25 research outputs found

    Analisis Autokorelasi Spasial Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Kabupaten Klaten Tahun 2020

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    ABSTRACT The cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Klaten Regency still increase from the previous year and this disease could be caused by environmental factors spreading widely in one area to another. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between environmental factors and the DHF in Klaten Regency with a sample of 26 subdistrict. The secondary data were used including population density, rainfall, urban areas, the length of the road network, and the area of forestry/plantation. Data were analyzed by univariate and spatial autocorrelation analysis of Moran Index and LISA using Geoda 1.18. The spatial autocorrelation analysis with Moran Index resulted in a positive spatial relationship between population density, rainfall, proportion of urban areas, road density, and vegetation cover with DHF. Meanwhile, local spatial analysis with LISA resulted in positive and negative spatial relationship and resulted in hotspot areas on environmental factors with the DHF. It can be concluded that intervention on environmental conditions would be necessary as to decrease its negative impacts. ABSTRAK Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Kabupaten Klaten masih mengalami peningkatan dari tahun sebelumnya dan penyakit ini dapat disebabkan oleh faktor lingkungan yang menyebabkan kasus ini menyebar luas dalam satu wilayah ke wilayah lainnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor lingkungan dengan kejadian DBD di Kabupaten Klaten dengan sampel sebanyak26 kecamatan. Data yang digunakan berupa data sekunder yaitu kepadatan penduduk, curah hujan, wilayah perkotaan, panjang jaringan jalan, serta luas area perhutanan/perkebunan. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan analisis autokorelasi spasial Indeks Moran dan LISA menggunakan Geoda 1.18. Analisis autokorelasi spasialdengan Indeks Moran menghasilkan hubungan spasial yang positif antara kepadatan penduduk, curah hujan, proporsi daerah perkotaan, panjang jalan serta tutupan vegetasi dengan kejadian DBD. Sementara itu, analisis spasial secara lokal dengan LISA menghasilkan hubungan spasial yang positif dan negatif serta menghasilkan daerah hotspot pada variabel faktor lingkungan dengan kejadian DBD. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa intervensi pada kondisi lingkungan akan diperlukan untuk mengurangi pengaruh yang negati

    Perbandingan Aktivitas Reaksi Fotodegradasi Remazol Red dengan TiO2 Anatas 50%-Rutil 50% dan TiO2 Anatas Tersupport AgI

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    Kandungan ikatan azo dalam zat pewarna tekstil remazol red mengakibatkan zat warna lebih mudah larut dalam air dan memiliki stabilitas yang tinggi. Hal ini menyebabkan limbah tekstil memerlukan penanganan khusus agar aman dan tidak memberikan dampak negatif ketika dilepas ke perairan. Salah satu cara alternatif untuk menangani limbah non-degradable adalah dengan menggunakan metode fotodegradasi dengan bantuan fotokatalis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas reaksi fotodegradasi remazol red dengan fotokatalis TiO2 anatas 50%-rutil 50% dan TiO2 anatas tersupport AgI. Proses fotodegradasi Remazol red dilakukan dengan memvariasi fotokatalis yang digunakan yaitu fotokatalisis TiO2 anatas 50%-rutil 50% dan TiO2 anatas tersupport AgI dan lama waktu penyinaran yaitu 15 menit, 30 menit, 45 menit, 60 menit, 75 menit, dan 90 menit. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyinaran terhadap fotodegradasi Remazol red, maka dilakukan pengukuran absorbansi larutan menggunakan spectronic 200 pada panjang gelombang 558nm setiap selang waktu 15 menit. Hasil aktivitas fotokatalitis menunjukkan persentase degradasi remazol red pada sistem TiO2 anatas tersupport AgI, TiO2 anatas 50%-rutil 50% dan tanpa katalis berturut-turut sebesar 32%, 16%, dan 7%. Oleh karena itu fotokatalis TiO2 anatas tersupport AgI memiliki aktivitas fotokatalisis yang lebih baik daripada fotokatalis TiO2 anatas 50% - rutil 50

    Perbandingan Aktivitas Reaksi Fotodegradasi Remazol Red dengan TiO2 Anatas 50%-Rutil 50% dan TiO2 Anatas Tersupport AgI

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    Kandungan ikatan azo dalam zat pewarna tekstil remazol red mengakibatkan zat warna lebih mudah larut dalam air dan memiliki stabilitas yang tinggi. Hal ini menyebabkan limbah tekstil memerlukan penanganan khusus agar aman dan tidak memberikan dampak negatif ketika dilepas ke perairan. Salah satu cara alternatif untuk menangani limbah non-degradable adalah dengan menggunakan metode fotodegradasi dengan bantuan fotokatalis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas reaksi fotodegradasi remazol red dengan fotokatalis TiO2 anatas 50%-rutil 50% dan TiO2 anatas tersupport AgI. Proses fotodegradasi Remazol red dilakukan dengan memvariasi fotokatalis yang digunakan yaitu fotokatalisis TiO2 anatas 50%-rutil 50% dan TiO2 anatas tersupport AgI dan lama waktu penyinaran yaitu 15 menit, 30 menit, 45 menit, 60 menit, 75 menit, dan 90 menit. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyinaran terhadap fotodegradasi Remazol red, maka dilakukan pengukuran absorbansi larutan menggunakan spectronic 200 pada panjang gelombang 558nm setiap selang waktu 15 menit. Hasil aktivitas fotokatalitis menunjukkan persentase degradasi remazol red pada sistem TiO2 anatas tersupport AgI, TiO2 anatas 50%-rutil 50% dan tanpa katalis berturut-turut sebesar 32%, 16%, dan 7%. Oleh karena itu fotokatalis TiO2 anatas tersupport AgI memiliki aktivitas fotokatalisis yang lebih baik daripada fotokatalis TiO2 anatas 50% - rutil 50

    Chem is Fun: Animation Learning Media Based on Quantum Learning on Atomic Structure

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    Good learning media are media that can facilitate students to understand the material. The selection of learning media must be in accordance with the characteristics of the teaching material. To facilitate explaining the atomic structure material that is abstract, we need a medium that can realize the material. This study aimed to develop an interactive animation learning media Chem is Fun based on quantum learning and determine the quality of the product. The development model used was the ADDIE model by adapting the development procedures, namely the analysis, design, development, and evaluation stages. This study involved one media expert, one material expert, three peer reviewers, and five reviewers to assess product quality. The instrument used in this study consisted of an advice sheet and a questionnaire. The results of the study state that the learning media product Chem is Fun based on quantum learning has good quality, so it can be used as a learning medium to help students' learning process on atomic structure material

    Chemistry Learning Outcomes Assessment: How is The Quality of The Tests Made by The Teacher?

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    The teacher-made chemistry test must have a good quality, due to the decision taken from the tests has an impact on the students. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to explore the quality of teacher-made chemistry tests such as item fit and person fit, item difficulty, and test reliability. The sample consisted of 356 senior students from senior high schools in Yogyakarta that were selected by cluster random sampling technique. The research used the teacher-made chemistry test consisted of 40 multiple choice items which were collected using documentation technique. Data were analyzed with Rasch Model using Winsteps 3.73 version. The result showed that all items in the teacher-made chemical test were proven to have good quality (fit model, good item difficulty, and good test reliability). Moreover, 18 students were identified as misfit persons. From the findings, the test can be used to assess the students’ learning outcomes, especially for the try-out of the final exam in senior high school. Besides, the students identified as person misfits should be further examined and receive teachers’ guidance

    Chemistry Learning Outcomes Assessment: How is The Quality of The Tests Made by The Teacher?

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    The teacher-made chemistry test must have a good quality, due to the decision taken from the tests has an impact on the students. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to explore the quality of teacher-made chemistry tests such as item fit and person fit, item difficulty, and test reliability. The sample consisted of 356 senior students from senior high schools in Yogyakarta that were selected by cluster random sampling technique. The research used the teacher-made chemistry test consisted of 40 multiple choice items which were collected using documentation technique. Data were analyzed with Rasch Model using Winsteps 3.73 version. The result showed that all items in the teacher-made chemical test were proven to have good quality (fit model, good item difficulty, and good test reliability). Moreover, 18 students were identified as misfit persons. From the findings, the test can be used to assess the students’ learning outcomes, especially for the try-out of the final exam in senior high school. Besides, the students identified as person misfits should be further examined and receive teachers’ guidance


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    This study aims to explore psychometric characteristics and detect whether the teacher-made chemistry learning evaluation instrument contains item bias that can benefit students of a certain gender. The research sample was 358 students of class XII SMA in Yogyakarta who were taken by cluster random sampling then the answer were analyzed by Winsteps Rasch Software 3.73. In general, it can be concluded that the teacher-made chemistry learning achievement instrument is good in terms of the reliability coefficient, the distribution of the difficulty level of the items, the majority of which are in the medium category, and only one that detected as misfit item. The results of the analysis using the Mantel-Haenszel method showed that three item was biased and two of them favored male students. With the detection of bias item, it indicates that follow-up from the teacher is needed to improve these items so that the principle of test fairness can be enforced

    Chem is Fun: Animation Learning Media Based on Quantum Learning on Atomic Structure

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    Good learning media are media that can facilitate students to understand the material. The selection of learning media must be in accordance with the characteristics of the teaching material. To facilitate explaining the atomic structure material that is abstract, we need a medium that can realize the material. This study aimed to develop an interactive animation learning media Chem is Fun based on quantum learning and determine the quality of the product. The development model used was the ADDIE model by adapting the development procedures, namely the analysis, design, development, and evaluation stages. This study involved one media expert, one material expert, three peer reviewers, and five reviewers to assess product quality. The instrument used in this study consisted of an advice sheet and a questionnaire. The results of the study state that the learning media product Chem is Fun based on quantum learning has good quality, so it can be used as a learning medium to help students' learning process on atomic structure material

    Research Trends in Project-Based Learning Models in Facilitating 21st Century Skills: Systematic Literature Review

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    The 21st century is a century where knowledge has increased drastically. Science and technology are growing rapidly and related to human life. Project-based learning is considered as an innovative approach for use in learning in many countries today. So that in the last decade it has raised a lot of interest in researchers to research related to this learning model. Although PjBL is becoming increasingly popular, to date there have been no reviews providing information on the use of PjBL across a wide range of disciplines and at various levels of education. Therefore, this review aims to find out where Project-Based Learning is used, adapted, and researched; and how Project-Based Learning has been used in learning to facilitate 21st century skills over the last 6 years. This systematic literature review used the PRISMA-P 4-step process and bibliometric analysis for 69 appropriate journal articles from 47 journals in 18 countries published from January 2016 to December 2021. A database search was performed with Scopus. The results of this review cover a variety of educational institutions. This review identifies the methods used and their developments over the last 6 years which were published in 69 journal articles in 47 journals in 18 countries and 8 disciplines. The findings are summarized bibliographically and thematically so as to provide important information for educators, researchers and software developersAbad 21 adalah abad dimana pengetahuan meningkat secara drastis. Sains dan teknologi semakin berkembang pesat dan berkaitan dengan kehidupan manusia. Pembelajaran berbasis proyek (project-based learning) dianggap sebagai pendekatan inovatif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran di banyak negara saat ini. Sehingga pada dekade terakhir memunculkan banyak minat peneliti untuk meneliti terkait model pembelajaran ini. Meskipun PjBL menjadi semakin popular, hingga saat ini belum ada tinjauan yang memberikan informasi tentang penggunaan PjBL di sejumlah besar disiplin ilmu dan di berbagai tingkat pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui di mana Project-Based Learning digunakan, diadaptasi, dan diteliti; serta bagaimana Project-Based Learning digunakan dalam pembelajaran untuk memfasilitasi keterampilan abad 21 selama 6 tahun terakhir. Systematic literature review ini menggunakan proses 4-langkah PRISMA-P dan analisis bibliometric untuk 69 artikel jurnal yang sesuai dari 47 jurnal di 18 negara yang diterbitkan dari Januari 2016 hingga Desember 2021. Pencarian database dilakukan dengan Scopus. Hasil review ini mencakup berbagai institusi pendidikan. Tinjauan ini mengidentifikasi metode yang digunakan dan perkembangannya selama 6 tahun terakhir yang diterbitkan dalam 69 artikel jurnal di 47 jurnal di 18 negara dan 8 disiplin ilmu. Hasil temuan diringkas secara bibliografi dan tematis sehingga memberikan informasi penting bagi pendidik, peneliti, dan pengembang perangkat lunak.&nbsp

    STEM Effect In Problem Solving: A Meta Analysis

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    The STEM approach to learning helps prepare students with the skills needed for the future. Concrete and real-world problems can be solved by training students in STEM education. This research aims to analyze the influence of STEM on problem-solving abilities in education. The research method used is meta-analysis. The research process begins with determining the topic, data criteria, article search, data classification, analysis, and conclusion. The topic used is STEM and problem-solving, and the data criteria used are effect sizes. Articles used in the analysis are published in Scopus-indexed journals, ERIC, DOAJ, and SINTA-accredited journals. The articles analyzed are from the years 2018-2023. The result of the study shows that the use of STEM has a significant impact, with an average effect size of 1,709. STEM education has a very large influence on problem-solving abilitie