21 research outputs found

    Effect of Supplementary Food Substitution of Sea Urchin Gonads (Diadema Setosum) on TSH Hormone, Height, and Weight of Stunted Toddlers in Soropia District

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    Stunting results in generational loss due to decreased ability to work productivity and IQ. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) plays an important role in the growth process, in chronic growth hormone deficiency conditions will spur the incidence of stunting. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of supplementary food formula substitution of sea urchin gonads (Diadema Setosum) on Thyroid hormone, height and weight of stunted toddlers in Soropia District. This experiment using RCT (Randomized Control Trial) design. The sample in this study were stunted toddlers in Soropia District.   The formula uses a substitution of sea urchin gonads (Diadema Setosum) which is given in one portion of additional food.  Additional food in the form of nuggets, sausages, bakwan. The formula is given for 3 months with a frequency of every day for 90 days. The Results to be achieved that the availability of supplementary food formulations substituting sea urchin gonads, nutritional content of supplementary food formulas, energy and protein consumption data, data on body height and thyroid hormone levels, body height and weight before and after supplementary food formula


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    ABSTRACTPineapple skin (Ananas comosus L.) has good nutritional value. Pineapple waste that has not been used will cause environmental problems, and therefore one of the utilization of pineapple waste by fermentation. The addition of benzoic acid is done so that the fermentation product is not alcoholic. The aim of this study was to evaluated the effect of addition benzoic acid on yeast growth and alcohol content on the fermentation of pineapple skin (Ananas comosus L.). Fermentation was carried out for 7 days by adding some concentrations of benzoic acid and measured total acid, alcohol content, pH, and yeast growth on media Saboroud Dextrose Agar (SDA). Results of the study showed that the added fermentation concentration of 0.05%; 0.1% and 0.2% benzoic acid have lower alcohol content and yeast amount compared with fermentation using 0% benzoic acid, so concluded there is an effect of the addition of benzoic acid on yeast growth and alcohol content. Keywords: Pineapple, Benzoic Acid, Alcohol, Yeast.   ABSTRAKKulit buah nanas (Ananas comosus L.) memiliki nilai gizi yang baik. Limbah buah nanas yang belum dimanfaatkan akan menimbulkan masalah lingkungan, maka dari itu salah satu pemanfaatan limbah buah nanas dengan cara fermentasi. Penambahan asam benzoat dilakukan agar produk fermentasi tidak bersifat alkoholik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan asam benzoat terhadap kadar alkohol dan pertumbuhan ragi pada fermentasi kulit nanas (Ananas comosus L.). Fermentasi dilakukan selama 7 hari dengan menambahkan beberapa konsentrasi asam benzoat kemudian diukur total asam, kadar alkohol, pH, serta pertumbuhan ragi pada media Saboroud Dextrose Agar (SDA). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa fermentasi yang ditambahkan konsentrasi 0,05%; 0,1% dan 0,2% asam benzoat memiliki kadar alkohol dan jumlah ragi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan fermentasi yang menggunakan 0% asam benzoat, sehingga disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh penambahan beberapa konsentrasi asam benzoat terhadap pertumbuhan ragi dan kadar alkohol. Kata Kunci : Nanas, Asam Benzoat, Alkohol, Ragi

    Instrument of Inequality in Accessibility of Maternal and Child Health Services, for early detection of stunting: Cross-Sectional Study

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    Inequality of access to health services (health inequalities) triggers differences in the quality of services to vulnerable groups (mothers and children), which increases the risk of stunting. This risk is higher in poor families. The purpose of this study was to create a valid and reliable instrument to measure differences in access to maternal and child health services. The design of this study was case-control study with a retrospective cohort design, with the matching variables in the case group are poor families, the inclusion criteria are not having their own home, daily worker status, having children aged 0-23 months, registered as recipients of social assistance from the local villages. The inclusion criteria for the control group were poor families who did not have stunting children. The sample size in each group was 90 people. Statistical analysis used the Cronbach Alfa test. The results of the study found that the mother's education was generally high school in the control group and junior high school in the case group, respectively 44.4% and 33.3%. Mother's occupation is the informal sector in the control and case respectively 95.6%. Stunting between 33.3% -40% in poor families is higher in those who experience inequality in access to maternal and child health services. The results of the analysis of validity and reliability are known to have the value of Cronbach Alfa = 0.67 (Valid & Reliable). Conclusion access to maternal and child health services can be measured using the instrument. The suggestion is that this instrument can be used for the early detection of stunting risk in poor families


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    Silkworm pupae is immature stage of moth.  It is inner part of the silkworm cocoon shell which usually disposed from yarn silk production, and now has become a valuable ingredient of human food in many countries, however it is not common yet in Indonesia. The purpose of study is to develop a weaning food as nutritious basic formula of complementary food from pupae waste. A silkworm pupae was a major constituents used as materials. There are sixth  steps to get PURY properly: select a fresh, fine and clean pupae, steamed well about 10 seconds, grinded and sifted it  to get liquid, added 10% maize powder, dried in oven at 60ºC for 6 hours, and refine on blender. A fine powder, so called “PURY”, has a well balanced amount of moisture, protein, fat included PUFA, carbohydrate, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Through a simple processing, the dry product of fine PURY powder can be obtained and used as a basic formula of complementary food and snacks and has made great contribution to reduce pupae waste. Research is continued to scale up producing PURY based product for more food-technological uses in order to reduce prevalence of malnutrition in Indonesia

    Nugget Tahu Formula Pury (Tafory) sebagai Alternatif Kudapan Tinggi Protein

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    Background: Tofu nugget with pury flour is an alternative form of snack food that high in protein. Pury flour made from silkworm pupa that came from by product of silk industry. Pupa is known to have highly nutritious component specially  protein that has not been optimizely used. The use of pupa flour is applicable for many form of processed food. Objective: Tofu nugget as soure of plant protein is added by pury flour to higher the protein component. Methods: This study used one factor Complete Randomized design with six levels. Level on additon pupa flour are 0%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% followed by organoleptic test to get chosen product. Results: The chosen product according to the test is the addition of 70% pupa flour that indicated highest best reponse by panelist. Proximate test showed that  subtitution of tofu and pury flour is significanly different  for water component, protein, carbohydrate, and seng. Ash elements, fat, fiber, ferum, and calcium significanlly not different. Taffory nugget contains linolenic acid. Total plate count test showed that taffory nugget is safe according to National Standard.  Conclusion: It could be conclude that tafory nugget is potential as snack food with high protein. ABSTRAK   Latar belakang: Tofu nugget dengan tepung Pury adalah alternatif bentuk makanan ringan yang tinggi protein. Tepung Pury terbuat dari ulat pupa yang berasal dari hasil samping industri sutra. Pupa dikenal memiliki zat gizi khususnya protein yang belum digunakan secara optimal. Penggunaan tepung pupa berlaku untuk banyak bentuk makanan olahan. Tujuan: Tofu nugget sebagai sumber protein nabati, ditambah dengan tepung Pury lebih tinggi komponen protein. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap dengan enam taraf. Penambahan tepung pupa adalah 0%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% dan 100% diikuti dengan uji organoleptik untuk mendapatkan produk yang dipilih. Hasil: Produk yang dipilih sesuai dengan uji adalah penambahan 70% tepung pupa yang ditunjukkan nilai terbaik oleh panelis. Uji proksimat menunjukkan bahwa substitusi dari tahu dan tepung pury berbeda nyata untuk komponen air, protein, karbohidrat, dan seng.  Sedangkan abu, lemak, serat, zat besi dan kalsium tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Nugget Taffory mengandung asam linolenat. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tafory nugget dapat menjadi alternatif kudapan tinggi protein bagi anak


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    ABSTRACTThe aims of this research was to formulate and improve the nutrient content and define of makassar traditional snack which was enriched with Pupae-mulberry (Pury) powder. Experimental study was conducted and proximate analysis was used to determine nutrient content of the product and acceptance test was used by hedonic test of 25-32 semi-trained panelists. This research produced three kinds of traditional snacks, namely Rampari sponge cake, Deppatori Pury, and Pury sticks. Based on organoleptic test product Deppatori was selected to develop further by mixing basic substances consist of rice flour, glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, sesame and water with pupae-mulberry (pury) powder. The formulas were F1 (pury powder 5%), F2 (pury powder 10%), and F3 (pury powder 15%). The study showed that by hedonic scale, the panel preferred F2 because the addition more than 10% of Pury powder will make texture harder. Hedonic quality scale indicated that F2 had characteristics yellowish brown color, taste and flavor close to neutral. Nutrient content of Deppatori Pury 10% (per 100 g) was water 7.92 g, ash 1.19 g, protein 5.80 g, fat 25.99 g, carbohydrates 67.02 g, energy 484 kcal, calcium 74.14 mg, iron 1.96 mg, phosporus 97.23 mg, respectively and result of microbiology test was 390 cfu/g. Protein contribution of Deppatori-Pury 10% per 100 g serving size to RDA of elderly was 9.4-10.4%. Therefore, two serving size is recommended for Deppatori-Pury as future food to reach 20% RDA protein.Keywords: acceptability, deppatori, makassar’s snack, pury powderABSTRAKTujuan penelitian adalah melakukan formulasi dan meningkatkan kandungan zat gizi serta daya terima kue-kue tradisional Makassar yang diperkaya tepung pupae-mulberry (Pury). Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental yang melakukan analisis kandungan zat gizi secara proksimat dan uji penerimaan panelis (organoleptik) menggunakan uji hedonik oleh 25-32 orang panelis semi terlatih. Pembuatan kue tradisional menghasilkan tiga jenis produk yaitu bolu-sponge Rampary, Deppatori-Pury, dan Pury-Stick. Berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik, satu produk perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut yaitu Deppatori yang memiliki tingkat kesukaan terendah. Formulasi Deppatori-Pury dilakukan dengan mencampurkan bahan dasar yang terdiri atas tepung beras, tepung ketan, tepung pury, gula merah, wijen, dan air. Formula Deppatori-Pury terdiri atas F1 (tepung pury 5%), F2 (tepung pury 10%), dan F3 (tepung pury 15%). Pada uji hedonik, panelis lebih menyukai F2 yakni formula dengan penambahan tepung pury sebesar 10%, karena penambahan tepung pury yang semakin banyak akan membuat tekstur semakin keras. Hasil uji mutu hedonik juga menunjukkan bahwa F2 memiliki karakteristik warna cokelat kekuningan, rasa dan aroma yang netral, serta tekstur yang padat agak keras. Kudapan Deppatori-Pury 10% per 100 g mengandung kadar air 7,92 g, abu 1,19 g, protein 5,80 g, lemak 25,99 g, karbohidrat 67,02 g, energi 484 kkal, kalsium 74,14 mg, besi 1,96 mg, fosfor 97,23 mg. Hasil uji mikrobiologis 390 cfu/g. Kontribusi protein Deppatori-Pury 10% dengan takaran saji 100 g terhadap AKG untuk kelompok lansia sebesar 9,4-10,4%, sehingga untuk mencapai kadar protein 20% dari AKG dianjurkan untuk dikonsumsi sebanyak dua kali takaran saji sebagai makanan masa depan.Kata kunci: daya terima, deppatori-pury, kue makassar, tepung pur


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    800x600 Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";} Silkworm pupae is immature stage of moth.  It is inner part of the silkworm cocoon shell which usually disposed from yarn silk production, and now has become a valuable ingredient of human food in many countries, however it is not common yet in Indonesia. The purpose of study is to develop a weaning food as nutritious basic formula of complementary food from pupae waste. A silkworm pupae was a major constituents used as materials. There are sixth  steps to get PURY properly: select a fresh, fine and clean pupae, steamed well about 10 seconds, grinded and sifted it  to get liquid, added 10% maize powder, dried in oven at 60ºC for 6 hours, and refine on blender. A fine powder, so called “PURY”, has a well balanced amount of moisture, protein, fat included PUFA, carbohydrate, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Through a simple processing, the dry product of fine PURY powder can be obtained and used as a basic formula of complementary food and snacks and has made great contribution to reduce pupae waste. Research is continued to scale up producing PURY based product for more food-technological uses in order to reduce prevalence of malnutrition in Indonesia. Keywords: silkworm, pupae waste, PURY, complementary food, malnutrition</em

    Pengaruh Konseling Gizi Dan Senam Lansia Terhadap Pola Makan (Asupan Natrium, Asupan Lemak, Asupan Serat), Status Gizi Dan Status Hipertensi Pada Pralansia Dan Lansia Di Posbindu Desa Sukamulya Kecamatan Mekarjaya Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2017.

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    Hipertensi Merupakan Salah Satu Faktor Resiko Yang Paling Sering Berpengaruh Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Dan Pembuluh Darah. Lansia Banyak Menghadapi Berbagai Masalah Kesehatan Yang Perlu Penanganan Segera Dan Terintegrasi, Salah Satunya Adalah Gangguan Sirkulasi Darah Atau Hipertensi. Salah Satu Cara Untuk Mengendalikan Hipertensi Pada Lansia Adalah Dengan Konseling Gizi Dan Rutin Senam Lansia. Untuk Itu, Penelitian Ini Bertujuan Untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Konseling Gizi Dan Senam Lansia Terhadap Pola Makan ( Asupan Natrium, Asupan Lemak, Asupan Serat), Status Gizi Dan Status Hipertensi Pada Pralansia Dan Lansia Di Posbindu Desa Sukamulya Kecamatan Mekarjaya Kabupaten Pandeglang Tahun 2017. Jenis Penelitian Yang Dipakai Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Quasi Eksperimen (Eksperimen Semu). Pengambilan Sampel Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Dengan Menggunakan Sampling Jenuh, Dengan Jumlah Sampel Sebanyak 60 Orang. Terbagi Dalam 4 Kelompok , Yatu Kelompok Control, Kelompok Perlakuan 1 Yang Diintervensi Konseling, Kelompok Perlakuan 2 Yang Diintervensi Senam Lansia, Kelompok Perlakuan 3 Yang Diintervensi Konseling Dan Senam Lansia. Teknik Analisis Data Menggunakan Uji Statistic “Uji Paired T”. Variabel Dependent Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Status Hipertensi. Variabel Independent Terdiri Dari Karakteristik Responden (Usia, Jenis Kelamin, Status Pekerjaan, Kebiasaan Merokok, Besarnya Penghasilan), Pola Makan (Asupan Natrium, Asupan Serat, Asupan Lemak), Dan Status Gizi. Hasil Penelitian Menunjukkan 88.3% Berjenis Kelamin Perempuan, 90% Berusia 45-60 Tahun, 76,67% Tidak Bekerja, 98,3% Berpenghasilan Di Bawah UMR, Dan 86.67% Tidak Merokok. Penurunan Asupan Natrium Dan Lemak Terbesar Antara Sebelum Dan Sesudah Intervensi Ada Pada Kelompok Perlakuan 3, Serta Kenaikan Asupan Serat Tertinggi Sebelum Dan Sesudah Intervensi Ada Pada Kelompok Perlakuan Tiga. Hasil Uji Beda Dengan Uji “Paired T” Menunjukkan Bahwa Ada Perbedaan Yang Bermakna Sebelum Dan Setelah Intervensi Asupan Natrium (P=0.001), Asupan Lemak (P=0.001), Asupan Serat (0.001), Pola Makan (0.001), Status Gizi (P=0.001) Dan Status Hipertensi (0.001) Pada Kelompok Perlakuan Ketiga Yang Diintervensi Dengan Konseling Dan Senam Lansi