1,576 research outputs found

    Motion and contrast enhancement separation model reconstruction from partial measurements in dynamic MRI

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    We propose a motion and contrast enhancement separation model in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Furthermore, the reconstruction is done from partial measurements to achieve faster dynamic MR imaging. The algorithm minimizes a linear combination of three terms, a data fitting functional and two regularization functionals corresponding to the nuclear and â„“1 norm. The proposed method is tested on simulated and real dynamic datasets. This paper suggests an image reconstruction model that directly induces clinically-relevant informations from partial measurements

    The fission yeast non-coding transcriptome

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    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging as important regulators of gene expression, although it remains unclear to what extent they contribute overall to the information flow from genotype to phenotype. Using strand-specific RNAsequencing, I identify thousands of novel unstable, or cryptic, lncRNAs in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The nuclear exosome, the RNAi pathway and the cytoplasmic exonuclease Exo2 represent three key pathways regulating lncRNAs in S. pombe, defining the overlapping classes of CUTs, RUTs and XUTs, respectively. The nuclear exosome and the RNAi pathway act cooperatively to control nuclear lncRNA expression, while the cytoplasmic Exo2 pathway is more distinct. Impairing both the nuclear exosome and the cytoplasmic exonuclease Exo2 is lethal in S. pombe. Importantly, I show that CUTs, RUTs and XUTs are stabilised under physiologically relevant growth conditions, with three key groups emerging: late meiotic RUTs/XUTs, early meiotic CUTs and quiescent CUTs. Late meiotic RUTs/XUTs tend to be antisense to protein-coding genes, and anti-correlate in expression with their sense loci. In contrast, early meiotic and quiescent CUTs tend to be transcribed divergently from protein-coding genes and positively correlate in expression with their mRNA partners. The current study provides an in-depth survey of the lncRNA repertoire of S. pombe, and the pathways that regulate their expression. It seems likely that any regulatory functions mediated by most of these lncRNAs are in cis, nuclear and cotranscriptional. The current study provides a rich and comprehensive resource for future studies of lncRNA function

    Geometry in MR Reconstruction

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    Forage Preferences of the European Beaver Castor fiber

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    By the beginning of the twentieth century, hunting and land use change had reduced the European beaver Castor fiber to a relict population of no more than 1200 individuals. In some European states, re introduction has successfully established viable populations, whilst other schemes have failed. Environmental, social and economic issues associated with beaver reintroduction have given rise to a range of information needs in relation to the species«SQ» ecology. In 2005, six European beavers were translocated from Bavaria to a reintroduction site in southern England. The following year, a 6 month study was undertaken to investigate which tree species and size classes were most frequently utilised by the beavers, and to determine if the utilised species and size classes reflected resource availability within the home range. These questions were answered by comparing the use and the availability of foraged tree species in two ways: (1) using a survey of tree stumps; and (2) as a food choice experiment. The results showed that the reintroduced beavers were highly selective in relation to both the species and the size of the trees they used i.e. the reintroduced beavers selected species in significantly different proportions to their availability. However, they selected similar size classes between the preferred tree species, and did not utilise human timber. The relevance of the study is discussed with respect to information needs associated with the reintroduction of a keystone species, overcoming negative perceptions, population viability, welfare and soft release strategies

    Uniform acquisition modelling across PET imaging systems: unified scatter modelling

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    RIN factor of all samples used for Illumina sequencing. (PDF 225 kb

    Uniform acquisition modelling across PET imaging systems: Unified scatter modelling

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    © 2016 IEEE. PET imaging is an important tool commonly used for studying disease by research consortia which implement multi-centre studies to improve the statistical power of findings. The UK government launched the Dementias Platform UK to facilitate one of the world's largest dementia population study involving national centres equipped with state-of-the-art PET/MR scanners from two major vendors. However, the difference in PET detector technology between the two scanners involved makes the standardisation of data acquisition and image reconstruction necessary. We propose a new approach to PET acquisition system modelling across different PET systems and technologies, focusing in particular on unified scatter estimation across TOF (time-of-flight) and non-TOF PET systems. The proposed scatter modelling is fully 3D and voxel based, as opposed to the popular line-of-response driven methods. This means that for each emitting voxel an independent 3D scatter estimate is found, inherently preserving the necessary information for TOF calculations as well as accounting for the large axial field of view. With adequate sampling of the input images, the non-TOF scatter estimate is identical to the summed TOF estimates across TOF bins, without an additional computational cost used for the TOF estimation. The model is implemented using the latest NVIDA GPU CUDA platform, allowing finer sampling of image space which is more essential for accurate TOF modelling. The high accuracy of the proposed scatter model is validated using Monte Carlo simulations. The model is deployed in our stand-alone image reconstruction pipeline for the Biograph mMR scanner, demonstrating accurate 3D scatter estimates resulting in uniform reconstruction for a high statistics phantom scan

    The Impact of Climate Change on Fertility

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    Rising global temperatures are threatening biodiversity. Studies on the impact of temperature on natural populations usually use lethal or viability thresholds, termed the ‘critical thermal limit’ (CTL). However, this overlooks important sublethal impacts of temperature that could affect species’ persistence. Here we discuss a critical but overlooked trait: fertility, which can deteriorate at temperatures less severe than an organism’s lethal limit. We argue that studies examining the ecological and evolutionary impacts of climate change should consider the ‘thermal fertility limit’ (TFL) of species; we propose that a framework for the design of TFL studies across taxa be developed. Given the importance of fertility for population persistence, understanding how climate change affects TFLs is vital for the assessment of future biodiversity impacts

    Point-Spread-Function-Aware Slice-to-Volume Registration: Application to Upper Abdominal MRI Super-Resolution

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    MR image acquisition of moving organs remains challenging despite the advances in ultra-fast 2D MRI sequences. Post-acquisition techniques have been proposed to increase spatial resolution a posteriori by combining acquired orthogonal stacks into a single, high-resolution (HR) volume. Current super-resolution techniques classically rely on a two-step procedure. The volumetric reconstruction step leverages a physical slice acquisition model. However, the motion correction step typically neglects the point spread function (PSF) information. In this paper, we propose a PSF-aware slice-to-volume registration approach and, for the first time, demonstrate the potential benefit of Super-Resolution for upper abdominal imaging. Our novel reconstruction pipeline takes advantage of different MR acquisitions clinically used in routine MR cholangiopancreatography studies to guide the registration. On evaluation of clinically relevant image information, our approach outperforms state-of-the-art reconstruction toolkits in terms of visual clarity and preservation of raw data information. Overall, we achieve promising results towards replacing currently required CT scans

    Seasonal variation of zooplankton community structure and trophic position in the Celtic Sea: A stable isotope and biovolume spectrum approach

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    Zooplankton on continental shelves represent an important intermediary in the transfer of energy and matter from phytoplankton to the wider ecosystem. Their taxonomic composition and trophic interactions with phytoplanktonvaryinspaceandtime, andinterpreting theimplicationsofthis constantlyevolvinglandscaperemainsamajorchallenge.Herewecombineplanktontaxonomicdatawiththeanalysisofbiovolumespectraand stableisotopestoprovideinsightsintothetrophicinteractionsthatoccurinashelfseaecosystem(CelticSea) across the spring-summer-autumn transition. Biovolume spectra captured the seasonal development of the zooplankton community well, both in terms of total biomass and trophic positioning, and matched trophic positionsestimatedbystableisotopeanalysis.InearlyApril,largemicroplankton(63–200µm)occupiedhigher trophic positions than mesozooplankton (>200µm), likely reflecting the predominance of nanoplankton (2–20µm) that were not readily available to mesozooplanktongrazers. Biomass and number of trophic levels increasedduringthespringbloomaselevatedprimaryproductionallowedforahigherabundanceofpredatory species.DuringJuly,theplanktonassemblageoccupiedrelativelyhightrophicpositions,indicatingimportant links to the microbial loop and the recycling of organic matter. The strong correlation between biomass and communitytrophiclevelacrossthestudysuggeststhattheCelticSeaisarelativelyenclosedandpredominantly energy-limited ecosystem. The progression of the zooplankton biomass and community structure within the centralshelfregionwasdifferenttothatattheshelf-break,potentiallyreflectingincreasedpredatorycontrolof copepodsby macrozooplanktonandpelagicfishesattheshelfbreak.Wesuggestthatthecombinationofsize spectra and stable isotope techniques are highly complementary and useful for interpreting the seasonal progressionoftrophicinteractionsintheplankton
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