178 research outputs found

    Exact field ionization rates in the barrier suppression-regime from numerical TDSE calculations

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    Numerically determined ionization rates for the field ionization of atomic hydrogen in strong and short laser pulses are presented. The laser pulse intensity reaches the so-called "barrier suppression ionization" regime where field ionization occurs within a few half laser cycles. Comparison of our numerical results with analytical theories frequently used shows poor agreement. An empirical formula for the "barrier suppression ionization"-rate is presented. This rate reproduces very well the course of the numerically determined ground state populations for laser pulses with different length, shape, amplitude, and frequency. Number(s): 32.80.RmComment: Enlarged and newly revised version, 22 pages (REVTeX) + 8 figures in ps-format, submitted for publication to Physical Review A, WWW: http://www.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/tqe

    A two-dimensional, two-electron model atom in a laser pulse: exact treatment, single active electron-analysis, time-dependent density functional theory, classical calculations, and non-sequential ionization

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    Owing to its numerical simplicity, a two-dimensional two-electron model atom, with each electron moving in one direction, is an ideal system to study non-perturbatively a fully correlated atom exposed to a laser field. Frequently made assumptions, such as the ``single active electron''- approach and calculational approximations, e.g. time dependent density functional theory or (semi-) classical techniques, can be tested. In this paper we examine the multiphoton short pulse-regime. We observe ``non-sequential'' ionization, i.e.\ double ionization at lower field strengths as expected from a sequential, single active electron-point of view. Since we find non-sequential ionization also in purely classical simulations, we are able to clarify the mechanism behind this effect in terms of single particle trajectories. PACS Number(s): 32.80.RmComment: 10 pages, 16 figures (gzipped postscript), see also http://www.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/tqe

    Many-electron tunneling in atoms

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    A theoretical derivation is given for the formula describing N-electron ionization of atom by a dc field and laser radiation in tunneling regime. Numerical examples are presented for noble gases atoms.Comment: 11 pages, 1 EPS figure, submitted to JETP (Jan 99

    Ejection Energy of Photoelectrons in Strong Field Ionization

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    We show that zero ejection energy of the photoelectrons is classically impossible for hydrogen-like ions, even when field ionization occurs adiabatically. To prove this we transform the basic equations to those describing two 2D anharmonic oscillators. The same method yields an alternative way to derive the anomalous critical field of hydrogen-like ions. The analytical results are confirmed and illustrated by numerical simulations. PACS Number: 32.80.RmComment: 7 pages, REVTeX, postscript file including the figures is available at http://www.physik.th-darmstadt.de/tqe/dieter/publist.html or via anonymous ftp from ftp://tqe.iap.physik.th-darmstadt.de/pub/dieter/publ_I_pra_pre.ps, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Atomic excitation during recollision-free ultrafast multi-electron tunnel ionization

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    Modern intense ultrafast pulsed lasers generate an electric field of sufficient strength to permit tunnel ionization of the valence electrons in atoms. This process is usually treated as a rapid succession of isolated events, in which the states of the remaining electrons are neglected. Such electronic interactions are predicted to be weak, the exception being recollision excitation and ionization caused by linearly-polarized radiation. In contrast, it has recently been suggested that intense field ionization may be accompanied by a two-stage `shake-up' reaction. Here we report a unique combination of experimental techniques that enables us to accurately measure the tunnel ionization probability for argon exposed to 50 femtosecond laser pulses. Most significantly for the current study, this measurement is independent of the optical focal geometry, equivalent to a homogenous electric field. Furthermore, circularly-polarized radiation negates recollision. The present measurements indicate that tunnel ionization results in simultaneous excitation of one or more remaining electrons through shake-up. From an atomic physics standpoint, it may be possible to induce ionization from specific states, and will influence the development of coherent attosecond XUV radiation sources. Such pulses have vital scientific and economic potential in areas such as high-resolution imaging of in-vivo cells and nanoscale XUV lithography.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, original format as accepted by Nature Physic

    Ultrashort filaments of light in weakly-ionized, optically-transparent media

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    Modern laser sources nowadays deliver ultrashort light pulses reaching few cycles in duration, high energies beyond the Joule level and peak powers exceeding several terawatt (TW). When such pulses propagate through optically-transparent media, they first self-focus in space and grow in intensity, until they generate a tenuous plasma by photo-ionization. For free electron densities and beam intensities below their breakdown limits, these pulses evolve as self-guided objects, resulting from successive equilibria between the Kerr focusing process, the chromatic dispersion of the medium, and the defocusing action of the electron plasma. Discovered one decade ago, this self-channeling mechanism reveals a new physics, widely extending the frontiers of nonlinear optics. Implications include long-distance propagation of TW beams in the atmosphere, supercontinuum emission, pulse shortening as well as high-order harmonic generation. This review presents the landmarks of the 10-odd-year progress in this field. Particular emphasis is laid to the theoretical modeling of the propagation equations, whose physical ingredients are discussed from numerical simulations. Differences between femtosecond pulses propagating in gaseous or condensed materials are underlined. Attention is also paid to the multifilamentation instability of broad, powerful beams, breaking up the energy distribution into small-scale cells along the optical path. The robustness of the resulting filaments in adverse weathers, their large conical emission exploited for multipollutant remote sensing, nonlinear spectroscopy, and the possibility to guide electric discharges in air are finally addressed on the basis of experimental results.Comment: 50 pages, 38 figure

    Reconstruction and control of a time-dependent two-electron wave packet

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    The concerted motion of two or more bound electrons governs atomic1 and molecular2,3 non-equilibrium processes including chemical reactions, and hence there is much interest in developing a detailed understanding of such electron dynamics in the quantum regime. However, there is no exact solution for the quantumthree-body problem, and as a result even the minimal system of two active electrons and a nucleus is analytically intractable4. This makes experimental measurements of the dynamics of two bound and correlated electrons, as found in the helium atom, an attractive prospect.However, although the motion of single active electrons and holes has been observed with attosecond time resolution5-7, comparable experiments on two-electron motion have so far remained out of reach. Here we showthat a correlated two-electron wave packet can be reconstructed froma 1.2-femtosecondquantumbeatamong low-lying doubly excited states in helium.The beat appears in attosecond transient-absorption spectra5,7-9 measured with unprecedentedly high spectral resolution and in the presence of an intensity-tunable visible laser field.Wetune the coupling10-12 between the two low-lying quantum states by adjusting the visible laser intensity, and use the Fano resonance as a phase-sensitive quantum interferometer13 to achieve coherent control of the two correlated electrons. Given the excellent agreement with large-scalequantum-mechanical calculations for thehelium atom, we anticipate thatmultidimensional spectroscopy experiments of the type we report here will provide benchmark data for testing fundamental few-body quantumdynamics theory in more complex systems. Theymight also provide a route to the site-specificmeasurement and control of metastable electronic transition states that are at the heart of fundamental chemical reactionsWe thank E. Lindroth for calculating the dipole moment (2p2|r|sp2,3+), and also A. Voitkiv, Z.-H. Loh, and R. Moshammer for helpful discussions. We acknowledge financial support by the Max-Planck Research Group Program of the Max-Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) and the European COST Action CM1204 XLIC. L. A. and F. M. acknowledge computer time from the CCC-UAM and Mare Nostrum supercomputer centers and financial support by the European Research Council under the ERC Advanced Grant no. 290853 XCHEM, the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad projects FIS2010-15127, FIS2013-42002-R and ERA-Chemistry PIM2010EEC-00751, and the European grant MC-ITN CORIN
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