28 research outputs found

    The acoustic bases of human voice identity processing in dogs

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    Speech carries identity-diagnostic acoustic cues that help individuals recognize each other during vocal–social interactions. In humans, fundamental frequency, formant dispersion and harmonics-to-noise ratio serve as characteristics along which speakers can be reliably separated. The ability to infer a speaker’s identity is also adaptive for members of other species (like companion animals) for whom humans (as owners) are relevant. The acoustic bases of speaker recognition in non-humans are unknown. Here, we tested whether dogs can recognize their owner’s voice and whether they rely on the same acoustic parameters for such recognition as humans use to discriminate speakers. Stimuli were pre-recorded sentences spoken by the owner and control persons, played through loudspeakers placed behind two non-transparent screens (with each screen hiding a person). We investigated the association between acoustic distance of speakers (examined along several dimensions relevant in intraspecific voice identification) and dogs’ behavior. Dogs chose their owner’s voice more often than that of control persons’, suggesting that they can identify it. Choosing success and time spent looking in the direction of the owner’s voice were positively associated, showing that looking time is an index of the ease of choice. Acoustic distance of speakers in mean fundamental frequency and jitter were positively associated with looking time, indicating that the shorter the acoustic distance between speakers with regard to these parameters, the harder the decision. So, dogs use these cues to discriminate their owner’s voice from unfamiliar voices. These findings reveal that dogs use some but probably not all acoustic parameters that humans use to identify speakers. Although dogs can detect fine changes in speech, their perceptual system may not be fully attuned to identity-diagnostic cues in the human voice

    Dendritic spikes induce ripples in parvalbumin interneurons during hippocampal sharp waves.

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    Sharp-wave ripples are transient oscillatory events in the hippocampus that are associated with the reactivation of neuronal ensembles within specific circuits during memory formation. Fast-spiking, parvalbumin-expressing interneurons (FS-PV INs) are thought to provide fast integration in these oscillatory circuits by suppressing regenerative activity in their dendrites. Here, using fast 3D two-photon imaging and a caged glutamate, we challenge this classical view by demonstrating that FS-PV IN dendrites can generate propagating Ca(2+) spikes during sharp-wave ripples. The spikes originate from dendritic hot spots and are mediated dominantly by L-type Ca(2+) channels. Notably, Ca(2+) spikes were associated with intrinsically generated membrane potential oscillations. These oscillations required the activation of voltage-gated Na(+) channels, had the same frequency as the field potential oscillations associated with sharp-wave ripples, and controlled the phase of action potentials. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that the smallest functional unit that can generate ripple-frequency oscillations is a segment of a dendrite

    The acoustic bases of human voice identity processing in dogs

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    Speech carries identity-diagnostic acoustic cues that help individuals recognize each other during vocal–social interactions. In humans, fundamental frequency, formant dispersion and harmonics-to-noise ratio serve as characteristics along which speakers can be reliably separated. The ability to infer a speaker’s identity is also adaptive for members of other species (like companion animals) for whom humans (as owners) are relevant. The acoustic bases of speaker recognition in non-humans are unknown. Here, we tested whether dogs can recognize their owner’s voice and whether they rely on the same acoustic parameters for such recognition as humans use to discriminate speakers. Stimuli were pre-recorded sentences spoken by the owner and control persons, played through loudspeakers placed behind two non-transparent screens (with each screen hiding a person). We investigated the association between acoustic distance of speakers (examined along several dimensions relevant in intraspecific voice identification) and dogs’ behavior. Dogs chose their owner’s voice more often than that of control persons’, suggesting that they can identify it. Choosing success and time spent looking in the direction of the owner’s voice were positively associated, showing that looking time is an index of the ease of choice. Acoustic distance of speakers in mean fundamental frequency and jitter were positively associated with looking time, indicating that the shorter the acoustic distance between speakers with regard to these parameters, the harder the decision. So, dogs use these cues to discriminate their owner’s voice from unfamiliar voices. These findings reveal that dogs use some but probably not all acoustic parameters that humans use to identify speakers. Although dogs can detect fine changes in speech, their perceptual system may not be fully attuned to identity-diagnostic cues in the human voice

    Continuous Manufacturing of Homogeneous Ultralow-Dose Granules by Twin-Screw Wet Granulation

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    Homogeneous ultralow-dose (30 mg) tablets were prepared from perfectly free-flowing granules manufactured by continuous Twin-Screw Wet Granulation. The gravimetrically fed mixture of lactose and potato starch of low particle size was successfully agglomerated and the size enlargement technology proved to be very robust. Since the incorporated drug was dissolved in ethanol-based granulation liquid, the resulting homogeneity largely depended on the dosing of the applied liquid administering units.A peristaltic pump generated higher deviation of the drug content in tablets (Relative Standard Deviation (RSD): 7.7 %) compared to a syringe pump (RSD: 2.3 %) or a piston pump (RSD: 4.6 %). This is due to the pulsation of the liquid flow generated by the peristaltic pump according to the real-time measured mass of the fed liquid. A good correlation was found between the RSD of the liquid mass flow (calculated from the recorded masses) and the RSD of the drug content. Based on the results, the goodness of Content Uniformity, as the most relevant critical quality attribute of low-dose products, was determined by the characteristics of the applied dosing units. The feeding characteristic of the different pumps could be easily measured by the introduced balance-based method and therefore, the applicability of the pumps could be evaluated

    A nemszinaptikus nikotinikus acetilkolin és NMDA receptorok szerepe élettani körülmények között és pathológiás állapotokban = Role of nonsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and NMDA receptors in physiological and pathophysiological conditions

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    A szélütés (stroke) utáni neurodegeneráció a jelenlegi morbiditási és mortalitási mutatók egyik legfontosabb tényezője. Az iszkémiás stroke kezelésében számos ígéretes gyógyszerjelölt molekula vallott kudarcot a klinikai vizsgálatokban. Ennek valószínűleg az az oka, hogy hiányosak ismereteink az iszkémiás kórképek kialakulásának mechanizmusaira vonatkozólag. A legtöbb központi idegrendszerre ható gyógyszert szinaptikusan elhelyezkedő receptorokra vagy transzporterekre fejlesztik annak érdekében, hogy igazán hatékony gyógyszereket tudjunk fejleszteni, figyelembe kell venni, hogy az extraszinaptikus receptorok és transzporterek száma jóval meghaladja a szinaptikusakét, illetve hogy nagyon sok központi idegrendszeri megbetegedés alapja a nemszinaptikus rendszer malfunkciója. Például, a szinaptikus NMDA receptorok aktivációja neuroprotektív hatást fejt ki, míg az extraszinaptikus NMDA receptor aktiváció excitotoxikus hatású. Konkrét javaslataink a gyógyszerfejlesztést illetően: Az NR2B alegységet tartalmazó NMDA receptorok szelektív gátlói (mint például a fluoxetine), és a nátriumcsatorna gátlók egyes típusai; mint neuroprotektív szerek. A nikotinikus agonisták pozitív modulátorai, amelyek a kognitív problémák kezelésében, ill. a dohányzásról való leszokás segítésében lehetnek hasznosak. | Neurodegeneration after a stroke is one of the major causes of present-day morbidity and mortality. There is a long list of neuroprotective compounds that have failed to be clinically useful in the treatment of ischaemic stroke. This is likely due, at least in part, to our inadequate knowledge regarding the core mechanisms of ischaemic diseases. Most “novel” drugs that target the CNS are designed to act on neurotransmitter receptors or transporters that are localised within synapses. To develop the most effective drugs, it is important to remember that there are extrasynaptic receptors and transporters that may outnumber those located within synapses and that, when malfunctioning, may be responsible for several symptoms of CNS disorders. For example, activation of synaptic NMDA receptors is neuroprotective, whereas stimulation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors causes excitotoxicity. We suggest that future drug development research consider the following: Compounds that are able to selectively inhibit non-synaptic NR2B Glu receptors (such as Fluoxetine), and specific subtypes of sodium channel inhibitors as neuroprotective compounds. Positive modulators of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. They would be potential drugs in the treatment of memory problems and in smoking cessation

    Combined two-photon imaging, electrophysiological, and anatomical investigation of the human neocortex in vitro

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    Spontaneous synchronous population activity (SPA) can be detected by electrophysiological methods in cortical slices of epileptic patients, maintained in a physiological medium in vitro. In order to gain additional spatial information about the network mechanisms involved in the SPA generation, we combined electrophysiological studies with two-photon imaging. Neocortical slices prepared from postoperative tissue of epileptic and tumor patients were maintained in a dual perfusion chamber in a physiological incubation medium. SPA was recorded with a 24-channel extracellular linear microelectrode covering all neocortical layers. After identifying the electrophysiologically active regions of the slice, bolus loading of neuronal and glial markers was applied on the tissue. SPA-related [Formula: see text] transients were detected in a large population of neighboring neurons with two-photon microscopy, simultaneous with extracellular SPA and intracellular whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. The intracellularly recorded cells were filled for subsequent anatomy. The cells were reconstructed in three dimensions and examined with light- and transmission electron microscopy. Combining high spatial resolution two-photon [Formula: see text] imaging techniques and high temporal resolution extra- and intracellular electrophysiology with cellular anatomy may permit a deeper understanding of the structural and functional properties of the human neocortex

    Behavioral, neural and ultrastructural alterations in a graded-dose 6-OHDA mouse model of early-stage Parkinson's disease

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    Studying animal models furthers our understanding of Parkinson’s disease (PD) pathophysiology by providing tools to investigate detailed molecular, cellular and circuit functions. Different versions of the neurotoxin-based 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) model of PD have been widely used in rats. However, these models typically assess the result of extensive and definitive dopaminergic lesions that reflect a late stage of PD, leading to a paucity of studies and a consequential gap of knowledge regarding initial stages, in which early interventions would be possible. Additionally, the better availability of genetic tools increasingly shifts the focus of research from rats to mice, but few mouse PD models are available yet. To address these, we characterize here the behavioral, neuronal and ultrastructural features of a graded-dose unilateral, single-injection, striatal 6-OHDA model in mice, focusing on early-stage changes within the first two weeks of lesion induction. We observed early onset, dose-dependent impairments of overall locomotion without substantial deterioration of motor coordination. In accordance, histological evaluation demonstrated a partial, dose-dependent loss of dopaminergic neurons of substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). Furthermore, electron microscopic analysis revealed degenerative ultrastructural changes in SNc dopaminergic neurons. Our results show that mild ultrastructural and cellular degradation of dopaminergic neurons of the SNc can lead to certain motor deficits shortly after unilateral striatal lesions, suggesting that a unilateral dose-dependent intrastriatal 6-OHDA lesion protocol can serve as a successful model of the early stages of Parkinson’s disease in mice

    NoSQL database management systems

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    A NoSQL mozgalom legalapvetőbb céljai, a NoSQL adatbázisok főbb típusai és ezek jellemzői. Gráfadatbázisok tulajdonsági, előnyei és hátrányai és alkalmazási területei. Gráfadatbázisok összehasonlítása a hagyományos relációs adatbázisokkal. Neo4j gráfadatbázis részletes bemutatása. Neo4j Desktop és Neo4j Browser kezelőfelület elemeinek ismertetése. Cypher lekérdezőnyelv használatának bemutatása egy gyakorlati példán keresztül.BSc/BAGazdaságinformatiku

    A koherencia-érzés és a társas támogatás szerepe a stressz és megküzdés hátterében

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    A hatékony vezetés kulcsfontosságú funkciókat tölt be a szervezeteknél. A vezetői stílusokat erősen meghatározzák az emberek alapvetően jellemző személyiségvonásai, ezek a vezetői stílusok pedig közvetlen összefüggésben állnak a működőképes vezetés tényezőivel.BSc/BApszichológiaB