22,412 research outputs found

    Some after dinner thoughts on theory of mind

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    Literature is a part of art. It can be divided into three categories. They are poetry, prose and drama. English phrasal verb is a kind of verb which is hard to comprehend because sometimes it has an implicit meaning. The objectives of this study are to find out the type, the most dominant type, and the meaning of phrasal verb which are used in the lyrics of Elvis Presley’s songs. This research uses descriptive qualitative method as a research design. This method is used because it describes the reality or current phenomena which happens in the object as data and connected with research subject at Elvis Presley’s song. Four songs are taken as a sample because these songs are representative enough for the twenty four songs packed in one album “From the Heart”. So, the writer uses purposive sampling. After the writer analyzes the data, there are three results: 1) The kind of phrasal verb used in the lyrics of Elvis Presley’s song are transitive + particle, transitive + preposition, transitive + particle + preposition, intransitive + particle, intransitive + preposition, intransitive + particle + preposition. 2) The most dominant type of English phrasal verb in the lyrics of Elvis Presley songs is transitive + preposition (34.79 %) which is followed by intransitive + particle (34.79 %), transitive + particle (13.04 %), intransitive + preposition (13.04 %), transitive + particle + preposition (13.04 %), and intransitive + particle + preposition (4.35 %). 3) The meaning of English phrasal verb is the synonym of verb which has the same meaning with the phrasal verb so that the reader can understand the lyrics of these songs easier


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    Pembuatan proyek akhir ini bertujuan untuk :1) Mencipta desain busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide alat musik sasando, 2) Membuat busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide alat musik sasando, 3) Menyelenggarakan pagelaran busana dengan tema New Light Heritage dan menampilkan busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide alat musik Sasando Proses mencipta busana diawali dengan mengkaji teori heritage, mengkaji heritage yang terdapat di Nusa Tenggara Timur, menentukan dan mengkaji sumber ide yang dikembangkan dengan konsep deformasi, menerapkan prinsip serta unsur desain agar tercipta busana yang sesuai dengan tema new light heritage. Sumber ide yang diambil yaitu alat musik Sasando yang mempunyai makna keceriaan. Ciri khas yang dipetik yaitu bentuk dari wadah resonansi alat musik sasando yang terbuat dari anyaman daun lontar berbentuk kipas dan diterapkan pada bentuk cape yang dibuat bervolume serta berlipit-lipit yang kemudian ditampilkan dalam bentuk desain sketsa, desain ilustrasi dan desain presentasi. Pembuatan busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide alat musik sasando ini meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan yang terdiri dari pembuatan gambar kerja busana, gambar kerja hiasan busana, pengambilan ukuran, pembuatan pola busana, perancangan bahan dan harga. Tahap pelaksanaan yang terdiri dari peletakkan pola pada bahan, pemotongan dan pemberian tanda jahitan, penjelujuran, pengepasan I, penjahitan, pengepasan II dan tahap evaluasi hasil meliputi evaluasi hasil secara keseluruhan mengenai ksesuaian antara busana dengan tema heritage. Proses penyelenggaraan pagelaran busana melalui tiga tahap yaitu tahap persiapan yang terdiri dari pembentukan panitia, penentuan tema, penentuan tujuan pelaksanaan. Hasil busana pesta malam dengan sumber ide alat musik sasando terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu gaun dengan siluet I dan cape, sedangkan hasil dari pembuatan busana pesta ini berupa longdress bersiluet I yang terdapat hiasan manipulating fabric dengan teknik weaving menggunakan bahan tenun dan cape yang berbentuk berlipit-lipit, kain yang digunakan yaitu kaun taffeta dan satin bridal. pada pembuatan busana pesta ini pola yang digunakan yaitu pola dengan sistem dressmaking serta teknik jahit yang digunakan yaitu teknik jahit halus. Untuk mensosialisasikan karya tersebut maka diselenggarakan gelar busana yang diperagakan oleh model dari YAM model dan dilaksanakan pada hari jum’at 25 Mei 2012 bertempat di Auditorium Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Busana ini ditampilkan pada sesi I no urut 8. Pada pagelaran tersebut penyusun mendapat Juara I dengan judul busana Detailer Sasando untuk kategori D3. Penyelenggaraan pagelaran busana ini dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar


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    As one of the components of language teaching, listening takes a longest part among other \ud language skills. It becomes a starter to learn language. Students cannot be able to interpret \ud message accurately and creatively if their listening is not good. It means that listening plays an \ud important role in teaching learning process. Therefore, this research is needed to conduct in \ud identifying the learning strategies in order to increase the result of students listening \ud comprehension. \ud The purposes of this study were to know the kinds and the most dominant learning strategies \ud used by students in listening comprehension at English department of UMM. \ud This study used descriptive qualitative research design. The population taken for this study were \ud the second semester students of English department of UMM in which they took listening two. \ud The total numbers of them were 263 students. The writer applied simple random sampling to \ud take the sample. In selecting the sample, it involves defining the population, identifying each \ud member of population and selecting individual randomly for the sample. The writer took 53 \ud students as the samples. The instruments used in this study were questionnaire and interview. \ud The result of this study showed that the learning strategies used by students in listening \ud comprehension at English department of UMM were cognitive strategies, metacognitive \ud strategies and socioaffective strategies. While the most dominant strategies used by students of \ud listening comprehension at English department of UMM was cognitive strategies

    Algoritma matching bobot maskimum dalam graph bipartit komplit berboto

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    ABSTRAK Suatu matching dalam graph G adalah subgraph 1-regular pada G yang disebabkan oleh kumpulan dart pasangan garis yang tidak adjacent. Suatu matching merupakan matching maksimum bila matching tersebut mempunyai harga pokok maksimum. Matching dalam graph bipartit merupakan matching maksimum apabila tidak adanya path perluasart yang berkenaan dengan matching tersebut. Matching yang mempunyai bobot maksimum disebut matching bobot maksimum. Matching bobot maksimum dalam graph bipartit komplit berbobot diperoleh dengan mencari matching maksimum dalam subgraph pada graph bipartit komplit berbobot, kemudian dibangun sampai didapatkan matching perfek atau setiap titik dalam V merupakan titik matched. A matching in a graph G is a 1-regular subgraph of G, that is, a subgraph induced _by a collection of pairwise nonadjacent edges. A matching is called maximum matching if the matching have maximum cardinality. A matching in a bipartite graphs is a maximum matching if there exists no augmenting path. A matching in which the sum of the weights of maximum its edges is called maximum weight matching. A maximum weight matching in weighted complete bipartite graphs is got to find maximum matching in subgraph to weighted complete bipartite graphs, further its construct to arrived is got perfec matching or each vertex in V is matched vertex


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    The purposes of this study are to investigate the potential problem and its possible solution in implementing competence based curriculum in SLTPNs in Malang. This study is descriptive study that describes the potential problem in implementing competence- based curriculum in SLTPNs in Malang. The population of this study are the headmasters and their vice headmasters of students affair, public relation, equipment, and curriculum in SLTPNs in Malang. Meanwhile, the sample are the headmasters and their vice headmasters of students affair, public relation, equipment, and curriculum in SLTPN 4 and SLTPN 13 in Malang. The instrument that is used in this study is unstructured interview. It is used to obtain more data about the potential problem in implementing competence-based curriculum in SLTPNs in Malang. The data of this study that is collected from SLTPN 4 and SLTPN 13 Malang is the potential problem in implementing competence-based curriculum in the matter of the number of students and classrooms, teachers’ availability, finance, teaching media, and teachers’ preparation. It should be not more than 40 students in each classroom. This school only has 18 classrooms for 774 students. Besides, the large number of students also can appear the problem in teachers’ availability and financial aspect and teachers’ availability. The other problem of the school in implementing competence-based curriculum is in teaching media and teachers’ preparation. It is difficult for most teachers to understand and to comprehend competence-based

    Misleading inferences from discretization of empty spacetime: Snyder-noncommutativity case study

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    Alternative approaches to the study of the quantum-gravity problem are handling the role of spacetime very differently. Some are focusing on the analysis of one or another novel formulation of "empty spacetime", postponing to later stages the introduction of particles and fields, while other approaches assume that spacetime should only be an emergent entity. We here argue that recent progress in the covariant formulation of quantum mechanics suggests that empty spacetime is not physically meaningful. We illustrate our general thesis in the specific context of the noncommutative Snyder spacetime, which is also of some intrinsic interest, since hundreds of studies were devoted to its analysis. We show that empty Snyder spacetime, described in terms of a suitable kinematical Hilbert space, is discrete, but this is only a formal artifact: the discreteness leaves no trace on the observable properties of particles on the physical Hilbert space.Comment: 6 page
