21 research outputs found

    Sosyal Antropolojide Yöntem ve Etik Sorunu: "Klasik Etnografiden Diyalojik Etnografiye Doğru"

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    Especially since the second half of 20th century onwards, there have been serious debates and self-criticism processes that took for decades on the nature and ethics of the studies in the discipline of anthropology: It was claimed that anthropology was in the midst of a crisis. As a result of all these debates, the existing theoretical and methodological traditions were shaken and this process gave way to the emergence of new tendencies. Previously, the anthropologist was merely deemed to be a scientist and scientific objectivity was attributed to the product of him/her: The attention of the discipline was solely directed on the anthropological texts and cultures as subjects. Later, the anthropologist whose main concern was to introduce a culture or community, was expected to dwell more upon what has happened during the process. Why this tendency gained such an importance then? Why did the attention on “the different”, on the urge to have the knowledge of the different, turned out to be a tendency of seeing the anthropologist as the gatherer of information and focusing on his/her practice of compiling and writing of these information?...The subject of this article is an attempt to give answer to abovementioned questions. Özellikle 20’nci yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren on yıllar boyunca antropoloji disiplini içerisinde, yapılan işin doğası ve etiği üzerine ciddi tartışma ve öz-eleştiri süreçleri yaşanmış, antropolojinin bir krizde olduğu söylenmiş; sonuçta bu yaşananlar disiplin içerisinde mevcut kuramsal ve yöntemsel gelenekleri sarsarak, yeni yönelimlerin ortaya çıkmasına yol açmışlardır. Daha önceleri yalnızca “yansız bir bilim insanı” sayılan antropoloğun bilimsel nesnellik atfedilen ürünü olan metin üzerinde odaklaşan ve metnin konusunu oluşturan kültürlerde olup bitenlere dikkatini yönelten disiplin, artık bir kültür ya da topluluğu tanıtma işine soyunmuş olan antropolog, bunu yaparken neler olup bittiği üzerinde daha çok durmaya başlamıştır. Bu neden önem kazanmıştır? Neden, “farklı olan”a ilginin, farklı olanın bilgisini edinme isteğinin yerini, bu bilgiyi toplayan kişi olarak antropoloğa ve onun bilgiyi derleme ve yazma süreçlerine yönelik ilgi almıştır?...Yukarıdaki soruların yanıtını verme çabası, bu yazının konusunu oluşturmaktadır

    The Problem of Methodology and Ethics in Social Anthropology: "From Classical Ethnography Towards Dialogical Ethnography"

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    Especially since the second half of 20th century onwards, there have been serious debates and self-criticism processes that took for decades on the nature and ethics of the studies in the discipline of anthropology: It was claimed that anthropology was in the midst of a crisis. As a result of all these debates, the existing theoretical and methodological traditions were shaken and this process gave way to the emergence of new tendencies. Previously, the anthropologist was merely deemed to be a scientist and scientific objectivity was attributed to the product of him/her: The attention of the discipline was solely directed on the anthropological texts and cultures as subjects. Later, the anthropologist whose main concern was to introduce a culture or community, was expected to dwell more upon what has happened during the process. Why this tendency gained such an importance then? Why did the attention on “the different”, on the urge to have the knowledge of the different, turned out to be a tendency of seeing the anthropologist as the gatherer of information and focusing on his/her practice of compiling and writing of these information?...The subject of this article is an attempt to give answer to abovementioned questions. </div

    Effect of cigarette smoking on the washout time of sevoflurane anesthesia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cigarette smoking affects the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic behavior of many drugs and causes deterioration of pulmonary mechanics. We have evaluated the effect of cigarette smoking on washout time after one minimum alveolar concentration-h (1 MAC-h) of sevoflurane anesthesia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated the washout time of sevoflurane in 30 non-smoking and 30 healthy cigarette smoking (≥20 cigarettes/day for>1 year) ASA I-II physical status patients, aged 18-63 years, who were candidates for otorhinolaryngologic elective surgery under 1MAC-h standardized sevoflurane anesthesia. At the end of the surgery, the sevoflurane vaporizer was turned off and the time taken for the sevoflurane concentration to decrease to MAC-awake (0.3) and 0.1 MAC levels were recorded. In addition, the ratio of the fractions of inspired concentration (Fi) and expired concentration of sevoflurane (Fexp) at 1 MAC and Fexp of sevoflurane at 0.1MAC were recorded. The patients were mechanically ventilated during the washout time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found no difference between the 2 study groups with regard to washout time of sevoflurane. The times of 1MAC down to MAC-awake (106 ± 48 sec in non-smokers vs 97 ± 37 sec in smokers, <it>p </it>> 0.05) and down to 0.1MAC (491 ± 187 sec in non-smokers vs 409 ± 130 sec in smokers, <it>p </it>> 0.05) were similar. Similarly, there were no significant differences in the ratios of Fi/Fexp at 1MAC (1.18 in non-smokers vs. 1.19 in smokers, <it>p </it>> 0.05) and Fexp of sevoflurane at 0.1MAC (0.26 in non-smokers vs. 0.25 in smokers, <it>p </it>> 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Washout time of 1MAC-h sevoflurane anesthesia is not appear to be effected by cigarette smoking in patients without significant pulmonary disease.</p

    Batı’da Bir Nakşî Cemaati Şeyh Nâzım Kıbrısî Örneği

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    ler üzerine ciddi ayrılıkların yaşandığı, bu durumun, 9. yüzyılın sonuna doğru Hallac-ı Mansur hakkında devrin uleması tarafından verilen ölüm fetvasıyla ra- dikal bir çekişmeye kadar gittiği özelikle vurgulanmaktadır. Yazara göre, 11. yüz- yılın sonuna doğru ulemanın legalist ve normatif şeriat İslam’ı ile sûfilerin mistik İslam’ı arasında bir yumuşama ve yakınlaşma girişimi oldu ve bu durum özellikle İmam Gazali’nin büyük çabasıyla başarıya ulaştı. Gazali’nin hem âlim hem de sûfi oluşu ile -yazara göre entelektüel bir çaba olarak- tasavvuf ulemanın şer’i İslam’ına karşıt değil, onu tamamlayıcı bir konum kazandı. Yazar bu noktada, İslam inan- cının bu iki ana kolu arasındaki farkı sadece inancın farklı bileşenlerine vurgu yapma meselesi olarak değerlendirmektedir. Yazar, Gazali’den sonra şer’i ve ta- savvufi İslam’ın, yani ulema ile sufiler arasında yoğun bir etkileşmenin olduğunu, hatta sufi üstatların İslam dünyasının pek çok bölgesinde ulemanın görevini icra ettiklerini belirtmektedi

    Autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants after multi-component meningococcal serogroup B vaccination in a 7-year-old girl: a case report

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    Background. Vaccines, which make it possible to be protected from many life-threatening infectious diseases, have been used safely and effectively for years. Most vaccines used today contain a variety of adjuvants and exogenous proteins. Severe reactions, in addition to transient and self-limiting mild reactions, mostly caused by these components, have been reported. The effects of vaccine adjuvants on the pathogenesis of immunemediated diseases are still under investigation. The syndrome called Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) has been defined in the literature. Case. We found a novel mutation of autoinflammatory diseases in the genetic analysis of our patient. The patient developed symptoms of prolonged fever, rash, arthritis and serositis after multicomponent serogroup B meningococcal (Bexsero??) vaccination, without a previously known rheumatic disease. In the presence of clinical findings in our patient, the diagnostic criteria of ASIA syndrome were met. Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of a patient diagnosed with the autoinflammatory disease with a novel mutation after Bexsero?? vaccination. We consider that genetic examinations will be useful in patients with a systemic vaccine reaction in the presence of ASIA when diagnostic criteria are met

    Risks and outcomes of invasive fungal infections in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients receiving fluconazole prophylaxis: a multicenter cohort study by the Turkish Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplantation Study Group

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    ###EgeUn###Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are a major cause of infection-related morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Data from pediatric settings are scarce. To determine the incidence, risk factors and outcomes of IFIs in a 180-day period post-transplantation, 408 pediatric patients who underwent allogeneic HSCT were retrospectively analyzed. The study included only proven and probable IFIs. The cumulative incidences of IFI were 2.7%, 5.0%, and 6.5% at 30, 100, and 180 days post-transplantation, respectively. According to the multivariate analysis, the factors associated with increased IFI risk in the 180-day period post-HSCT were previous HSCT history (hazard ratio [HR], 4.57; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.42-14.71; P =.011), use of anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) (HR, 2.94; 95% CI 1.27-6.80; P =.012), grade III-IV acute graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) (HR, 2.91; 95% CI 1.24-6.80; P =.014) and late or no lymphocyte engraftment (HR, 2.71; 95% CI 1.30-5.62; P =.007). CMV reactivation was marginally associated with an increased risk of IFI development (HR, 1.91; 95% CI 0.97-3.74; P =.063). IFI-related mortality was 1.5%, and case fatality rate was 27.0%. The close monitoring of IFIs in pediatric patients with severe acute GVHD who receive ATG during conditioning is critical to reduce morbidity and mortality after allogeneic HSCT, particularly among those with prior HSCT and no or late lymphocyte engraftment

    The etiology and clinical features of non-CAH gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty: A multicenter study

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    PubMed ID: 26964727Aim: The causes of gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty are diverse, and often have overlapping clinical and biochemical features. With the exception of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), disorders that cause gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty (GIPP) are uncommon. The literature is devoid of any large-scale studies on the etiologic distribution of GIPP. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of each etiology in a cohort of patients with GIPP (excluding those with CAH), and to evaluate the clinical and laboratory features of these patients. Materials and Methods: This multicenter, nationwide web-based study collected data on patients who presented with non-CAH GIPP in Turkey. Results: Data were collected for 129 patients (102 girls and 27 boys) from 29 centers. Based on the data collected, the estimated prevalence of non-CAH GIPP in the studied population was 14 in 1 000 000 children. Functional ovarian cyst was the most common etiology, accounting for 37% of all cases, followed by McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) (26%). Among the patients with MAS, 11.7% had fibrous dysplasia, 32.3% had café-au-lait spots, and 52.9% had both. Human chorionic gonadotrophin-secreting tumors included choriocarcinoma of the liver, hepatoblastoma, and germ cell tumors of the sellar-suprasellar region and mediastinum. Patients with adrenocortical tumors presented at an earlier age than those with other etiologies. Ovarian tumors included mature cystic teratoma, dysgerminoma, juvenile granulosa tumor, and steroid cell tumor. Despite overlapping features, it was possible to identify some unique clinical and laboratory features associated with each etiology. Conclusion: This largest cohort of patients with non-CAH GIPP to date yielded an estimation of the frequency of non-CAH GIPP in the general pediatric population and showed that girls were affected at a rate 4-fold greater than that of boys owing to functional ovarian cysts and MAS, which were the two most common etiologies. The data collected also provided some unique characteristics associated with each etiology. Copyright © 2016 by the Endocrine Society

    The Etiology and Clinical Features of Non-CAH Gonadotropin-Independent Precocious Puberty: A Multicenter Study

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    Aim: The causes of gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty are diverse, and often have overlapping clinical and biochemical features. With the exception of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), disorders that cause gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty (GIPP) are uncommon. The literature is devoid of any large-scale studies on the etiologic distribution of GIPP. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of each etiology in a cohort of patients with GIPP (excluding those with CAH), and to evaluate the clinical and laboratory features of these patients