78 research outputs found

    Adaptively Secure Lattice-based Revocable IBE in the QROM: Compact Parameters, Tight Security, and Anonymity

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    Revocable identity-based encryption (RIBE) is an extension of IBE that satisfies a key revocation mechanism to manage a number of users dynamically and efficiently. To resist quantum attacks, two adaptively secure lattice-based RIBE schemes are known in the (quantum) random oracle model ((Q)ROM). Wang et al.\u27s scheme that is secure in the ROM has large secret keys depending on the depth of a binary tree and its security reduction is not tight. Ma and Lin\u27s scheme that is secure in the QROM has large ciphertexts depending on the length of identities and is not anonymous. In this paper, we propose an adaptively secure lattice-based RIBE scheme that is secure in the QROM. Our scheme has compact parameters, where the ciphertext-size is smaller than Wang et al.\u27s scheme and the secret key size is the same as Ma and Lin\u27s scheme. Moreover, our scheme is anonymous and its security reduction is completely tight. We design the proposed scheme by modifying Ma-Lin\u27s scheme instantiated by the Gentry-Peikert-Vaikuntanathan (GPV) IBE. We can obtain the advantages of our scheme by making use of Katsumata et al.\u27s proof technique of the GPV IBE in the QROM

    More Efficient Adaptively Secure Revocable Hierarchical Identity-based Encryption with Compact Ciphertexts: Achieving Shorter Keys and Tighter Reductions

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    Revocable hierarchical identity-based encryption (RHIBE) is a variant of the standard hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) satisfying the key revocation functionality. Recently, the first adaptively secure RHIBE scheme with compact ciphertexts was proposed by Emura et al. by sacrificing the efficiency of the schemes for achieving adaptive security so that the secret keys are much larger than Seo and Emura\u27s selectively secure scheme with compact ciphertexts. In this paper, we propose a more efficient adaptively secure RHIBE scheme with compact ciphertexts. Our scheme has much shorter secret keys and key updates than Emura et al.\u27s scheme. Moreover, our scheme has much shorter key updates than Seo and Emura\u27s selectively secure scheme. Emura et al. proved the adaptive security of their scheme by reducing the security of the underlying HIBE schemes to that of their proposed RHIBE scheme, where the adaptive security of the HIBE scheme is inherently proven through the dual system encryption methodology. In contrast, we prove the adaptive security of the proposed RHIBE scheme directly through the dual system encryption methodology. Furthermore, our security proof achieves a tighter reduction than that of Emura et al

    Partial Key Exposure Attacks on RSA: Achieving the Boneh-Durfee Bound

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    Thus far, several lattice-based algorithms for partial key exposure attacks on RSA, i.e., given the most/least significant bits (MSBs/LSBs) of a secret exponent dd and factoring an RSA modulus NN, have been proposed such as Blömer and May (Crypto\u2703), Ernst et al. (Eurocrypt\u2705), and Aono (PKC\u2709). Due to Boneh and Durfee\u27s small secret exponent attack, partial key exposure attacks should always work for d<N0.292d<N^{0.292} even without any partial information. However, it was difficult task to make use of the given partial information without losing the quality of Boneh-Durfee\u27s attack. In particular, known partial key exposure attacks fail to work for d<N0.292d<N^{0.292} with only few partial information. Such unnatural situation stems from the fact that the additional information makes underlying modular equations involved. In this paper, we propose improved attacks when a secret exponents dd is small. Our attacks are better than all known previous attacks in the sense that our attacks require less partial information. Specifically, our attack is better than all known ones for d<N0.5625d<N^{0.5625} and d<N0.368d<N^{0.368} with the MSBs and the LSBs, respectively. Furthermore, our attacks fully cover the Boneh-Durfee bound, i.e., they always work for d<N0.292d<N^{0.292}. At a high level, we obtain the improved attacks by fully utilizing unravelled linearization technique proposed by Herrmann and May (Asiacrypt\u2709). Although Herrmann and May (PKC\u2710) already applied the technique to Boneh-Durfee\u27s attack, we show elegant and impressive extensions to capture partial key exposure attacks. More concretely, we construct structured triangular matrices that enable us to recover more useful algebraic structures of underlying modular polynomials. We embed the given MSBs/LSBs to the recovered algebraic structures and construct our partial key exposure attacks. In this full version, we provide overviews and explicit proofs of the triangular matrix constructions. We believe that the additional explanations help readers to understand our techniques

    How to Generalize RSA Cryptanalyses

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    Recently, the security of RSA variants with moduli N=p^rq, e.g., the Takagi RSA and the prime power RSA, have been actively studied in several papers. Due to the unusual composite moduli and rather complex key generations, the analyses are more involved than the standard RSA. Furthermore, the method used in some of these works are specialized to the form of composite integers N=p^rq. In this paper, we generalize the techniques used in the current best attacks on the standard RSA to the RSA variants. We show that the lattices used to attack the standard RSA can be transformed into lattices to attack the variants where the dimensions are larger by a factor of (r+1) of the original lattices. We believe the steps we took present to be more natural than previous researches, and to illustrate this point we obtained the following results: \begin{itemize} \item Simpler proof for small secret exponent attacks on the Takagi RSA proposed by Itoh et al. (CT-RSA 2008). Our proof generalizes the work of Herrmann and May (PKC 2010). \item Partial key exposure attacks on the Takagi RSA; generalizations of the works of Ernst et al. (Eurocrypt 2005) and Takayasu and Kunihiro (SAC 2014). Our attacks improve the result of Huang et al. (ACNS 2014). \item Small secret exponent attacks on the prime power RSA; generalizations of the work of Boneh and Durfee (Eurocrypt 1999). Our attacks improve the results of Sarkar (DCC 2014, ePrint 2015) and Lu et al. (Asiacrypt 2015). \item Partial key exposure attacks on the prime power RSA; generalizations of the works of Ernst et al. and Takayasu and Kunihiro. Our attacks improve the results of Sarkar and Lu et al. \end{itemize} The construction techniques and the strategies we used are conceptually easier to understand than previous works, owing to the fact that we exploit the exact connections with those of the standard RSA

    On the Untapped Potential of the Quantum FLT-based Inversion

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    Thus far, several papers estimated concrete quantum resources of Shor’s algorithm for solving a binary elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. In particular, the complexity of computing quantum inversions over a binary field F2n is dominant when running the algorithm, where n is a degree of a binary elliptic curve. There are two major methods for quantum inversion, i.e., the quantum GCD-based inversion and the quantum FLT-based inversion. Among them, the latter method is known to require more qubits; however, the latter one is valuable since it requires much fewer Toffoli gates and less depth. When n = 571, Kim-Hong’s quantum GCD-based inversion algorithm (Quantum Information Processing 2023) and Taguchi-Takayasu’s quantum FLT-based inversion algorithm (CT-RSA 2023) require 3, 473 qubits and 8, 566 qubits, respectively. In contrast, for the same n = 571, the latter algorithm requires only 2.3% of Toffoli gates and 84% of depth compared to the former one. In this paper, we modify Taguchi-Takayasu’s quantum FLT-based inversion algorithm to reduce the required qubits. While Taguchi-Takayasu’s FLT-based inversion algorithm takes an addition chain for n−1 as input and computes a sequence whose number is the same as the length of the chain, our proposed algorithm employs an uncomputation step and stores a shorter one. As a result, our proposed algorithm requires only 3, 998 qubits for n = 571, which is only 15% more than Kim-Hong’s GCD-based inversion algorithm. Furthermore, our proposed algorithm preserves the advantage of FLT-based inversion since it requires only 3.7% of Toffoli gates and 77% of depth compared to Kim-Hong’s GCD-based inversion algorithm for n = 571

    Concrete Quantum Cryptanalysis of Binary Elliptic Curves via Addition Chain

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    Thus far, several papers reported concrete resource estimates of Shor\u27s quantum algorithm for solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). In this paper, we study quantum FLT-based inversion algorithms over binary elliptic curves. There are two major algorithms proposed by Banegas et al. and Putranto et al., where the former and latter algorithms achieve fewer numbers of qubits and smaller depths of circuits, respectively. We propose two quantum FLT-based inversion algorithms that essentially outperform previous FLT-based algorithms and compare the performance for NIST curves of the degree nn. Specifically, for all nn, our first algorithm achieves fewer qubits than Putranto et al.\u27s one without sacrificing the number of Toffoli gates and the depth of circuits, while our second algorithm achieves smaller depths of circuits without sacrificing the number of qubits and Toffoli gates. For example, when n=571n = 571, the number of qubits of our first algorithm is 74 \% of that of Putranto et al.\u27s one, while the depth of our second algorithm is 83 \% of that of Banegas et al.\u27s one. The improvements stem from the fact that FLT-based inversions can be performed with arbitrary sequences of addition chains for n−1n - 1 although both Banegas et al. and Putranto et al. follow fixed sequences that were introduced by Itoh and Tsujii\u27s classical FLT-based inversion. In particular, we analyze how several properties of addition chains, which do not affect the computational resources of classical FLT-based inversions, affect the computational resources of quantum FLT-based inversions and find appropriate sequences

    Revocable Identity-based Encryption with Bounded Decryption Key Exposure Resistance: Lattice-based Construction and More

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    In general, identity-based encryption (IBE) does not support an efficient revocation procedure. In ACM CCS\u2708, Boldyreva et al. proposed revocable identity-based encryption (RIBE), which enables us to efficiently revoke (malicious) users in IBE. In PKC 2013, Seo and Emura introduced an additional security notion for RIBE, called decryption key exposure resistance (DKER). Roughly speaking, RIBE with DKER guarantees that the security is not compromised even if an adversary gets (a number of) short-term decryption keys. Therefore, DKER captures realistic scenarios and is an important notion. In this paper, we introduce bounded decryption key exposure resistance (B-DKER), where an adversary is allowed to get a-priori bounded number of short-term decryption keys in the security game.B-DKER is a weak version of DKER, but it seems to be sufficient for practical use. We obtain the following results: (1) We propose a lattice-based (anonymous) RIBE scheme with B-DKER, which is the first lattice-based construction resilient to decryption key exposure. Our lattice-based construction is secure under the LWE assumption. A previous lattice-based construction satisfies anonymity but is vulnerable even with a single decryption key exposure. (2) We propose the first pairing-based RIBE scheme that simultaneously realizes anonymity and B-DKER. Our pairing-based construction is secure under the SXDH assumption. Our two constructions rely on cover free families to satisfy B-DKER, whereas all the existing works rely on the key re-randomization property to achieve DKER

    Tighter Security for Efficient Lattice Cryptography via the Rényi Divergence of Optimized Orders

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    In security proofs of lattice based cryptography, bounding the closeness of two probability distributions is an important procedure. To measure the closeness, the Rényi divergence has been used instead of the classical statistical distance. Recent results have shown that the Rényi divergence offers security reductions with better parameters, e.g. smaller deviations for discrete Gaussian distributions. However, since previous analyses used a fixed order Rényi divergence, i.e., order two, they lost tightness of reductions. To overcome the deficiency, we adaptively optimize the orders based on the advantages of the adversary for several lattice-based schemes. The optimizations enable us to prove the security with both improved efficiency and tighter reductions. Indeed, our analysis offers security reductions with smaller parameters than the statistical distance based analysis and the reductions are tighter than those of previous Rényi divergence based analyses. As applications, we show tighter security reductions for sampling discrete Gaussian distributions with smaller precomputed tables for Bimodal Lattice Signature Scheme (BLISS), and the variants of learning with errors (LWE) problem and the small integer solution (SIS) problem called k-LWE and k-SIS, respectively

    A Tool Kit for Partial Key Exposure Attacks on RSA

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    Thus far, partial key exposure attacks on RSA have been intensively studied using lattice based Coppersmith\u27s methods. In the context, attackers are given partial information of a secret exponent and prime factors of (Multi-Prime) RSA where the partial information is exposed in various ways. Although these attack scenarios are worth studying, there are several known attacks whose constructions have similar flavor. In this paper, we try to formulate general attack scenarios to capture several existing ones and propose attacks for the scenarios. Our attacks contain all the state-of-the-art partial key exposure attacks, e.g., due to Ernst et al. (Eurocrypt\u2705) and Takayasu-Kunihiro (SAC\u2714, ICISC\u2714), as special cases. As a result, our attacks offer better results than previous best attacks in some special cases, e.g., Sarkar-Maitra\u27s partial key exposure attacks on RSA with the most significant bits of a prime factor (ICISC\u2708) and Hinek\u27s partial key exposure attacks on Multi-Prime RSA (J. Math. Cryptology \u2708). We claim that our contribution is not only generalizations or improvements of the existing results. Since our attacks capture general exposure scenarios, the results can be used as a tool kit; the security of some future variants of RSA can be examined without any knowledge of Coppersmith\u27s methods
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