79 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Health problems more complex and require teamwork professions. Teamwork requiring the same perception among members of the profession. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of IPE program on students' perceptions of team work. Methods: It is a combination of research (mixed research) to measure the effectiveness of IPE program to change students' perceptions of teamwork. Subjects were 8 department of Surakarta Health Polytechnic students who carry out programme IPE in Ngemplak, Boyolali, with a number of 652 respondents. The sample is 50% of students from each department. Student perceptions were measured using a questionnaire Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale (IEPs) according Luecht, Madsen, and Taugher (1990) combined with FGD students perseption. Data were analyzed using Two Way ANOVA using SPSS 18 series. Results: (1) The value of the average of student perceptions before implementing IPE program is 54.32, the highest in orthotic prostetic (2) The value of the average perception after implementing IPE program is 67.48, the highest in Jamu (3) Program IPE can add friends and new knowledge from other professions (4) IPE program effectively to improve student perceptions. Conclusions: IPE programs can effectively improve students' perceptions of teamwork across professions (t = - 13.229; p=0.000). Keywords: Interprofesional Education (IPE), Teamwork, Student Perceptio

    Upaya Penurunan Risiko Stunting Melalui Pendekatan Interproffesional Collaboration (IPC)

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    Background: Indonesia still ranks in the 10th largest stunting rate in the world. Research seeks to find new approaches to improve the quality of maternal behavior in providing nutrition to babies. Purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of Interproffesional Collaboration. Methods: The study was conducted in Karanganom Klaten, Central Java, March-August 2019. This study was an experimental study with a quasi-experimental design on 90 respondents who had babies less than 2 years. The treatment is in the form of an Interproffesional Collaboration program (doctors, nurses, midwives, nutritionists, and sanitarians) which provide health promotion programs according to their respective professions for 3 months. The research instrument was a cognitive test, a questionnaire, and a of infants under two years of ageantrompomary examination sheet. Data were analyzed using Dependent t-test. Results: The mean value of knowledge about stunting increased from 31.44 to 80.22 (p = 0.001), knowledge about how to give nutrition to of infants under two years of age increased from 48.81 to 70.74 (p = 0.001), the attitude towards stunting changed from 9.68 to 16.52 (p = 0.001), and the behavior of providing nutrition was also getting better from 76.53 to 87.73 (p = 0.001). The results of the Dependent Paired t-test p = 0.001, proved that the Interproffesional Collaboration program (nurses, doctors, midwives, nutrition, and sanitarians) was effective in increasing the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of residents in preventing the risk of stunting. Conclusion: Interproffesional Collaboration is effective to increase knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of mothers of infants under two years of age (baduta) in an effort to prevent the risk of stunting and improve the nutritional status


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    Introduction: The family is an important part in the success of health development. Index of healthy family as a health status indicators and the strategy appears logical to gain of healthy direction based on the family. Interprofesional Education (IPE) is the strategy of health education institutions in contributing to improving the health status of the family. Assess the effectiveness of the program Interprofesional Education (IPE) to the improvement of health status of the family. Method: This is a Quasi-Experimental research with pre post design. Subjects were 120 families with healthy family index value <0.800. Treat the form of counseling families through programs Interprofesional Education (IPE). The research was conducted from July to December 2016. Results: (1) The value of the average index of a healthy family before being implemented program IPE 0,400 unhealthy category (2) Index healthy families after the implementation of the program of IPE is pre healthy with the average value of 0.690 (3) IPE effective in improving the health status of the family , p = 0.000 (4) there is a family medical issue that can not be solve because there is no appropriate departement of the institution handle this issue. Conclusions: IPE effective in improving family health status (p = 0.000) Keywords: Interprofesional Education (IPE), Status of Family Health, Healthy Family Inde


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    The purpose of this study to describe the politeness strategies of Brown and Levinson in the Q&amp;A talk show and describe the relevance of politeness-language strategies towards learning Indonesian at the Middle School level. The theory used to solve the problem in this study is the theory of Brown and Levinson. While the approach used is descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques namely documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the forms of Brown and Levinson's politeness strategy that occurred in the Q &amp; A talk show in August 2018 consisted of Brown and Levinson's first politeness strategy, namely without strategies found that included speech without strategy. The second strategy of brown politeness and Levinson's positive politeness strategy is found to pay attention to the opponent's speech, exaggerate attention, agreement, and sympathy, intensify the opponent's attention by dramatizing facts, intensify using group identity markers, request approval with general topics or repeat part or all, avoiding disagreement by pretending to agree, using jokes, expressing understanding of the wishes of speakers, giving offers or promises, showing optimism, involving speakers in activities, giving questions asking for approval, giving gifts. Where negative politeness strategies are found to be pessimistic, minimize coercion, and apologize. Finally, the Off Record strategy was found which was included in the strategy. The relevance of the results of the study can be applied in learning Indonesian in junior high school class IX 3.9-4.10


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh acara humor yang berbeda dengan acara humor lainnya. Komentar merupakan acara baru, acara humor tanpa sarkasme atau cemoohan dalam sebuah informasi, yang baru-baru ini mendapat teguran dari Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI). Tujuannya adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelanggaran maksim kerja sama yang meliputi maksim kuantitas, maksim cara, maksim relevansi, dan maksim cara, sebagai sarana untuk menciptakan humor dalam acara The Comment on Net TV pada Agustus 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini disajikan adalah pidato dalam acara yang melanggar prinsip kerja sama. Data diperoleh dengan merekam peristiwa The Comment kemudian ditranskripsikan dalam bentuk wacana tertulis. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Validitas data menggunakan teori triangulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah deskripsi pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dalam acara The Comment on Net TV pada bulan Agustus 2016. Ditemukan total 12 ucapan pelanggaran meliputi 4 ucapan maksim kuantitas, 4 ucapan maksim kualitas, maksim relevansi 4 tuturan dan maksim cara 4 tuturan


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    This research is based on a video clip song Bad Ass different from other video clips. Bad Ass’s video clip is a new video clip with an unflattering scene concept. This study aims to describe the violation of language politeness that includes modesty tact maxim, approbation maxim, modestky maxim, agreement maxim, generosity maxim, and sympath maxim in the comments video klip song Bad Ass Karin Novilda on Youtube. The data in this study are words or phrases in the form of comments that contain violations of language modesty tact maxim, approbation maxim, modestky maxim, agreement maxim, generosity maxim, and sympath maxim. Sources of data in this study is a commentary from the video clip song Bad Ass by Karin Novilda in Social Media Internet that is Youtube edition of February 2017. The techniques of collecting data of this research is technique of free capability and technique of note. Data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded that the violation of politeness language in comments video clip song Bad Ass Karin Novilda on Youtube February 2017 edition. At the modesty maxim is able to maximize the benefits of others. The approbation maxim is able to minimize reproaches in the other side. The maxim agreement is indicated by the agreement between the self and the other person. The maxim sympathy is shown to have as much sympathy as possible in the other side. The maxim generosity is shown to be generosity on the other side. Maxim of praise is able to maximize praise on the other side


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    Ada empat keterampilan dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia yang harus dikuasai siswa, meliputi, menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Keempat keterampilan tersebut merupakan sebuah rangkaian yang saling berhubungan satu sama lain. Menurut hasil pengamatan peneliti, rendahnya keterampilan menulis siswa di kelas VIII- A SMP Negeri 2 Gempol. Khususnya menulis puisi disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu: (1) siswa kurang tertarik pada pelajaran menulis puisi bebas di ruang kelas, motivasi siswa mengikuti pembelajaran rendah. Mereka merasa malas menghadapi pelajaran yang membutuhkan imajinasi untuk merangkai kata menjadikan bait-bait puisi. (2) guru kesulitan dalam membangkitkan minat siswa, (3) siswa kesulitan dalam menentukan topik/tema serta mengemukakan ide yang mendukung untuk dikembangkan dalam tulisan untuk membuat puisi bebas (4) guru kesulitan untuk menemukan teknik/metode atau media yang tepat untuk mengajarkan meteri menulis puisi bebas kepada siswa


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    Feminism or the one known as empasipasi comes from Latin which means woman. Feminism is an awareness of deterrence and the fulfillment of the eremgum dálan maspmiat, the place of work and in the family, and the conscious actions of women and men to change the situation in Okky Madasari's Entrok novel. The purpose of this study is to describe more deeply, adequately and comprehensively about liberal feminism in the novel Entrok by Okky Madasari. The theory used in this study is liberal feminism according to Sugihastuti. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research method. The data collection technique of this study uses documentation techniques. The data analysis technique of this research uses descriptive qualitative. The results of the research found in liberal feminism by Okky Madasari's Entrok novel are that literary texts do not have a single meaning, literary texts always produce new interpretations that are not previously thought. In the Entrok novel researchers found that equal rights or inequality among women. Men are powerful and think that women are below them

    Ketidakefektifan Kalimat dalam Jurnal Ilmiah Linguistik Indonesia Edisi Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan deskripsi tentang ketidakefektifan kalimat dalam jurnal ilmiah Linguistik Indonesia edisi 2013. Penelitian ini memfokuskan ketidakefektifan kalimat yang dikaji dari ciri-ciri kalimat efektif, yaitu kesepadanan struktur, keparalelan bentuk, ketegasan makna, kehematan kata, kecermatan, kepaduan gagasan, dan kelogisan bahasa. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dengan teknik simak dan catat. Analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah:pertama, berdasarkan ketidaksepadanan struktur terdapat kesalahan pada konjungsi presposisi, penggunaan kata yang di depan predikat, dan ketidaktepatan peletakan konjungsi intrakalimat. Kedua, ketidakparalelan atau ketidaksamaan bentuk ditemukan dalam bentuk frasa, afiks, sufiks, dan konfiks. Ketiga, ketidaktegasan ditemukan konjungsi bagaimana yang dirasa kurang tegas sebab tidak terdapat partikel pun untuk mempertegas makna tersebut. Keempat, ketidakhematan ditemukan subjek ganda dalam satu kalimat yang menyebabkan di dalam kalimat tunggal tersebut memiliki dua subjek. Kelima, ketidakcermatan ditemukan sebanyak 13 kalimat dikarenakan memiliki tafsiran ganda atau ambigu. Keenam, ketidakpaduan ditemukan sebanyak sembilan kalimat yang bertele-tele. Ketujuh, ketidaklogisan ditemukan ketidaktepatan penggunaan ejaan tanda baca, yaitu tanda koma (,) dan tanda pisah (-). Ketidaklogisan tersebut juga terjadi karena ide kalimat yang di tandai dengan konjungsi di mana, sehingga menjadi tidak jelas kalimat tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dari 2.600 kalimat dalam jurnal ilmiah Linguistik Indonesia terdapat 246 kalimat yang tidak memenuhi kriteria kalimat efektif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa jurnal ilmiah Linguitik Indonesia masih perlu direvisi dari segi kalimat efektif untuk edisi selanjutnya


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    Akuntansi berbasis akrual adalah suatu basis akuntansi di mana transaksi ekonomi dan peristiwa lainnya diakui, dicatat, dan disajikan dalam laporan keuangan pada saat terjadinya transaksi. Penerapan akuntansi berbasis akrual dimaksudkan untuk memperbaiki kualitas penyajian laporan keuangan rumah sakit dan menyajikan data yang akurat dalam mengukur kinerja rumah sakit. Kegiatan Pendampingan di RSI Purwodadi ini untuk memperbaiki kualitas penyajian laporan keuangan rumah sakit dan menyajikan data yang akurat sesuai dengan sistem akuntansi berbasis akrual. Hasil dari pendampingan ini yaitu Pihak RSI Purwodadi masih menggunakan pencatatan laporn keuangan berbasis kas, tetapi di tahun 2022 pihak rumah sakit ingin mengembangkan aplikasi yang selama ini telah digunakan dalam akuntansi berbasis kas menuju akuntansi berbasis akrual. Sementara yang menjadi hambatan dalam penerapan sistem ini adalah kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang memiliki kemampuan khusus di bidang akuntansi
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