297 research outputs found

    Enterprise Architecture Approach for Project Management and Project-Based Organizations: A Review

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    Project-based organizations (PBOs) derive income from conducting projects for their clients. Maintaining the most effective and efficient project governance style is an ongoing process for these organizations as the context continuously changes. Enterprise architecture (EA) is a systemic approach that supports organizations in modeling and describing themselves in different layers, such as strategy, business, application, and technology. This literature review describes the current state of EA usage in improving and quickly revising project management governance in PBOs to benefit practitioners and researchers for an integrated view of EA, PM, and PBO, and identification of future research gaps. This review used an EA model composed of layers as an analytical framework. The extracted bibliometric and content data from selected articles were processed using the VOSviewer tool for identifying and understanding the relationships between main concepts through network mapping. The selected articles are oriented to internal organization projects, mainly in information technology (IT). The need to align projects with business is highlighted, with EA positioned as a governance tool. It was found that application of EA in PBOs is rare. A trend toward using popular PM and EA frameworks, such as PMBOK and ArchiMate, was observed

    Producción de alevinos de especies nativas.

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    Las ventajas de desarrollar la piscicultura con especies nativas van desde la mejor adaptación de estos peces al clima y calidad del agua de la región hasta el hábito de consumo de la población. Entre estas especies se destacan por su importancia o potencialidad en la piscicultura continental colombiana las reofílicas, sobresaliendo: Piaractus brachypomus (cachama blanca), Colossoma macropomum (cachama negra), Prochilodus magdalenae (bocachico), Brycon moorei sinuensis (dorada), Brycon siebenthalae (yamú), Sorubim cuspicaudus (bagre blanco) y Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (bagre rayado). De estas especies sólo el grupo de las cachamas tiene importancia en la piscicultura comercial del país, siendo el segundo piscicultivo más importante después de las tilapias, en razón de los importantes avances en el abastecimiento a gran escala de alevinos durante todo el año, mientras que en las otras especies el suministro de alevinos es deficiente. El éxito de la piscicultura como una bioindustria depende de los progresos en la obtención de una continua y estable producción de alevinos, siendo casi imposible desarrollar el cultivo a escala comercial de una especie si no hay disponibilidad permanente de semillas

    The occurrence of epibionts of Gordiida (Nematomorpha) in Catamarca, Argentina

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    The presence of larvae and pupae of the genus Metrichia (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae), larvae of the genus Macrelmis and Phanocerus (Coleoptera, Elmidae), three diatom genera Achnanthes, Cocconeis, Gomphonema, and some specimens of very small diatoms that could not be determined to species or genus level, were recorded for the first time as epibionts for Chordodes brasiliensis (Gordiida, Nematomorpha). Such epibionts were found on the body surface of this species of hairworms, captured from El Tala stream, Catamarca, Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Preliminary population studies of the grassland swallowtail butterfly Euryades corethrus (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae)

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    Funding Information: This article is a chapter of the PhD thesis of the first author. We would like to thank Dr. Vera Lúcia da Silva Valente Gayeski for allowing us to use the Drosophila lab and all its equipment to perform the wetlab experiments, as well as supporting us in all stages of this work. Grant sponsor: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Brazil. Grant number: 163268/2015-0.Euryades corethrus is a Troidini butterfly (Papilionidae, Papilioninae), endemic to grasslands in southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. Formerly abundant, nowadays it is in the Red list of endangered species for those areas. During its larval stage, it feeds on Aristolochia spp, commonly found in southern grasslands. These native grassland areas are diminishing, being converted to crops and pastures, causing habitat loss for Aristolochia and E. corethrus. This study aimed to assess the genetic diversity, population structure and demographic history of E. corethrus. We sampled eight populations from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and based on Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) molecular marker, our results suggest a low genetic variability between populations, presence of gene flow and, consequently, lack of population structure. A single maternally inherited-genetic marker is insufficient for population-level decisions, but barcoding is a useful tool during early stages of population investigation, bringing out genomic diversity patterns within the target species. Those populations likely faced a bottleneck followed by a rapid expansion during the last glaciation and subsequent stabilization in effective population size. Habitat loss is a threat, which might cause isolation, loss of genetic variability and, ultimately, extinction of E. corethrus if no habitat conservation policy is adopted.publishersversionpublishe

    The occurrence of epibionts of Gordiida (Nematomorpha) in Catamarca, Argentina

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    The presence of larvae and pupae of the genus Metrichia (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae), larvae of the genus Macrelmis and Phanocerus (Coleoptera, Elmidae), three diatom genera Achnanthes, Cocconeis, Gomphonema, and some specimens of very small diatoms that could not be determined to species or genus level, were recorded for the first time as epibionts for Chordodes brasiliensis (Gordiida, Nematomorpha). Such epibionts were found on the body surface of this species of hairworms, captured from El Tala stream, Catamarca, Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Prevalencia y abundancia de Contracaecum sp. en rubio Salminus affinis en el río Sinú y San Jorge: descripción morfológica

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    Objetivo. Determinar la presencia de endoparásitos del género Anisakidae en rubio Salminus affinis en el medio natural. Materiales y métodos. Por medio de disección e inspección de las vísceras y la cavidad abdominal fueron analizados 45 ejemplares capturados en los ríos Sinú (n=34) y San Jorge (n=11) (Córdoba, Colombia). Resultados. Larvas terciarias (L3) de nemátodos del género Contracaecum (Nematoda: Anisakidae) fueron halladas en la cavidad visceral de rubio capturados en ambos ríos. La prevalencia de este nemátodo en los dos ríos estudiados fue mayor de 95%. El grado de infestación fue leve en 94.1% de los rubios del río Sinú y el restante 5.9% tuvieron una infestación moderada; mientras que el 100% de los casos del río San Jorge tuvieron un grado de infestación leve. Conclusiones. Los resultados permiten concluir que el rubio de los ríos Sinú y San Jorge se encuentran con un grado de infestación leve del anisákido Contracaecum sp; el cual se encuentra alojado en el tracto digestivo y grasa mesentérica en estado larval terciario (L3)

    Zooplancton en la larvicultura de peces neotropicales

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    La larvicultura de peces neotropicales altriciales presenta limitaciones para el manejo de la primera alimentación dado el pobre desarrollo del tracto digestivo y capacidad natatoria. La alimentación de la larva debe considerar el tamaño, densidad y calidad de la presa ofrecida. Este documento revisa a la luz de recientes trabajos la incidencia del zooplancton en la larvicultura de peces, aborda la importancia de la larvicultura en el proceso piscícola, la importancia del zooplancton como alimento y las alternativas en el manejo de cladóceros, copépodos y rotíferos para la alimentación de larvas de especies neotropicales

    Clarification of status of species in the pyrochlore supergroup

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    After careful consideration of the semantics of status categories for mineral species names, minor corrections and disambiguations are presented for a recent report on the nomenclature of the pyrochlore supergroup. The names betafite, elsmoreite, microlite, pyrochlore and roméite are allocated as group names within the pyrochlore supergroup. The status of the names bindheimite, bismutostibiconite, jixianite, monimolite, partzite, stetefeldtite and stibiconite is changed from 'discredited' to 'questionable' pending further research

    Okada Purifying Therapy in combination with duloxetine vs. duloxetine alone in patients with TMD and fibromyalgia: a randomized clinical study

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    Abstract Objectives This randomized study was aimed at evaluating the additional analgesic effect of Okada Purifying Therapy (OPT) when administered in combination with duloxetine in patients with Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) and Fibromyalgia (FM). Methods Patients with TMDs visited at Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome who were diagnosed with FM were selected for the study. The final sample was composed of 31 patients: 15 patients were treated only with duloxetine (Group I) and 16 patients underwent also OPT treatment (Group II), for eight weeks. Craniomandibular index, total tenderness score, Brief Pain Inventory Modified Short Form, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory and State and Trait Anxiety Inventory-1 were assessed at the beginning (T0), during the course (T1) and after therapy (T2). Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. Results In all the data analyzed, both groups showed an improvement in particular between T0 and T1. No statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups during the trial, except for the interaction between treatment and time as to the ability of walking at the BPI-I (F=7.57, p=0.002). No side effects due to the duloxetine were recorded in group II compared to group I. Conclusion The additional complementary treatment (OPT) did not appear to give the patients with TMDs and FM any further benefit but it might improve pharmacological tolerability of the traditional medication

    Embedding quasi-static time series within a genetic algorithm for stochastic optimization: the case of reactive power compensation on distribution systems

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    This paper presents a methodology for the optimal placement and sizing of reactive power compensation devices in a distribution system (DS) with distributed generation. Quasi-static time series is embedded in an optimization method based on a genetic algorithm to adequately represent the uncertainty introduced by solar photovoltaic generation and electricity demand and its effect on DS operation. From the analysis of a typical DS, the reactive power compensation rating power results in an increment of 24.9% when compared to the classical genetic algorithm model. However, the incorporation of quasi-static time series analysis entails an increase of 26.8% on the computational time required