118 research outputs found

    Telemedical Maritime Assistance Service (TMAS) to Swedish merchant and passengers ships 1997–2012

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    Background: Telemedical Maritime Assistance Service (TMAS) for seafarers and traveling passengers is important and can be crucial for the optimal medical treatment on board ships. The aim of this study was to analyse and to compare the data from consultations and evacuations from merchant ships and passenger ferries for possible improvements. Materials and methods: Data for seafarers from 1997, 2002 and 2007 and for passengers on Swedish ferries for the years 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2012 from the Swedish Radio Medical were studied. Symptoms and diseases were classified according to the International Classification for Primary Care (ICPC-2). The distribution of symptoms, accidents and diseases, treatments/actions taken, evacuations and the communication forms were analysed. Results: One thousand ninety-five contacts for seafarers from merchant ships and 651 passenger patients from Swedish ferries were analysed. While the evacuations for the seafarers gradually decreased over the years from 18% in 1997 to 14% in 2007, still 39.5% of the passenger patient contacts were evacuated mainly by helicopters and 70 patients were picked up by an ambulance on the quay. Accidents were 20% for seafarers and 25% for passengers of the contacts. Evacuations for passengers were mainly in the diagnostic groups: unspecific (A), digestive (D), cardiology (K), musculoskeletal (L) and neurology (N). The use of VHF, radio communications and fax machines have been greatly reduced while the use of e-mail and satellite phone increased. Conclusions: No significant differences in reasons for contact or actions over the years have been identified. The evacuations of seafarers decreased over the years but was stable among the passenger patients (39%). The circumstances and reasons behind the evacuations should be analysed for prevention. Standard forms and digital images for documentation can facilitate knowledge exchange and further studies.

    Meetings in the borderland : St Elena, Venice

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    Projektet undersöker det lokala landskapet som potentiell vÀrdeskapare i en tid av ekonomisk nedgÄng. Projektet utgÄr ifrÄn staden Venedigs planer pÄ stadsförnyelse pÄ den tidigare bÄtvarvstomten pÄ ön St Elena. Metoden har varit att studera det befintliga och utifrÄn det försöka finna nya rumsliga lösningar pÄ dagens och framtidens krav. Förslaget innefattar gestaltning av en planerad park och de tvÄ nÀrmast angrÀnsande kvarteren. Det bestÄr av en inplanterad biotop i form av en salt vÄtmark som Àr en viktig livsmiljö för djur och vÀxter ute i lagunen. Det byggda tillÀgget Àr en trÀkonstruktion som fungerar som en lÀnk mellan de tÀtare planerade kvarteren och det nya grönomrÄdet. Mot gatan Àr arkitekturen en solid vÀgg med entréer medan mötet med parken bestÄr av en mjukare, sekventiell övergÄng mellan arkitektur och landskap. Projektet visar pÄ hur en attraktiv stads- och boendemiljö kan skapas dÄ biologisk mÄngfald och matproduktion blir en del av staden. PÄ sÄ vis skapas vÀrde och mening i staden.The project investigates the local landscape as a potential creator of value in a time of economic decline. The project is based on the city of Venice's plans for urban renewal on a former boatyard site on the island of St. Elena. The method has been to study the existing structure as a starting point to find new spatial solutions to current and future requirements. The proposal includes the design of a planned park and the two neighboring blocks. It consists of an implanted salt marsh which is an important habitat for animals and plants around the lagoon. The built addition is a wooden structure that serves as a link between the denser parts of the planned district and the new green area. The architecture arrange itself in the orthogonal urban structure towards the street side, while the meeting with the park consists of a softer, sequential transition between architecture and landscape. The project demonstrates how an attractive urban and residential environment can be created where biodiversity and food production becomes part of the city. Thus creating value and meaning in the city

    Intensiv glukoskontroll vid typ 2-diabetes lönar sig.

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