173 research outputs found

    Transfer Functions and Penetrations of Five Differential Mobility Analyzers for Sub-2 nm Particle Classification

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    The transfer functions and penetrations of five differential mobility analyzers (DMAs) for sub-2 nm particle classification were evaluated in this study. These DMAs include the TSI nanoDMA, the Caltech radial DMA (RDMA) and nanoRDMA, the Grimm nanoDMA, and the Karlsruhe-Vienna DMA. Measurements were done using tetra-alkyl ammonium ion standards with mobility diameters of 1.16, 1.47, and 1.70 nm. These monomobile ions were generated by electrospray followed by high resolution mobility classification. Measurements were focused at an aerosol-to-sheath flow ratio of 0.1. A data inversion routine was developed to obtain the true transfer function for each test DMA, and these measured transfer functions were compared with theory. DMA penetration efficiencies were also measured. An approximate model for diffusional deposition, based on the modified Gormley and Kennedy equation using an effective length, is given for each test DMA. These results quantitatively characterize the performance of the test DMAs in classifying sub-2 nm particles and can be readily used for DMA data inversion

    Isolates of Liao Ning Virus from Wild-Caught Mosquitoes in the Xinjiang Province of China in 2005

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    Liao ning virus (LNV) is related to Banna virus, a known human-pathogen present in south-east Asia. Both viruses belong to the genus Seadornavirus, family Reoviridae. LNV causes lethal haemorrhage in experimentally infected mice. Twenty seven isolates of LNV were made from mosquitoes collected in different locations within the Xinjiang province of north-western China during 2005. These mosquitoes were caught in the accommodation of human patients with febrile manifestations, or in animal barns where sheep represent the main livestock species. The regions where LNV was isolated are affected by seasonal encephalitis, but are free of Japanese encephalitis (JE). Genome segment 10 (Seg-10) (encoding cell-attachment and serotype-determining protein VP10) and Seg-12 (encoding non-structural protein VP12) were sequenced for multiple LNV isolates. Phylogenetic analyses showed a less homogenous Seg-10 gene pool, as compared to segment 12. However, all of these isolates appear to belong to LNV type-1. These data suggest a relatively recent introduction of LNV into Xinjiang province, with substitution rates for LNV Seg-10 and Seg-12, respectively, of 2.29×10−4 and 1.57×10−4 substitutions/nt/year. These substitution rates are similar to those estimated for other dsRNA viruses. Our data indicate that the history of LNV is characterized by a lack of demographic fluctuations. However, a decline in the LNV population in the late 1980s - early 1990s, was indicated by data for both Seg-10 and Seg-12. Data also suggest a beginning of an expansion in the late 1990s as inferred from Seg-12 skyline plot

    New Microstrip Resonator of Nanostructured Materials in a Liquid-Crystal-Based Phase Shifter

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    In this article, we study the properties of 6 nm liquid crystal (LC)–NsM system that forms highly stable solutions in the nematic liquid crystal 4-cyano-4-n-pentylbiphenyl (5CB). The nanostructure is covalently functionalized with 4-sulfanylphenyl-4-[4 (octyloxy) phenyl] benzoate (SOPB), which resembles the structure of the 5CB molecules. The use of LCs as an NsM with phased array antennas is for steering the beam pattern electronically with high effectiveness, managing to get minimum side-lobe levels and narrow beam widths. Normally, phase shifters are the devices in a phased array antenna that allows the radiated beam to be steered in the direction. The objective of this work is to investigate a phase shifter in a linear antenna array for angle scan. A microstrip antenna array is used since it is simple to be designed and fabricated. Ansoft Designer Software is used to simulate the phase shifter for applications to antenna array with LC directed synthesis of NsM. In our paper, we present a new external command with a new influence of the static magnetic bias field of liquid crystal for shifted radiation pattern.В этой статье мы изучаем свойства системы жидкий кристалл (LC)–NsM размером в 6 нм, которая образует высокостабильные растворы в нематическом жидком кристалле 4-циано-4-н-пентилбифенила (5CB). Наноструктура ковалентно функционализирована с 4-сульфанилфенил-4-[4 (октилокси) фенил] бензоатом (SOPB), который напоминает структуру молекул 5CB. Использование LCs в качестве NsM с антеннами с фазированной решёткой предназначено для управления пучком электронным способом, с высокой эффективностью позволяя получить минимальные уровни боковых лепестков и узкую ширину луча. Обычно фазовращатели представляют собой устройства в фазированной антенной решётке, что позволяет управлять излучаемым лучом по направлению. Целью этой работы является исследование фазового сдвига в линейной антенной решётке для сканирования угла. Используется микрополосковая антенная решётка, поскольку она проста в проектировании и изготовлении. Ansoft Designer Software используется для моделирования фазового сдвига ради приложений в антенной решётке с синтезом NsM, направленным LC. В нашей статье мы представляем новую внешнюю команду с новым влиянием статического подмагничивающего поля жидкого кристалла для смещения диаграммы направленности.У цій статті ми вивчаємо властивості системи рідкий кристал (LC)–NsM розміром у 6 нм, яка утворює високостабільні розчини в нематичному рідкому кристалі 4-ціано-4-н-пентілбіфеніла (5CB). Наноструктуру ковалентно функціоналізовано із 4-сульфанілфеніл-4-[4 (октілоксі) феніл] бензоатом (SOPB), який нагадує структуру молекул 5CB. Використання LCs як NsM із антенами з фазованою ґратницею призначається для управління жмутом електронним способом, із високою ефективністю уможливлюючи одержати мінімальні рівні бічних пелюсток і вузькі ширини променя. Зазвичай фазообертачі являють собою пристрої у фазованій антенній ґратниці, що уможливлює керувати випромінюваним променем за напрямком. Метою цієї роботи є дослідження фазового зсуву в лінійній антенній ґратниці для сканування кута. Використовується мікросмужкова антенна ґратниця, оскільки вона є простою у проєктуванні та виготовленні. Ansoft Designer Software використовується для моделювання фазового зсуву задля застосувань в антенній ґратниці із синтезою NsM, спрямованою LC. У нашій статті ми представляємо нову зовнішню команду з новим впливом статичного підмагнетувального поля рідкого кристалу задля зміщення діяграми спрямованости

    Full Genome Characterization of the Culicoides-Borne Marsupial Orbiviruses: Wallal Virus, Mudjinbarry Virus and Warrego Viruses

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    Viruses belonging to the species Wallal virus and Warrego virus of the genus Orbivirus were identified as causative agents of blindness in marsupials in Australia during 1994/5. Recent comparisons of nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) sequences have provided a basis for the grouping and classification of orbivirus isolates. However, full-genome sequence data are not available for representatives of all Orbivirus species. We report full-genome sequence data for three additional orbiviruses: Wallal virus (WALV); Mudjinabarry virus (MUDV) and Warrego virus (WARV). Comparisons of conserved polymerase (Pol), sub-core-shell 'T2' and core-surface 'T13' proteins show that these viruses group with other Culicoides borne orbiviruses, clustering with Eubenangee virus (EUBV), another orbivirus infecting marsupials. WARV shares <70% aa identity in all three conserved proteins (Pol, T2 and T13) with other orbiviruses, consistent with its classification within a distinct Orbivirus species. Although WALV and MUDV share <72.86%/67.93% aa/nt identity with other orbiviruses in Pol, T2 and T13, they share >99%/90% aa/nt identities with each other (consistent with membership of the same virus species - Wallal virus). However, WALV and MUDV share <68% aa identity in their larger outer capsid protein VP2(OC1), consistent with membership of different serotypes within the species - WALV-1 and WALV-2 respectively

    Candidates in Astroviruses, Seadornaviruses, Cytorhabdoviruses and Coronaviruses for +1 frame overlapping genes accessed by leaky scanning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Overlapping genes are common in RNA viruses where they serve as a mechanism to optimize the coding potential of compact genomes. However, annotation of overlapping genes can be difficult using conventional gene-finding software. Recently we have been using a number of complementary approaches to systematically identify previously undetected overlapping genes in RNA virus genomes. In this article we gather together a number of promising candidate new overlapping genes that may be of interest to the community.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overlapping gene predictions are presented for the astroviruses, seadornaviruses, cytorhabdoviruses and coronaviruses (families <it>Astroviridae</it>, <it>Reoviridae</it>, <it>Rhabdoviridae </it>and <it>Coronaviridae</it>, respectively).</p

    Detection of a Fourth Orbivirus Non-Structural Protein

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    The genus Orbivirus includes both insect and tick-borne viruses. The orbivirus genome, composed of 10 segments of dsRNA, encodes 7 structural proteins (VP1–VP7) and 3 non-structural proteins (NS1–NS3). An open reading frame (ORF) that spans almost the entire length of genome segment-9 (Seg-9) encodes VP6 (the viral helicase). However, bioinformatic analysis recently identified an overlapping ORF (ORFX) in Seg-9. We show that ORFX encodes a new non-structural protein, identified here as NS4. Western blotting and confocal fluorescence microscopy, using antibodies raised against recombinant NS4 from Bluetongue virus (BTV, which is insect-borne), or Great Island virus (GIV, which is tick-borne), demonstrate that these proteins are synthesised in BTV or GIV infected mammalian cells, respectively. BTV NS4 is also expressed in Culicoides insect cells. NS4 forms aggregates throughout the cytoplasm as well as in the nucleus, consistent with identification of nuclear localisation signals within the NS4 sequence. Bioinformatic analyses indicate that NS4 contains coiled-coils, is related to proteins that bind nucleic acids, or are associated with membranes and shows similarities to nucleolar protein UTP20 (a processome subunit). Recombinant NS4 of GIV protects dsRNA from degradation by endoribonucleases of the RNAse III family, indicating that it interacts with dsRNA. However, BTV NS4, which is only half the putative size of the GIV NS4, did not protect dsRNA from RNAse III cleavage. NS4 of both GIV and BTV protect DNA from degradation by DNAse. NS4 was found to associate with lipid droplets in cells infected with BTV or GIV or transfected with a plasmid expressing NS4

    Exploration of binary protein-protein interactions between tick-borne flaviviruses and Ixodes ricinus

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    International audienceBackground : Louping ill virus (LIV) and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) are tick-borne flaviviruses that are both transmitted by the major European tick, Ixodes ricinus . Despite the importance of I. ricinus as an arthropod vector, its capacity to acquire and subsequently transmit viruses, known as vector competence, is poorly understood. At the molecular scale, vector competence is governed in part by binary interactions established between viral and cellular proteins within infected tick cells. Methods : To investigate virus-vector protein–protein interactions (PPIs), the entire set of open reading frames for LIV and TBEV was screened against an I. ricinus cDNA library established from three embryonic tick cell lines using yeast two-hybrid methodology (Y2H). PPIs revealed for each viral bait were retested in yeast by applying a gap repair (GR) strategy, and notably against the cognate protein of both viruses, to determine whether the PPIs were specific for a single virus or common to both. The interacting tick proteins were identified by automatic BLASTX, and in silico analyses were performed to expose the biological processes targeted by LIV and TBEV. Results : For each virus, we identified 24 different PPIs involving six viral proteins and 22 unique tick proteins, with all PPIs being common to both viruses. According to our data, several viral proteins (pM, M, NS2A, NS4A, 2K and NS5) target multiple tick protein modules implicated in critical biological pathways. Of note, the NS5 and pM viral proteins establish PPI with several tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor (TRAF) proteins, which are essential adaptor proteins at the nexus of multiple signal transduction pathways. Conclusion : We provide the first description of the TBEV/LIV- I. ricinus PPI network, and indeed of any PPI network involving a tick-borne virus and its tick vector. While further investigation will be needed to elucidate the role of each tick protein in the replication cycle of tick-borne flaviviruses, our study provides a foundation for understanding the vector competence of I. ricinus at the molecular level. Indeed, certain PPIs may represent molecular determinants of vector competence of I. ricinus for TBEV and LIV, and potentially for other tick-borne flaviviruses

    Turbot reovirus (SMReV) genome encoding a FAST protein with a non-AUG start site

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A virus was isolated from diseased turbot <it>Scophthalmus maximus </it>in China. Biophysical and biochemical assays, electron microscopy, and genome electrophoresis revealed that the virus belonged to the genus <it>Aquareovirus</it>, and was named <it>Scophthalmus maximus </it>reovirus (SMReV). To the best of our knowledge, no complete sequence of an aquareovirus from marine fish has been determined. Therefore, the complete characterization and analysis of the genome of this novel aquareovirus will facilitate further understanding of the taxonomic distribution of aquareovirus species and the molecular mechanism of its pathogenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The full-length genome sequences of SMReV were determined. It comprises eleven dsRNA segments covering 24,042 base pairs and has the largest S4 genome segment in the sequenced aquareoviruses. Sequence analysis showed that all of the segments contained six conserved nucleotides at the 5' end and five conserved nucleotides at the 3' end (5'-GUUUUA ---- UCAUC-3'). The encoded amino acid sequences share the highest sequence identities with the respective proteins of aquareoviruses in species group <it>Aquareovirus </it>A. Phylogenetic analysis based on the major outer capsid protein VP7 and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase were performed. Members in <it>Aquareovirus </it>were clustered in two groups, one from fresh water fish and the other from marine fish. Furthermore, a fusion associated small transmembrane (FAST) protein NS22, which is translated from a non-AUG start site, was identified in the S7 segment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study has provided the complete genome sequence of a novel isolated aquareovirus from marine fish. Amino acids comparison and phylogenetic analysis suggested that SMReV was a new aquareovirus in the species group <it>Aquareovirus </it>A. Phylogenetic analysis among aquareoviruses revealed that VP7 could be used as a reference to divide the aquareovirus from hosts in fresh water or marine. In addition, a FAST protein with a non-AUG start site was identified, which partially contributed to the cytopathic effect caused by the virus infection. These results provide new insights into the virus-host and virus-environment interactions.</p

    Development and evaluation of real time RT-PCR assays for detection and typing of Bluetongue virus

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    Bluetongue virus is the type species of the genus Orbivirus, family Reoviridae. Bluetongue viruses (BTV) are transmitted between their vertebrate hosts primarily by biting midges (Culicoides spp.) in which they also replicate. Consequently BTV distribution is dependent on the activity, geographic distribution, and seasonal abundance of Culicoides spp. The virus can also be transmitted vertically in vertebrate hosts, and some strains/serotypes can be transmitted horizontally in the absence of insect vectors. The BTV genome is composed of ten linear segments of double-stranded (ds) RNA, numbered in order of decreasing size (Seg-1 to Seg-10). Genome segment 2 (Seg-2) encodes outer-capsid protein VP2, the most variable BTV protein and the primary target for neutralising antibodies. Consequently VP2 (and Seg-2) determine the identity of the twenty seven serotypes and two additional putative BTV serotypes that have been recognised so far. Current BTV vaccines are serotype specific and typing of outbreak strains is required in order to deploy appropriate vaccines. We report development and evaluation of multiple ‘TaqMan’ fluorescence-probe based quantitative real-time type-specific RT-PCR assays targeting Seg-2 of the 27+1 BTV types. The assays were evaluated using orbivirus isolates from the ‘Orbivirus Reference Collection’ (ORC) held at The Pirbright Institute. The assays are BTV-type specific and can be used for rapid, sensitive and reliable detection / identification (typing) of BTV RNA from samples of infected blood, tissues, homogenised Culicoides, or tissue culture supernatants. None of the assays amplified cDNAs from closely related but heterologous orbiviruses, or from uninfected host animals or cell cultures

    Simultaneous Identification of DNA and RNA Viruses Present in Pig Faeces Using Process-Controlled Deep Sequencing

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    Background: Animal faeces comprise a community of many different microorganisms including bacteria and viruses. Only scarce information is available about the diversity of viruses present in the faeces of pigs. Here we describe a protocol, which was optimized for the purification of the total fraction of viral particles from pig faeces. The genomes of the purified DNA and RNA viruses were simultaneously amplified by PCR and subjected to deep sequencing followed by bioinformatic analyses. The efficiency of the method was monitored using a process control consisting of three bacteriophages (T4, M13 and MS2) with different morphology and genome types. Defined amounts of the bacteriophages were added to the sample and their abundance was assessed by quantitative PCR during the preparation procedure. Results: The procedure was applied to a pooled faecal sample of five pigs. From this sample, 69,613 sequence reads were generated. All of the added bacteriophages were identified by sequence analysis of the reads. In total, 7.7 % of the reads showed significant sequence identities with published viral sequences. They mainly originated from bacteriophages (73.9%) and mammalian viruses (23.9%); 0.8 % of the sequences showed identities to plant viruses. The most abundant detected porcine viruses were kobuvirus, rotavirus C, astrovirus, enterovirus B, sapovirus and picobirnavirus. In addition, sequences with identities to the chimpanzee stool-associated circular ssDNA virus were identified. Whole genome analysis indicates that this virus, tentatively designated as pig stool-associated circular ssDNA virus (PigSCV), represents a novel pi