83 research outputs found

    I. Effects of dormant season herbage removal on Flint Hills rangeland : II. Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy analysis of total nonstructural carbohydrates in big bluestem rhizomes

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    Typescript (photocopy).Digitized by Kansas State University LibrariesDepartment: Agronomy

    Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Dispositional Mindfulness

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    Dispositional mindfulness has been conceptualized as both a trait and skill set for managing life stress. Levels of dispositional mindfulness appear to provide a meaningful barometer of emotional well-being and behavioral functioning. This chapter reviews selected literature regarding the potential effects of early life experience on the development of this important trait and coping skill. Empirical data regarding the developmental sources of this important psychological attribute has been surprisingly limited. Some prior research has implicated childhood maltreatment as disruptive to the development of this important coping skill. The present study examined the potential impact of six different forms of childhood maltreatment on dispositional mindfulness development. A number of parental relationship and resiliency protective factors were also added to the analysis. Survey respondents in this college sample (N = 978) completed indices of dispositional mindfulness, childhood maltreatment, parental relationship qualities, and resiliency factors. Respondents who described histories of sexual abuse, peer abuse, or sibling maltreatment showed lower levels of dispositional mindfulness. Parental temper was inversely related to dispositional mindfulness. Spirituality and larger childhood friendship circles provided favorable indicators. These results should encourage continued efforts to examine childhood maltreatment, early parent-child relationship qualities, and resiliency factors as potential sources of dispositional mindfulness development

    Perceiving Animacy in Own-and Other-Species Faces

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    Though artificial faces of various kinds are rapidly becoming more and more life-like due to advances in graphics technology (Suwajanakorn et al., 2015; Booth et al., 2017), observers can typically distinguish real faces from artificial faces. In general, face recognition is tuned to experience such that expert-level processing is most evident for faces that we encounter frequently in our visual world, but the extent to which face animacy perception is also tuned to in-group vs. out-group categories remains an open question. In the current study, we chose to examine how the perception of animacy in human faces and dog faces was affected by face inversion and the duration of face images presented to adult observers. We hypothesized that the impact of these manipulations may differ as a function of species category, indicating that face animacy perception is tuned for in-group faces. Briefly, we found evidence of such a differential impact, suggesting either that distinct mechanisms are used to evaluate the “life” in a face for in-group and out-group faces, or that the efficiency of a common mechanism varies substantially as a function of visual expertise

    Whole-Body Hyperthermia (WBH) in Psychiatry

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    New effective therapies for managing and treating psychiatric disorders such as major depression are urgently needed. Mood-enhancing effects have repeatedly been observed after whole-body hyperthermia (WBH) treatment in other medical disciplines, and there is promising evidence that WBH may be used in psychiatry for patients suffering from depressive disorders. Most importantly, a recent study demonstrated a significant, rapid, and partially lasting reduction of depressive symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder following a single session of water-filtered infrared-A induced whole-body hyperthermia (wIRA-WBH). Underlying mechanisms of actions may include immune modulation and serotonergic neurotransmission via warm-sensitive afferent thermosensory pathways to the midbrain. Current studies are focused on verifying these earlier findings and clarifying the mechanisms involved. Herein, we report on the establishment of WBH methodology in the psychiatry setting and provide our opinions on necessary future research

    Grenseløs ungdom. En kritisk diskursanalyse av moralsk panikk i den norske mediedekningen av "ungdom og intim bildedeling på nett".

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    Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg mediedekningen av «ungdom og intim bildedeling på nett» i VG og Aftenposten. Nærmere bestemt har jeg undersøkt hvilke typiske trekk for moralsk panikk man kan finne i mediedekningen. Jeg har også undersøkt hva i mediedekningen som ikke passer inn i en typisk moralsk panikk. Jeg har benyttet meg av Norman Faircloughs kritiske diskursanalyse som metode for å analysere artikler som er publisert i avisenes nettutgaver i 2016. Gjennom analysen har jeg funnet flere typiske trekk for moralsk panikk i begge avisenes dekning. I de fleste artiklene uttrykkes det en bekymring knyttet til ungdom og intim bildedeling på nett. Denne bekymringen er hovedsakelig fokusert på barn og unge. Videre er det en tydelig bekymring for konsekvensene intim bildedeling på nett kan føre med seg. Jeg har også funnet at det til en viss grad er en konsensus, altså en enighet om at intim bildedeling er et reelt problem. I tillegg har jeg funnet noen eksempler på disproporsjonalitet i mediedekningen. Selv om det er en del kjennetegn for moralsk panikk i begge avisenes dekning, er det fortsatt en del som skiller seg fra en typisk moralsk panikk. Et uventet, men svært interessant funn, er at det ofte er en positiv teknologidiskurs i artiklene. Et positivt syn på teknologi kommer frem i flere artikler, men dette betyr ikke at det ikke også er artikler som inneholder et negativt syn på teknologi. Det viktigste funnet som gjør at mediedekningen ikke passer inn i en typisk moralsk panikk er en kontrolldiskurs med forebyggende og holdningsendrende arbeid i fokus. Her trekkes ofte dialog mellom barn, foreldre og skole frem som et viktig tiltak

    Slaves and abolition in the Republic (1821-1851). Norms, debates and legal experiences

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    ilustraciones, graficasEsta tesis pretende estudiar las vivencias de los esclavizados en el territorio colombiano entre 1821 y 1851. El orden republicano que reemplazó el régimen colonial rechazó la esclavitud y la calificó como una mala herencia, sin embargo, esta persistió principalmente por razones económicas así como por prejuicios raciales arraigados en la sociedad. A la luz de lo anterior, nos preguntamos: ¿Cómo influyó la contradicción entre los valores antiesclavistas y republicanos y la perduración de la esclavitud en la experiencia jurídica de los esclavizados, y por ende, en sus experiencias de vida? ¿Cómo se tradujo esta contradicción en su forma de actuar y en la esfera judicial del día a día? Como hipótesis, se plantea que, aunque existió un discurso libertario que condenaba la esclavitud y lamentaba su persistencia, no hubo voluntad política para mejorar la vida cotidiana de los esclavizados o facilitar su inclusión en la ciudadanía. Así, las experiencias de vida de los esclavizados no solo muestran condiciones fundamentales de su cotidianidad, sino que también contradicen lo comunicado desde el ámbito político. (Texto tomado de la fuente)This thesis aims to study the lives of enslaved individuals in the territory of Colombia between 1821 and 1851. The republican order that replaced the colonial regime rejected slavery and described it as a bad heritance from the colonial era, however, slavery persisted, mainly for economic reasons, as well as racial prejudices rooted in society. In light of the above, we ask: ¿How did the contradiction between republican and antislavery values and the persistence of slavery influence the judicial experience and, thus, the life experiences of enslaved individuals? ¿How did this paradox translate in their actions and daily judicial experience? This work defends that although there was a libertarian discourse that condemned slavery and lamented its persistence, there was no political will to improve the daily lives of the enslaved or to facilitate their inclusion as citizens. This, the life experiences of the enslaved not only show fundamental conditions of their daily life, but also contradict what was communicated by the political sphere.MaestríaMagíster en Histori

    Argument types affect children's acquisition of a novel argument structure

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    Acquisition of an argument structure may be affected by the diversity of lexical types that appear in that structure (Conwell, et al., 2011; Yang, 2016). Seventy-two 5- and 6-year-old children completed a learning study where they were exposed to a novel argument structure and then tested on their ability to comprehend it. The number of verb types heard in the learning phase did not predict comprehension at test. However, learning with only full noun phrase arguments resulted in lower comprehension of the structure, particularly with pronouns. Hearing pronouns during learning supported comprehension of all arguments types at test. These results indicate that pronominal arguments support argument structure learning by providing multiple cues that can facilitate thematic role assignment