18 research outputs found

    Pulsed Photoelectric Coherent Manipulation and Detection of N − V Center Spins in Diamond

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    Hybrid photoelectric detection of NV magnetic resonances (PDMR) is anticipated to lead to scalable quantum chip technology. To achieve this goal, it is crucial to prove that PDMR readout is compatible with the coherent spin control. Here we present PDMR MW pulse protocols that filter background currents related to ionization of NS0 defects and achieve a high contrast and S/N ratio. We demonstrate Rabi and Ramsey protocols on shallow nitrogen-implanted electronic grade diamond and the coherent readout of ~ 5 NV spins, as a first step towards the fabrication of scalable photoelectric quantum devices

    The My Active and Healthy Aging (My-AHA) ICT platform to detect and prevent frailty in older adults: Randomized control trial design and protocol

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    [EN] Introduction Frailty increases the risk of poor health outcomes, disability, hospitalization, and death in older adults and affects 7%¿12% of the aging population. Secondary impacts of frailty on psychological health and socialization are significant negative contributors to poor outcomes for frail older adults. Method The My Active and Healthy Aging (My-AHA) consortium has developed an information and communications technology¿based platform to support active and healthy aging through early detection of prefrailty and provision of individually tailored interventions, targeting multidomain risks for frailty across physical activity, cognitive activity, diet and nutrition, sleep, and psychosocial activities. Six hundred adults aged 60 years and older will be recruited to participate in a multinational, multisite 18-month randomized controlled trial to test the efficacy of the My-AHA platform to detect prefrailty and the efficacy of individually tailored interventions to prevent development of clinical frailty in this cohort. A total of 10 centers from Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Japan, South Korea, and Australia will participate in the randomized controlled trial. Results Pilot testing (Alpha Wave) of the My-AHA platform and all ancillary systems has been completed with a small group of older adults in Europe with the full randomized controlled trial scheduled to commence in 2018. Discussion The My-AHA study will expand the understanding of antecedent risk factors for clinical frailty so as to deliver targeted interventions to adults with prefrailty. Through the use of an information and communications technology platform that can connect with multiple devices within the older adult's own home, the My-AHA platform is designed to measure an individual's risk factors for frailty across multiple domains and then deliver personalized domain-specific interventions to the individual. The My-AHA platform is technology-agnostic, enabling the integration of new devices and sensor platforms as they emerge.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 689582 and the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHRMC) European Union grant scheme (1115818). M.J.S. reports personal fees from Eli Lilly (Australia) Pty Ltd and grants from Novotech Pty Ltd, outside the submitted work. All other authors report nothing to disclose.Summers, MJ.; Rainero, I.; Vercelli, AE.; Aumayr, GA.; De Rosario Martínez, H.; Mönter, M.; Kawashima, R. (2018). The My Active and Healthy Aging (My-AHA) ICT platform to detect and prevent frailty in older adults: Randomized control trial design and protocol. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions. 4:252-262. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trci.2018.06.004S2522624Blair, S. N. (1995). Changes in Physical Fitness and All-Cause Mortality. JAMA, 273(14), 1093. doi:10.1001/jama.1995.03520380029031Fried, L. P., Ferrucci, L., Darer, J., Williamson, J. D., & Anderson, G. (2004). Untangling the Concepts of Disability, Frailty, and Comorbidity: Implications for Improved Targeting and Care. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 59(3), M255-M263. doi:10.1093/gerona/59.3.m255Gillick, M. (2001). Guest Editorial: Pinning Down Frailty. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 56(3), M134-M135. doi:10.1093/gerona/56.3.m134Hamerman, D. (1999). Toward an Understanding of Frailty. Annals of Internal Medicine, 130(11), 945. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-130-11-199906010-00022Fried, L. P., Tangen, C. M., Walston, J., Newman, A. B., Hirsch, C., Gottdiener, J., … McBurnie, M. A. (2001). Frailty in Older Adults: Evidence for a Phenotype. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 56(3), M146-M157. doi:10.1093/gerona/56.3.m146Panza, F., Solfrizzi, V., Barulli, M. R., Santamato, A., Seripa, D., Pilotto, A., & Logroscino, G. (2015). Cognitive Frailty: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological and Neurobiological Evidence of an Age-Related Clinical Condition. Rejuvenation Research, 18(5), 389-412. doi:10.1089/rej.2014.1637Soong, J., Poots, A., Scott, S., Donald, K., Woodcock, T., Lovett, D., & Bell, D. (2015). Quantifying the prevalence of frailty in English hospitals. BMJ Open, 5(10), e008456. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008456Varadhan, R., Walston, J., Cappola, A. R., Carlson, M. C., Wand, G. S., & Fried, L. P. (2008). Higher Levels and Blunted Diurnal Variation of Cortisol in Frail Older Women. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 63(2), 190-195. doi:10.1093/gerona/63.2.190BROWN, I., RENWICK, R., & RAPHAEL, D. (1995). Frailty. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 18(2), 93-102. doi:10.1097/00004356-199506000-00001Buchner, D. M., & Wagner, E. H. (1992). Preventing Frail Health. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 8(1), 1-18. doi:10.1016/s0749-0690(18)30494-4Kojima, G., Iliffe, S., Jivraj, S., & Walters, K. (2016). Association between frailty and quality of life among community-dwelling older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70(7), 716-721. doi:10.1136/jech-2015-206717Ory, M. G., Schechtman, K. B., Miller, J. P., Hadley, E. C., Fiatarone, M. A., … Province, M. A. (1993). Frailty and Injuries in Later Life: The FICSIT Trials. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 41(3), 283-296. doi:10.1111/j.1532-5415.1993.tb06707.xShamliyan, T., Talley, K. M. C., Ramakrishnan, R., & Kane, R. L. (2013). Association of frailty with survival: A systematic literature review. Ageing Research Reviews, 12(2), 719-736. doi:10.1016/j.arr.2012.03.001Woodhouse, K. W., & O’Mahony, M. S. (1997). Frailty and ageing. Age and Ageing, 26(4), 245-246. doi:10.1093/ageing/26.4.245CAMPBELL, A. J., & BUCHNER, D. M. (1997). Unstable disability and the fluctuations of frailty. Age and Ageing, 26(4), 315-318. doi:10.1093/ageing/26.4.315Drey, M., Pfeifer, K., Sieber, C. C., & Bauer, J. M. (2011). The Fried Frailty Criteria as Inclusion Criteria for a Randomized Controlled Trial: Personal Experience and Literature Review. Gerontology, 57(1), 11-18. doi:10.1159/000313433Albert, M. S., DeKosky, S. T., Dickson, D., Dubois, B., Feldman, H. H., Fox, N. C., … Phelps, C. H. (2011). The diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease: Recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association workgroups on diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 7(3), 270-279. doi:10.1016/j.jalz.2011.03.008Petersen, R. C., Smith, G. E., Waring, S. C., Ivnik, R. J., Tangalos, E. G., & Kokmen, E. (1999). Mild Cognitive Impairment. Archives of Neurology, 56(3), 303. doi:10.1001/archneur.56.3.303Winblad, B., Palmer, K., Kivipelto, M., Jelic, V., Fratiglioni, L., Wahlund, L.-O., … Petersen, R. C. (2004). Mild cognitive impairment - beyond controversies, towards a consensus: report of the International Working Group on Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Internal Medicine, 256(3), 240-246. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2796.2004.01380.xDubois, B., Hampel, H., Feldman, H. H., Scheltens, P., Aisen, P., … Andrieu, S. (2016). Preclinical Alzheimer’s disease: Definition, natural history, and diagnostic criteria. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 12(3), 292-323. doi:10.1016/j.jalz.2016.02.002Moher, D., Hopewell, S., Schulz, K. F., Montori, V., Gotzsche, P. C., Devereaux, P. J., … Altman, D. G. (2010). CONSORT 2010 Explanation and Elaboration: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. BMJ, 340(mar23 1), c869-c869. doi:10.1136/bmj.c869Gray, L. C., Bernabei, R., Berg, K., Finne-Soveri, H., Fries, B. E., Hirdes, J. P., … Ariño-Blasco, S. (2008). Standardizing Assessment of Elderly People in Acute Care: The interRAI Acute Care Instrument. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56(3), 536-541. doi:10.1111/j.1532-5415.2007.01590.xRadloff, L. S. (1977). The CES-D Scale. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1(3), 385-401. doi:10.1177/014662167700100306Guralnik, J. M., Simonsick, E. M., Ferrucci, L., Glynn, R. J., Berkman, L. F., Blazer, D. G., … Wallace, R. B. (1994). A Short Physical Performance Battery Assessing Lower Extremity Function: Association With Self-Reported Disability and Prediction of Mortality and Nursing Home Admission. Journal of Gerontology, 49(2), M85-M94. doi:10.1093/geronj/49.2.m85Powell, L. E., & Myers, A. M. (1995). The Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 50A(1), M28-M34. doi:10.1093/gerona/50a.1.m28Kendzierski, D., & DeCarlo, K. J. (1991). Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale: Two Validation Studies. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 13(1), 50-64. doi:10.1123/jsep.13.1.50Folstein, M. F., Folstein, S. E., & McHugh, P. R. (1975). «Mini-mental state». Journal of Psychiatric Research, 12(3), 189-198. doi:10.1016/0022-3956(75)90026-6Brandt, J. (1991). The hopkins verbal learning test: Development of a new memory test with six equivalent forms. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 5(2), 125-142. doi:10.1080/13854049108403297Lubben, J. E. (1988). Assessing social networks among elderly populations. Family & Community Health, 11(3), 42-52. doi:10.1097/00003727-198811000-00008Russell, D., Peplau, L. A., & Cutrona, C. E. (1980). The revised UCLA Loneliness Scale: Concurrent and discriminant validity evidence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3), 472-480. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.39.3.472De Vries, O. J., Peeters, G. M. E. E., Lips, P., & Deeg, D. J. H. (2013). Does frailty predict increased risk of falls and fractures? A prospective population-based study. Osteoporosis International, 24(9), 2397-2403. doi:10.1007/s00198-013-2303-zTheou, O., Stathokostas, L., Roland, K. P., Jakobi, J. M., Patterson, C., Vandervoort, A. A., & Jones, G. R. (2011). The Effectiveness of Exercise Interventions for the Management of Frailty: A Systematic Review. Journal of Aging Research, 2011, 1-19. doi:10.4061/2011/569194Cadore, E. (2014). Strength and Endurance Training Prescription in Healthy and Frail Elderly. Aging and Disease, 5(3), 183. doi:10.14336/ad.2014.0500183Cadore, E. L., Rodríguez-Mañas, L., Sinclair, A., & Izquierdo, M. (2013). Effects of Different Exercise Interventions on Risk of Falls, Gait Ability, and Balance in Physically Frail Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Rejuvenation Research, 16(2), 105-114. doi:10.1089/rej.2012.1397Gardner, M. M. (2001). Practical implementation of an exercise-based falls prevention programme. Age and Ageing, 30(1), 77-83. doi:10.1093/ageing/30.1.77Eng, J. J. (2010). Fitness and Mobility Exercise Program for Stroke. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 26(4), 310-323. doi:10.1097/tgr.0b013e3181fee736Wadlinger, H. A., & Isaacowitz, D. M. (2008). Looking happy: The experimental manipulation of a positive visual attention bias. Emotion, 8(1), 121-126. doi:10.1037/1528-3542.8.1.121MacLeod, C. (2012). Cognitive bias modification procedures in the management of mental disorders. 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    Minimum wages in 2019 : annual review

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar MolinaIn most EU Member States, reviews of the statutory minimum wage rates spark a great deal of public interest. Such reviews affect the wider workforce, beyond those workers on the statutory minimum wage. Pay rates in collective agreements may be adapted in response to an increase in the minimum wage, affecting lower-paid workers more generally; social benefits may also be affected, making the impact of such revisions even more widespread. This report covers developments in statutory minimum wages in 2018-2019 in the EU and Norway. It looks at the level of minimum wages, how they were set and how they have developed over time in nominal and real terms. It also covers major debates in relation to setting minimum wage levels. While the report focuses on the net remuneration of those receiving the minimum wage, it also documents minimum rates from selected collective agreements in countries without statutory minimum wages as well as minimum wage coverage rates of workers by gender


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    The growing  concern over frequent wide-area disasters with massive destruction is parallelled by a qualitative jump in ICT-capabilities which can be utilized  in new ways of disaster response, especially with respect to the information  acquisition, processing and dissemination. In this paper we discuss the importance of information with respect to disaster response. The growing concern over frequent wide-area disasters with massive destruction is parallelled by a qualitative jump in ICT-capabilities which can be utilized in new ways of disaster response, especially with respect to the information  acquisition, processing and dissemination. This paper discusses the importance of information with respect to disaster response. After a short review of the history of organized  disaster response, the phases of a disaster and the types of stakeholders described. The relevant information for stakeholders is described, categorized and the associated activities discussed. The usefulness and applicability of Mass Communication and Crowd Intelligence for improving information acquisition, analysis and decision making is discussed

    Process View for Active and Healthy Aging

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     Active  and  Healthy  Aging  (AHA)  is  one  of  the  growing  concerns  and  aims  of  a sustainable society and thus a focus of the European Union. The adoption of a process view and the analysis of the processes to be performed has brought about numerous advantages to business organizations  and  industrial  enterprizes.  Advantages  range  from  clarity,  understandability,  and teachability to increased efficiency due to assessment and measurements of quality and capability.The basic idea of the process view is to describe necessary activities on an abstract level (i.e. as activity types) and organize these abstracted activities (together with abstracted work products) in a  process  model.  Individual  processes  are  derived  (instantiated)  from  the  process  model  to  be enacted.In this paper we investigate, as a continuation of (Chroust, 2017) and (Chroust and Aumayr, 2017), the challenge of applying a process view to health support for elderly persons ("AHA", Active  and  Healthy  Aging (univ.Torino, 2016))  and  identify  the  differences  from  classical  applications  (software engineering, office automation, business intelligence, ...).We will turn our special attention to activities which can be designed to be performed by a Senior  himself/herself,  by  helpers  from  different  professions,  and  by  machines  (computers)  of varying capability and diversity. The variability of the capability of elderly people obviously has to be taken into account by the support system by providing alternative implementations of the same support activity task depending on the capability of an individual Senior.A discussion about the possibilities to assess the quality of AHA-processes and their support by a Model Interpreter closes the paper

    SMART 2017, The Sixth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies

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    Transformation and New Topics in Health Care: A Short Overview on mHealth and AAL with Example Projects

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    Health care is in a phase of transition from an analogue system to a digital system. The implications are far beyond the technical aspects. The use of mobile devices is changing health behaviour and brings monitoring functions to the center of attraction for low cost diagnostic processes. Already in some research projects, this is an idea instrumentalised to identify changes in health of elderly people. Also the use of wearables and the use of personal health data for individualizing health and care interventions is needing theories and strategies to support a new health system with a wider health economy. With concepts of health data and a methodological approach of transponding, a practical approach is at hand. All developments summarized that are at hand lead to a number of assumptions that describe the drive of the developments in health care. Health will be understood as a construct of several components and behaviour will be a chance for early detection of diseases and help in chronic disease management. This paper tries to provide a short overview of developments, approaches, method and thesis that are characteristic for the work in R&D projects

    SMART 2017, The Sixth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies

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    Requirements and Pitfalls in AAL Projects. Guide to Self-Criticism for Developers from Experience

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    Since 2012, several national and international projects on ambient assisted living (AAL) active and healthy ageing gave insight into the different steps of development processes where the requirements of the target group were not met or just failed to be realized. This article shall provide a summary of terms and requirements from the experience of practice and project work on the topic. This article is a reflection and guide for self-criticism for technical developers. Starting with some terms and how they are linked to each other gives an overview of the field of action for the projects, which our experience is based on. A mixture between literature and results of projects illustrates the requirement analysis as it was anticipated in recent years. The conclusion consists of recommendations for further research on requirements

    Collection of End User Requirements and Use Cases during a Pandemic—Towards a Framework for Applied Research Projects

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    Research projects in the security domain often aim to develop innovative technology-based solutions for end users (e.g., situational awareness tools, crisis management tools). The pandemic crisis hit hard and without warning, not only influencing our everyday life but also the scientific community. To continue applied research projects during a pandemic, work structures needed to be adapted (e.g., user requirements collection, use case development), as face-to-face events were impossible but crucial to collect high quality requirements with a variety of different stakeholders. To ensure continued multi-stakeholder engagement we developed an overarching framework for collecting user requirements and use cases in an online setting and applied the framework within two research projects. The framework consists of four steps with the aim to assure high quality user requirements and use case collection (first analysis, stakeholder consultation, evaluation and prioritization, technical evaluation). The two projects presented in this paper provide insight on the potential of the framework. The framework offers a structured approach that fits for many different security research projects in terms of the easy application and its transferability. The main advantages (e.g., easily adaptable, reduced workshop time, no need to travel, suitability for different contexts and project types, etc.) and drawbacks (e.g., organization of online events, feedback collection time, etc.) of the framework are presented and discussed in this paper to offer increased stakeholder engagement. Empirical testing of the framework is proposed