25 research outputs found

    Surgery for unresectable stage IIIC and IV melanoma in the era of new systemic therapy

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    Opportunities for surgical treatment in metastatic melanoma patients have re-emerged due to the development of novel systemic therapeutics over the past decade. The aim of this study is to present data on outcomes of surgery in patients with unresectable stage IIIC and IV melanoma, who have previously been treated with immunotherapy or targeted therapy. Data was extracted from the Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry (DMTR) on 154 patients obtaining disease control to systemic therapy and undergoing subsequent surgery. Disease control was defined as a complete response (CR), which was seen in 3.2% of patients; a partial response (PR), seen in 46.1% of patients; or stable disease (SD), seen in 44.2% of patients. At a median follow-up of 10.0 months (interquartile range 4-22) after surgery, the median overall survival (OS) had not been reached in our cohort and median progression-free survival (PFS) was 9.0 months (95% CI 6.3-11.7). A CR or PR at first follow-up after surgery was associated with both a better OS and PFS compared to stable or progressive disease (p < 0.001). We conclude that selected patients can benefit from surgery after achieving disease control with systemic therapy

    Is a History of Optimal Staging by Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in the Era Prior to Adjuvant Therapy Associated with Improved Outcome Once Melanoma Patients have Progressed to Advanced Disease?

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    Introduction: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is important for staging in patients with primary cutaneous melanoma. Did having previously undergone SLNB also affect outcomes in patients once they have progressed to metastatic melanoma in the era prior to adjuvant therapy?Methods: Data were retrieved from the Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry, a prospectively collected, nationwide database of patients with unresectable stage IIIC or IV (advanced) melanoma between 2012 and 2018. Melanoma-specific survival (MSS) was compared between patients with advanced cutaneous melanoma, previously treated with a wide local excision (WLE) or WLE combined with SLNB as initial treatment of their primary tumor. Cox regression analyses were used to analyze the influence of different variables on MSS.Results: In total, 2581 patients were included, of whom 1412 were treated with a WLE of the primary tumor alone and 1169 in whom this was combined with SLNB. At a median follow-up of 44 months from diagnosis of advanced melanoma, MSS was significantly longer in patients who had previously undergone SLNB {median 23 months (95% confidence interval [CI] 19–29) vs. 18 months (95% CI 15–20) for patients treated with WLE alone; p = 0.002}. However, multivariate Cox regression did not identify SLNB as an independent favorable prognostic factor for MSS after diagnosis of advanced melanoma.Conclusion: Prior to the availability of adjuvant systemic therapy, once patients have unresectable stage IIIC or IV (advanced) melanoma, there was no difference in disease outcome for patients who were or were not previously staged with SLNB.</p

    Healthcare costs of metastatic cutaneous melanoma in the era of immunotherapeutic and targeted drugs

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    Immunotherapeutic and targeted drugs improved survival of patients with metastatic melanoma. There is, however, a lack of evidence regarding their healthcare costs in clinical practice. The aim of our study was to provide insight into real-world healthcare costs of patients with metastatic cutaneous melanoma. Data were obtained from the Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry for patients who were registered between July 2012 and December 2018. Mean total/monthly costs per patient were reported for all patients, patients who did not receive systemic therapy, and patients who received systemic therapy. Furthermore, mean episode/monthly costs per line of therapy and drug were reported for patients who received systemic therapy. Mean total/monthly costs were € 89,240/€ 6809: € 7988/€ 2483 for patients who did not receive systemic therapy (n = 784) and € 105,078/€ 7652 for patients who received systemic therapy (n = 4022). Mean episode/monthly costs were the highest for nivolumab plus ipilimumab (€ 79,675/€ 16,976), ipilimumab monotherapy (€ 79,110/€ 17,252), and dabrafenib plus trametinib (€ 77,053/€ 12,015). Dacarbazine yielded the lowest mean episode/monthly costs (€ 6564/€ 2027). Our study showed that immunotherapeutic and targeted drugs had a large impact on real-world healthcare costs. As new drugs continue entering the treatment landscape for (metastatic) melanoma, it remains crucial to monitor whether the benefits of these drugs outweigh their costs

    Design of the ExCersion-VCI study: The effect of aerobic exercise on cerebral perfusion in patients with vascular cognitive impairment

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    There is evidence for a beneficial effect of aerobic exercise on cognition, but underlying mechanisms are unclear. In this study, we test the hypothesis that aerobic exercise increases cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients with vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). This study is a multicenter single-blind randomized controlled trial among 80 patients with VCI. Most important inclusion criteria are a diagnosis of VCI with Mini-Mental State Examination ≥22 and Clinical Dementia Rating ≤0.5. Participants are randomized into an aerobic exercise group or a control group. The aerobic exercise program aims to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and takes 14 weeks, with a frequency of three times a week. Participants are provided with a bicycle ergometer at home. The control group receives two information meetings. Primary outcome measure is change in CBF. We expect this study to provide insight into the potential mechanism by which aerobic exercise improves hemodynamic status

    Healthcare Costs of Metastatic Cutaneous Melanoma in the Era of Immunotherapeutic and Targeted Drugs

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    Immunotherapeutic and targeted drugs improved survival of patients with metastatic melanoma. There is, however, a lack of evidence regarding their healthcare costs in clinical practice. The aim of our study was to provide insight into real-world healthcare costs of patients with metastatic cutaneous melanoma. Data were obtained from the Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry for patients who were registered between July 2012 and December 2018. Mean total/monthly costs per patient were reported for all patients, patients who did not receive systemic therapy, and patients who received systemic therapy. Furthermore, mean episode/monthly costs per line of therapy and drug were reported for patients who received systemic therapy. Mean total/monthly costs were € 89,240/€ 6809: € 7988/€ 2483 for patients who did not receive systemic therapy (n = 784) and € 105,078/€ 7652 for patients who received systemic therapy (n = 4022). Mean episode/monthly costs were the highest for nivolumab plus ipilimumab (€ 79,675/€ 16,976), ipilimumab monotherapy (€ 79,110/€ 17,252), and dabrafenib plus trametinib (€ 77,053/€ 12,015). Dacarbazine yielded the lowest mean episode/monthly costs (€ 6564/€ 2027). Our study showed that immunotherapeutic and targeted drugs had a large impact on real-world healthcare costs. As new drugs continue entering the treatment landscape for (metastatic) melanoma, it remains crucial to monitor whether the benefits of these drugs outweigh their costs

    Apparent Lack of BRAFV600E Derived HLA Class I Presented Neoantigens Hampers Neoplastic Cell Targeting by CD8+ T Cells in Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

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    Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) is a neoplastic disorder of hematopoietic origin characterized by inflammatory lesions containing clonal histiocytes (LCH-cells) intermixed with various immune cells, including T cells. In 50-60% of LCH-patients, the somatic BRAFV600E driver mutation, which is common in many cancers, is detected in these LCH-cells in an otherwise quiet genomic landscape. Non-synonymous mutations like BRAFV600E can be a source of neoantigens capable of eliciting effective antitumor CD8+ T cell responses. This requires neopeptides to be stably presented by Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) class I molecules and sufficient numbers of CD8+ T cells at tumor sites. Here, we demonstrate substantial heterogeneity in CD8+ T cell density in n = 101 LCH-lesions, with BRAFV600E mutated lesions displaying significantly lower CD8+ T cell:CD1a+ LCH-cell ratios (p = 0.01) than BRAF wildtype lesions. Because LCH-lesional CD8+ T cell density had no significant impact on event-free survival, we investigated whether the intracellularly expressed BRAFV600E protein is degraded into neopeptides that are naturally processed and presented by cell surface HLA class I molecules. Epitope prediction tools revealed a single HLA class I binding BRAFV600E derived neopeptide (KIGDFGLATEK), which indeed displayed strong to intermediate binding capacity to HLA-A*03:01 and HLA-A*11:01 in an in vitro peptide-HLA binding assay. Mass spectrometry-based targeted peptidomics was used to investigate the presence of this neopeptide in HLA class I presented peptides isolated from several BRAFV600E expressing cell lines with various HLA genotypes. While the HLA-A*02:01 binding BRAF wildtype peptide KIGDFGLATV was traced in peptides isolated from a

    Analyse der RNA-Akkumulierung von Glomus intraradices zur Untersuchung der Funktion und der Entwicklung der arbuskulären Mykorrhiza

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    Arbuskuläre Mykorrhizapilze (AM-Pilze) sind obligat biotrophe Wurzelsymbionten aus dem Reich der Glomeromycota und gehen mutualistische Interaktionen mit den meisten Landpflanzen ein. Über die molekularen Mechanismen der Biotrophie ist bisher wenig bekannt. Durch Suppressive Subtraktive Hybridisierungen und die Erstellung von cDNA-Banken sollten Hinweise auf mögliche regulatorische Prozesse gefunden werden. Aus der intraradikulären Phase des Modellorganismus Glomus intraradices konnten so jedoch nur zwei Fragmente isoliert werden. Diese gehörten zu Genen für ein Hitzeschockprotein und für eine Glyoxaloxidase, die eine Rolle bei der Degradierung von Lignin spielen könnte. Parallel sollten bereits bestehende cDNA-Banken von Genen, die in keimenden Sporen und im extraradikulären Myzel exprimiert sind, um neue Sequenzen erweitert werden. Dabei wurden bereits bekannte, aber auch eine Reihe unbekannter Gene identifiziert. Diese Gene kodierten für alle Elemente des Cytoskeletts, für Transkriptions- und Translationsfaktoren und für einige Transportproteine. Der Austausch an Nährstoffen stellt eines der wichtigsten Merkmale der arbuskulären Mykorrhiza dar. So steigert die Besiedelung der Wurzel mit einem AM-Pilz den Phosphatgehalt im Spross der Pflanze. Unter den näher untersuchten Genen kodierte eines für ein regulatorisches Protein der Phospataufnahme. Dieses zeigte ein ähnliches Expressionsmuster wie der schon bekannte pilzliche Phosphattransporter. Als Nährstoffquelle des Pilzes dienen die von der Pflanze bereitgestellten Kohlenhydrate. Die Analysen der Expression von Genen des pilzlichen Kohlenhydratmetabolismuses im Verlauf dieser Arbeit bestätigten und ergänzten bisherige physiologische Studien. Die RNA-Akkumulierungsmuster in Wurzel- und Topfkulturen unter Verwendung transgener Pflanzen und einer natürlichen Mutante wiesen auf komplexe Regulationsmechanismen des pilzlichen Stoffwechsels hin. AM-Pilze verbessern nicht nur die Nährstoffaufnahme, sie erhöhen auch die Toleranz z.B. gegen Schwermetalle. In älteren und den während dieser Arbeit neu erstellten cDNA-Banken ließen sich Gene für Glutathion-Transferasen isolieren. Die durchgeführten Expressionsstudien wiesen auf eine mögliche Beteiligung der Genfamilie an der Toleranzerhöhung hin

    Root Factors Induce Mitochondrial-Related Gene Expression and Fungal Respiration during the Developmental Switch from Asymbiosis to Presymbiosis in the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Gigaspora rosea

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    During spore germination, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi show limited hyphal development in the absence of a host plant (asymbiotic). In the presence of root exudates, they switch to a new developmental stage (presymbiotic) characterized by extensive hyphal branching. Presymbiotic branching of the AM fungus Gigaspora rosea was induced in liquid medium by a semipurified exudate fraction from carrot (Daucus carota) root organ cultures. Changes in RNA accumulation patterns were monitored by differential display analysis. Differentially appearing cDNA fragments were cloned and further analyzed. Five cDNA fragments could be identified that show induced RNA accumulation 1 h after the addition of root exudate. Sequence similarities of two fragments to mammalian Nco4 and mitochondrial rRNA genes suggested that root exudates could influence fungal respiratory activity. To support this hypothesis, additional putative mitochondrial related-genes were shown to be induced by root exudates. These genes were identified after subtractive hybridization and putatively encode a pyruvate carboxylase and a mitochondrial ADP/ATP translocase. The gene GrosPyc1 for the pyruvate carboxylase was studied in more detail by cloning a cDNA and by quantifying its RNA accumulation. The hypothesis that respiratory activity of AM fungi is stimulated by root exudates was confirmed by physiological and cytological analyses in G. rosea and Glomus intraradices. Oxygen consumption and reducing activity of both fungi was induced after 3 and 2 h of exposition with the root factor, respectively, and the first respiration activation was detected in G. intraradices after approximately 90 min. In addition, changes in mitochondrial morphology, orientation, and overall biomass were detected in G. rosea after 4 h. In summary, the root-exuded factor rapidly induces the expression of certain fungal genes and, in turn, fungal respiratory activity before intense branching. This defines the developmental switch from asymbiosis to presymbiosis, first by gene activation (0.5–1 h), subsequently on the physiological level (1.5–3 h), and finally as a morphological response (after 5 h)

    Biocompatibility of Poly(ester amide) (PEA) Microfibrils in Ocular Tissues

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    Drug delivery systems (DDS) are able to deliver, over long periods of time, therapeutic concentrations of drugs requiring frequent administration. Two classes of DDS are available, biodegradable and non-biodegradable. The larger non-biodegradable implants ensure long-term delivery, but require surgical interventions. Biodegradable biomaterials are smaller, injectable implants, but degrade hydrolytically and release drugs in non-zero order kinetics, which is inefficient for long-term sustained drug release. Biodegradable poly(ester amides) (PEAs) may overcome these difficulties. To assess their ocular biocompatibility and long-term behavior, PEA fibrils were analyzed in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, incubation in vitreous humor changes to PEA structure, suggests degradation by surface erosion, enabling drug release with zero order kinetics. Clinical and histological analysis of PEA fibrils implanted subconjunctivally and intravitreally showed the absence of an inflammatory response or other pathological tissue alteration. This study shows that PEA fibrils are biocompatible with ocular environment and degrade by surface erosion

    The clinical benefit of hyperthermia in pancreatic cancer: a systematic review

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    Objective: In pancreatic cancer, which is therapy resistant due to its hypoxic microenvironment, hyperthermia may enhance the effect of radio(chemo)therapy. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate the validity of the hypothesis that hyperthermia added to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy improves treatment outcome for pancreatic cancer patients. Methods and materials: We searched MEDLINE and Embase, supplemented by handsearching, for clinical studies involving hyperthermia in pancreatic cancer patients. The quality of studies was evaluated using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence. Primary outcome was treatment efficacy; we calculated overall response rate and the weighted estimate of the population median overall survival (m p ) and compared these between hyperthermia and control cohorts. Results: Overall, 14 studies were included, with 395 patients with locally advanced and/or metastatic pancreatic cancer of whom 248 received hyperthermia. Patients were treated with regional (n = 189), intraoperative (n = 39) or whole-body hyperthermia (n = 20), combined with chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both. Quality of the studies was low, with level of evidence 3 (five studies) and 4. The six studies including a control group showed a longer m p in the hyperthermia groups than in the control groups (11.7 vs. 5.6 months). Overall response rate, reported in three studies with a control group, was also better for the hyperthermia groups (43.9% vs. 35.3%). Conclusions: Hyperthermia, when added to chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, may positively affect treatment outcome for patients with pancreatic cancer. However, the quality of the reviewed studies was limited and future randomised controlled trials are needed to establish efficacy