43 research outputs found
Perdamaian Dan Harmoni Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan
Peace and Harmony in the Perspective of Education. Education for peace and harmony is a teaching process in creating receiprocal understanding amongst students without prejudice and negative thinking that enables them to prevent emerging conflict. It has been well established that education is a fundamental foundation to internalize norms effectively for students as it is directly related to daily life of mankind. Thus, the author argues that to build students' tolerant character, it is deemed necessary to create tolerant atmosphere in all level, wheteher in family, social or formal educadional level. This paper tries to analyze how to implement the peaceful, harmonious and tolerant values in teaching and learning process in the formal education, family as well as society
A Study of Essential Basic Values Which Support Social Harmony in Conflict-prone Areas
Basically this study intended to find out essential basic values which support social harmony in conflict-prone areas, with a profound study at primary schools in Sambas regency, west Kalimantan. As revealed by a number of data sources, west Kalimantan is one of the areas which is prone to conflict. This is evidenced by the happening of several ethnic conflicts including in Sambas regency so that it is an important policy of the regional government to find a solution in order to prevent similar conflicts from happening again in the future.The profound study at primary schools is deemed highly essential since social harmony values should be instilled among the students at an early age. In addition to that, teachers are knowledgeable about the foundation which creates an attitute of harmony among their students.The method used in this research is a qualitative one, with primary school teachers as the subject of the research. They represent three characteristic areas, namely: the urban area, the suburban area and the remote area of Sambas regency. Primary data collection was carried out through interview and focus group discussion (FGD), with the interactive model proposed by Miles & Huberman as technique of qualitative data analysis. The findings obtained from data collection and analysis revealed that social harmony has an important and profound meaning for society in Sambas regency. Basically there are three pillars of essential basic values which serve as the framework of social harmony, namely: (a) the basic values of mutual respect, (b) the basic values of tolerance and togetherness, and (c) the basic values of freedom and responsibility. Internalization of these basic values happen intensively especially in families through custom formation at households and society in Sambas regency. Meanwhile at schools these basic values are developed and reinforced through more formal custom formation by the teachers and school regulations
Peran Kepala Madrasah sebagai Pemimpin dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Akademik Guru
The purpose of the research was to obtain the objective information about the efforts of the principal as a leader that include: personality of the principal; the principal's efforts to understand, the condition of the teachers, the staffs, and the students; the ability of the principal in making the vision, the mission and the objective as well as its development; the ability of the principal to make decision; and the ability of the principal to use an effective communication in improving the academic performance of the teachers of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MIS) Al- Ma'arif Belonsat. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of case study. The source of the data in this study are: Head of Private School of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MIS) Al-Maarif Belonsat as key informant and supported with other sources, namely the teachers of Private school of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MIS) Al-Ma'arif Belonsat. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation, and study documentation. Techniques in this study through the stages of data reduction, data display, data interpretation, and conclusion/verification
Supervisi Pengawas dan Kemampuan Manajerial Kepala Sekolah dengan Kinerja Guru SMP Negeri Kota Pontianak
This study aims to get information about whether there is relationship between regulatory supervision and managerial skills principals in together with teachers performance in junior high schools Pontianak City, or either a simple or simultaneously. This research is ex post facto quantitative approach and associative forms. Population of 201 teachers who are junior high school teacher in Pontianak City. The results of data analysis showed that simultaneously, there are significant correlation between regulatory supervision and managerial skills principals with the Junior High School teacher performance in Pontianak City. Thus, school supervisor skill and principal managerial skill should have good relationship and cooperation in improving teachers profesional capability
Kemampuan Manejerial Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling di Madrasayah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pontianak
This study aimed to obtain information komperehensip regarding the ability of managerial principals in improving the competence of teachers guidance and counseling in MAN 1 Pontianak related to planning, monitoring, evaluation, description, and the constraints faced by principals in improving the competence of teachers guidance and counseling. This research is a qualitative descriptive penelitain. Source data is comprised of principals, vice-principals, guidance and counseling teachers, and students. Data collection procedures performed through observation, interviews and in-depth terstrktur, and documentation. Checking the validity of the findings made by the member check, the adequacy of reference, and triangulate. Analysis of the data used is qualitative analysis is to describe and interpret the data. The results of the following conclusions: 1) Planning principals in improving the competence of teachers guidance and counseling in MAN 1 Pontianak has been prepared in accordance with existing procedures, 2) Supervision principals in improving the competence of teachers guidance and counseling in MAN 1 Pontianak has been implemented by way of prevention early and preventive action, 3) evaluation of principals in improving the competence of teachers guidance and counseling in MAN 1 Pontianak has been done by supervising teacher BK regularly, 4) Description of the competence of teachers guidance and counseling in MAN 1 Pontianak has been implemented by understanding competencies pedagogic and help students towards learning difficulties, 5) Constraints faced by principals in improving the competence of teachers in guidance and counseling MAN 1 Pontianak already can be minimized by providing opportunities for counseling teacher to develop a career
Pengembangan Model Elaborasi untuk Membangun Konsep Sistem Pencernaan pada Manusia melalui Multimedia Kelas XI
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan pembelajaran Biologi di kelas XI IPA di SMA Negeri 1 Batu Ampar masih dilaksanakan secara konvensional, pebelajar diharuskan menghafal konsep-konsep yang tidak tahu penerapannya. Sehingga, mata pelajaran Biologi menjadi sesuatu yang tidak disukai pebelajar, atau bahkan mereka menganggapnya sebagai mata pelajaran yang abstrak dan rumit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah tersedianya sumber belajar menggunakan pengembangan model elaborasi untuk membangun konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia melalui multimedia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengembangan produk (Research and Development) dengan pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik, dan data yang diolah dengan analisis data kualitatif, serta pengambilan sampel dengan snowball sampilng. Perilaku belajar para pebelajar yang menggunakan model elaborasi melalui multimedia berupa perolehan belajar membangun konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia selama kegiatan uji coba lapangan berdasarkan hasil rekaman dan foto menunjukkan bahwa pebelajar merasa senang dan aktif, serta merasa mudah dalam menemukan konsep, sehingga pebelajar mampu membangun konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia secara mandiri. Kata Kunci : Model Elaborasi, Multimedia, Konsep Sistem Pencernaan Pada Manusia. Abstract: This research is motivated by the learning of Biology in class XI IPA at SMAN 1 Batu Ampar was carried out conventionally, learners are required to memorize concepts that do not know the application. Thus, the subjects Biology into something undesirable learners, or even they consider it as a subject of abstract and complex. The general aim of this research is to produce the learning resources that using the development model for constructing concept of human digestive system through multimedia.The study was conducted with product development (Research and Development) with naturalistic qualitative approach, and data that is processed with the analysis of qualitative data, as well as snowball sampling with sampilng. Conduct study of the learners who use the model elaboration through multimedia to build the concept of the human digestion system during activity field trials based on the recordings and photographs indicate that learners are very active in following the learning steps which have been designed in multimedia and more motivated, eliminate boredom, exciting, and fun at the self-learners. Keywords : Models Elaboration, Multimedia, Concept Of The Human Digestive System
Hubungan Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Kompetensi Kepribadian dengan Kinerja Guru
This study aims to reveal the relationship pedagogical competence and personal competence with teacher performance either partially or simultaneously. This study uses a quantitative approach with a correlational design. The study population 55 Islamic Education Teachers in Elementary School District Kubu Raya Sungai Raya district with characteristics of a civil servant, passed the certification and ever received a Master Professional Allowance. Data were obtained through questionnaires spread. The results showed that 1) teachers' pedagogical competence tegolong 'enough' with the frequency distribution of 47.30%. 2) Competence teacher's personality is 'good' with the frequency distribution of 34.55% 3) instructional performance of teachers is 'enough' with the frequency distribution of 43.64% 4). Partially relationship pedagogical competence and personal competence with significant teacher performance. Simultaneously obtained figures> or 18.339> 3.17 means jointly relationship pedagogical competence and personal competence with significant teacher performance and the two independent variables contributing influence on the dependent variable of 39.1
Efektivitas Kinerja Staf Administrasi Bidang Kemahasiswaan
The purpose of this study was to determine objectively about the effectiveness of the performance of the administrative staff were seen monitoring and performance measurement. This study uses a qualitative approach to case study type. The data sources are: Chairman of the school of theology as a key informant who supported other sources. While collecting the data collection techniques, through interviews, observation, and documentation. The technique of data analysis through the model of Miles and Huberman. Based on research, it can be concluded that: (1) The increase in administrative staff performance through the implementation of monitoring and measurement of performance. (2) While the measurement of performance through measurement to communicate aspects of work, and taking the measurements to communicate aspects of the work, and aspects of measurement to define priorities for action; (3) Beside all that aspects, to increase the administrative staff performance through work standard, actual performance, based on policy, usefull of performance, problem and solution of performance, and the effort to increase administrative staff performance