324 research outputs found

    Application of tunable diode lasers as local oscillators in an Infrared Heterodyne Radiometer (IHR)

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    The utility of diode lasers as local oscillators (LOs) in a heterodyne receiver application was investigated. The CW power, spectral tunability, spectral stability, and spatial intensity distribution of the TDL outputs were measured. A tunable diode laser LO was incorporated into a laboratory Dicke-switched infrared heterodyne setup and used to measure radiometer sensitivity as well as spectroscopic characteristics of selected absorption lines of ammonia. The test results on one of the two tunable diode lasers are emphasized in an attempt to provide a comprehensive data package which may be useful for future planning purposes. The second tunable diode laser exhibits characteristics similar to the fully tested TDL with the exception that some changes in its performance characteristics as it was temperature cycled between room temperature and the operating temperature of approximately 50K occurred

    Development of an Abstract Graph Partitioning Model Using the Maple V Computer Algebra System.

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    Graph partitioning involves decomposing a relational graph into smaller graphs, subject to domain-specific parameters and constraints. There are a number of application areas to include database querying, map coloring, cob allocation, VLSI design, and parallel processing. The primary goal is to unify a portion of these concepts allowing discussion and execution at a more common and abstract level. There are many facets to graph partitioning. Typical areas include the number of partitions, the size of a partition, number of inter-partition connections, and the amount of replication involved. These and many other factors must be considered when generating a partitioning algorithm. We propose an abstract graph partitioning model, the AGPM

    The Status of Women in Colorado

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    The Status of Women and Girls in Colorado aims to provide reliable data to help empower communities across the state to build on the successes of women and girls as well as effectively address the diverse needs and realities of their lives. This report addresses this need by analyzing how women and girls in Colorado fare in five topical areas that profoundly shape their lives: economic security and poverty; employment and earnings; educational opportunity; personal safety; and community leadership. We will use this research to inform the focused and strategic work of The Women's Foundation of Colorado, and it is our intent for this report to be a valuable resource to our communities in every corner of the state

    Large deviations of the largest eigenvalue of supercritical sparse Wigner matrices

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    Consider a random symmetric matrix with i.i.d.~entries on and above its diagonal that are products of Bernoulli random variables and random variables with sub-Gaussian tails. Such a matrix will be called a sparse Wigner matrix and can be viewed as the adjacency matrix of a random network with sub-Gaussian weights on its edges. In the regime where the mean degree is at least logarithmic in dimension, the edge eigenvalues of an appropriately scaled sparse Wigner matrix stick to the edges of the support of the semicircle law. We show that in this sparsity regime, the large deviations upper tail event of the largest eigenvalue of a sparse Wigner matrix with sub-Gaussian entries is generated by either the emergence of a high degree vertex with a large vertex weight or that of a clique with large edge weights. Interestingly, the rate function obtained is discontinuous at the typical value of the largest eigenvalue, which accounts for the fact that its large deviation behaviour is generated by finite rank perturbations. This complements the results of Ganguly and Nam, and Ganguly, Hiesmayr, and Nam which considered the case where the mean degree is constant.Comment: 66 page