54 research outputs found
Course innovation in business higher education – A case study of a BA Commerce and Marketing course
[EN] This paper explores the dynamic landscape of higher education, specifically in the domain of Commerce and Marketing, over the past decade. As higher education faces evolving challenges and changing stakeholder expectations, the study delves into the ongoing debate regarding the alignment of higher education, including business education on a Commerce and Marketing BA course in West-Hungary. The research employs a comprehensive case study methodology spanning ten academic years to showcase the course's development and innovations. The study scrutinizes changes in teaching methodologies, course materials, seminar and project assignments, applied technologies, and assessment methods. Findings from in-depth interviews with business professionals, and student observations reveal the course's adaptation to market needs and challenges encountered during the online transition. The results suggest that, despite disruptions in the academic year 20/21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of this course in the examined years successfully aligns with market expectations, fostering competencies essential for the business domain, thanks to introducing new methodologies (interactive project-based, seminars), usage of AI assisted applications, and introducing new forms of assessments.Gombos, S.; Kurucz, A. (2024). Course innovation in business higher education – A case study of a BA Commerce and Marketing course. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd24.2024.1734
Tudásmenedzsment folyamatok kockázatai = The risks of knowledge management processes
This paper is about the risks of knowledge management process in the multinational environment. This research paper has given a try to analyse the relation between the knowledge dissemination and the effectiveness of working processes in the case of a Hungarian metal industrial company. The inadequacy appearing in the knowledge management processes hides lot of risks, which impact on the performance of the individuals, groups and the whole company. The knowledge dissemination and the usage of knowledge are the most important key processes if we think about the question of co-operation versus competition. It could be more interesting if the leader also be the part of this process. Besides the knowledge basis and processes, a real serious IT support can be found, but there are many still opened questions as in the field of risk management. It is true in general and especially in the case of knowledge management. This paper is trying to walk around the topic, to make the reasons clear why could not be any well-built process although the working group’s willingness to cooperate is bigger than their willingness to compete
Tudásmenedzsment folyamatok kockázatai = The risks of knowledge management processes
This paper is about the risks of knowledge management process in the multinational environment. This research paper has given a try to analyse the relation between the knowledge dissemination and the effectiveness of working processes in the case of a Hungarian metal industrial company. The inadequacy appearing in the knowledge management processes hides lot of risks, which impact on the performance of the individuals, groups and the whole company. The knowledge dissemination and the usage of knowledge are the most important key processes if we think about the question of co-operation versus competition. It could be more interesting if the leader also be the part of this process. Besides the knowledge basis and processes, a real serious IT support can be found, but there are many still opened questions as in the field of risk management. It is true in general and especially in the case of knowledge management. This paper is trying to walk around the topic, to make the reasons clear why could not be any well-built process although the working group’s willingness to cooperate is bigger than their willingness to compete
Digitális alapú logisztikai innováció fogadtatása a fiatalok körében
Korunk digitális fejlĹ‘dĂ©se sokoldalĂş lehetĹ‘sĂ©get biztosĂt a logisztikai innováciĂłknak. Az ilyen technolĂłgiai innováciĂłk piaci megĂtĂ©lĂ©se viszont nem feltĂ©tlenĂĽl egyĂ©rtelműen pozitĂv. MĂ©gis a piaci igĂ©nyek gyors változása kikĂ©nyszerĂti a vállalatok ellátási lánc folyamatainak innováciĂłját. A "atal korosztály mint a digitális világ „bennszĂĽlöttei” biztosan fontosabbnak Ă©s egyben Ă©rtĂ©kesebbnek tartja a legĂşjabb ipari forradalom vĂvmányait. ĂŤgy az ehhez kapcsolĂłdĂł logisztikai innováciĂłkat. Egy országos kutatást vĂ©geztĂĽnk az 1980 után szĂĽletettek körĂ©ben, amelyben a digitális Ă©rtĂ©kekrĹ‘l kĂ©rdeztĂĽnk Ĺ‘ket. Jelen Ărásunkban egy konkrĂ©t esettel kapcsolatos eredmĂ©nyeket szeretnĂ©nk megosztani, nevezetesen, hogy egy digitális logisztikai innovációért hajlandĂłak lennĂ©nek-e többet fizetni. Amennyiben igen, akkor mennyivel többet adnának egy jobb szolgáltatásĂ©rt. Szignifikáns összefĂĽggĂ©seket kerestĂĽnk 2000 fĹ‘ feletti mintánkban
Digitális logisztikai megoldások értékelése a magyar és lengyel fiatalok körében
A digitális megoldások kĂĽlönös fejlĹ‘dĂ©se ma nem csak a technolĂłgiai elĹ‘rehaladás Ă©s ĂĽzleti vagy fogyasztĂłi igĂ©nyek következmĂ©nye, hanem a pandĂ©mia által okozott Ă©letstĂlus változás eredmĂ©nye is. A digitális logisztikai megoldások innováciĂłja az e-kereskedelem Ă©s internetes platformok terĂ©n is felgyorsult. MĂ©gsem biztos, hogy ez a piacon pozitĂvan kerĂĽl megĂtĂ©lĂ©sre. Egy korábbi kutatásunk alapján megállapĂtottuk, hogy a magyarországi fiatalok akár 20% felárat is hajlandĂłak fizetni egy-egy ilyen digitális logisztikai fejlesztĂ©sĂ©rt. Mostani Ărásunkban lengyel fiatalok körĂ©ben is elvĂ©gzett kutatásunk eredmĂ©nyĂ©t mutatjuk be, valamint összevetjĂĽk a kĂ©t országban tapasztalt eredmĂ©nyeket. Arra keressĂĽk a választ, hogy mennyit Ă©r a digitális logisztikai fejlesztĂ©s a kĂ©t piacon
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