1,644 research outputs found

    Tirocinio Formativo Attivo nell'Ateneo di Palermo: Classe di Abilitazione A049 - Matematica e Fisica

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    Sarà descritta l'organizzazione del primo ciclo del Corso di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo, Classe A049 - Matematica e Fisica, nell'Ateneo di Palermo, sia per quanto riguarda le attività psico-pedagogiche, sia per le attività disciplinari. In particolare, sarà descritta l'organizzazione del tirocinio svolto a scuola sotto la guida dei tutor accoglienti e sotto la guida del tutor coordinatore. Saranno evidenziati punti di forza, punti di debolezza e aspetti di criticità delle varie attività svolte e verranno proposti miglioramenti per i cicli successivi

    Tirocinio Formativo Attivo: il Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC della Classe A049 nell’Ateneo di Palermo

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    Con il secondo ciclo di Tirocinio Formativo Attivo è stato attivato l’insegnamento di Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC. Nell'articolo discuteremo come è stato organizzato questo insegnamento al fine di poter affrontare problematiche legate all'uso delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione sia nella gestione amministrativa della Scuola sia in ambito didattico. Discuteremo in particolare le varie possibilità di rinnovamento della didattica introdotte dagli strumenti di comunicazione e condivisione del web 2.0, dall'uso della lavagna interattiva multimediale, fino all'uso dei dispositivi portatili multimediali come strumenti di laboratorio.We discuss the organization of the course of Laboratorio Pedagogico Didattico TIC of the Tirocinio Formativo Attivo at the University of Palermo. The course takes into account the development of information and communication technologies both for the anagement/administration of school and their application in Mathematics and Physics education. In particular, we will discuss in detail the various possibilities of renewing the teaching given by communication and sharing tools of web 2.0, the use of the digital whiteboard, and the use of technologies in Mathematics and Physics laboratories, up to the use of multimedia mobile devices as experimental tools

    A Simple and Near-Optimal Algorithm for Directed Expander Decompositions

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    In this work, we present the first algorithm to compute expander decompositions in an mm-edge directed graph with near-optimal time O~(m)\tilde{O}(m). Further, our algorithm can maintain such a decomposition in a dynamic graph and again obtains near-optimal update times. Our result improves over previous algorithms of Bernstein-Probst Gutenberg-Saranurak (FOCS 2020), Hua-Kyng-Probst Gutenberg-Wu (SODA 2023) that only obtained algorithms optimal up to subpolynomial factors. At the same time, our algorithm is much simpler and more accessible than previous work. In order to obtain our new algorithm, we present a new push-pull-relabel flow framework that generalizes the classic push-relabel flow algorithm of Goldberg-Tarjan (JACM 1988), which was later dynamized for computing expander decompositions in undirected graphs by Henzinger-Rao-Wang (SIAM J. Comput. 2020), Saranurak-Wang (SODA 2019). We then show that the flow problems formulated in recent work of Hua-Kyng-Probst Gutenberg-Wu (SODA 2023) to decompose directed graphs can be solved much more efficiently in the push-pull-relabel flow framework

    General behavior of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction as a function of the relative velocity

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    We have studied volume integrals of the central part of optical potentials extracted from data analyses for a variety of light and heavy systems. The data-extracted integrals present a quite simple behavior as a function of the relative velocity between target and projectile. This behavior is system independent and, therefore, it reflects a feature of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction itself. The overall results are in good agreement with the predictions of the São Paulo potential, which is a model for the nuclear interaction that so far has been employed mostly in analyses of heavy-ion reactions

    La psicología en el reino de las lesiones deportivas: de qué se está hablando

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    Sport injuries are a constant in physical activity and sport and represent, to a greater or lesser degree, an obstacle that most athletes have to face and which could have an impact on economical, occupational and educational aspects, as well as on physical and psychological health. Traditionally, sport injury was deemed the result of biomechanical forces exerted on the body and sustained during participation in sport activity, under which perspective the athlete is considered merely as the container of a set of parts that break down and must be repaired. In contrast, Sport Psychology has brought the individual into a central active role, both when sustaining and recovering from an injury. This paper promotes a psychological perspective on sport injury and reviews the main psychological models posed for both the pre-injury and the post-injury phases. Finally, the paper addresses some of the main problems encountered by research on sport injury and sets out several guidelines for future research in the fieldLas lesiones deportivas son una constante en la actividad física y el deporte y representan, en mayor o menor grado, un obstáculo al que la mayor parte de los deportistas se tienen que enfrentar, pudiendo aquéllas tener consecuencias a nivel económico, laboral, educativo, además de a nivel físico y psicológico. Tradicionalmente, la lesión deportiva ha sido considerada como el resultado de la acción de fuerzas biomecánicas que ejercen sobre el cuerpo mientras se participa en una actividad deportiva. Esa perspectiva viene a considerar al deportista como un mero contendor de unas piezas que se han roto y deben ser reparadas. Al contrario, la Psicología del Deporte le concede al individuo un papel activo central tanto en el padecimiento de una lesión como en el proceso de recuperación de la misma. El presente artículo viene a promover una perspectiva psicológica de la lesión deportiva, revisando los principales modelos psicológicos que se han propuesto tanto para la fase de pre-lesión como para la fase de post-lesión. Finalmente, el artículo plantea los principales problemas de la investigación sobre lesiones deportivas y brinda una serie de líneas de actuación para llevar a cabo la investigación en este campoAs lesões desportivas são uma constante na actividade física e no desporto e representam, em maior ou menor grau, um obstáculo que a maioria dos atletas tem que enfrentar, podendo aquelas ter consequências a nível económico, laboral e educativo, bem como a nível físico e psicológico. Tradicionalmente, a lesão desportiva tem sido considerada como o resultado da acção de forças biomecânicas exercida sobre o corpo enquanto se participa numa actividade desportiva. Essa perspectiva tem vindo a considerar o atleta como um mero recipiente de peças que foram quebradas e devem ser reparadas. Pelo contrário, a Psicologia do Desporto reconhece ao sujeito um papel activo central tanto no padecimento da lesão como no processo de recuperação da mesma. O presente artigo procura promover uma perspectiva psicológica de lesão desportiva, revendo os principais modelos psicológicos que têm sido propostos tanto para a fase de pré-lesão como para a fase de pós-lesão. Por último, o artigo discute os principais problemas da investigação sobre lesões desportivas e oferece uma série de linhas de actuação para a realização de investigação neste âmbitoThe research leading to this paper has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (currently Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness) research grant PSI2011-27000

    Financial Perspective of EU Agro-Business

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    This paper intention is to identify descriptive financial patterns associated with the different sectors and countries, which could transition into a model to facilitate the financial analysis of the Agribusiness sector. Only two sectors are going to be considered, primary producers, like farmers, and secondary producers ike the agro-food industry.Which selection will be based on Eurostat NACE classification, focusing on the small and middle small enterprises

    SJM: Un simulador de jerarquías de memoria orientado a la docencia de arquitectura de computadores

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    El concepto de jerarquía de memoria de un computador es uno de los más importantes en el ámbito de la docencia en arquitectura de computadores. Habitualmente, los distintos aspectos de la estructura y el funcionamiento de la jerarquía de memoria (memoria cache, memoria virtual, algoritmos de reemplazo, tasas de fallos, etc.) se explican primero a los alumnos de manera teórica, y posteriormente se realizan prácticas basadas en programas que simulan dicha jerarquía. En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo simulador pedagógico, SJM, que permite modelar de forma amigable distintas jerarquías de memoria, modificar fácilmente sus características y obtener medidas de sus prestaciones, de cara a que los alumnos, mediante la evaluación de distintas configuraciones de la jerarquía de memoria, afiancen su comprensión de los distintos aspectos de ésta.Peer Reviewe

    Investigation of Coulomb dipole polarization effects on reactions involving exotic nuclei

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    We have analyzed elastic scattering angular distributions and total reaction cross sections of the exotic nuclei Li9,11 on Pb208, at energies below and above the Coulomb barrier. For this purpose, we have used an optical potential with no adjustable parameters, composed by the nuclear São Paulo potential, derived from the nonlocal nature of the interaction, and the Coulomb dipole polarization potential, derived from the semiclassical theory of Coulomb excitation. Within this formalism, we identified an unusual long-range absorption for the Li11+Pb208 system, which is dominated by the Coulomb interaction. We compare it to the absorption mechanisms observed for He6+Pb208 which, unlike those of Li11+Pb208, take place at small interacting distances, where both Coulomb and nuclear interactions are important. The proposed approach shows to be a fundamental basis to study reactions involving exotic nuclei