37 research outputs found

    Futebol e publicidade: O caso Brahma na copa de 2010

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    A publicidade está presente em todos os recantos da cidade contemporânea, estimulando o consumo dos mais diversos produtos e serviços. Sua influência transita pelas esferas física e virtual dos cidadãos. Em igual medida, o esporte também permeia a vida do homem urbano, constituindo seu imaginário simbólico e sendo parte de seu cotidiano, em discussões no trabalho ou na conversa informal com um desconhecido. É impossível circular pela cidade contemporânea sem se deparar com a manifestação ou da publicidade ou do esporte, elementos já incorporados à rotina citadina e potencializados durante grandes eventos. Nada seria, então, mais efetivo que conjugar um esporte de sucesso no cenário nacional, o futebol, com a publicidade de um produto adorado pelo consumidor brasileiro, a cerveja. Entendendo a relevância dessa associação e refletindo ainda sobre o papel que a publicidade pode cumprir em um megaevento, propomos neste trabalho analisar os comerciais da Brahma durante a Copa de 2010, que possuía o instigante título de Brahma Guerreiros. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    External fixator configurations in tibia fractures: 1D optimization and 3D analysis comparison

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    The use of external fixation devices in orthopedic surgery is very common in open tibial fractures. A properly applied fixator may improve the healing process while one improperly applied might delay the healing process. The several external fixator systems used in clinical today, can be categorized into uniplanar–unilateral, uniplanar–bilateral, biplanar and multiplanar. The stability on the fracture focus and, therefore, the fracture healing process, is related with the type of external fixator configuration that is selected. The aim of this study is to discuss the principles for the successful application of unilateral–uniplanar external fixation, the assembly of its components, for the case of a transverse fractures using computational models. In this context, the fixation stiffness characteristics are evaluated using a simplified 1D finite element model for the tibia and external fixator. The beams are modeled with realistic cross-sectional geometry and material properties instead of a simplified model. The VABS (the Variational Asymptotic Beam Section analysis) methodology is used to compute the cross-sectional model for the generalized Timoshenko model, which was embedded in the finite element solver FEAP. The use of Timoshenko beam theory allows accounting for several kinds of loads, including torsion moments. Optimal design is performed with respect to the assembly of fixator components using a genetic algorithm. The optimization procedure is based on the evaluation of an objective function, which is dependent on the displacement at the fracture focus. The initial and optimal results are compared by performing a 3D analysis, for which different three-dimensional finite element models are created. The geometrical model of a tibia is created on the basis of data acquired by CAT scan, made for a healthy tibia of a 22 year old male. The 3D comparison of the 1D optimal results show a clear improvement on the objective function for the several load cases and, therefore, it is shown that appropriate selection of the external fixator geometrical features can lead to an improvement on the stability of the external fixator. The results obtained show that the optimal position of the side beam and the first pin should be as close as possible to the bone interface and as close as possible to the fracture focus, respectively. Concerning the second pin, it should be placed away from the first pin in case of flexion loads, to axial and torsion loads the second pin should be placed near the first pin

    Gender relations and consumption in brahma’s advertising of 2010 world cup

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    Este artigo articula três momentos. Inicialmente, fazemos um panorama dos estudos de gênero, introduzindo algumas questões para a compreensão deste tema. Em seguida, propomos algumas reflexões sobre o diálogo entre publicidade, gênero e esporte. Por último, temos a análise empírica propriamente dita, onde evidenciamos as construções de gênero e as marcações de uma suposta identidade nacional hegemônica presentes nos dois filmes publicitários da Brahma escolhidos (Lista de Pedidos e Poucas Palavras).Este artículo se estructura en tres momentos. Inicialmente, se realiza una visión general de los estudios de género, la introducción de algunas preguntas para la comprensión de este tema. Entonces, proponemos algunas reflexiones sobre el diálogo entre la publicidad, el sexo y el deporte. Por último, tenemos el análisis empírico en sí, donde evidenciamos las construcciones de género y las marcas de uma supuesta identidad nacional hegemónica en los dos anuncios seleccionados de Brahma (Lista de Deseos y Pocas Palabras).This article articulated three moments. First, we make an overview of gender studies, introducing some questions for the understanding of this subject. Then, we propose some reflections on the dialogue between advertising, gender and sport. Finally, we have the empirical analysis itself, where we noted constructions of gender and markings of a supposedly hegemonic national identity present in the two chosen commercials of Brahma (Order List and Brief)

    Impact response of different materials for sports mouthguards

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    Up to this moment, there is no guideline regarding the materials to produce mouthguards. The most used is Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA). Studies indicate that laminating EVA sheets with rigid components could increase the protection capacities of the mouthguards whereas other studies suggest that only replacement of the material within it structure can increase energy absorption. The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact response of four different foils when compared to a 4 mm thickness EVA sheet. Five groups of different materials were subjected to impact tests with energies of 1.72 J, 2.85 J and 4.40 J. In this context was considered the following materials: EVA foils (G1), EVA foils with an EVA foam core (G2), EVA foils with an acetate core (G3), Foils of Erkoloc-pro (G4) and Foils of Ortho IBT resin (G5). Comparisons between the materials were made by qualitative analysis of the average energy-time and load-displacement curves, as well as by comparison of the peak load, maximum displacement, contact time and absorbed energy using the Kruskal-Wallis test. It was possible to conclude that statistically significant differences were found in the energy absorbed (p=0.001). Laminated foils with a soft core (G2) are a good option to produce mouthguards, while EVA foils with an acetate core (G3) and foils of Ortho IBT resin (G5) were declared unsuitable

    The construction of a soccer idol in the press: a case study

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    O artigo, perpassando as edições dos meses de abril, maio e junho de 2011 dos jornais O Globo (Rio de Janeiro) e O Estado de S. Paulo, procura investigar como a imprensa escrita está construindo a imagem do futebolista brasileiro Neymar(Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior). A pesquisa busca identificar quais recursos são acionados na tentativa de aproximar o jovem atleta à narrativa clássica do herói e/ou às “essencializações” que os brasileiros fazem de si mesmo. The article aims to investigate how the media is building the public image of soccer player Neymar. In order to do this we analyzed the O Globo and Estado de S. Paulo newpapers during the months of April, May and June of 2011. The research proposes to identify what sources are activated in attempting to bring the young athlete to the classic narrative of the hero and/or the “essentializations” that Brazilians usually make of themselves.El artículo, que repasa las ediciones de los meses de abril, mayo y junio de 2011 de los periódicos O Globo (Rio de Janeiro) y O Estado de S. Paulo, investiga cómo la prensa escrita está construyendo la imagen del futbolista brasileño Neymar (Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior). Se busca identificar qué recursos se accionan en el intento de aproximar al joven atleta a la narrativa clásica del héroe y/o a las “esencializaciones” que los brasileños hacen de si mismos

    Acute paraquat poisoning - Report of a survival case following intake of a potential lethal dose

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    When properly used, paraquat (PQ) is a widely used bipyridil herbicide with a good safety record. Most cases of PQ poisoning result from intentional ingestion, with death resulting from hypoxemia secondary to lung fibrosis in moderate to severe poisonings. With high ingestion volumes (> 50 mL of a 20% wt/vol formulation), death results from multiple organ failure and cardiovascular collapse within 1 week after intoxication. The present report describes a successful clinical case regarding the intoxication of a 15-year-old girl by a presumed lethal dose of PQ. The adolescent ingested approximately 50 mL of a commercialized concentrate (20% wt/vol of dichloride salt) formulation of PQ. High serum and urinary levels of PQ confirmed the bad prognosis. However, the therapeutic protocol followed in the present clinical case led to a positive outcome. Besides the measures for decreasing PQ absorption and increasing its elimination, other protective procedures were applied in aiming to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), to scavenge ROS, to repair ROS-induced lesions, and to reduce inflammation. The status-of-the-art concerning the biochemical and toxicological aspects of PQ poisoning and the pharmacologic basis of the respective treatment is also presented

    Acute paraquat poisoning - Report of a survival case following intake of a potential lethal dose

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    When properly used, paraquat (PQ) is a widely used bipyridil herbicide with a good safety record. Most cases of PQ poisoning result from intentional ingestion, with death resulting from hypoxemia secondary to lung fibrosis in moderate to severe poisonings. With high ingestion volumes (> 50 mL of a 20% wt/vol formulation), death results from multiple organ failure and cardiovascular collapse within 1 week after intoxication. The present report describes a successful clinical case regarding the intoxication of a 15-year-old girl by a presumed lethal dose of PQ. The adolescent ingested approximately 50 mL of a commercialized concentrate (20% wt/vol of dichloride salt) formulation of PQ. High serum and urinary levels of PQ confirmed the bad prognosis. However, the therapeutic protocol followed in the present clinical case led to a positive outcome. Besides the measures for decreasing PQ absorption and increasing its elimination, other protective procedures were applied in aiming to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), to scavenge ROS, to repair ROS-induced lesions, and to reduce inflammation. The status-of-the-art concerning the biochemical and toxicological aspects of PQ poisoning and the pharmacologic basis of the respective treatment is also presented

    The multidimensional evaluation and treatment of anxiety in children and adolescents: rationale, design, methods and preliminary findings

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