26 research outputs found

    Prévalence et patron de transmission de la malaria aviaire chez l'Hirondelle bicolore (Tachycineta bicolor)

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    La prĂ©valence des parasites vectoriels peut ĂȘtre modulĂ©e par de nombreuses caractĂ©ristiques de l’environnement. De plus, les impacts nĂ©gatifs de ces parasites sur les communautĂ©s animales peuvent ĂȘtre amplifiĂ©s par des perturbations environnementales qui sont, souvent, d’origine anthropique. À ce jour, les connaissances disponibles du rĂŽle des perturbations anthropiques dans la distribution spatiale des parasites sont limitĂ©es. Dans ce contexte, ce projet tente d’évaluer le rĂŽle de diverses variables environnementales, dont les conditions climatiques, la densitĂ© et la diversitĂ© des hĂŽtes et les caractĂ©ristiques du paysage, dans la dynamique de la malaria aviaire (Plasmodium spp., Haemoproteus spp. et Leucocytozoon spp.) chez une population d’Hirondelle bicolore (Tachycineta bicolor) en dĂ©clin, nichant dans un paysage agricole. Une faible prĂ©valence et une diversitĂ© parasitaire modĂ©rĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es chez les adultes et les oisillons confirmant qu’une transmission parasitaire peut se produire durant la pĂ©riode de reproduction et ce, mĂȘme Ă  des latitudes aussi nordiques. Certaines variables environnementales, dont la proportion de zones anthropiques, de cultures extensives et de zones forestiĂšres, ainsi que la fluctuation journaliĂšre moyenne de la tempĂ©rature, semblent ĂȘtre impliquĂ©es dans l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© spatiale de la prĂ©valence de la malaria aviaire, et ce, diffĂ©remment selon le genre parasitaire analysĂ©. Chez les oisillons, les prĂ©cipitations et l’identitĂ© du nichoir s’avĂšrent ĂȘtre les seules variables associĂ©es Ă  la probabilitĂ© d’infection, suggĂ©rant l’implication de l’environnement Ă  fine Ă©chelle. De plus, la variation interannuelle du statut d’infection pour certains individus semble montrer leur capacitĂ© Ă  contrĂŽler l’infection parasitaire. Cette Ă©tude suggĂšre que les perturbations anthropiques du paysage peuvent moduler la distribution spatiale de la malaria aviaire chez l’Hirondelle bicolore. De plus, cette Ă©tude est une des seules en rĂ©gion tempĂ©rĂ©e qui a dĂ©terminĂ© que des facteurs environnementaux puissent ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© spatiale de la prĂ©valence de ce parasite sanguin. Ces rĂ©sultats serviront donc de comparaison pour les futures Ă©tudes de la malaria aviaire rĂ©alisĂ©es dans des milieux anthropisĂ©s et tempĂ©rĂ©s

    Geomorphic Effects and Habitat Impacts of Large Wood at Restoration Sites in New England:

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    Thesis advisor: Noah P. SnyderThesis advisor: Mathias J. CollinsLarge wood (used interchangeably with the term “instream wood”), which refers to trees, logs and other wood within a channel, is beneficial to river ecosystems and is being used more frequently as a component of river restoration projects. The process of large wood becoming stable within a river channel, inducing floodplain formation, and eventually providing large wood back to the system is known as the ‘floodplain large-wood cycle’ hypothesis (Collins et al., 2012). In a stream restoration context, this process can be viewed as an indicator of a self-sustaining cycle. The ‘floodplain large-wood cycle’ hypothesis was formulated in the Pacific Northwest. To investigate this process in other regions, I used the Merrimack Village Dam (MVD) study site in southern New Hampshire. The study site provided a location where instream wood was recruited to the river from an adjacent terrace as a consequence of erosion associated with a dam removal. Assessment of wood in this scenario was used to evaluate the ‘floodplain large-wood cycle’ (Collins et al., 2012), and to compare MVD to “passive” large wood restoration and deliberate, and potentially engineered, large wood restoration sites throughout New England. To assess multiple sites, I identified metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of large wood to promote ecological and geomorphic complexity within channels. The metrics were quantified at the MVD site and several other sites in New England with natural or placed large wood. I also collected additional data at the MVD site using methods implemented during previous studies, including cross section surveys and repeat photographs (Collins et al., 2017; Pearson et al., 2011). The study assessed habitat and geomorphic effects of large wood within river systems in the northeastern U.S. and provided information to evaluate the use of large wood during river restoration. Overall, only 33%, 33%, and 20% of surveyed sites are consistent with hypotheses formulated regarding significant differences in depth variability, velocity variability, and median velocity between test and reference reaches, respectively. With evidence for and against each hypothesis at both passive and active sites, large wood structures did not cause the geomorphic and hydraulic changes I expected to see. The availability of sand in a channel and the stream slope influencing sediment transport seem to be important factors in determining whether or not large wood has the ability to impact the geomorphic and hydraulic characteristics of a channel. At the MVD site, where sand is available, up to 0.90 m of sediment deposition is seen on top of the surface eroded by a March 2010 flood, surrounding recruited trees. Evaluation of historical aerial imagery further indicates that evidence of the ‘floodplain large-wood cycle’ hypothesis is present at the MVD06 cross section on the Souhegan River in New Hampshire.Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2022.Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences

    Étude de l'implication de la protĂ©ine GAS1 dans l'angiogenĂšse tumorale

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    La protĂ©ine membranaire « Growth Arrest-Specific 1 » (GAS1) est reconnue pour ses effets antitumoraux et anti-mĂ©tastatiques de par sa capacitĂ© Ă  induire l’arrĂȘt du cycle cellulaire, gĂ©nĂ©ralement en phase Go, et l’apoptose. Cependant, le rĂŽle de GAS1 a Ă©tĂ© peu Ă©tudiĂ© et est quelque peu controversĂ© dans le contexte oncologique. De plus, des Ă©vidences poussent Ă  croire que cette protĂ©ine jouerait un rĂŽle dans le processus angiogĂ©nique. Pour Ă©tudier le rĂŽle de GAS1 dans le cancer, des tests in cellulo classiques mesurant la prolifĂ©ration, le cycle cellulaire ainsi que l’apoptose ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s sur des cellules cancĂ©reuses surexprimant GAS1. Des immunobuvardages ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s afin de dĂ©tecter la prĂ©sence de GAS1 dans les diffĂ©rentes lignĂ©es cellulaires et leur milieu de culture. Des xĂ©nogreffes utilisant la membrane chorioallantoĂŻque de l’Ɠuf de poulet (essai CAM) ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es pour Ă©valuer le potentiel tumorigĂ©nique et angiogĂ©nique des cellules. La surexpression de GAS1 dans les diffĂ©rentes lignĂ©es cellulaires cancĂ©reuses n’a eu aucun effet sur leur prolifĂ©ration, leur cycle cellulaire ainsi que leur Ă©tat apoptotique, lorsque mesurĂ©s in vitro. Cependant, lorsque ces cellules furent testĂ©es Ă  l’aide de l’essai CAM, le poids des tumeurs exprimant GAS1 ainsi que l’angiogenĂšse ont augmentĂ©. Des essais CAM, utilisant entre autres des bouchons de collagĂšne et la protĂ©ine GAS1 soluble purifiĂ©e, ont dĂ©montrĂ© que cette derniĂšre stimule indirectement l’angiogenĂšse. En rĂ©sumĂ©, un nouveau rĂŽle pro-angiogĂ©nique a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence pour la protĂ©ine GAS1 soluble. L’angiogenĂšse tumorale est primordiale Ă  la progression de plusieurs types de cancers incluant le cancer de la prostate. Cette derniĂšre est d’ailleurs ciblĂ©e par des traitements anticancĂ©reux. GAS1 soluble reprĂ©sente donc une cible thĂ©rapeutique potentielle pour traiter le cancer.Growth Arrest-Specific 1 (GAS1) is a membrane protein recognized for its antitumor and anti-metastatic effects due to its capacity to induce cell cycle arrest, usually in the Go phase, and apoptosis. However, the role of GAS1 has not been the subject of much analysis and is somewhat controversial in cancer. Moreover, evidence leads us to infer that this protein could play a role in angiogenesis. To study the role of GAS1 in cancer, conventional in cellulo tests measuring proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis were performed on cancer cells overexpressing GAS1. Immunoblotting was used to detect the presence of GAS1 in the different cell lines and their culture medium. Xenografts employing the chorioallantoic membrane of the chicken egg (CAM essay) were used to evaluate the tumorigenic and angiogenic potential of the cells. GAS1 overexpression in various cancer cell lines showed no effect on their proliferation, cell cycle and apoptotic state when measured in vitro. However, when these cells were tested with the CAM assay, weight of tumors expressing GAS1 as well as angiogenesis was increased. CAM assays, using among other things collagen plugs and purified soluble GAS1 protein, demonstrated that the latter indirectly stimulates angiogenesis. In summary, a new pro-angiogenic role has been demonstrated for soluble GAS1. Tumor angiogenesis is essential to the progression of several types of cancer including prostate cancer. Angiogenesis is therefore the focus of several anticancer treatments. Thus, soluble GAS1 represents a potential therapeutic target for treating cancer

    Comparaison du déclin fonctionnel chez les personnes ùgées ayant subi un traumatisme mineur avec ou sans atteinte crùnienne : une étude de cohorte prospective multicentrique

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    Introduction : Les consĂ©quences fonctionnelles d’un traumatisme mineur avec atteinte Ă  la tĂȘte (TM-AT) chez les personnes ĂągĂ©es sont encore mĂ©connues. Objectifs : L’objectif principal est de comparer le dĂ©clin fonctionnel chez les patients de 65 ans et plus ayant subi un TM-AT Ă  ceux ayant subi un traumatisme mineur sans atteinte crĂąnienne. MĂ©thode : Il s’agit d’une analyse post-hoc d’une cohorte prospective de patients provenant de huit dĂ©partements d’urgence (DU) canadiens. Les critĂšres d’inclusion sont : patients ĂągĂ©s de 65 ans et plus, autonomes, ayant consultĂ© au DU pour un traumatisme mineur, et libĂ©rĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de 48 heures. L’issue principale est le dĂ©clin fonctionnel Ă  six mois mesurĂ© Ă  l’aide du test validĂ© OARS (Older American Adult Ressources and Services). Le statut cognitif a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ© dans les deux groupes Ă  l’aide du MOCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) et/ou du TICS (Telephone Interview of the Cognitive Status). L’impact de la prĂ©sence d’une blessure concomitante sur le statut fonctionnel a aussi Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© Ă  six mois. RĂ©sultats : Au total, 926 patients ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude : 344 patients dans le groupe TM-AT et 582 dans le groupe traumatismes mineurs sans atteinte crĂąnienne. Six mois aprĂšs le traumatisme, le dĂ©clin fonctionnel Ă©tait similaire dans les deux groupes, 10.8% et 11.9% respectivement (RR=0.91 [IC 95% 0.62-1.32]). La proportion de patients ayant subi un dĂ©clin cognitif Ă  six mois n’est pas statistiquement diffĂ©rente entre les deux groupes (RR=0.95 [0.73-1.24]). Enfin, la prĂ©sence d’une blessure concomitante dans le groupe TM-AT ne semble pas affecter le dĂ©clin fonctionnel (RR=1.16 [0.60-2.25]). Conclusion : Dans cette population gĂ©riatrique autonome, le fait de subir un TM-AT ne semble pas ĂȘtre associĂ© Ă  un pronostic fonctionnel et cognitif plus dĂ©favorable. De plus, la prĂ©sence d’une blessure concomitante associĂ©e Ă  un TM-AT ne semble pas non plus affecter le dĂ©clin fonctionnel.Introduction: The consequences of minor trauma involving a head injury (MT-HI) in independent older adults are largely unknown. Objective: The main objective of this study was to compare the functional decline of older adults who have sustained a MT-HI to those who have sustained a minor trauma without head injury. Method: It is a post-Hoc analysis of a prospective cohort study from eight Canadian emergency department. Patients included were: aged 65 years or older, previously independent, presenting to the emergency department (ED) for a minor trauma, and discharged within 48 hours. The primary outcome was the functional decline measured with a validated test: the Older Americans’ Resources and Services scale. The cognitive function was also compared between the two groups. Finally, we explored the influence of a concomitant injury on the functional decline in the MT-HI group. Results. All 926 eligible patients were included in the analyses: 344 MT-HI patients and 582 minor trauma without head injury. After six months, the functional decline was similar in both groups, 10.8% and 11.9% respectively (RR=0.79 [95% CI: 0.55-1.14]). The proportion of participants with mild cognitive disabilities was also similar, 21.7% and 22.8% respectively (RR=0.91 [95% CI: 0.71-1.18]). Furthermore, for the group of patients with a MT-HI, the functional outcome was not statistically different with or without the presence of a co-injury (RR= 1.35 [95% CI: 0.71-2.59]). Conclusion. This study did not seem to demonstrate that the occurrence of a MT-HI is associated with a worse functional or cognitive prognosis than other minor injuries without a head injury in an elderly autonomous population six months after injury. The presence of a co-injury did not seem to influence the functional decline in the MT-HI group

    Dynamics of depletion and replenishment of water storage in stem and roots of black spruce measured by dendrometers

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    In the short term, trees rely on the internal storage of water because it affects their ability to sustain photosynthesis and growth. However, water is not rapidly available for transpiration from all the compartments of the plant and the living tissues of the stem act as a buffer to preclude low water potentials during peaks of transpiration. In this paper, electronic dendrometers were used from mid-June to mid-September 2008 to compare the radius variations in stem and roots of black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] in two sites of the boreal forest of Quebec, Canada, with different soil characteristics and water retention. The duration of the daily cycles was similar between sites and measurement heights but greater amplitudes of contraction and expansion were observed on the stem and in the site with the shallowest soil organic layer. The expansion phase had higher amplitudes and lasted longer than contraction. On average, the contraction phase occurred between 07:00 and 16:30 (legal time), while expansion lasted 14.5 h. The roots in the site with the deepest organic layer showed a wider variation in the onset of contraction, which could be as late as 13:00. The probability of observing the contraction phase depended on precipitation. With a precipitation 60% probability of observing contraction between 05:00 and 21:00, decreasing to 20% with precipitation >1.1 mm h−1. These findings demonstrated that the depth of the organic layer plays an important role in maintaining the internal water reserve of trees. The dynamics of water depletion and replenishment can modify the water potential of xylem and cell turgor during the enlargement phase, thus affecting radial growth. Changes in temperature and precipitation regime could influence the dynamics of internal water storage in trees growing on shallower and drier soils

    A three-step procedure in SAS to analyze the time series from automatic dendrometers

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    Continuous measurements of stem radius variation in trees are obtained with automatic dendrometers that provide time series composed of seasonal tree growth and circadian rhythms of water storage and depletion. Several variables can be extracted from the raw data, such as amplitude and duration of radius increase and contraction, which are useful for understanding intra-annual tree growth, tree physiology and for performing growth-climate relationships. These measurements constitute a large dataset whose manipulation needs numerous algorithms and automatic procedures to efficiently and rapidly extract the information. This paper presents a three-step procedure using two SAS routines to extract the time series describing radius variation and associate them with environmental parameters. The first routine organizes and corrects data and generates outputs in the form of files and plots to visualize the results and improve data correction (first step). The second step consists of a reclassification of the hours of contraction or expansion that have been misclassified by the automatic process. The second routine classifies the daily patterns of stem variation into the three phases of contraction, expansion and radius increment and associates the environmental parameters (third step). An example of the procedure is given, with an explanation of the outputs generated. The advantages and shortcomings of the procedure and its importance for the intra-annual analyses of tree growth are discussed

    Effects of blood parasite infection and innate immune genetic diversity on mating patterns in a passerine bird breeding in contrasted habitats

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    Genetic diversity at immune genes and levels of parasitism are known to affect patterns of (dis)assortative mating in several species. Heterozygote advantage and/or good genes should shape mate choice originating from pathogen/parasite-driven selection at immune genes. However, the stability of these associations, and whether they vary with environmental conditions, are still rarely documented. In this study, we describe mating patterns in a wild population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) over 4 years and assess the effects of haemosporidian parasite infection and immune genetic diversity at ÎČ-defensin genes on those patterns within two habitats of contrasting environmental quality, in southern QuĂ©bec, Canada. We first show that mating patterns were only very weakly related to individual status of infection by haemosporidian parasites. However, we found a difference between habitats in mating patterns related to infection status, which was likely due to a non-random distribution of individuals, as non-infected mating pairs were more frequent in lower quality habitats. Mating patterns also differed depending on ÎČ-defensin heterozygosity at AvBD2, but only for genetic partners outside of the social couple, with heterozygous individuals pairing together. Our study underlines the importance of considering habitat heterogeneity in studies of sexual selection

    Upregulated IL-32 expression and reduced gut short chain fatty acid caproic acid in people living with HIV with subclinical atherosclerosis

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    Despite the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART), people living with HIV (PLWH) are still at higher risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) that are mediated by chronic inflammation. Identification of novel inflammatory mediators with the inherent potential to be used as CVD biomarkers and also as therapeutic targets is critically needed for better risk stratification and disease management in PLWH. Here, we investigated the expression and potential role of the multi-isoform proinflammatory cytokine IL-32 in subclinical atherosclerosis in PLWH (n=49 with subclinical atherosclerosis and n=30 without) and HIV- controls (n=25 with subclinical atherosclerosis and n=24 without). While expression of all tested IL-32 isoforms (α, ÎČ, Îł, D, Ï”, and Ξ) was significantly higher in peripheral blood from PLWH compared to HIV- controls, IL-32D and IL-32Ξ isoforms were further upregulated in HIV+ individuals with coronary artery atherosclerosis compared to their counterparts without. Upregulation of these two isoforms was associated with increased plasma levels of IL-18 and IL-1ÎČ and downregulation of the atheroprotective protein TRAIL, which together composed a unique atherosclerotic inflammatory signature specific for PLWH compared to HIV- controls. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that modulation of these inflammatory variables was independent of age, smoking, and statin treatment. Furthermore, our in vitro functional data linked IL-32 to macrophage activation and production of IL-18 and downregulation of TRAIL, a mechanism previously shown to be associated with impaired cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis. Finally, increased expression of IL-32 isoforms in PLWH with subclinical atherosclerosis was associated with altered gut microbiome (increased pathogenic bacteria; Rothia and Eggerthella species) and lower abundance of the gut metabolite short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) caproic acid, measured in fecal samples from the study participants. Importantly, caproic acid diminished the production of IL-32, IL-18, and IL-1ÎČ in human PBMCs in response to bacterial LPS stimulation. In conclusion, our studies identified an HIV-specific atherosclerotic inflammatory signature including specific IL-32 isoforms, which is regulated by the SCFA caproic acid and that may lead to new potential therapies to prevent CVD in ART-treated PLWH

    Analyse intra-annuelle des fluctuations radiales des tiges et des racines adventives de l'Ă©pinette noire (Picea mariana (Mill. B.S.P.)

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    Les fluctuations radiales des tissus des tiges et des racines d'Ă©pinette noire ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es entre aoĂ»t 2004 et octobre 2005 en utilisant des dendromĂštres Ă  pointe automatiques pour dĂ©terminer si le retour des fonctions hydriques normales limite le dĂ©but de la croissance cambiale secondaire. En divisant les fluctuations radiales des tissus en phases de contraction, d'expansion et d'accroissement, des cycles de dĂ©shydratation et rĂ©hydratation des tissus furent dĂ©finis. L'amplitude et la durĂ©e de chaque phase et des cycles complets ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es. Les cycles furent classifies selon quatre critĂšres : leur durĂ©e, le moment d'apparition de chacune de leurs phases dans la journĂ©e, leur origine thĂ©orique en fonction de la tempĂ©rature et leur phase d'accroissement positive (augmentation du rayon) ou nĂ©gative (diminution du rayon). Cette classification a permis de sĂ©parer les variations radiales annuelles des arbres en cinq pĂ©riodes : 1) pĂ©riode de stabilitĂ© du rayon aprĂšs la saison de croissance, 2) pĂ©riode de contraction hivernale des tissus sous l'influence des tempĂ©ratures froides, 3) pĂ©riode de rĂ©hydratation oĂč le rayon augmentait rapidement jusqu'Ă  atteindre celui de l'automne prĂ©cĂ©dent, 4) pĂ©riode de stabilitĂ© du rayon avant la croissance et 5) pĂ©riode de croissance. Les pĂ©riodes 1 et 4 prĂ©sentaient les mĂȘmes types de cycles, en proportions semblables. Durant la pĂ©riode de rĂ©hydratation et la pĂ©riode de croissance, l'Ă©paisseur radiale des tissus augmentait de façon distincte. Les conditions environnementales moyennes ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©es pour chaque phase de chaque cycle afin d'approfondir l'analyse de la pĂ©riode printaniĂšre prĂ©cĂ©dant l'Ă©veil cambial (pĂ©riodes 3, 4 et 5). Les corrĂ©lations entre l'amplitude des trois phases du cycle et les variables environnementales ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es. L'humiditĂ© relative, la tempĂ©rature de l'air et la radiation solaire, trois variables impliquĂ©es dans la transpiration des arbres, influençaient l'amplitude des fluctuations de façon croissante, de la pĂ©riode de rĂ©hydratation (pĂ©riode 3) Ă  la pĂ©riode de croissance (pĂ©riode 5). L'effet des prĂ©cipitations sur l'amplitude des phases de contraction et d'accroissement augmentait aussi de la pĂ©riode 3 Ă  la pĂ©riode 5, Ă  mesure que l'eau de la fonte des neiges Ă©tait utilisĂ©e. La rĂ©hydratation printaniĂšre a durĂ© 50 jours. Le retour des fluctuations radiales estivales normales prĂ©cĂ©dait le moment de l'Ă©veil cambial de plus de trois semaines. Sur le site, l'Ă©veil cambial de l'Ă©pinette noire n'Ă©tait pas limitĂ© par la rĂ©hydratation complĂšte des tissus ni par le retour des fonctions hydriques normales, mais vraisemblablement par les tempĂ©ratures de l'air comme en tĂ©moigne la prĂ©sence des cycles inversĂ©s durant la pĂ©riode prĂ©cĂ©dant la croissance (pĂ©riode 4)

    Prévalence et patron de transmission de la malaria aviaire chez l'Hirondelle bicolore (Tachycineta bicolor)

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    La prĂ©valence des parasites vectoriels peut ĂȘtre modulĂ©e par de nombreuses caractĂ©ristiques de l’environnement. De plus, les impacts nĂ©gatifs de ces parasites sur les communautĂ©s animales peuvent ĂȘtre amplifiĂ©s par des perturbations environnementales qui sont, souvent, d’origine anthropique. À ce jour, les connaissances disponibles du rĂŽle des perturbations anthropiques dans la distribution spatiale des parasites sont limitĂ©es. Dans ce contexte, ce projet tente d’évaluer le rĂŽle de diverses variables environnementales, dont les conditions climatiques, la densitĂ© et la diversitĂ© des hĂŽtes et les caractĂ©ristiques du paysage, dans la dynamique de la malaria aviaire (Plasmodium spp., Haemoproteus spp. et Leucocytozoon spp.) chez une population d’Hirondelle bicolore (Tachycineta bicolor) en dĂ©clin, nichant dans un paysage agricole. Une faible prĂ©valence et une diversitĂ© parasitaire modĂ©rĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es chez les adultes et les oisillons confirmant qu’une transmission parasitaire peut se produire durant la pĂ©riode de reproduction et ce, mĂȘme Ă  des latitudes aussi nordiques. Certaines variables environnementales, dont la proportion de zones anthropiques, de cultures extensives et de zones forestiĂšres, ainsi que la fluctuation journaliĂšre moyenne de la tempĂ©rature, semblent ĂȘtre impliquĂ©es dans l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© spatiale de la prĂ©valence de la malaria aviaire, et ce, diffĂ©remment selon le genre parasitaire analysĂ©. Chez les oisillons, les prĂ©cipitations et l’identitĂ© du nichoir s’avĂšrent ĂȘtre les seules variables associĂ©es Ă  la probabilitĂ© d’infection, suggĂ©rant l’implication de l’environnement Ă  fine Ă©chelle. De plus, la variation interannuelle du statut d’infection pour certains individus semble montrer leur capacitĂ© Ă  contrĂŽler l’infection parasitaire. Cette Ă©tude suggĂšre que les perturbations anthropiques du paysage peuvent moduler la distribution spatiale de la malaria aviaire chez l’Hirondelle bicolore. De plus, cette Ă©tude est une des seules en rĂ©gion tempĂ©rĂ©e qui a dĂ©terminĂ© que des facteurs environnementaux puissent ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© spatiale de la prĂ©valence de ce parasite sanguin. Ces rĂ©sultats serviront donc de comparaison pour les futures Ă©tudes de la malaria aviaire rĂ©alisĂ©es dans des milieux anthropisĂ©s et tempĂ©rĂ©s