17 research outputs found

    An assessment of the impact of biological and chemical grasshopper control agents on grounddwelling arthropods in Niger, based on presence/absence sampling

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    Medium-scale experimental field applications of two grasshopper and locust control agents, the mycoinsecticide Metarhizium anisopliae (flavoviride) var. acridum (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) and the organophosphate fenitrothion, were carried out in August 1996 in Maı̈ne Soroa, Niger. The objective was to evaluate effects and side-effects on target grasshoppers and epigeal non-target arthropods, using simple binary (presence/absence) sampling techniques. Plots (≈50 ha, 3 replicates) were treated at standard recommended dose rates of 5 × 1012 spores/ha (Metarhizium) and 250 g a.i./ha (fenitrothion). The frequency of occurrence – or total presence – was used as a measure of relative population density. The fauna was monitored at 5 day intervals for 36 days (5 d before and 31 d after treatment) and again in August 1997, using 40 miniature pitfall traps per plot and sampling date. Presence/absence sampling proved appropriate to detect and quantify pesticide effects, and the use of similar techniques in rapid risk assessment programs (RAPs) for locust and grasshopper control is recommended. Both control agents were effective against grasshoppers, reflecting their inherent mode of action and speed of kill. The efficacy of fenitrothion ranged from 75 to 86% over the 31 d post-treatment period. Metarhizium had an efficacy of 76% during the last sampling period (days 21–31). Differences between treatments were not significant during this phase. The non-target arthropods monitored on species or species group level represented four insect families which together made up about 75% of the total catch: Carabidae, Tenebrionidae, Formicidae and Ephydridae. 75% of these taxa were significantly reduced by fenitrothion. The median effect was 69% (first week), 33% (second week) and 51% (third to fourth week), respectively, and fenitrothion was classified as `medium risk'. Most of the non-target fauna had fully recovered after 31 days, but one ant species was still significantly reduced in 1997. None of the taxa monitored proved susceptible to the mycopesticide. The median effect was <25% and the product was classified as `low risk'. The field trials provided further evidence that M. anisopliae var. acridum can be as effective as organophosphates without threatening non-target arthropods other than orthopterans

    Economic impact of biological control of water hyacinth in southern Benin

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    A biological control program of water hyacinth was undertaken in Southern Benin between 1991 and 1993. It consisted of the release of three natural enemies, two weevil species and one moth, that feed exclusively on water hyacinth. In 1999, a survey of 365 men and women from 192 households in 24 villages in the target area, using participatory and quantitative methods, revealed that water hyacinth, although not eliminated, was perceived by the villagers as having been reduced from a serious pest to one of minor or moderate importance. According to their estimates of the impacts they perceived, at the peak of the infestation water hyacinth had reduced the yearly income of this population of about 200 000 by approximately US84million.Lostrevenuesformenweremostlyinfishing,whilewomenexperiencedlostrevenuesintrade,primarilyfoodcropsandfish.ThereductionofwaterhyacinthcoverthroughbiologicalcontrolwascreditedwithanincreaseinincomeofUS84 million. Lost revenues for men were mostly in fishing, while women experienced lost revenues in trade, primarily food crops and fish. The reduction of water hyacinth cover through biological control was credited with an increase in income of US30.5 million per year. The total cost of the control program is estimated at a present value of US2.09million.Assumingthebenefitsaretostayconstantoverthenext20years,amostconservativeassumption,theaccumulatedpresentvaluewouldbeUS2.09 million. Assuming the benefits are to stay constant over the next 20 years, a most conservative assumption, the accumulated present value would be US260 million, yielding a respectable benefit cost ratio of 124:1. This ratio is calculated for direct economic effects on the people of Southern Benin only, and does not take into account indirect benefits or the benefits of the project to other countries were the biological control agents were successfully introduced. Other effects mentioned, but not measured, included an increase of water quality and of human health

    Etude échographique du ventricule gauche du sportif

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    Introduction : La pratique régulière d'activités sportives entraîne des modifications physiologiques, fonctionnelles et morphologiques cardiaques permettant au coeur de s'adapter à un entraînement physique intense et répétitif. Selon le mode d'entraînement effectué, il est habituel de distinguer deux types d'exercices : des efforts dynamiques et des efforts statiques. Objectif : L'objectif fixé à notre étude était de comparer les aspects échocardiographiques de la morphologie du ventricule gauche chez les sportifs et les sujets sédentaires. Matériel et méthode : Il s'est agi d'une étude prospective qui s'est déroulée sur une période de six mois allant de janvier à juin 2004. L'examen a été pratiqué avec un échocardiographe Doppler couleur de marque Sonos AC Prime. Pour chaque patient, les paramètres suivants ont été étudiés : l'âge, le sexe, le type de sport pratiqué, le nombre d'heures de sport par semaine, les diamètres télédiastoliques et télésystoliques du ventricule gauche, les épaisseurs télédiastoliques et télésystoliques de la paroi postérieure du ventricule gauche, les épaisseurs télédiastoliques et télésystoliques du septum interventriculaire. Les données statistiques ont été traitées grâce au logiciel Epi Info 6.0 de CDC Atlanta. Résultats : L'analyse des diamètres ventriculaires a montré qu'il n'existe pas de différence statistiquement significative au niveau des diamètres télédiastolique et télésystoliques ventriculaires des différents groupes. L'épaisseur télédiastolique de la paroi postérieure ventriculaire gauche a été plus grande chez l'ensemble des sportifs. L'épaisseur télésystolique de la paroi postérieure ventriculaire gauche a été significativement plus importante pour les sportifs endurants que pour les sportifs résistants. L'épaisseur télédiastolique du septum interventriculaire a été significativement plus importante pour les sportifs que pour les témoins. Conclusion : L'échocardiographie constitue un excellent outil du suivi médical du sportif dans l'appréciation de son adaptabilité cardiovasculaire à l'effort. Mots clés : Echocardiographie, ventricule gauche, sportif. Introduction: Regular sporting activities induce physiological, functional and morphological modifications which enable the heart to be adapted to intensive and repetitive physical training. According to the type of sport, it is common to distinguish two kinds of efforts: dynamic and static efforts. Objective: The aim of our study was to compare echocardiographic morphological aspects of left ventricle between sportsmen and sedentary subjects. Material and method: It was a perspective study carried out from January to June 2004. Sonos AC Prime Echocardiograph Doppler was used. For every sportsman the following parameters was analyzed : age, gender, type of sport, the weekly time span for training, left ventricular telediastolic and telesystolic diameters, telediastolic and telesystolic posterior left ventricle wall thickness, telediastolic and telesystolic interventricular septum wall thickness. Data were analysed with Epi Info 6.0 of CDC Atlanta database. Results: The study of left ventricular telediastolic and telesystolic diameters had shownthat there was no significant statistic difference between groups of sportsmen. Telediastolic posterior left ventricle wall thickness is bigger than normal in every sportsmen. Telesystolic posterior left ventricle wall thickness was significantly bigger in endurant sportsmen than in resistant sportsmen. Telediastolic and telesystolic interventricular septum wall thickness were significantly bigger in sportsmen than in sedentary subjects. Conclusion: Echocardiography is an excellent tool for regular medical assistance for sportsmen, in regard to their cardiovascular adaptability to sport.Key words: Echocardiography, Left Ventricle Wall, Sportsma

    Dead wood and saproxylic beetle assemblages in a semideciduous forest in Southern Benin

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    Saproxylic (dead wood associated) beetles play an important role in all forest ecosystems and are known to be highly susceptible to forest management and fragmentation. Contrary to temperate forests, there has been very little research on saproxylic beetle assemblages in tropical forests. In Africa, large tracts of natural forest have been converted to tree plantations (mainly exotic species) and cropland, and these land use changes are expected to have a dramatic effect on saproxylic beetle assemblages. In the Lama forest reserve in Southern Benin, we conducted an inventory of dead wood and the associated saproxylic beetle fauna, focusing on three different forest types, natural semi-deciduous forest, teak plantations and fuelwood plantations. The dead wood recorded included all coarse woody debris (CWD), standing dead trees (snags) and dead branches or stems on live trees (limbs). Saproxylic beetles were reared from dead wood of different decay stages and tree species, using emergence traps. Both the quantity and quality of dead wood resources differed greatly among natural forest and plantations. Average volumes were about 30, 4 and 1 m3 ha−1 in natural forest, teak and fuelwood plantations, respectively. Dead wood of advanced decay was basically absent in plantations, due to wood-collecting activities of the local population. The overall species richness of saproxylic beetles was higher in natural forest, and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) clearly segregated dead wood beetle assemblages from natural forest and plantations. Multiple regression found three significant predictors of the first ordination axis, the volumes of (a) recently dead wood; (b) large pieces of dead wood; and (c) coarse woody debris. Despite the overall paucity of dead wood, in particular the lack of strongly decayed wood, saproxylic beetle diversity in teak and fuelwood plantations was surprisingly high, providing evidence of the importance of dead wood and the potential of dead wood management for biodiversity conservation

    Echographie abdominale chez le drepanocytaire majeur

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    The aim of this study has been to assess through ultrasonography the prevalence of chronic abdominal visceral complications due to sickle-cell anemia (SCA). Patients and Methods: We analyzed the follow-up records and results the epidemiological parameters, theclinical, biological and ultrasonographycal manifestations in 70 homozygous and double heterozygous sickle cell patients.Results: The study has been carried out in 70 patients sickle-cell anemia (43 SS and 27 SC): sex ratio=1.56 with an age range from 15 to 62 (average age 26,44 years). The clinical result has essentiallyrevealed the presence of conjunctivitis jaundice in 27 patients (26 SS and 1SC) i.e. 39%. The average rate of hemoglobin has been of 7.7 g /dl in homozygous sickle-cell patients and 10.6 g/dl in doubleheterozygous sickle-cell patients. The infarct splenic seen at ultra sound has been the most frequent crisis with a prevalence of 43%. It has mostly been present in homozygous sickle-cell patients (83% SS and 17% SC). Cholelithiasis without inflammatory symptoms has been the second lesion with a prevalence of 29 %. The homozygous sickle cells have been the most severely affected (85 % SS and 15% SC).Hepatomegaly has been prevalent in 27% i.e. (89% SS and 11% SC). The distension of sus hepatic vein found in 4 patients (0.57%) gives evidence of possible heart deficiency. The splenomegaly has beenpredominant in double heterozygous sickle cell (68 % SC and 32 % SS) with a prevalence of 27 %. The spleen atrophy has been observed in 12 patients (17%) with 83% of SS and 17 % of SC. The patients presented kidneys slightly bigger than those in the normal person. The pancreas has not presented any structural problem.Conclusion: The abdominal ultrasonography is important in the follow up of sickle cell patients presenting most of the time chronic abdominal visceral complications. Objectif : Evaluer par l’échographie, la prévalence des complications viscérales abdominales latentes dues à la drépanocytose.Patients et Méthodes : ont été analysé, les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, biologiques et échographiques des patients drépanocytaires en dehors de crises.Résultats : elle a concerné 70 patients drépanocytaires (43 SS et 27 SC) dont l’âge moyen est de 26,44+9 ans. La clinique a été dominée par l’ictère conjonctival retrouvé chez 27 patients (26 SS et 1 SC) soit 39%. Le taux d’hémoglobine moyen a été de 7,7g / dl chez les homozygotes et de 10,6 g / dl chez les doubles hétérozygotes. L’infarcissement splénique observé à l’échographie a été la lésion la plus fréquente, soit 4 3% avec 83% SS et 17% SC. La splénomégalie a prédominé chez les doubles hétérozygotes (68% SC et 32% SS) avec une fréquence de 27 %. L’atrophie splénique a été présente dans 12 cas (17%) avec 83% de SS et 17% de SC. La lithiase vésiculaire sans signe inflammatoire a été la lésion aussi fréquente (29%)soit, 85% SS et 15% SC. L’hépatomégalie a été de 27%, soit 89% SS et 11% SC. La dilatation des veines sus-hépatiques retrouvée chez 4 patients (0,57%) signe un début d’une insuffisance cardiaque probable.Conclusion : l’échographie abdominale s’avère indispensable dans la surveillance des patients drépanocytaires qui présentent le plus souvent des complications viscérales abdominales latentes

    Place de l'uretrocystographie dans l'exploration radiologique de la pathologie du bas appareil urinaire: A propos de 36 observations aux Chu de Lome

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    The main goal of this study is to list the indications of the retrograde uretro cystography (RUC), in the radiological investigation of the low urinary device, to describe the material, technics of realization of the exam and to analyze observed radiological hurts. It is a forward-looking study over a period of 9 months, concerning 36 old patients of at least 15 years and having benefited from a radiological investigation of the low device urinary. We had described the technics of realization of the exam, studied various indications and we had proceeded to a semiological analysis of various observed hurts. As results, 36 patients benefited from a radiological investigation of the low device urinary on a total of 9973 realized radiological exams. The dysuria represented first indication (46.51%). The number of pathological exams was remarkable (80.55%). Urethral stenosis was the most observed hurt and infectious causes were the most incriminated (66.65% of the patients). Exam was normal at the 9 patient's who had a symptomatology evolving for less than a month. In fact, the investigation of the low urinary device by the conventional technique of contrast media radiography, allows the diagnosis and to make a semiological analysis of observed hurts. Les objectifs poursuivis à travers cette étude sont : de répertorier les indications de l’Urétrocystographie rétrograde (UCR) et de la cystographie sus pubienne et mictionnelle (UCSP) dans l’exploration radiologique du bas appareil urinaire, de décrire le matériel et les techniques de réalisation de l’examen et enfin de décrire la sémiologie radiologique des lésions observées. Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale sur une période de 9 mois, portant sur 36 patients âgés d’au moins 15 ans et ayant bénéficié d’une exploration radiologique du bas appareil urinaire. Nous avions décrit les techniques de réalisation de l’examen, étudié les différentes indications et procédé à une analyse sémiologique des différentes lésions observées. Trente six (36) patients ont eu une exploration radiologique du bas appareil urinaire sur un total de 9973 examens radiologiques réalisés. La dysurie représentait la première indication (46,51%). Le taux d’examens pathologiques était de (80,55 %). La sténose urétrale était la lésion la plus observée et les causes infectieuses étaient les plus incriminées (66,65% des patients). L’examen était normal chez les 9 patients qui avaient une symptomatologie évoluant depuis moins d’un mois. Il s’ensuit que l’exploration du bas appareil urinaire par la technique conventionnelle d’opacification rétrograde, vise à rechercher et à faire une analyse sémiologique des lésions observées.