6 research outputs found


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    Abstract : Mathematics is a branch of science that play a pivotal role in human life . In the process of learning mathematics, many aspects must be considered so that the goal of learning can be achieved.  Learning paradigm that just makes students memorize many do not understand mathematical concepts. While understanding the concept is a very important factor in the learning of mathematics and basic things that should be owned by the students. Students who have a good understanding of the concepts that will have an impact on its ability to resolve problems and tasks given in the study of mathematics, this is indicated by the learning outcomes in the form of test scores. The success of achieving standards that have been defined. To achieve this, there are various strategies that can be used, one strategy is through cooperative learning of Jigsaw. Jigsaw type of cooperative learning characterized by spesialias assignment (team of experts). The study describes the students' understanding on the concept of inverse function through cooperative learning jigsaw. This research is a classroom action research using a qualitative approach, the instrument used (1) a test sheet, (2) observation sheets teacher activity and student activities, and (3) sheet autorefleksi. Based on the research, test data that 90, 63% of students to retrieve a value of more than or equal to 75 in accordance with the chief engineer, the data of teacher activity observation 98% category very well and observation data of student activity 90% very good category, as well as data auto reflection students feel happy with the model of learning is done. So meet the success criteria of the study

    Paraphrasing impact on narrative unity in Disney's theme songs

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    Walt Disney is a distinguished company who has spread its well-known works of children’s series to various countries. In the process of distributing the series to numerous countries, indeed there is a translation process that must be done first. In this study, into Indonesian. The researchers limited only the paraphrasing translation method used and the effect of this method on the series' theme songs' narrative unity. In this article, the researchers tried to convey the translating way in the series to make it acceptable by the audience and its main goal to maintain the storyline contained in the lyrics. The theories by Dinda Gorlée and John Christman delves into the subject of the impact of paraphrasing techniques and narrative unity in the theme song translation of Disney's children animated series. The researchers emphasized the importance of translating the theme song correctly to ensure that children can understand and enjoy the series. . This study is descriptive and qualitative in design and the results of the analysis showed that the pattern of paraphrasing techniques used in translating the theme song had significant impacts on the narrative unity of the series


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    Positive changes in behavior require a complex process and take more time. So that more encouragement is needed to adopt it. Clean and healthy life behavior (PHBS) needs to be applied as early as possible so that the knowledge and attitudes possessed are permanent and long last to strengthen the culture of a clean and healthy society. Elementary school children who are very sensitive and vulnerable to changes that occur in the environment are challenged to implement clean and healthy behavior. In addition, children tend to imitate the behavior of people who are more mature in everyday life. Community service aims to increase children’s knowledge and skills in implementing life and healthy behavior in everyday life. Therefore, it is essential to instill knowledge and behavior of clean and healthy life behavior in children to get used to maintaining and improving personal health and help the next generation to be healthier both physically and spiritually. This community service aims to increase children’s knowledge and skills in implementing life and healthy behavior in everyday life. The method used is counseling for twenty children in Yayasan Taruna Pertiwi 2 at Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, with a range of elementary school (SD) to junior high school (SMP). The evaluation is carried out in the form of pre test and post test and focuses on group discussions. There is an increase in the knowledge and skills of each child regarding clean and healthy living behaviors, especially in hand washing and brushing teeth and understanding the nutritional consumption of “Isi Piringku”.   Keywords: Clean and Healthy Life Behavior ; Children; Knowledge

    Mechanistic insights into anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of plant secondary metabolites and their therapeutic potential for rheumatoid arthritis

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    The anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activities of plant secondary metabolites are due to their diverse mechanisms of action against multifarious molecular targets such as modulation of the complex immune system associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This review discussed and critically analyzed the potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of several phytochemicals and their underlying mechanisms in association with RA in experimental studies, including preliminary clinical studies of some of them. A wide range of phytochemicals including phenols, flavonoids, chalcones, xanthones, terpenoids, alkaloids, and glycosides have shown significant immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory activities in experimental RA models and a few have undergone clinical trials for their efficacy and safety in reducing RA symptoms and improve patient outcomes. These phytochemicals have potential as safer alternatives to the existing drugs in the management of RA, which possess a wide range of serious side effects. Sufficient preclinical studies on safety and efficacy of these phytochemicals must be performed prior to proper clinical studies. Further studies are needed to address the barriers that have so far limited their human use before the therapeutic potential of these plant-based chemicals as anti-arthritic agents in the treatment of RA is fully realized


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    Each individual has a different perception on the stimulus they receive, even though the stimulus is the same but the result will be a different perception. With the existence of a cultural, social teachings, and beliefs will give meaning to the object captured individuals, and ultimately the individual components will play a role in determining the availability of an answer in the form of individual attitudes and behavior of the object exists. In Indonesia, this latter phenomenon that often occurs about sexuality among adolescents, premarital sex secant-will now become a natural part of the channel the expression of love and affection (dating). The type of high school education in Indonesia is Public Institutions or Institutions recognized by the school and Religious Education or MA. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in perceptions about premarital sexual behavior among students at the Institute of Public Education (SMA) with students at the Institute of Religious Education (MA)