosystems influence the development of business with innovative potential. To do so, the model proposed by Isenberg (2011; 2013) is used as a reference, which covers six areas: policy, finance, culture, supports, human resources and markets. The exploratory research was conducted through the case study method. Data collection occurred through observation, analysis of documents and interviews with entrepreneurs established at Porto Digital, in Recife-PE. For processing and analysis of data, the content analysis technique was selected. It was found that Porto Digital offers the necessary conditions for new businesses to develop their innovative potential, characterized by unique value proposals, offering solutions based on everyday problems and co-created with end users

    Entrepreneurship Ecosystems and the Stimulus to the Creation of Innovative Business: A Case in the App Industry in Brazil

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    This paper aims at analyzing how entrepreneurship ecosystems influence the development of business with innovative potential. To do so, the model proposed by Isenberg (2011; 2013) is used as a reference, which covers six areas: policy, finance, culture, supports, human resources and markets. The exploratory research was conducted through the case study method. Data collection occurred through observation, analysis of documents and interviews with entrepreneurs established at Porto Digital, in Recife-PE. For processing and analysis of data, the content analysis technique was selected. It was found that Porto Digital offers the necessary conditions for new businesses to develop their innovative potential, characterized by unique value proposals, offering solutions based on everyday problems and co-created with end users