
Application of tunable diode lasers as local oscillators in an Infrared Heterodyne Radiometer (IHR)


The utility of diode lasers as local oscillators (LOs) in a heterodyne receiver application was investigated. The CW power, spectral tunability, spectral stability, and spatial intensity distribution of the TDL outputs were measured. A tunable diode laser LO was incorporated into a laboratory Dicke-switched infrared heterodyne setup and used to measure radiometer sensitivity as well as spectroscopic characteristics of selected absorption lines of ammonia. The test results on one of the two tunable diode lasers are emphasized in an attempt to provide a comprehensive data package which may be useful for future planning purposes. The second tunable diode laser exhibits characteristics similar to the fully tested TDL with the exception that some changes in its performance characteristics as it was temperature cycled between room temperature and the operating temperature of approximately 50K occurred

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