574 research outputs found

    The Effect of Health Changes and Long-term Health on the Work Activity of Older Canadians

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    Using longitudinal data from the Canadian National Population Health Survey (NPHS), we study the relationship between health and employment among older Canadians. We focus on two issues: (1) the possible endogeneity of self- reported health, particularly "justification bias", and (2) the relative importance of health changes and long-term health in the decision to work. The NPHS contains the HUI3, an "objective" health index which has been gaining popularity in empirical work. We contrast estimates of the impact of health on employment using self-assessed health, the HUI3, and a "purged" health measure similar to that employed by Bound et al. (1999) and Disney et al. (2003). A direct test suggests that self-assessed health suffers from justification bias. However, the HUI3 provides estimates that are similar to the "purged" health measure. We also corroborate recent U.S. and U.K. findings that changes in health are important in the work decision.Health; Health Changes; Employment; Older Workers; NPHS

    The Effect of Health Changes and Long-term Health on the Work Activity of Older Canadians

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    Using longitudinal data from the Canadian National Population Health Survey (NPHS), we study the relationship between health and employment among older Canadians. We focus on two issues: (1) the possible problems with self- reported health, including endogeneity and measurement error, and (2) the relative importance of health changes and long-term health in the decision to work. We contrast estimates of the impact of health on employment using self-assessed health, an objective health index contained in the NPHS - the HUI3, and a "purged" health stock measure. Our results suggest that health has an economically significant effect on employment probabilities for Canadian men and women aged 50 to 64, and that this effect is underestimated by simple estimates based on self-assessed health. We also corroborate recent U.S. and U.K. findings that changes in health are important in the work decision.health, health changes, employment, older workers

    Up or Down? How Culture and Color Affect Judgments

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.In the Mainland China stock market, an upmarket is represented by the color red, whereas a downmarket is represented by the color green. Elsewhere, including the Chinese Hong Kong stock market, the color representations are the opposite. Three studies were conducted to examine the red-up–green-down effect for Mainland Chinese as well as the green-up–red-down effect for Hong Kong people. Study 1 showed that Mainland Chinese tended to predict greater economic growth (study 1a) and higher growth in consumption trends (study 1b) when the experimental materials were presented in red than in green, whereas Hong Kong participants exhibited the opposite tendencies. Study 2 found that Mainland Chinese implicitly associated red and green with up and down, respectively; Hong Kong people, however, implicitly associated green and red with up and down, respectively. Study 3 further indicated that Mainland Chinese were more likely to predict good outcomes when scenarios were presented in red, whereas Hong Kong participants were more likely to predict good outcomes when scenarios were presented in green. These findings suggest that culturally specific environment cues could influence human prediction and judgment. Implications for judgment generally are discussed

    Visual art education teacher’s beliefs and attitudes toward incorporating ICT into art classrooms / Mohd Khairezan Rahmat and Wing K. Au.

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    Visual art is a subject that emphasizes on creativity, innovation and critical thinking, therefore, Visual Art Education (VAE) teachers have been urged to utilize the full potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Despite numerous literatures have highlighted the benefits of ICT, VAE teachers were found not serious toward integrating ICT in teaching. Hence, this study was carried out to determined Malaysian VAE teachers’ attitudes and beliefs and their level of confidence toward incorporating ICT into art classrooms. This study explored teachers’ specific approach of ICT and factors that influence their integration of ICT into art classrooms. The participants of this study were eighteen VAE teachers from three-selected secondary school in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Data for the study was gathered by face-to-face interviews. The findings of the study indicated that Malaysian VAE teachers were still at moderate levels of ICT integration. The support from school administrator and continues professional development were identified as two main factors that contribute towards successful ICT integration. In light of the published research on the integration of ICT in the VAE subject area, hopefully, the findings of this study will assist school organization, teachers training institutions and the Ministry of Education toward establishing a standard for successful ICT integration, especially in the context of the VAE

    Paul’s designations of God in Romans

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    This thesis investigates one aspect of Paul’s God-languages, namely, Paul’s divine designations of θεός in his letter to the Romans. By comparing and contrasting Paul’s designations with his Jewish and pagan contemporaries, this thesis argues that Paul creatively reinterprets and adapts the socio-linguistic resources of divine epithets to justify for the incorporation of Gentiles in God’s salvation. Despite a presumed or neglected “preconceived understanding” of Paul’s God in Pauline scholarship, this study begins with an observation that Paul’s divine designations are neither ordinary nor precedented in Jewish tradition. Inspired by a systemic-functional linguist, Jay Lemke’s model of thematic meaning, divine designations are taken as sociolinguistic phenomenon. The meanings of Paul’s designations are first studied in the respective arguments in Romans. Then, they are compared to the recurrent linguistic patterns of divine epithets found in the OT, early Jewish, and pagan texts. Although exact parallels of Paul’s designations are absent in Jewish tradition, striking linguistic resemblance is found between Greco-Roman texts and Romans. Paul does not make up these epithets out of nothing, nevertheless, their thematic meanings divert from its pagan usage. Paul’s designations in Romans trace God’s essential salvific activities that allows for the incorporation of Gentiles. While God is the Father of Davidic kings in the OT, God’s Fatherhood (Rom 1:7; 6:4; 8:15; 15:6) is reinterpreted in terms of his redeeming acts on the cross. Yet, the Father’s promise concerning Israel’s blessing of adoption is not redirected but expanded to the Gentiles. As for εἷς ὁ θεός (3:30), Paul contends the impartiality of the one God who justifies Jews and Gentiles alike on the same basis of faith. Besides the scope of God’s justifying activities, four interconnected designations in 4:5, 17b, 24 are employed to justify the place of the ἔθνη in Abraham’s family, Paul’s mission as well as God’s eschatological kingdom. In Romans 9: 12, 16, the designations highlight God’s incongruous call and mercy are what constitute, create, and sustain Israel from the beginning. In Romans, the same divine call and mercy incorporate Gentiles into God’s community of salvation in the same way. In 15:5, the theological vision of divine ὑπομονῆς and παρακλήσεως illustrates a transformation from judgmental divisive minds into one conformed mind. The result of unified worship is confirmed in “the God of hope”, configuring God’s eschatological hope for the Gentiles (15:13). In the last two designations ὁ θεὸς τῆς εἰρήνης (15:33; 16:20a), Paul reassures that any threats to the community of God’s people will be ultimately “pacified” by the conquering warrior God. For Paul, the God of Israel, especially in the OT and Romans, never falters in fulfilling his role as the Father, redeemer, justifier, reviver, mercy-giver, and warrior to create, rescue, and restore his people. However, compared with his Jewish and pagan contemporaries, Paul’s designations put special emphasis on the inclusion of ἔθνη in God’s universal salvation community

    Improving Nurses’ Corrected QT Interval Monitoring on a Telemetry Unit

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    The effect of subgroup homogeneity of efficacy on contribution in public good dilemmas

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    open access articleThis paper examines how to maximize contribution in public good dilemmas by arranging people into homogeneous or heterogeneous subgroups. Past studies on the effect of homo- geneity of efficacy have exclusively manipulated group composition in their experimental designs, which might have imposed a limit on ecological validity because group membership may not be easily changed in reality. In this study, we maintained the same group composi- tion but varied the subgroup composition. We developed a public good dilemmas paradigm in which participants were assigned to one of the four conditions (high- vs. low-efficacy; homogeneous vs. heterogeneous subgroup) to produce their endowments and then to decide how much to contribute. We found that individuals in homogeneous and heteroge- neous subgroups produced a similar amount and proportion of contribution, which was due to the two mediating effects that counteracted each other, namely (a) perceived efficacy rel- ative to subgroup and (b) expectation of contribution of other subgroup members. This paper demonstrates both the pros and cons of arranging people into homogeneous and het- erogeneous subgroups of efficacy

    Imaging patterns of liver uptakes on PET scan: pearls and pitfalls

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    Objective: PET imaging is becoming increasingly universal, and therefore increased liver uptake is frequently encountered. The purpose of this article is to describe and illustrate the various morphological patterns of increased metabolic activity within the liver with an emphasis on the diagnostic pitfalls and potential limitations.Conclusion: Knowing the pitfalls of PET imaging, correlation with clinical background and findings from other imaging modalities are all important in the correct interpretation of increased hepatic activity on PET imaging

    Comparing Well-being across Nations: Conceptual and Empirical Issues

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    Edited by Susan A. David, Ilona Boniwell, and Amanda Conley Ayers</p