18 research outputs found

    Maailma kaardistamine Eesti telekanalite välisuudistes

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    This study researched, what are the countries, regions and topics that the Estonian television channels ETV, TV 3 and Kanal 2 cover the most in broadcasting their foreign news. One of the main purposes was also to find out which are the countries that are of primary important for the television channels and which are the differences between these channels. The study found that the countries that were most covered in the foreign news are Russia, USA, Iraq, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia and some international organisations. The prevalence of Russia and USA is considerable. The regions that are covered the most are Europe, Asia, North-America, and Middle East. The occurrence of South-America, Africa and Oceania is scant. It is important to pay attention to one of the result of the study which indicates that ETV’s news with a foreign focus are not more varied when it comes to the list of different countries and regions, when compared to news of other television channels. The topics that are mostly covered are politics, human interest, social topics and conflicts. Human interest is the most covered topic in TV 3 and Kanal 2, but ETV covers this topic also quite numerous. The author found that the topics in foreign news do not largely differ among the three television channels. The news about Europe and international organisations mostly cover politics related topics; the news about Middle East are related to conflicts and disasters. In case of North-America, South-America, Oceania and Africa we cannot talk about the most covered topic in foreign news. Looking into the position and length of the news it appeared that the most important country is Russia. Events in Russia were presented most often as the first story of the news. The second country was USA. This research also studied which are the countries that are most often covered by a foreign correspondent. It was found that in case of ETV these countries are Poland, USA and Latvia and the European Union. When controlling the hypothesis it was found that all television channels prefer to cover negative events, the main topic is politics and the most covered region is Europe. The news about Europe are not more diverse when compared to other regions. ETV’s foreign news are not more variegated by the list of different countries and regions when compared to the news of other television channels. The author concluded that the list of countries, regions and topics is not variegated in foreign news. News with foreign focus pay attention to certain regions and topics. The study is based on content analysis.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2450895~S1*es

    Eesti väliskorrespondendid aastatel 1991-2011

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    Key words: foreign correspondents, the future of foreign correspondents, adaptation, cultural proximity, foreign news. This study „Estonian Foreign Correspondents 1991-2011“ researched the specificity of foreign correspondents’ work through their eyes and the factors affecting this job. Data was gathered over 8 spoken interviews and 13 written questionnaires. In addition, two interviews with the editorial representatives were done as well. To analyze the data, qualitative text analysis has been used. One of the aims of this study is to enumerate Estonian foreign correspondents after re-independence. The results of this study showed that the main difference between foreign correspondents and journalists covering the world from home is working in strange environments, where they have to adjust fast and get to know the covered area. Adapting has a crucial meaning in how journalists can handle working in different environment. Generally foreign correspondents do not have their sources network before going abroad. It is important to establish it for information gathering. For this, journalists usually use local press, journalists from other countries, official events and press conferences. A good way to gather information is also talking face to face with the local population. Cultural specificities, political regime and bureaucracy play an important role in how to access information. In the job of foreign correspondents it is important to take into account cultural specificities while gathering information and talking with sources. In conflict areas gathering information is very difficult. It is also hard to gather and transmit information in areas where the development of technology has been slower. Estonia plays important role in accessing to information. Often it is harder for a journalist from smaller and unknown media outlet to get an interview. This study also researched how foreign correspondents see the important competences they need in their work. Another fundamental skill is fast adaptation and ability to get important contacts. Journalists named also intensity, which can be different from the intensity of work from their home country mainly as foreign correspondents work for many broadcasts. Secondly it is the big distance which makes it harder to go from one place to another. To book the interview with important source also takes longer. Foreign correspondents work alone, this is why it is important to be very independent. Being long time away from home can cause a situation where journalists cannot distinguish so well which topics could be interesting for Estonian auditorium. This is the reason why it is important to be in regular contact with the home office. The role of media organization is to ensure that journalists are not working too hard abroad and give feedback. Although the contact between foreign correspondents is not as regular as the journalists in home countries, the interviewed foreign correspondents said it is sufficient. Although many critics have discussed about the extinction of foreign correspondence, journalist and editorial representatives interviewed have an opinion that foreign correspondents are very important. They help to enrich the worldview and cover the topics from interesting corners for the home audience. Freelancers and stringers do not ensure regular news feed and also the quality of information could be not as good as professional foreign correspondents.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2612101~S1*es

    Enhancing Psychometric Evidence in fMRI: Internal Consistency in Social Feedback and Guessing Trials

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    Aunapu, D., & Olino, T. M. (2019, May). Enhancing Psychometric Evidence in fMRI: Internal Consistency in Social Feedback and Guessing Trials. Retrieved from osf.io/cjf7

    Examining the Relationship between White Matter Integrity and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Children

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    Aunapu, D., Church, L., Patros, C., & Olino, T. M. (2019, June). Examining the Relationship between White Matter Integrity and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Children. Retrieved from osf.io/bha7

    Biography of Professor Eber Landau and his contribution to anthropology, anatomy and neurology at the universities in Estonia, Lithuania and Switzerland

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    This article provides an overview of the scientific activities of Professor Eber Landau (1878–1959) in Estonia, Lithuania, France, and Switzerland. In addition to providing chronological data about the academic life of Prof. Landau, in particular at the Universities of Tartu, Bern, Kaunas, and Lausanne, the article emphasizes his contribution to the development of anatomy, anthropology, histological techniques, neurohistology, and neurology. In the latter two fields, the eponyms Landau reflex, or radiopronator superius reflex, and synarmotic cells of Landau, a subtype of non-traditional large neurons in the granular layer of the cerebellar cortex, have engraved his name in medical history