2,510 research outputs found

    Inbreeding and Genetic Trend of Dairy Cattle in Baturraden Dairy Cattle Breeding Centre: a Short Communication

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    The success (or failure) of a breeding centre can be assessed through the genetic trend of trait(s) included in the breeding objective and the inbreeding trend. Through continuous genetic evaluation and structured mating program, positive genetic trend while maintaining inbreeding on the reasonable level will be achieved. Inbreeding level of a population is an important aspect in animal breeding as this may lead to a deteriorating phenomenon called inbreeding depression. This information will guide the animal breeder on how the mating system of their animals will be designed. Inbreeding level of a dairy cow population generally is maintained to be less than 10%. The trend of additive genetic (breeding value) and inbreeding of dairy cattle population in Baturraden Dairy Cattle Breeding Centre (Balai Besar Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Sapi Perah, BBPTU) was examined. The pedigree data consisted of 450 animals and 861 records were analyzed. The study included two traits namely milk yield (MY) and calving interval (CI). The pedigree data were collected from 1977 to 1990. The breeding value (EBV) of animals was estimated using DMU computer package applying repeatability animal model and the coefficient of inbreeding was computed with SECATEURS. The study showed zero inbreeding level of the population based on the pedigree available without any single inbred animal. The population showed no genetic progress over years during the period of 1977-1990 based on linear regression of EBVs on the year of birth. This indicated that during the period of 1977 and 1990 the genetic improvement program in BBPTU was unsuccessful. The inbreeding level of zero could mean that the designed mating system was successful. However, no genetic progress and no inbreeding trend could mean that no selection program has been introduced in the breeding centre. (Animal Production 12(3): 144-149 (2010

    A Search for Vector Diquarks at the CERN LHC

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    Resonant production of the first generation vector diquarks at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is investigated. It is shown that the LHC will be able to discover vector diquarks with masses up to 9 TeV for quark-diquark-quark coupling alpha_(D)=0.1 and 4 TeV for alpha_(D)=5x10^(-4).Comment: 9 pages, 4 tables, 4 figure

    Response, Effectiveness and Accuracy of Different Selection Methods and Intensities in Dairy Cattle

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    A data set of dairy cattle production and reproduction taken from Baturraden Dairy Cattle Breeding Centre (Balai Besar Pembibitan Ternak Unggul; BBPTU) was used in the study. The data included were 180 records of milk production collected from first, second and third lactation. The objectives of the study were : (1) to estimate heritability and repeatability of the milk production, (2) to compute accuracy, response and effectiveness of individual selection on different selection methods and intensities, (3) to study the best lactation period for selection in dairy cattle. Some conclusion can be drawn: (1) the estimated repeatability of milk production was considered low, the opposite was true for heritability estimate, (2) the selection response and its effectiveness increased when the number of animals maintained in the population decreased, (3) the selection accuracy increased along with the increased of number of record included, (4) the highest selection accuracy was obtained from individual selection with three records whilst the family selection resulted in the lowest selection accuracy. It was also concluded that selection in dairy cattle can be done as early as the first lactation and the accuracy will be increased if combined with the information from relatives. (Animal Production 11(1): 66-70 (2009

    The effect of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) bean extract on male New Zealand White rabbit semen

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    [EN] The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) grows naturally in the Mediterranean region. The empiric use of carob cures for their aphrodisiac properties is very common in Turkey. Thus, the experiment was conducted to determine the effects of carob bean extracts on some reproductive parameters in male New Zealand White rabbits. During the adaptation period (stage 1), 6-8 mo old rabbits were trained in semen collection for 30 d. At the beginning of the treatment period (stage 2), rabbits were assigned randomly to 2 groups of 8 animals each. For a period of 49 d (1 spermatogenesis duration), one group was treated with a daily oral dose (10 mL) of carob extract and the other group received the corresponding volume of tap water. Semen was collected weekly. Semen samples taken at week 1 and 7 were analysed separately. At the beginning of stage 2, no differences were observed in the volume and pH of the ejaculate, sperm concentration, percentage of motility, percentage of live spermatozoa, percentage of sperm plasma membrane integrity, plasma concentration of testosterone, and seminal plasma protein levels between the control and carob extract treated animals. Similarly, at the end of stage 2, there were no differences in the volume and pH of the ejaculate, motility percentage, the percentage of live spermatozoa, percentage of sperm plasma membrane integrity, and the seminal plasma protein levels between the control and the carob extract treated animals. However, sperm concentration (P<0.05), plasma concentration of testosterone (P<0.05), and percentage of change in spermatozoa concentration (P<0.02) between groups were affected at the end of stage 2. The data suggested that the use of carob cures prepared by boiling carob fruit could have beneficial influences on sperm concentration in rabbits.Ata, A.; Yildiz-Gulay, O.; GĂŒngör, S.; Balic, A.; Gulay, M. (2018). The effect of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) bean extract on male New Zealand White rabbit semen. World Rabbit Science. 26(3):209-215. doi:10.4995/wrs.2018.10154SWORD209215263Abd El-Ghany M.A. 2007. The relation of antioxidants and sodium nitrite on the oxidation reduction system and reproductive ability of male rats. Egypt J. Nutr., 2: 33-64.Agnes V.F., Akbarsha M.A. 2003. Spermatotoxic effect of aflatoxin B1 in the albino Mouse. Food. Chem. Tox., 41: 119-130. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0278-6915(02)00171-0Amico F.P., Source E.G. 1997. Medical plants and phytotheraphy in Mussomeli area (Caltenisseta, Scily, Italy). Fitoterapia, 68: 143-159.Ata A., Hatipoglu F.S., Yildiz-Gulay O., Gulay M.S. 2007. Protective role of ascorbic acid on subacute sperm toxicity in male New Zealand White Rabbits treated with endosulfan. Drug Chem. Toxicol., 30: 181-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/01480540701374896Ayaz F.A., Torun H., Ayaz S., Correia P.J., Alaiz M., Sanz C., Gruz J., Strand M. 2007. Determination of chemical composition of Anatolian carob pod (Ceratonia siliqua L.), Sugars, amino and organic acids, minerals and phenolic compounds. J. Food Quality, 30: 1040-1055. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-4557.2007.00176.xFeng P., Li TL., Guan Z.X., Franklin R.B., Costello L.C. 2002. Direct effect of zinc on mitochondrial apoptogenesis in prostate cells. Prostate, 52: 311-318. https://doi.org/10.1002/pros.10128Hala M.A.W. 2011. Protective effect of Nigella sativa, linseed and celery oil against testicular toxicity induced by sodium valproate in male rats. J. Am. Sci., 7: 687-693.Inouce M., Suzuki R., Koide T., Sakaguchi N., Ogihera Y., Yabu Y. 1994. Antioxidant, gallic acid, induces apaptosis in HL- 60RG cells. Biochem. Res. Commun., 204: 898-904. https://doi.org/10.1006/bbrc.1994.2544Karkacier M., Artik N. 1995. Determination of physical properties, chemical composition and extraction conditions of carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.). Gida, 20: 131-136.Katsiya G.V., Todua T.N., Gorlushkin V.M., Chirkov A.M., Goncharov N.P. 1989. Effect of immobilization stress on the gonadotropic function of the hypophysis in male hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas). Biol. Medit., 107: 231-234.Marakis S. 1996. Carob bean in food and feed: current status and future potentials: a critical appraisal. J. Food Sci. Technol., 33: 365-383.Merzouki A., Ed-Derfoufi F., El Allau A., Molero-Mesas J. 1997. Wild medicinal plants used by local Bouhmed population (Morocco). Fitoterapia, 68: 444-460.Rickard I.J., Holopainen J., Helama S., Helle S., Russell A.F., Lummaa V. 2010. Food availability at birth limited reproductive success in historical humans. Ecology, 91: 3515-3525. https://doi.org/10.1890/10-0019.1Robbins W.A., Xun L., FitzGerald L.Z., Esguerra S., Henning S.M., Carpenter C.L. 2012. Walnuts Improve Semen Quality in Men Consuming a Western-Style Diet: Randomized Control Dietary Intervention Trial. Biol. Reprod., 87: 101-108. https://doi.org/10.1095/biolreprod.112.101634Osaretin A.T., Gabriel A.A. 2008. Effect of zinc deficiency on memory, oxidative stress and blood chemistry in rats. Adv. Med. Dent. Sci., 2: 74-82.Saracoglu A.I. 2011. ƞifa Kitabı, 1st ed. Haygrup Publishers, Istanbul, Turkey.Takeda A., Tamano H., Tochigi M. 2005. Zinc homeostasis in the hypocampus of zinc deficient young adult rats. J. Neurochem. Int., 46: 221-225. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuint.2004.10.003Tokeshi I., Yoshimoto T., Muto N., Nakamura S., Ashizawa K., Nakada T., Tatemoto H. 2007. Antihyaluronidase action of ellagic acid effectively prevents polyspermy as a result of suppression of the acrosome reaction induced by sperm-zona interaction during in vitro fertilization of porcine oocytes. J. Reprod. Develop., 53: 755-764. https://doi.org/10.1262/jrd.18173Turk G., Sonmez M., Aydin M., Yuce A., Gur S., Yuksel M., Aksu E.H., Aksoy H. 2008. Effects of pomegranate juice consumption on sperm quality, spermatogenic cell density, antioxidant activity and testosterone level in male rats. Clin. Nutr., 27: 289-296. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2007.12.006WĂŒrsch P. 1979. Influence of tannin-rich carob pod fiber on the cholesterol metabolism in the rat. J. Nutr., 109: 685-692. https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/109.4.685Zago M.P., Oteiza P.I. 2001. The antioxidant properties of zinc: interactions with iron and antioxidants. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 31: 266-274. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0891-5849(01)00583-

    The Age of the Inner Halo Globular Cluster NGC 6652

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    HST (V,I) photometry has been obtained for the inner halo globular cluster NGC 6652. The photometry reaches approximately 4 mag below the turn-off and includes a well populated horizontal branch. This cluster is located close to the Galactic center at a galactocentric distance of approximately 2.0 kpc with a reddening of E(V-I) = 0.15 +/- 0.02 and has a metallicity of [Fe/H] approximately -0.85. Based upon Delta(V) between the point on the sub-giant branch which is 0.05 mag redder than the turn-off and the horizontal branch, NGC 6652 is 11.7 +/- 1.6 Gyr old. Using this same Delta(V), precise differential ages for 47 Tuc (a thick disk globular), M107 and NGC 1851 (both halo clusters) were obtained. NGC 6652 appears to be the same age as 47 Tuc and NGC 1851 (within +/- 1.2 Gyr), while there is a slight suggestion that M107 is older than NGC 6652 by 2.3 +/- 1.5 Gyr. As this is a less than 2-sigma result, this issue needs to be investigated further before a definitive statement regarding the relative age of M107 and NGC 6652 may be made.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, December 2000 issu

    Increasing Productivity of Egg Production Through Individual Selection on Tegal Ducks (Anas Javanicus)

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    The purpose of this research was to study the effect of egg production selection characteristic on productivity of Tegal duck. Materials used were 112 of six month old Tegal ducks consisted of 16 males and 96 females. Selection for females was applied on 12 duck groups based on egg production phenotipic: parent stock duck (G1) which was offspring of their ancestor (G0) having egg production above average production (not less than 78 eggs in 120 days); while the males were selected based on egg production of their mother, and 4 groups were use as control. Production and reproduction data were analysed descriptively compared to initial population using T test. Egg production was analysed based on Nested Classification to estimate haritability value (h2). The results indicated that egg production increased from 78.00±19.00 (G0) to 88.12±11.57 (G1). Heritability estimation on egg production and genetic progress were 0.35 and 5.95 respectively. On the male, the selection increased body weight and semen quality. It was concluded that selection of egg production characteristics increased productivity of Tegal duck. (Animal Production 11(3): 183-188 (2009

    A Novel Root Based Arabic Stemmer

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    Stemming algorithms are used in information retrieval systems, indexers, text mining, text classifiers etc., to extract stems or roots of different words, so that words derived from the same stem or root are grouped together. Many stemming algorithms were built in different natural languages. Khoja stemmer is one of the known and widely used Arabic stemmers. In this paper, we introduced a new light and heavy Arabic stemmer. This new stemmer is presented in this study and compared with two well-known Arabic stemmers. Results showed that accuracy of our stemmer is slightly better than the accuracy yielded by each one of those two well-known Arabic stemmers used for evaluation and comparison. Evaluation tests on our novel stemmer yield 75.03% accuracy, while the other two Arabic stemmers yield slightly lower accuracy

    Terahertz oscillations in an In<sub>0.53</sub>Ga<sub>0.47</sub>As submicron planar gunn diode

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    The length of the transit region of a Gunn diode determines the natural frequency at which it operates in fundamental mode – the shorter the device, the higher the frequency of operation. The long-held view on Gunn diode design is that for a functioning device the minimum length of the transit region is about 1.5ÎŒm, limiting the devices to fundamental mode operation at frequencies of roughly 60 GHz. Study of these devices by more advanced Monte Carlo techniques that simulate the ballistic transport and electron-phonon interactions that govern device behaviour, offers a new lower bound of 0.5ÎŒm, which is already being approached by the experimental evidence that has shown planar and vertical devices exhibiting Gunn operation at 600nm and 700nm, respectively. The paper presents results of the first ever THz submicron planar Gunn diode fabricated in In&lt;sub&gt;0.53&lt;/sub&gt;Ga&lt;sub&gt;0.47&lt;/sub&gt;A on an InP substrate, operating at a fundamental frequency above 300 GHz. Experimentally measured rf power of 28 ”W was obtained from a 600 nm long ×120 ”m wide device. At this new length, operation in fundamental mode at much higher frequencies becomes possible – the Monte Carlo model used predicts power output at frequencies over 300 GHz

    Giving Miss Marple a makeover : graduate recruitment, systems failure and the Scottish voluntary sector

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    The voluntary sector in Scotland, as across the globe, is becoming increasingly business like. Resultantly, there is an increasing demand for graduates to work in business and support functions. In Scotland, however, despite an oversupply of graduates in the labor market, the voluntary sector reports skills shortages for graduate-level positions; a leadership deficit was also reported in countries such as the United States. Through exploratory, mainly qualitative, case study and stakeholder research, this article proposes that one reason for this mismatch between the supply of and demand for graduates is a systems failure within the sector. Many graduates and university students remain unaware of potentially suitable paid job opportunities, in part because of the sector's voluntary label. To rectify this systems failure, thought needs to be given to the sector's nomenclature and the manner in which voluntary sector organizations attract graduate recruits, for example, through levering value congruence in potential recruits
