330 research outputs found

    c-Jun N-Terminal Kinases (JNKs) in Myocardial and Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury

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    In this article, we review the literature regarding the role of c-Jun N-terminal kinases(JNKs) in cerebral and myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Numerous studiesdemonstrate that JNK-mediated signaling pathways play an essential role in cerebraland myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. JNK-associated mechanisms are involved inpreconditioning and post-conditioning of the heart and the brain. The literature and ourown studies suggest that JNK inhibitors may exert cardioprotective and neuroprotectiveproperties. The effects of modulating the JNK-depending pathways in the brain andthe heart are reviewed. Cardioprotective and neuroprotective mechanisms of JNKinhibitors are discussed in detail including synthetic small molecule inhibitors (AS601245,SP600125, IQ-1S, and SR-3306), ion channel inhibitor GsMTx4, JNK-interactingproteins, inhibitors of mixed-lineage kinase (MLK) and MLK-interacting proteins, inhibitorsof glutamate receptors, nitric oxide (NO) donors, and anesthetics. The role of JNKs inischemia/reperfusion injury of the heart in diabetes mellitus is discussed in the contextof comorbidities. According to reviewed literature, JNKs represent promising therapeutictargets for protection of the brain and the heart against ischemic stroke and myocardialinfarction, respectively. However, different members of the JNK family exert diversephysiological properties which may not allow for systemic administration of non-specificJNK inhibitors for therapeutic purposes. Currently available candidate JNK inhibitors withhigh therapeutic potential are identified. The further search for selective JNK3 inhibitorsremains an important task

    Attenuated allergic airway hyperresponsiveness in C57BL/6 mice is associated with enhanced surfactant protein (SP)-D production following allergic sensitization

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    BACKGROUND: C57BL/6 mice have attenuated allergic airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) when compared with Balb/c mice but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. SP-D, an innate immune molecule with potent immunosuppressive activities may have an important modulatory role in the allergic airway response and the consequent physiological changes. We hypothesized that an elevated SP-D production is associated with the impaired ability of C57BL/6 mice to develop allergic AHR. METHODS: SP-D mRNA and protein expression was investigated during development of allergic airway changes in a model of Aspergillus fumigatus (Af)-induced allergic inflammation. To study whether strain dependency of allergic AHR is associated with different levels of SP-D in the lung, Balb/c and C57BL/6 mice were compared. RESULTS: Sensitization and exposure to Af induced significant airway inflammation in both mouse strains in comparison with naïve controls. AHR to acetylcholine however was significantly attenuated in C57BL/6 mice in spite of increased eosinophilia and serum IgE when compared with Balb/c mice (p < 0.05). Af challenge of sensitized C57BL/6 mice induced a markedly increased SP-D protein expression in the SA surfactant fraction (1,894 ± 170% of naïve controls) that was 1.5 fold greater than the increase in Balb/c mice (1,234 ± 121% p < 0.01). These changes were selective since levels of the hydrophobic SP-B and SP-C and the hydrophilic SP-A were significantly decreased following sensitization and challenge with Af in both strains. Further, sensitized and exposed C57BL/6 mice had significantly lower IL-4 and IL-5 in the BAL fluid than that of Balb/c mice (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that enhanced SP-D production in the lung of C57BL/6 mice may contribute to an attenuated AHR in response to allergic airway sensitization. SP-D may act by inhibiting synthesis of Th2 cytokines

    Gr1+IL-4-producing innate cells are induced in response to Th2 stimuli and suppress Th1-dependent antibody responses

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    Alum is used as a vaccine adjuvant and induces T&lt;sub&gt;h&lt;/sub&gt;2 responses and T&lt;sub&gt;h&lt;/sub&gt;2-driven antibody isotype production against co-injected antigens. Alum also promotes the appearance in the spleen of Gr1+IL-4+ innate cells that, via IL-4 production, induce MHC II-mediated signaling in B cells. To investigate whether these Gr1+ cells accumulate in the spleen in response to other T&lt;sub&gt;h&lt;/sub&gt;2-inducing stimuli and to understand some of their functions, the effects of injection of alum and eggs from the helminth, Schistosoma mansoni, were compared. Like alum, schistosome eggs induced the appearance of Gr1+IL-4+ cells in spleen and promoted MHC II-mediated signaling in B cells. Unlike alum, however, schistosome eggs did not promote CD4 T cell responses against co-injected antigens, suggesting that the effects of alum or schistosome eggs on splenic B cells cannot by themselves explain the T cell adjuvant properties of alum. Accordingly, depletion of IL-4 or Gr1+ cells in alum-injected mice had no effect on the ability of alum to improve expansion of primary CD4 T cells. However, Gr1+ cells and IL-4 played some role in the effects of alum, since depletion of either resulted in antibody responses to antigen that included not only the normal T&lt;sub&gt;h&lt;/sub&gt;2-driven isotypes, like IgG1, but also a T&lt;sub&gt;h&lt;/sub&gt;1-driven isotype, IgG2c. These data suggest that alum affects the immune response in at least two ways: one, independent of Gr1+ cells and IL-4, that promotes CD4 T cell proliferation and another, via Gr1+IL-4+ cells, that participates in the polarization of the response

    c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) in myocardial and cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury

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    © 2018 Shvedova, Anfinogenova, Atochina-Vasserman, Schepetkin and Atochin. In this article, we review the literature regarding the role of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) in cerebral and myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Numerous studies demonstrate that JNK-mediated signaling pathways play an essential role in cerebral and myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. JNK-associated mechanisms are involved in preconditioning and post-conditioning of the heart and the brain. The literature and our own studies suggest that JNK inhibitors may exert cardioprotective and neuroprotective properties. The effects of modulating the JNK-depending pathways in the brain and the heart are reviewed. Cardioprotective and neuroprotective mechanisms of JNK inhibitors are discussed in detail including synthetic small molecule inhibitors (AS601245, SP600125, IQ-1S, and SR-3306), ion channel inhibitor GsMTx4, JNK-interacting proteins, inhibitors of mixed-lineage kinase (MLK) and MLK-interacting proteins, inhibitors of glutamate receptors, nitric oxide (NO) donors, and anesthetics. The role of JNKs in ischemia/reperfusion injury of the heart in diabetes mellitus is discussed in the context of comorbidities. According to reviewed literature, JNKs represent promising therapeutic targets for protection of the brain and the heart against ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction, respectively. However, different members of the JNK family exert diverse physiological properties which may not allow for systemic administration of non-specific JNK inhibitors for therapeutic purposes. Currently available candidate JNK inhibitors with high therapeutic potential are identified. The further search for selective JNK3 inhibitors remains an important task

    Cell-Based Drug Delivery and Use of Nano-and Microcarriers for Cell Functionalization

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    © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Cell functionalization with recently developed various nano- and microcarriers for therapeutics has significantly expanded the application of cell therapy and targeted drug delivery for the effective treatment of a number of diseases. The aim of this progress report is to review the most recent advances in cell-based drug vehicles designed as biological transporter platforms for the targeted delivery of different drugs. For the design of cell-based drug vehicles, different pathways of cell functionalization, such as covalent and noncovalent surface modifications, internalization of carriers are considered in greater detail together with approaches for cell visualization in vivo. In addition, several animal models for the study of cell-assisted drug delivery are discussed. Finally, possible future developments and applications of cell-assisted drug vehicles toward targeted transport of drugs to a designated location with no or minimal immune response and toxicity are addressed in light of new pathways in the field of nanomedicine

    S-Nitrosylation of Surfactant Protein-D Controls Inflammatory Function

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    The pulmonary collectins, surfactant proteins A and D (SP-A and SP-D) have been implicated in the regulation of the innate immune system within the lung. In particular, SP-D appears to have both pro- and anti-inflammatory signaling functions. At present, the molecular mechanisms involved in switching between these functions remain unclear. SP-D differs in its quaternary structure from SP-A and the other members of the collectin family, such as C1q, in that it forms large multimers held together by the N-terminal domain, rather than aligning the triple helix domains in the traditional “bunch of flowers” arrangement. There are two cysteine residues within the hydrophobic N terminus of SP-D that are critical for multimer assembly and have been proposed to be involved in stabilizing disulfide bonds. Here we show that these cysteines exist within the reduced state in dodecameric SP-D and form a specific target for S-nitrosylation both in vitro and by endogenous, pulmonary derived nitric oxide (NO) within a rodent acute lung injury model. S-nitrosylation is becoming increasingly recognized as an important post-translational modification with signaling consequences. The formation of S-nitrosothiol (SNO)-SP-D both in vivo and in vitro results in a disruption of SP-D multimers such that trimers become evident. SNO-SP-D but not SP-D, either dodecameric or trimeric, is chemoattractive for macrophages and induces p38 MAPK phosphorylation. The signaling capacity of SNO-SP-D appears to be mediated by binding to calreticulin/CD91. We propose that NO controls the dichotomous nature of this pulmonary collectin and that posttranslational modification by S-nitrosylation causes quaternary structural alterations in SP-D, causing it to switch its inflammatory signaling role. This represents new insight into both the regulation of protein function by S-nitrosylation and NO's role in innate immunity

    Use of submicron vaterite particles serves as an effective delivery vehicle to the respiratory portion of the lung

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    © 2018 Gusliakova, Atochina-Vasserman, Sindeeva, Sindeev, Pinyaev, Pyataev, Revin, Sukhorukov, Gorin and Gow. Nano- and microencapsulation has proven to be a useful technique for the construction of drug delivery vehicles for use in vascular medicine. However, the possibility of using these techniques within the lung as an inhalation delivery mechanism has not been previously considered. A critical element of particle delivery to the lung is the degree of penetrance that can be achieved with respect to the airway tree. In this study we examined the effectiveness of near infrared (NIR) dye (Cy7) labeled calcium carbonate (vaterite) particles of 3.15, 1.35, and 0.65 μm diameter in reaching the respiratory portion of the lung. First of all, it was shown that, interaction vaterite particles and the components of the pulmonary surfactant occurs a very strong retardation of the recrystallization and dissolution of the particles, which can subsequently be used to create systems with a prolonging release of bioactive substances after the particles penetrate the distal sections of the lungs. Submicro- and microparticles, coated with Cy7 labeled albumin as a model compound, were delivered to mouse lungs via tracheostomy with subsequent imaging performed 24, 48, and 72 h after delivery by in vivo fluorescence. 20 min post administration particles of all three sizes were visible in the lung, with the deepest penetrance observed with 0.65 μm particles. In vivo biodistribution was confirmed by fluorescence tomography imaging of excised organs post 72 h. Laser scanning confocal microscopy shows 0.65 μm particles reaching the alveolar space. The delivery of fluorophore to the blood was assessed using Cy7 labeled 0.65 μm particles. Cy7 labeled 0.65 μm particles efficiently delivered fluorescent material to the blood with a peak 3 h after particle administration. The pharmacokinetics of NIR fluorescence dye will be shown. These studies establish that by using 0.65 μm particles loaded with Cy7 we can efficiently access the respiratory portion of the lung, which represents a potentially efficient delivery mechanism for both the lung and the vasculature

    Biological Mechanisms of S-Nitrosothiol Formation and Degradation: How Is Specificity of S-Nitrosylation Achieved?

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    The modification of protein cysteine residues underlies some of the diverse biological functions of nitric oxide (NO) in physiology and disease. The formation of stable nitrosothiols occurs under biologically relevant conditions and time scales. However, the factors that determine the selective nature of this modification remain poorly understood, making it difficult to predict thiol targets and thus construct informatics networks. In this review, the biological chemistry of NO will be considered within the context of nitrosothiol formation and degradation whilst considering how specificity is achieved in this important post-translational modification. Since nitrosothiol formation requires a formal one-electron oxidation, a classification of reaction mechanisms is proposed regarding which species undergoes electron abstraction: NO, thiol or S-NO radical intermediate. Relevant kinetic, thermodynamic and mechanistic considerations will be examined and the impact of sources of NO and the chemical nature of potential reaction targets is also discussed