37 research outputs found

    The production of metal artefacts in Southern Etruria (Central Italy): case studies from copper to Iron Age

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    An analytical study is presented, aimed to determine the elemental composition of copper-based artefacts dated back from Copper Age to Early Iron Age (mid-fourth millennium to the VIIIth century B.C.), found on the Tyrrhenian side of the peninsula, corresponding to the Lazio region. The objects belong to different archaeological contexts and had various functions. They were analysed by the X-ray fluorescence technique. The results highlight the experimental character of Copper Age metallurgy, which will later evolve in the established use of copper-tin alloys. Regarding the Bronze Age, despite the typological and functional heterogeneity of the artefacts and the wide chronological range, the alloys are relatively homogeneous in composition, with regular changes that appear related to chronology, according to what is already known for the Italian peninsula. Such changes are supposedly due to variations in the availability of tin, which was not locally mined. Early Iron Age metallurgy is represented by the Selvicciola Hoard solely, which restricts the possibility of generalizing the conclusions. A striking feature of the alloys is the great compositional difference between the complete and the fragmented artefacts. The formers are made of tin bronze, whereas in the latter tin is replaced by antimony and/or lead. The use of such unusual alloys is unlikely due to lack of metallurgical knowledge. Considering the urbanized communities that arose in the Middle-Tyrrhenian area during the Early Iron Age, we suppose that such variability in a single context might be related to a production system capable of using alloys of different quality and value to satisfy a diversified demand

    Diseño Arquitectónico del Edificio de Servicios Administrativos para Contribuir a la Mejora del Confort Arquitectónico de los Usuarios de la Universidad Privada de Tacna, 2019

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    El edificio de Servicios Administrativos de la Universidad Privada de Tacna es el lugar en donde se gestionan, administran y concentran las actividades y funciones más importantes de la institución. Uno de los factores que afecta la calidad del servicio administrativo está referido a la infraestructura, en ese sentido es que se desarrolla la presente investigación que tiene como objetivo diseñar un edificio de servicios administrativos que contribuya a la mejora del confort arquitectónico de los usuarios de la Universidad Privada de Tacna. Para tal efecto, el proceso de investigación implicó la identificación de las condiciones en que se encontraba la infraestructura de la sede administrativa y el rectorado, así como las condiciones de confort arquitectónico en el que desarrollan las actividades los miembros de la comunidad universitaria. Esta es una investigación No Experimental, en la que no se manipulan las variables. Por el contrario se basa fundamentalmente en la observación de fenómenos tal y como se dan en su contexto natural para analizarlos con posterioridad y de acuerdo a ello realizar la propuesta arquitectónica. Entre los resultados, se obtiene un diseño arquitectónico del edificio administrativo con adecuadas condiciones de confort y calidad basados en el desarrollo de las actividades asociadas a la administración que requieren los usuarios de la Universidad Privada de Tacna.Tesi

    The potential of using exosomes in modern medicine

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    Introduction and purpose of the work: The purpose of this article is to determine the potential for the application of exosomes in modern medicine, inferring from research directions in world  literature. Among other things, this paper considers some of the most recent work in the fields of aesthetic medicine, dermatology and transplantation.  Methodology and materials: The search was conducted using PubMed, Google Scholarship, Scopus and Web of Science databases. The search strategy was based on the following terms: exosomes, regenerative medicine, dermatology. The variety of available scientific works on exosomes raises the question in which of the fields of medicine they will be used the fastest and/or most commonly. Given that a significant part of research focuses on their use in skin treatments, it can be expected that it will be dermatology and/or aesthetic medicine, given its exceptional openness to the implementation of new techniques and the constant search for new solutions that allow physiologically or optically to oppose aging. In addition, the use of exosomes is characterized by a relatively low risk of life-threatening complications or permanent damage to health. However, the potential applications of exosomes in other fields of medicine should not be underestimated. Therefore, it can be expected that procedures and therapies using exosomes will also be developed and implemented independently in transplantology, cardiology, or other fields that can use exosomes as drug carriers or markers for early detection of complications or diseases.

    Nivel de satisfacción de los clientes del centro clínico Sanna, utilizando el modelo servucción en la ciudad de Cajamarca en el año 2017

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    RESUMEN La calidad en el servicio está considerada como uno de los asuntos más importantes en el mundo empresarial en la actualidad. El objetivo principal es cumplir los requerimientos del cliente y asegurar que todos los procesos de la organización contribuyan a satisfacer sus necesidades. Si los clientes están satisfechos con el servicio obtenido, retornarán una y otra vez para realizar sus adquisiciones. La ciudad de Cajamarca se caracteriza por su complejidad en el mundo empresarial, ya que está rodeada de una gran variedad de empresas que brindan servicios similares, sin embargo se ha observado que algunas de ellas brindan un servicio de baja calidad, lo que representa una pérdida en volumen de atenciones para las organizaciones debido a los procesos inadecuados de la gestión de calidad. Por otro lado dentro de las necesidades básicas del ser humano encontramos el derecho de recibir una buena atención y que el cliente sienta la satisfacción que sus necesidades han sido atendidas, es aquí donde el Centro Clínico SANNACajamarca debe ser capaz de cumplir y mejorar continuamente. El objetivo general de esta investigación fue determinar el nivel de satisfacción del cliente en relación a la calidad de servicio brindado por el Centro Clínico SANNA que ofrece servicios de salud. Del mismo modo sirvió como punto de partida para su autoevaluación respectiva del Centro Clínico y a la vez dar mayor importancia al cliente, donde se planifiquen y diseñen cuidadosamente todas aquellas tareas que tengan que ver con el contacto directo o indirecto de los clientes. El estudio desarrollado se enmarcó en una investigación de nivel descriptivo transversal, bajo un diseño de campo no experimental. Además se aplicó como instrumento la encuesta, tomando como base de medición la escala de Likert adaptada al Modelo Servucción. El tamaño de la población estuvo conformada por 1000 clientes aproximadamente entre clientes asegurados y particulares. El tamaño de la muestra se determinó de manera probabilística, con un nivel de confianza del 95% y estuvo conformada por 278 clientes que se atienden en el Centro Clínico SANNA de Cajamarca. De acuerdo a la presente investigación se concluye que más de la mitad de los clientes encuestados presentan un Nivel de satisfacción alto con respecto al Centro Clínico SANNA, puesto que consideran que la empresa mantiene una apariencia idónea en la infraestructura, equipos, materiales, recursos humanos y servicio.ABSTRACT The quality of service is considered one of the most important in the business world affairs today. The main objective is to meet customer requirements and ensure that all processes of the organization contribute to meet your needs. If customers are satisfied with the service provided, they will return again and again to make their purchases. The city of Cajamarca is characterized by its complexity in the business world as it is surrounded by a variety of companies that provide similar services, but it has been observed that some of them offer a service of low quality, representing a loss volume of attention for organizations due to inadequate processes of quality management. On the other hand within the basic needs of human beings are entitled to good care and the customer feel satisfaction that their needs have been met, this is where the Clinical SANNA Cajamarca-Centre should be able to meet and improve continuously . The overall objective of this research is to determine the degree of customer satisfaction regarding the quality of service provided by the Clinical Center SANNA offering health services. The developed study was part of an investigation of cross-descriptive level, under a non- experimental design field. In addition, the survey instrument applied as the basis of measurement Likert scale adapted to Model Servuction. The size of the population consisted of approximately 1,000 customers insured clients and individuals. The sample size was determined probabilistically, with a confidence level of 95% and consisted of 278 clients who receive services at the Clinical Center SANNA Cajamarca. Likewise, it will serve as a starting point for their respective self-Clinical Center and to give great importance to the customer, which are planned and carefully designed all those tasks that deal with direct or indirect contact with customers. According to this research concludes that more than half of surveyed customers have a high level of satisfaction with the Clinical Center SANNA, since they consider that the company has an ideal appearance in the infrastructure, equipment, materials, human resources and Service

    Exploring the Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Metabolic Syndrome, Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Metabolic syndrome, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus represent a growing and interconnected health challenge, gaining significant attention due to their high prevalence and impact they have on individuals' well-being. Intermittent Fasting (IF), involving cycling between periods of fasting and eating, has emerged as a promising dietary approach garnering substantial attention for its potential therapeutic effects on metabolic health. Purpose: This review aims to explore the impact of intermittent fasting on metabolic disease by examining recent studies. Methods: A review of the recent literature was conducted to explore potential positive effects of IF on relevant metabolic parameters. Results: The findings from the reviewed studies demonstrated favorable effects of IF associated with improvements in glycemic control as improved insulin sensitivity and decreased HbA1c levels. Additionally, it led to significant reductions in body weight and waist circumference. Beneficial effects on lipid profiles, such as reduced triglyceride levels, were also observed in some studies. Conclusions: The reviewed studies provide strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of IF regimens in improving metabolic factors, including weight, insulin sensitivity and lipid profiles in individuals with abnormal glucose metabolism. IF offers a promising dietary strategy potentially providing additional benefits beyond conventional dietary interventions. However, further research is needed to elucidate the long-term effects, optimal fasting protocols and potential mechanisms underlying the benefits of intermittent fasting in these conditions.&nbsp

    Do lifestyle habits have an impact on infertility in couples? A systematic review of the topic

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    Background: Infertility is a widespread concern that significantly impacts numerous couples in contemporary times. While the underlying causes of infertility often remain unknown, there is a growing interest in understanding the significant impact that modifiable lifestyle factors can have on its development. Lifestyle factors encompass various habits and ways of life that can be modified to improve overall health, including fertility. It is worth highlighting that these factors are under an individual's control.They play a significant role in determining reproductive health and can positively or negatively influence the ability to conceive. Aim of study: The main purpose of this article is to review the recent research of this topic. It emphasizes the crucial importance for healthcare professionals to gain a thorough understanding of which lifestyle behaviors and habits can either adversely or positively impact fertility and use this knowledge to educate the patients. Material and methods: The work was based on the scientific literature  and databases available on PubMed. The main used terms were „infertility” and „infertility and lifestyle”. Results and conclusions: Lifestyle factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, stress or obesity have been implicated in the issue of male and female infertility. However, establishing a precise cause-effect relationship remains challenging due to the limited number of conducted studies and available literature on this topic. Nevertheless, there is a growing interest in this field, as infertility continues to be one of the most significant healthcare challenges worldwide, with rates of infertile couples on the rise. &nbsp

    Three successful pregnancies after kidney transplantation with long-term graft survival: case report

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    Pregnancies after kidney transplantation are considered high risk. Preconceive care is crucial for favorable mother-fetal outcome but also for good renal graft function. Herein, we report a case of kidney transplant recipient secondary to lupus nephritis with three consecutive successful pregnancies and excellent graft function after 16 post-transplant years. Preconception care included two protocolar biopsies performed prior to immunosuppressive treatment modifications. No signs of rejections were found in either biopsy, no additional treatment was necessary, and the patient was safely converted from mycophenolate mofetil to azathioprine. First pregnancy was naturally conceived, its course was uncomplicated and a healthy female newborn wasdelivered via vaginal birth. Within one year after delivery the patient presented proteinuria, borderline changes were found in the biopsy of allograft and were treated with immunosuppression augmentation and ACEI.  At 7th post implantation year, after surveillance biopsy showing no signs of rejection and appropriate pharmacotherapy adjustments, second pregnancy occurred from in vitro fertilization (IVF). It was complicated with deep vein thrombosis, intrauterine growth restriction and premature birth in 32nd week of gestation. Three months after delivery, the patient conceived spontaneously, third pregnancy course was uncomplicated. Close follow up, including protocol and indication biopsies, allowed to preserve excellent graft function in the context of multiple immunosuppressive treatment adjustments. Here we present a case where natural conception and in vitro fertilization intertwine without harming the transplanted organ

    Selected aesthetic medicine treatment in patients with autoimmune diseases - a literature review

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    Introduction Interest in cosmetic procedures has been increasing. Data on practices for correcting aesthetic deficits, including those caused by autoimmune diseases are limited. There are fears of disease reactivation and exacerbation of inflammation after surgery. Aim of the study The aim of the study was to investigate the potential influence and safety of aesthetic medicine treatment - hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin and breast augmentation with implants in patients with autoimmune diseases. Materials and methods A search was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Articles were searched in English using the following key words: autoimmune disease, immunogenicity, inflammation, connective tissue, aesthetic medicine. Results Hyaluronic acid is considered the best filler for cosmetic procedures, mainly due to its lack of immunogenicity. No clinical studies have identified contraindications to the administration of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers in patients with inflammatory diseases. Botulinum toxin is essential in alleviating involuntary functions currently associated with dystonia, spasticity, and autonomic disorders. The long-term safety of implants should be assessed concerning genetic and environmental factors and whether the autoimmune disease is in remission.Conclusion With the increasing number of aesthetic procedures using hyaluronic acid, there are more reports of potential adverse events. Most side effects are associated with hypersensitivity reactions. The use of hyaluronic acid products in patients with autoimmune diseases is controversial. However, no clinical studies have identified contraindications to the administration of hyaluronic acid-based fillers. Botulinum toxin is used for healing and pain control in patients with systemic sclerosis who have suffered phalangeal ulcers. Despite epidemiological studies conducted to assess the association between breast implants and autoimmune diseases the results remain inconclusiv

    Consequences and management of sleep-wake rhythm disorders resulting from social jetlag and nightshifts

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    Our day to night cycle is ruled by a social, biological and sun clock. The social clock being a local time is aligned with others’ lives. The biological clock (circadian time) that controls our physiology and the sun clock that defines natural light and darkness. Social jetlag refers to the misalignment between local and circadian time. This term is usually used in reference to travels to places in different time zones. Nevertheless, it is worth noticing that “jetlag” also applies to people working in a medical industry such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, and others involved in an on-call work. Thus, I would like to look closer to the physiology of social jetlag and to analyze its implications