26 research outputs found

    Prevention of mother -to-child transmission of HIV: kno wledge, attitudes and pr actice among pregnant women at Juba Teaching Hospital

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    Introduction: Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of the human  immunodeficiency virus (HIV) accounts for 90% of infancy and childhood HIV infections; hence prevention has a big impact in controlling the spread of HIV within this group.Objectives: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice of prevention of MTCT of HIV among pregnant women attending antenatal care at Juba Teaching Hospital, South Sudan.Method: A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted during  November and December 2015. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire; frequency distribution and two-way tables were used to present and summarize the data. A p-value of <0.05 was considered as indicating statistical significance.Results: Two hundred and fifty-one pregnant women consented to  participate in the study and were enrolled and interviewed at the Maternal and Child Health Clinic (MCHC) in Juba Teaching Hospital. The mean age of the mothers was 25.67 years (range 15 – 41 years), with the standard deviation of ±5.52 years. The majority (88%) were married, 39.1% had no formal education, and 53.4% were unemployed. One-third (30.7%) of the participants had sufficient knowledge on when to start prophylaxis of MTCT (PMTCT). Half of the pregnant women (51%) showed positive attitudes toward PMTCT measures. Two hundred and thirty-one pregnant women (92%) had received counselling for HIV, with 78.4% of them reported being tested for HIV.Conclusion: The pregnant women’s knowledge on HIV/AIDS, specific  knowledge on MTCT, MTCT risk factors during breastfeeding, and PMTCT were found to be moderate. Half of the participants showed positive  attitude towards PMTCT services utilization.Key words: HIV, PMTCT, South Suda

    Community Health Workers Can Improve Male Involvement in Maternal Health: Evidence from Rural Tanzania.

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    Male involvement in maternal health is recommended as one of the interventions to improve maternal and newborn health. There have been challenges in realising this action, partly due to the position of men in society and partly due to health system challenges in accommodating men. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the effect of Home Based Life Saving Skills training by community health workers on improving male involvement in maternal health in terms of knowledge of danger signs, joint decision-making, birth preparedness, and escorting wives to antenatal and delivery care in a rural community in Tanzania. A community-based intervention consisting of educating the community in Home Based Life Saving Skills by community health workers was implemented using one district as the intervention district and another as comparison district. A pre-/post-intervention using quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate the effect of Home Based Life Saving Skills training on male involvement and place of delivery for their partners. The effect of the intervention was determined using difference in differences analysis between the intervention and comparison data at baseline and end line. The results show there was improvement in male involvement (39.2% vs. 80.9%) with a net intervention effect of 41.1% (confidence interval [CI]: 28.5-53.8; p <0.0001). There was improvement in the knowledge of danger signs during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum periods. The proportion of men accompanying their wives to antenatal and delivery also improved. Shared decision-making for place of delivery improved markedly (46.8% vs. 86.7%), showing a net effect of 38.5% (CI: 28.0-49.1; p <0.0001). Although facility delivery for spouses of the participants improved in the intervention district, this did not show statistical significance when compared to the comparison district with a net intervention effect of 12.2% (95% CI: -2.8-27.1: p=0.103). This community-based intervention employing community health workers to educate the community in the Home Based Life Saving Skills programme is both feasible and effective in improving male involvement in maternal healthcare

    Birth preparedness and complication readiness – a qualitative study among community members in rural Tanzania

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    Background: Birth preparedness and complication readiness (BP/CR) strategies are aimed at reducing delays in seeking, reaching, and receiving care. Counselling on birth preparedness is provided during antenatal care visits. However, it is not clear why birth preparedness messages do not translate to utilisation of facility delivery. This study explores the perceptions, experiences, and challenges the community faces on BP/CR. Design: A qualitative study design using Focused Group Discussions was conducted. Twelve focus group discussions were held with four separate groups: young men and women and older men and women in a rural community in Tanzania. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data. Results: The community members expressed a perceived need to prepare for childbirth. They were aware of the importance to attend the antenatal clinics, relied on family support for practical and financial preparations such as saving money for costs related to delivery, moving closer to the nearest hospital, and also to use traditional herbs, in favour of a positive outcome. Community recognised that pregnancy and childbirth complications are preferably treated at hospital. Facility delivery was preferred; however, certain factors including stigma on unmarried women and transportation were identified as hindering birth preparedness and hence utilisation of skilled care. Challenges were related to the consequences of poverty, though the maternal health care should be free, they perceived difficulties due to informal user fees. Conclusions: This study revealed community perceptions that were in favour of using skilled care in BP/CR. However, issues related to inability to prepare in advance hinder the realisation of the intention to use skilled care. It is important to innovate how the community reinforces BP/CR, such as using insurance schemes, using community health funds, and providing information on other birth preparedness messages via community health worker

    Сквозное творческое задание как диагностика компетенций студентов по дисциплине «Физическая культура»

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    BACKGROUND: Male involvement in maternal health is recommended as one of the interventions to improve maternal and newborn health. There have been challenges in realising this action, partly due to the position of men in society and partly due to health system challenges in accommodating men. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the effect of Home Based Life Saving Skills training by community health workers on improving male involvement in maternal health in terms of knowledge of danger signs, joint decision-making, birth preparedness, and escorting wives to antenatal and delivery care in a rural community in Tanzania. DESIGN: A community-based intervention consisting of educating the community in Home Based Life Saving Skills by community health workers was implemented using one district as the intervention district and another as comparison district. A pre-/post-intervention using quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate the effect of Home Based Life Saving Skills training on male involvement and place of delivery for their partners. The effect of the intervention was determined using difference in differences analysis between the intervention and comparison data at baseline and end line. RESULTS: The results show there was improvement in male involvement (39.2% vs. 80.9%) with a net intervention effect of 41.1% (confidence interval [CI]: 28.5-53.8; p &lt;0.0001). There was improvement in the knowledge of danger signs during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum periods. The proportion of men accompanying their wives to antenatal and delivery also improved. Shared decision-making for place of delivery improved markedly (46.8% vs. 86.7%), showing a net effect of 38.5% (CI: 28.0-49.1; p &lt;0.0001). Although facility delivery for spouses of the participants improved in the intervention district, this did not show statistical significance when compared to the comparison district with a net intervention effect of 12.2% (95% CI: -2.8-27.1: p=0.103). CONCLUSION: This community-based intervention employing community health workers to educate the community in the Home Based Life Saving Skills programme is both feasible and effective in improving male involvement in maternal healthcare

    Effect of Home Based Life Saving Skills education on knowledge of obstetric danger signs, birth preparedness, utilization of skilled care and male involvement : A Community-based intervention study in rural Tanzania

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    Use of skilled care during antenatal visits and delivery is recommended to address the burden of maternal mortality. However there are few facility deliveries and insufficient knowledge of danger signs, especially in rural Tanzania.  The aim of this thesis was to explore the perceptions and challenges that the community faces while preparing for childbirth and to evaluate an intervention of the Home Based Life Saving Skills education programme on knowledge of danger signs, facility delivery and male involvement when delivered by rural community health workers in Tanzania. In Paper I, Focus Group Discussions explored the perceptions and challenges that the community encounters while preparing for childbirth. Structured questionnaires assessed men’s knowledge of danger signs and birth preparedness and complication readiness in Paper II. The effect of the Home Based Life Saving Skills education programme in the community was assessed with a before-and-after evaluation in two districts; one intervention and one comparison. Paper III assessed the effect of the programme on knowledge of danger signs and birth preparedness and facility delivery among women, while Paper IV evaluated its effect on male involvement. The community perceived that all births must be prepared for and that obstetric complication demands hospital care; hence skilled care was favoured. Men’s knowledge of danger signs was limited; only 12% were prepared for childbirth and complications. Preparedness was associated with knowledge of obstetric complications (AOR=1.4 95% CI 1.8 – 2.6). The intervention showed women utilizing antenatal care (four visits) significantly more (43.4 vs 67.8%) with a net effect of 25.3% (95% CI: 16.9 – 33.2; p &lt; .0001). The use of facility delivery improved in the intervention area (75.6 vs 90.2%; p = 0.0002), but with no significant net effect 11.5% (95% CI: -5.1 – 39.6; p = 0.123) when comparing the two districts. Male involvement improved (39.2% vs 80.9%) with a net intervention effect of 41.1% (CI: 28.5 – 53.8; p &lt; .0001). Improvements were demonstrated in men’s knowledge level, in escorting partners for antenatal care and delivery, making birth preparations, and shared decision-making. The intervention, in educating this rural community, is effective in improving knowledge, birth preparedness, male involvement and use of skilled care.

    Effect of Home Based Life Saving Skills education on knowledge of obstetric danger signs, birth preparedness, utilization of skilled care and male involvement : A Community-based intervention study in rural Tanzania

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    Use of skilled care during antenatal visits and delivery is recommended to address the burden of maternal mortality. However there are few facility deliveries and insufficient knowledge of danger signs, especially in rural Tanzania.  The aim of this thesis was to explore the perceptions and challenges that the community faces while preparing for childbirth and to evaluate an intervention of the Home Based Life Saving Skills education programme on knowledge of danger signs, facility delivery and male involvement when delivered by rural community health workers in Tanzania. In Paper I, Focus Group Discussions explored the perceptions and challenges that the community encounters while preparing for childbirth. Structured questionnaires assessed men’s knowledge of danger signs and birth preparedness and complication readiness in Paper II. The effect of the Home Based Life Saving Skills education programme in the community was assessed with a before-and-after evaluation in two districts; one intervention and one comparison. Paper III assessed the effect of the programme on knowledge of danger signs and birth preparedness and facility delivery among women, while Paper IV evaluated its effect on male involvement. The community perceived that all births must be prepared for and that obstetric complication demands hospital care; hence skilled care was favoured. Men’s knowledge of danger signs was limited; only 12% were prepared for childbirth and complications. Preparedness was associated with knowledge of obstetric complications (AOR=1.4 95% CI 1.8 – 2.6). The intervention showed women utilizing antenatal care (four visits) significantly more (43.4 vs 67.8%) with a net effect of 25.3% (95% CI: 16.9 – 33.2; p &lt; .0001). The use of facility delivery improved in the intervention area (75.6 vs 90.2%; p = 0.0002), but with no significant net effect 11.5% (95% CI: -5.1 – 39.6; p = 0.123) when comparing the two districts. Male involvement improved (39.2% vs 80.9%) with a net intervention effect of 41.1% (CI: 28.5 – 53.8; p &lt; .0001). Improvements were demonstrated in men’s knowledge level, in escorting partners for antenatal care and delivery, making birth preparations, and shared decision-making. The intervention, in educating this rural community, is effective in improving knowledge, birth preparedness, male involvement and use of skilled care.

    Community health workers can improve male involvement in maternal health: evidence from rural Tanzania

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    Male involvement in maternal health is recommended as one of the interventions to improve maternal and newborn health. There have been challenges in realising this action, partly due to the position of men in society and partly due to health system challenges in accommodating men. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the effect of Home Based Life Saving Skills training by community health workers on improving male involvement in maternal health in terms of knowledge of danger signs, joint decision-making, birth preparedness, and escorting wives to antenatal and delivery care in a rural community in Tanzania

    Prevalence and barriers to male involvement in antenatal care in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania : A facility-based mixed-methods study

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    Background: Men have traditionally not been fully involved in reproductive health care of their partners, and yet, they play a crucial role in family decision-making and therefore crucial key players in preventing poor pregnancy outcomes. This study aimed to assess prevalence and determinants of male participation in maternal health care and explore male partners' perspective of their involvement in antenatal care at an urban tertiary referral facility. Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted from October 2018 to January 2019 at Muhimbili National Hospital. A cross-sectional survey of 428 nursing mothers and two focus group discussions of male partners (n = 7 and n = 11) of women attending antenatal clinic and nursing mothers in the post-natal ward were performed. Using SPSS Ver. 23 (IBM, Chicago, IL), frequency distribution tables summarized demographic data and categories of male partners' involvement in antenatal care. Focus group discussions included male partners of age from 24 to 55 years at their first to fifth experience of pregnancy and childbirth. Interviews were audio-recorded, and then transcribed and coded. Thematic analysis was applied. Results: The prevalence of male involvement in antenatal care was 69%. More than two-thirds of nursing mothers received physical, psychological and financial support from partners (76%) and attended four or more antenatal visits (85%). Five themes of male perspective of their involvement in antenatal care were generated, including: a) cultural norms and gender roles, b) ignorance of reproductive health service, c) factors outside their control, d) couple interaction and conflicts, and e) institutional obstacles. Conclusion: The prevalence of male partners' involvement in antenatal care was relatively high. Men's involvement in antenatal care depended on access to antenatal care education, standards of structure and process of antenatal service and how well their role was defined in the maternal health care system. Interactions and practice in society, employment sector and government health system should complement strategies to promote men's involvement in maternal health.Contributed equally to this work: Bosco Mapunda, Furaha August, Dorkas Mwakawanga, Isaya Mhando, Andrew Mgaya</p

    Men's Knowledge of Obstetric Danger Signs, Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness in Rural Tanzania

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    Background: Men’s involvement in reproductive health is recommended. Their involvement in antenatal care service is identified as important in maternal health. Awareness of obstetric danger signs facilitates men in making a joint decision with their partners regarding accessing antenatal and delivery care. This study aims to assess the level of knowledge of obstetric complications among men in a rural community in Tanzania, and to determine their involvement in birth preparedness and complication readiness. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted where 756 recent fathers were invited through a two-stage cluster sampling procedure. A structured questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge of danger signs and steps taken on birth preparedness and complication readiness. Data were analyzed using bivariate and multivariable logistic regression to determine factors associated with being prepared, with statistically significant level at p<0.05. Results: Among the invited men, 95.9% agreed to participate in the community survey. Fifty-three percent could mention at least one danger sign during pregnancy, 43.9% during delivery and 34.6% during the postpartum period. Regarding birth preparedness and complication readiness, 54.3% had bought birth kit, 47.2% saved money, 10.2% identified transport, 0.8% identified skilled attendant. In general, only 12% of men were prepared. Birth preparedness was associated with knowledge of danger signs during pregnancy (AOR = 1.4, 95% CI: 1.8-2.6). It was less likely for men living in the rural area to be prepared (AOR=0.6, 95% CI; 0.5-0.8). Conclusion: There was a low level of knowledge of obstetric danger signs among men in a rural district in Tanzania. A very small proportion of men had prepared for childbirth and complication readiness. There was no effect of knowledge of danger signs during childbirth and postpartum period on being prepared. Innovative strategies that increase awareness of danger signs as well as birth preparedness and complication readiness among men are required. Strengthening counseling during antenatal care services that involve men together with partners is recommended