12 research outputs found

    デート DV ノ ジッタイ ト シンリテキ ヨウイン ジコアイ トノ カンレン オ チュウシン ニ

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    The reality of dating violence was investigated among Japanese female and male college students. As a result,64.3-82.4 % of students reported expressing or receiving violence more than once, although only about 10% reported expressing or receiving severe violence. As to gender differences,men received more violence from their partners than women did. Althoughthere is no significant gender differences on the total frequencies of expressedviolence,men expressed more sexual abuse to their partner than women did. Multiple regression analyses revealed that parent\u27s attitude toward child had an effect on self-love for both genders. On the other hand, parental upbringing behavior had no direct influence on dating violence. For women,b ut not men,self-love had an egative effect on narcissism,and narcissism had animpact on expressed and received violence. It was suggested that narcissismcorrelates to aggression for women,because narcissism had more influence on expressed violence than received one. In conclusion,it was suggested that the psychological factors including narcissism,self-love and perception of parental upbringing behavior have an effect on dating violence for women. Therefore,education to empower youngpeople for nurturing self-love is essential to prevent dating violence. In addition,new methodology measuring psychological factors and effects of dating violence is required

    デート DV ヒガイ オヨビ カガイ ケイケン ト セイコウショウ ニヨル コウテイテキナ ジョウドウ タイケン ノ カンレン

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    人は青年期において恋愛や性への関心を高め,他者と親密な恋愛関係を結ぶようになる。恋愛関係は深い相互作用を伴う対人関係であるため,その中で生じる肯定的体験も否定的体験も比較的情動的影響が深いものとなる。デートDVは恋愛関係で生じる否定的体験の中でも最も深刻な体験の1つである。また性交渉は青年の恋愛関係において一般的であり,カップルの関係性の質によって肯定的体験にも否定的体験にもなり得る。そこで本研究では,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的な情動体験との関連について検討をすることを目的に,性交渉による肯定的情動体験尺度の開発を行い,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的情動体験尺度得点との関連を検討した。その結果,ほとんど全てのデートDV経験にジェンダー差が見られ,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的な情動体験との間に関連があることが見出された。Young people are usually interested in romantic relationships and sexuality and usually form romantic relationships. Because romantic relationships involve deep interaction, both positive and negative experiences in romantic relationships tend to lead to deep emotional effects among young people. Dating violence is one of the most negative experiences in a romantic relationship. Intercourse may become either a positive or a negative experience. We examined the relationship between dating violence victims, assaults, and the positive emotional experiences of intercourse. We developed three hypotheses: (1) Couples who have intercourse experience more instances of dating violence and assaults than couples who do not have intercourse; (2) The larger the extent of dating violence among young victims, the fewer their positive experiences of intercourse in their romantic relationship; and (3) The larger the extent of assaults in dating violence among young victims, the fewer their positive experiences of intercourse in their romantic relationship. The hypothesis of this study were partially supported, but gender differences existed in almost all victims and all instances of assaults of dating violence

    ダイガクセイ ノ シンミツ ナ カンケイ ニ オケル ボウリョク ニホン タイワン ベイコク ノ ヒカク

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    本研究は、日本、台湾、米国の大学生のデート暴力の特徴を報告したものである。3カ国の男女大学生に、葛藤解決方略尺度(Conflict Tactics Scale; Straus,1979)を用いて、交際相手に与えた暴力および非暴力的攻撃、交際相手から受けた暴力おやび非暴力的攻撃の回数について回答を求めた。分析は回答者の中から現在あるいは過去に交際相手のいる者あるいはいた者を対象として行い、3カ国の暴力や非暴力的攻撃の実態について検討した。非暴力的攻撃の場合には、生起頻度が50%を超えるものもあり、国や性別による差異もうかがえたが、全体の割合では3カ国を通じて女子の方が男子よりも攻撃の頻度が高く、また米国の女子学生は日本の女子学生よりも攻撃的であった。一方、暴力に関しては、激しい身体的暴力そのものの生起頻度が少なく、性別や国による差異は見られなかった。また、交際相手との暴力が相互的かどうかを検討したところ、3カ国ともに暴力や攻撃のないカップルが多かったが、暴力をふるう回答者のみに注目した場合には、カップルのどちらか一方が暴力をふるう場合よりも、相互に暴力的なカップルのほうが多かった。こうした結果について Straus (2008) の結果と比較検討し、考察を行った

    Study on Microscopic Water Transport Phenomena and Structure of Gas Diffusion Layer Tolerant to Flooding in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell

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    水素は多様な一次エネルギーから生成可能であり,高効率なエネルギー変換装置である燃料電池を用いることで,永続的なエネルギー源確保および環境負荷低減,エネルギーセキュリティ向上が期待できる.水素の利用は,近年,世界初の商用燃料電池自動車"MIRAI" (トヨタ自動車)の市場投入に代表されるように,自動車などの運輸部門に広がりをみせており,今後,更なる普及が期待されている.運輸部門での水素利用には主に起動性の良い PEFC : Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell(固体高分子形燃料電池)が用いられているが,本格普及には PEFC の高出力密度化を実現し,コスト低減,市場競争力の強化が不可欠である.高出力密度運転を実現するには発電時に副産物として生成される水を効率的に排水する必要があるが,微細な構造を有する PEFC の最適な排水機構の構築は未だ実現できていない.とりわけ GDL:Gas Diffusion Layer(ガス拡散層)内部に滞留する水の排水は重要である.そこで本研究では LBM : Lattice Boltzmann Method(格子ボルツマン法)を用いた解析的アプローチと GDL 内水挙動と相似な流れを,拡大スケールモデルを用いて観察する実験的アプローチを併用し,効率的な排水を実現するGDL 構造の提案を目指す.本章では,近年深刻化するエネルギー資源の枯渇に対する解決策として水素および PEFC の有用性を述べるとともに,本研究に関連する諸研究をまとめることで本研究の背景と目的について記述した

    Talk, silence and anxiety during one-to-one tutorials: A cross cultural comparative study of Japan and UK undergraduates' tolerance of silence

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    This paper discusses the issue of tolerance of silence within university tutorials from a cross-cultural, comparative perspective. A mixed methods, quasi-experimental approach was employed to measure the length of silence which individual students from samples in Japan and the UK tolerated during a one-to-one staged encounter with their instructor. The comparison groups consisted of two first-year intact classes, one in Japan (n = 20) and one in the UK (n = 15), both of whom were studying for a Bachelor degree in English. During the tutorial encounter, the instructor refrained from speech from a set point in the meeting. Participants’ reactions to the period of silence which ensued were examined in detail using non-verbal coding and their length of silence tolerance was measured precisely. Contrary to the popular notion of the silent ‘East’ versus the garrulous ‘West’, the study’s quantitative findings revealed there was no significant difference in the length of silence students from both groups could tolerate during tutorials. Furthermore, self-reported feelings of discomfort during the silence were relatively high for both Japanese and UK participants, but length of silence was not found to be correlated with degree of discomfort. Qualitative data were collected from retrospective interviews examining what participants were thinking and feeling whilst the silent encounter was in progress. Testimony illustrating acute feelings of anxiety on the part of both UK and Japanese students was the primary theme to emerge in this phase of data collection. We propose the construct situational silence anxiety to describe such feelings of apprehension during situated encounters in which talk is expected but does not occur

    成人におけるデートDVの実態とダメージの認知 : 依存的恋愛観と暴力容認傾向との関連

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    500名の成人の未婚者を対象にインターネット調査を実施し、ダメージの認知を含むデートDV被害・加害経験の実態を検討した。またデートDVの背景には、恋人に依存したり、支配・束縛することを当然と考える「依存的恋愛観」があると考えられるので、依存的恋愛観の項目を作成し、依存的恋愛観や暴力容認傾向と被害・加害経験およびダメージの認知との関連についても検討した。その結果、男女差については、暴力容認傾向は男性の方が有意に高かった。被害・加害経験との関連では、男女ともに、被害・加害経験がある人は、依存的恋愛観や暴力容認傾向がより高い傾向が示された。また依存的恋愛観が高い人は精神的暴力を受けた際、暴力のダメージを低く認知していた。本研究では、被害・加害経験があったとしてもそのダメージを低く認知している人の存在が示唆されたため、今後は潜在的な被害・加害経験を掘り起こすような研究が必要である。またデートDVの要因となっている依存的恋愛観を考慮した予防教育が重要である。An online survey of 500 unmarried adults was conducted to examine the reality of dating violence. In particular,we focused on the association between possessive relationships, violence acceptance, and the understanding of damage resulting from violence. Although a possessive relationship is said to influence dating violence the youth tend to believe in such possessiveness in relationships and depend on and control their partners. The results revealed that men are involved in possessive relationships and violence acceptance more than women. With regard to violence, both women and men who expressed and received aggression were involved in possessive relationships and violence acceptance more than those who did not express or receive aggression. In addition, both men and women involved in possessive relationships tend to estimate lesser damage resulting from assaults when they receive psychological violence. In conclusion, we need to investigate potential violence and develop dating violence prevention programs that take into consideration possessive relationships in the future

    ダンジョ ダイガクセイ ノ シンミツ ナ カンケイ ニ オケル ボウリョク

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    Dating violence and its psychological correlates were investigated among Japanese college students of both genders, using the Conflict Tactics Scale(Straus,1979). CTS items were selectively combined to create verbal aggression, minor physical violence, and severe physical violence measures. Although students reported relatively low frequencies of both expressing and receiving violence, women expressed more verbal aggression to their partners than men did, and men received more verbal aggression from their partners than women did. Multiple regression analyses predicting expressed violence severity revealed that both women and men expressed more severe violence when they see their partners more often and when their parents fight each other more often. For women, but not men, higher scores on a scale measuring Hostile Sexism(Glick & Fiske, 1996) predicted their violence severity. Self-esteem, relationship satisfaction, passionate love, and benevolent sexist attitudes did not significantly predict expressed violence severity. Results were discussed in the context of gender differences in the process of expressing violence to their partners in mutual violent relationships and in terms of serious consequences of violence