649 research outputs found

    The cost of dismissals in Spain before and after the labor reforms

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    Several reports and papers about Spanish labour market have focused on the allegedlyhigh dismissal costs and the persistently high rate of temporary work. In fact, the last major reforms onlabour regulation have tried to reduce them. In this paper, I will discuss the most relevant expenditureitems that any employer is Spain has to face to lay off workers. Implicit, indirect and procedure costsappear to be the main problem, and not severance payments for unfair dismissal. Despite of the efforts onimproving the regulations being put forward by this article, there are several dysfunctions caused directlyby the law, as it provides incentives to hire temporary workers and to avoid redundancy legal procedures

    Rethinking False Spring Risk

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    Temperate plants are at risk of being exposed to late spring freezes. These freeze events - often called false springs - are one of the strongest factors determining temperate plants species range limits and can impose high ecological and economic damage. As climate change may alter the prevalence and severity of false springs, our ability to forecast such events has become more critical, and it has led to a growing body of research. Many false spring studies largely simplify the myriad complexities involved in assessing false spring risks and damage. While these studies have helped advance the field and may provide useful estimates at large scales, studies at the individual to community levels must integrate more complexity for accurate predictions of plant damage from late spring freezes. Here we review current metrics of false spring, and how, when and where plants are most at risk of freeze damage. We highlight how life stage, functional group, species differences in morphology and phenology, and regional climatic differences contribute to the damage potential of false springs. More studies aimed at understanding relationships among species tolerance and avoidance strategies, climatic regimes, and the environmental cues that underlie spring phenology would improve predictions at all biological levels. An integrated approach to assessing past and future spring freeze damage would provide novel insights into fundamental plant biology, and offer more robust predictions as climate change progresses, which is essential for mitigating the adverse ecological and economic effects of false springs

    Forestry resources and agroforestry in the 12 de outubro rural settlement (Horto Vergel), Mogi Mirim, SP

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    Orientador: Maristela Simões do CarmoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia AgricolaResumo: Este trabalho objetivou contribuir na caracterização dos usos dos recursos florestais e da percepção dos agricultores familiares em um assentamento de reforma agrária, tomando como caso de estudo o assentamento Horto Vergel em Mogi-Mirim, Estado de São Paulo. A abordagem da pesquisa se relaciona às diversas formas como são utilizados os recursos naturais e florestais e as contextualizações em relação aos fatores que determinam sua escolha. A metodologia utilizou como ferramenta entrevistas semi-estruturadas, que propiciaram discussões, reflexões e a interação com o entrevistado, além de identificar vocações para a adoção e desenvolvimento de Sistemas Agroflorestais (SAFs). Também foram empregados, como parte do método, dados secundários (mapas, croquis, documentos, séries históricas, entre outros), mas privilegiou-se a observação direta no campo com as entrevistas e a participação dos agricultores. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a grande maioria dos agricultores entrevistados no assentamento 12 de outubro (81,4%) utilizam recursos florestais em alguma escala, porém, não o fazem de forma adequada, o que poderá levar à exaustão desses recursos a médio prazo. A principal conclusão é que os agricultores familiares desse assentamento não utilizam os recursos florestais de como forma consciente, sistemática e preponderante de reprodução econômica, social e ambiental. Tais recursos ainda são vistos como coadjuvantes, ou até antagônicos, dentre as possibilidades estratégicas para a permanência no lote. Entretanto, embora os conhecimentos sobre SAFs sejam poucos, foi alto o número de interessados (72,1%) em discutir o tema, demonstrando uma situação de concordância entre o uso atual dos recursos e a percepção das possibilidades antevistas pelos agricultores para sua reprodução sócio-econômica. Na medida do possível foi feito um esforço para estimular alternativas de manejo dos recursos florestais que possam viabilizar a recuperação e preservação de áreas florestais, aliada à estratégia de produção de alimentos, com vistas ao desenvolvimento sustentável ambiental e sócio-econômico do assentamentoAbstract: The current paper aims to contribute on the characterization of forest resources use and perception by family farmers in an agrarian rural settlement. The study case of Horto Vergel settlement in Mogi-Mirim, São Paulo State was used. The research approach are related to the different ways of usage of the natural and forestry resources and the contextualization of the factors that determines its choice. The methodology had as a tool partially structured interviews, that allowed discussion, reflection and interaction with the interviewee, allowing vocations to be identified for the adoption and development of agroforestry systems. Secondary data was also applied, as part of the method, (maps, croquis, documents, historical series, and others), but the privilege of direct observation in the field within the interviews and the participation from the farmers was primary. The results obtained indicated that the great majority of the farmers interviewed in the ¿Asentamento 12 de Outubro¿ (81,4%) use forestry resources on some scale, but not in a proper way, what can lead to the exhaustion of these resources in a medium term. The main conclusion is that the family farmers from this rural settlement are not using the forestry resources in a conscious, systematic and preponderant manner of environment, economic and social reproduction. Such resources are still understood as coadjuvants, or even antagonists, in between the strategic possibilities to the permanence in the land. However, in spite of the lack of knowledge about agroforestry systems, the number of people interested in discussing the subject was high (72,1%), this demonstrates an approval situation between the current resource use and the perceptions of the possibilities anticipated by the farmers for their social and economic reproduction. Inner the possibilities an effort was made to stimulate alternatives for the management of the forestry resources that may enable the forest areas recovery and preservation, combined with strategies of food production, aiming for the sustainable, environmental and socioeconomic development of this rural settlementMestradoPlanejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural SustentávelMestre em Engenharia Agrícol

    Kid Youtubers in Spain and Their Practices as Toy Marketing Influencers on YouTube

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    This paper analyses the audio-visual content of the channels of Spanish child YouTubers in which the children interact with toys within a certain narrative to promote them and raise brand awareness without their audience identifying that content as advertising. The paper compares the data on the videos analysed during and outside the Christmas period, focusing on channels with the highest numbers of followers. The Spanish case is significant as it involves top influencers in the world in the toy sector, surpassing even the pioneering channels such as EvanTubeHD (USA). The authors viewed 250 channels and 3,633 minutes of content produced by the YouTubers most followed in 2016, 2017 and 2018. The paper lists the names of presented brands, the type of products advertised and the advertising formats used, as well as the marketing resources and potential breaches of advertising legislation by the content (in 97 % of cases). The conclusion is that this communication practice requires an in-depth review and analysis by various stakeholders who participate in it, including regulatory and legislative bodies. Besides, the authors have identified a need for further research that would contribute to describing the structure of those practices in a manner similar to this research. In addition, they highlight the importance of considering and identifying this content from the perspective of its persuasive nature, as the majority of the content analysed offered no visible or audible signs identifying it as such, thus contributing to adults and children perceiving it as the content of an informational or entertaining nature, rather than advertising

    Practical problems for working time management in on-demand delivery platforms

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    En este trabajo, tras analizar la práctica unanimidad en las resoluciones judiciales en la calificación como laboral de la relación jurídica existente entro los repartidores (riders) y las plataformas tecnológicas se analiza la dificultad de encajar la gestión del tiempo de trabajo querida por las partes en los modelos de jornada laboral regulados en la legislación vigente. Se distingue, a efectos de análisis, la situación de los trabajadores cuya laboralidad se declara judicialmente o por conversión a instancias de la ITSS de aquellos que eventualmente sean contratados directamente en régimen laboral. En ambos casos, se entiende aplicable la ordenación especial de jornada prevista para el transporte terrestre, lo que determina la extensión y retribución de distintas situaciones de la prestación de servicios. Así, tratándose en la práctica de trabajadores a tiempo parcial con una jornada relativamente pequeña, el mecanismo de las horas complementarias resulta claramente insuficiente para la flexibilidad buscad; tampoco la distribución irregular de la jornada es adecuado, por lo que en ausencia de reformas normativas -respecto de las que en el último apartado se incluye una propuesta- la única vía posible para articular la relación es una novación constante del contenido del contrato, con la consiguiente inseguridad jurídica.In this paper, after analysing the practical unanimity in the judicial considering riders as employees, I describe the difficulty of fitting the management of the working time of this kind of relation under the current regulation. For the purposes of analysis, a distinction is made between workers whose employment is declared by the courts or by conversion at the request of Labour Inspection, and those who may be directly hired as employees. In both cases, the regulation of “jornadas especiales de trabajo” (special working time) is appliable. This regulation determines the extension and remuneration of different situations of service provision. Thus, in practice, for part-time workers with relatively short working hours, the mechanism of “horas complementarias” is clearly insufficient for the flexibility sought; nor is the irregular distribution of the working hours adequate. Therefore, without regulatory reforms - of which a proposal is included in the last section - the only possible way to articulate the relationship is a constant renewal of the content of the contract, which implies a high level of legal uncertainty.Esta comunicación se enmarca en el Proyecto de Investigación “Cambio tecnológico y transformación en las fuentes laborales: Ley y convenio colectivo ante la disrupción digital” (RTI2018-094547-B-C21

    Ferro-carril de Bilbao a Tudela

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    Digitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Archivos y Bibliotecas, Marzo 199

    Estudio científico de la pintura mural al freso de Mariano de Cossio. Aportaciones al conocimiento de los murales del siglo XX en Canarias

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    Estudio de materiales y métodos científicos de análisis químicos aplicados a los objetos de arte.Este trabajo tiene por objetivo aplicar las técnicas de análisis científico a la pintura mural al fresco del siglo XX en Canarias, con particular incidencia en los frescos de Mariano de Cossío