4 research outputs found

    Relationship between Spirituality and Acceptance of Illness Level in Bipolar Patients

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    Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental condition that affects patients’ quality of life. The management process is affected by acceptance of illness. The ability to accept the illness is related to the spirituality level which is something that is held strongly by Indonesian people. There has been very little research related to the relationship between spirituality with bipolar disorder. This study aimed to analyze relationship between spirituality levels with acceptance of illness in patients with bipolar disorder. This study is a correlational study using questionnaire from bipolar disorder patients contacted through Harmony in Diversity online community as a sample. Samples were taken in total sampling according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The numbers of samples were 30 samples. Calculation of the correlation between acceptance of illness in patients with bipolar disorder with vertical spirituality (RWB) (p = 0.050) (r = 0.306), horizontal spirituality (EWB) (p = 0.001) (r = 0.556), and general spirituality (SWB) (p = 0.007) (r = 0.444). There is a significant positive correlation between acceptance of illness in patients with bipolar disorder and general spirituality with a more significant horizontal dimension compared to vertical dimension

    Giant Bladder stone and rectal prolapse complication in pediatric patient: Case report and literature review

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    Introduction and importance A giant bladder stone (BS) in the urinary tract system with a rectal prolapse complication is a rare urologic problem; it is even rarer in pediatric patients. In the case of bladder stone formation, a variety of steps result in a variety of stone compositions. This study aims to understand the rare disease course of a one-year-old patient with bladder and urethral stones and a rectal prolapse complication. Case presentation A one-year-old boy presented with an inability to urinate since morning. It was a recurring incident for about a year but never resolved. The patients experienced irregular diarrhea and difficulty eating and drinking. Anal inspection revealed prolapse recti. The laboratory investigation found leukocytosis and anemia with normal blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. Urine tests revealed leukocyturia and hematuria. A plain radiograph of the abdomen showed a round opacity around the pelvic area. Ultrasonography of the abdomen and urinary tract revealed a giant BS and severe bilateral hydronephrosis. Thus, a cystolithotomy procedure was performed, and an additional urethral stone was found. Obtained bladder stones with a size of 30 Ă— 21 Ă— 15mm, with 57 % of uric acid and 33 % of calcium oxalate. A manual reduction of the prolapsed rectum was also performed during surgery. There was no recurrence of the prolapsed rectum after surgery. Clinical discussion BS is very rare in the pediatric population. The development of our case's stone composition starts with pure uric acid, which is later enveloped by calcium oxalate due to its lack of acidic atmosphere. Rectal prolapse occurs due to increased abdominal pressure caused by straining during urination. Conclusion The pathogenesis of BS is multifactorial, with local and systemic factors. Early diagnosis and comprehensive history-taking are essential for BS management decisions. The management of BS depends on its size, composition, and symptoms

    Hubungan Tingkat Spiritualitas Dengan Penerimaan Penyakit Pada Pasien Gangguan Bipolar

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    Latar Belakang: Gangguan bipolar merupakan suatu gangguan kejiwaan yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup penderitanya dan merupakan gangguan yang sering kambuh, timbul, dan kronis. Proses pengobatan gangguan bipolar dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, salah satunya penerimaan penyakit. Kemampuan penerimaan penyakit berhubungan dengan tingkat spiritualitas yang merupakan sesuatu yang dipegang kuat oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Sejauh ini sangat minim penelitian terkait hubungan spiritualitas dengan gangguan bipolar dan belum ada penelitian spesifik terhadap variabel penerimaan penyakit pada pasien gangguan bipolar. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat spiritualitas dengan penerimaan penyakit pada pasien gangguan bipolar. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi korelasional observasional dengan menggunakan hasil kuesioner dari pasien gangguan bipolar yang dihubungi melalui Komunitas online Harmony in Diversity sebagai sampel. Sampel diambil secara total sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang ditetapkan. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 30 sampel. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara penerimaan penyakit pada pasien gangguan gangguan bipolar dan SWB dengan domain EWB yang lebih signifikan disbanding domain RW

    Relationship between Spirituality and Acceptance of Illness Level in Bipolar Patients

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    Abstract Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental condition that affects patients’ quality of life. The management process is affected by acceptance of illness. The ability to accept the illness is related to the spirituality level which is something that is held strongly by Indonesian people. There has been very little research related to the relationship between spirituality with bipolar disorder. This study aimed to analyze relationship between spirituality levels with acceptance of illness in patients with bipolar disorder. This study is a correlational study using questionnaire from bipolar disorder patients contacted through Harmony in Diversity online community as a sample. Samples were taken in total sampling according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The numbers of samples were 30 samples. Calculation of the correlation between acceptance of illness in patients with bipolar disorder with vertical spirituality (RWB) (p = 0.050) (r = 0.306), horizontal spirituality (EWB) (p = 0.001) (r = 0.556), and general spirituality (SWB) (p = 0.007) (r = 0.444). There is a significant positive correlation between acceptance of illness in patients with bipolar disorder and general spirituality with a more significant horizontal dimension compared to vertical dimension