37 research outputs found


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    There is an ever growing industrial demand for quantitative assessment of fatigue endurance of critical structural details. Although FEA-based calculations have become a standard in engineering design, problems involving the Low-To-Medium cycle range (101-104) remain challenging. This paper presents an attempt to optimally choose material data, meshing density and other algorithm settings in the context of recent design of he large offshore windfarm installation vessel, VIDAR. In this study, an attempt is made to assess default FEA-based procedures in RADIOSS software by comparing an experimental test against numerical analyses. Standard slender cylindrical ("I") samples as well as originally designed "Z"-shaped samples made of A90 (S690)-grade steel have been loaded at various nominal stress ranges with or without local yielding. A good correlation has been found between FEA results and experimental cycles-to-failure in I-shaped samples, provided the softwarematerial data generator is avoided and Smith-Watson-Topper mean stress correction is used. In the case of Z-shaped samples, the calculated cycles-to-initiation of macro-crack is significantly lower (factor of 3) from the experiment. The observed discrepancy is argued to be due to stress gradient influence

    Life cycle assessment of metallised textiles. The case study of MATUROLIFE project

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    W artykule przedstawiona została metoda Oceny Cyklu Życia (LCA), która wspiera potrzeby producentów w zakresie pozyskiwania informacji o środowisku poprzez ocenę aspektów środowiskowych i potencjalnych wpływów w całym okresie życia wyrobu. Zaprezentowano rezultaty badań w ramach pierwszej fazy oceny cyklu życia metalizowanych tkanin, nazywanych także inteligentnymi tkaninami. Kontekst dla analizy stanowi nowy projekt pt.: „Metalizacja tekstyliów w celu uczynienia życia miejskiego osób starszych bardziej niezależnym i stylowym – MATUROLIFE”, realizowany w ramach programu HORYZONT 2020: „Zaawansowane materiały i innowacyjne projektowanie dla poprawy funkcjonalności i estetyki dóbr konsumpcyjnych o wysokiej wartości dodanej". W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze założenia do oceny skutków środowiskowych związanych z metalizacją różnorodnych tekstyliów, w tym przede wszystkim bezprądowego powlekania miedzią, poprzez obliczenie zapotrzebowania na materiały i energię, oraz z uwzględnieniem emisji do powietrza, wody i gleby oraz poprzez ocenę ich wpływu na środowisko. Przeanalizowano zastosowanie LCA jako narzędzia zarządzania o ogromnym potencjale do podejmowania decyzji w ramach strategicznego planowania biznesowegoThis article provides an overview of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method which supports manufacturers’ environmental information needs by evaluation of the environmental aspects and potential influences throughout the lifetime of the product. In the article results are presented of the first phase of the life cycle assessment of metallised textiles and the context for the analysis is a new project: „Metallisation of Textiles to make Urban living for Older people more Independent & Fashionable – MATUROLIFE”, implemented under the HORIZON 2020 Programme – “Advanced materials & innovative design for improved functionality & aesthetics in high added value consumer goods”.The article presents the most important assumptions for assessing the environmental effects associated with the metallization of various textiles, including primarily electroless copper coating, by calculating the demand for materials and energy, and taking into account emissions to air, water and soil, and by assessing their impact on the environment. The use of LCA as a management tool with great potential for making decisions within strategic business planning was analyze

    Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the fifth international Mango Symposium Abstracts of presentations on plant protection issues at the Xth international congress of Virology: September 1-6, 1996 Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel August 11-16, 1996 Binyanei haoma, Jerusalem, Israel

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    QRS Detector Performance Evaluation Aware of Temporal Accuracy and Presence of Noise

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    Algorithms for QRS detection are fundamental in the ECG interpretive processing chain. They must meet several challenges, such as high reliability, high temporal accuracy, high immunity to noise, and low computational complexity. Unfortunately, the accuracy expressed by missed or redundant events statistics is often the only parameter used to evaluate the detector’s performance. In this paper, we first notice that statistics of true positive detections rely on researchers’ arbitrary selection of time tolerance between QRS detector output and the database reference. Next, we propose a multidimensional algorithm evaluation method and present its use on four example QRS detectors. The dimensions are (a) influence of detection temporal tolerance, tested for values between 8.33 and 164 ms; (b) noise immunity, tested with an ECG signal with an added muscular noise pattern and signal-to-noise ratio to the effect of “no added noise”, 15, 7, 3 dB; and (c) influence of QRS morphology, tested on the six most frequently represented morphology types in the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database. The multidimensional evaluation, as proposed in this paper, allows an in-depth comparison of QRS detection algorithms removing the limitations of existing one-dimensional methods. The method enables the assessment of the QRS detection algorithms according to the medical device application area and corresponding requirements of temporal accuracy, immunity to noise, and QRS morphology types. The analysis shows also that, for some algorithms, adding muscular noise to the ECG signal improves algorithm accuracy results

    Ternary Complexes of 4 H

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    Comparative studies of residual stress evaluated with Barkhausen effect and trepanation methods in welded joints after thermal and mechanical stress release

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    Celem pracy było porównanie stanu naprężenia resztkowego w złączach spawanych wyznaczonego metodą nieniszczącą, która bazowała na pomiarze natężenia efektu Barkhausena (metoda EB) oraz metodą niszczącą, określaną jako metoda trepanacyjna. Obiektem badania były trzy modelowe doczołowe złącza spawane wykonane ze stali S235, oznaczone jako P1, P2 i P3. Próbka P2 została odprężona cieplnie, a próbka P3 była odprężona mechanicznie poprzez naprężanie statyczne do granicy plastyczności. Stan naprężenia wyznaczono metodą EB w szeregu punktów na obu powierzchniach próbek. Badania trepanacyjne metodą Gunnerta pozwoliły wyznaczyć odkształcenia względne dla szeregu wąskich pasków wyciętych w części centralnej złącza równolegle do osi spoiny. Te odkształcenia przeliczono na poziomy naprężenia resztkowego w kierunku osi spoiny. Wartości te zostały zestawione z wartościami składowej stycznej naprężenia wyznaczonego metodą EB dla tej części spoiny. Wykazano, iż odprężanie cieplne praktycznie usuwa naprężenie spawalnicze, a odprężanie mechaniczne zmniejsza to naprężenie znacząco. Wyniki badania obiema metodami okazały się być zgodne jakościowo i także ilościowo – po uwzględnieniu ujawnionego metodą EB efektu wygięcia płyt. To świadczy o skuteczności i użyteczności metody EB dla oceny stanu naprężenia w elementach stalowych.The aim of the study was to compare the residual stress in welded joints determined by the non-destructive method, which was based on the Barkhausen effect intensity measurement (EB method), and the destructive method, defined as the trepanation method. Three model butt welds made of S235 steel, marked as P1, P2 and P3, were subjected to the test, P2 was heat annealed and P3 was mechanically annealed by static stress up to yield strength. The stress was determined by EB at a number of points on both faces of the specimens. The trepanation tests by Gunnert allowed to determine the relative deformations for a series of narrow strips cut in the central part of the joint parallel to the weld axis. These deformations have been converted to residual stress levels in the direction of the weld axis. These values were compared with the values of the tangential stress component determined by the EB method for this part of the weld. It has been shown that thermal annealing practically removes welding stress and mechanical annealing significantly reduces this stress. The results of both methods proved to be consistent both qualitatively and quantitatively - after taking into account the bending effect of the panels revealed by the EB method. This demonstrates the effectiveness and usefulness of the EB method in assessing stress in steel elements