48 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Materi Ujian Tulis masuk UIN Bandung

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    Theory and application of mathematical science

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    A sudden jump in the value of the state variable in a certain dynamical system can be studied through a catastrophe model. This paper presents an application of catastrophe model to solve a psychological problems. Since we will have three psychological aspects or parameters. Intelligence (I), Emotion (E), and Adversity (A), a Swallowtail catastrophe model is considered to be an appropriate one. Our methodology consists of three steps : solving the Swallowtail potential function, finding the critical points up to and including three-fold degenerates, and fitting the model into our measured data. Using a polynomial curve fitting derived from the potential function of Swallowtail Catastrophe Model, relations among three parameters combinations are analyzed. Results show that there are catastrophe phenomena for each relations, meaning that a small change in one psychological aspect may cause a dramatically change in another aspec

    Sikap Toleransi dan Tipe Kepribadian Big Five pada Mahasiswa UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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    Indonesia is a big country with high pluralism. Country like Indonesia requires a high tolerance attitude. This research aimed to obtain the description about tolerance in the students based on personality type. The participants were 350 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung’s students with quantitative approach. The variables were personality type and tolerance attitude. Personality types using a scale compiled from the Big Five theory formulated from the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP). Tolerance attitude was measured using the scale developed by van der Waltz. The results show that the type of personality Conscientious dominates the subject and there is no subject that has the Agreeableness type. From the four personality types, Analysis of Variance (Anova) found no significant difference in their tolerance attitudes. It seems that the majority of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati’s students have good moral values so they can tolerate the difference

    Atmosfer Akademik dalam Bingkai Akhlak Karimah (Studi Kualitatif Implementasi Akhlak Karimah pada Sukeholilet UIN SGD Bandung)

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    Mini riset ini bertujuan untuk menggali sejauhmana implementasi akhalakul karimah sebagai ruh yang menjadi spirit atau semangat bagi terciptanya atmosfer akademik di Univeritas Islam Gunung Djati Bandung. Sebagai muslim, akhlak karimah merupakan cita-cita atau idealisme yang merupakan produk pendidikan. Studi difokuskan pada peran stakeholder dalam pelaksanaan akhlak karimah di lingkungan akademik UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Selama ini akhlak merupakan bagian dari pembahasan filsafat dan kemasyarakatan. Sedangkan dalam studi ini dilakukan upaya untuk membahas akhlak dari paradigma pengukuran psikologi. Studi didasarkan pada mini penelitian dengan pendekatan mixed and match method. Rancangan ini menggabungkan studi literatur, penelitian kualitatif, dan pendekatan kuantitatif dimana subjek penelitian adalah stakeholder perguruan tinggi yaitu pejabat struktural, dosen, staf, dan mahasiswa. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penggalian informasi lebih jauh tentang implementasi akhlak karimah di kalangan stakeholder UIN SGD Bandung. Metode pengumpulan data berupa interview (wawancara) dan dokumentasi (hasil pengisian kuesioner). Hasil penelitian disajikan dalam bentuk deskripsi

    Model Katastrofe Swallowtail Berparameter Fuzzy untuk Menganalisa Tiga Faktor Psikologi (Intelegensi, Emosi, dan Adversitas)

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    Catastrophe theory in general is a study of the jumps, transitions, discontinuities, and the sudden change of a phenomenon qualitatively. Catastrophe theory is part of Singularity theory and Bifurcation theory. The basic model catastrophe, Cusp, has been used to study the behavior of cognitive intelligence is seen as a state variable (behavioral variables), while aspects of intelligence are used as control variables. This study demonstrates the occurrence of 'jumps' from one level of intelligence to other intelligence level due to changes in one aspect. The purpose of this dissertation is to use a Swallowtail catastrophe model to analyze three psychological factors, namely Intelligence (I), Emotion (E), and Adversity (A) which is thought to support an individual success. This model consists of three control variables and one state variable. The results of research on this dissertation are divided into two parts. The first part is matching the data of Political Orientation by Cusp catastrophe model. The second part is matching the data factors of intelligence I, E, and A by Swallowtail catastrophe model. Curve fitting is done by estimating the model parameters through nonfuzzy approach and fuzzy approach. Suggestions for this fuzzy approach to be considered because the data from the results of psychological research have uncertainty characteristics similar with fuzzy logic. It was found that the empirical data matching with the two approaches nearly all met the conditions of catastrophe, both on the Cusp catastrophe model as well as the Swallowtail catastrophe model


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    In this article, we use cusp catastrophe model for analyze the intelligence. Definition of intelligence is restricted by IQ that can be separated to two aspects, those are Concrete-Practice (CP) and Theoretical-Verbal (TV). We will demonstrate that two students of university with the same aspect of intelligence, CP, but have different TV will state in different department of a university. We must get the critical point that differentiate the characteristic of one department with the others. Moving from one department to the other caused by the change of TV will occur as a jump. This jump will determined cusp catastrophe model.Catastrophe theory provides a universal method for the study of all jump transitions, discontinuities, and sudden qualitative changes. Especially in mathematical understanding, catastrophe theory is a part of singularities theory and bifurcation theory.The samples were the psychological testing, IST, results of 428 ITB's students. The first step is Confirmatory Factor Analysis application to reduce nine psychotest variables to get two control variables that construct cusp catastrophe model. The second step is fitting the model of cusp catastrophe to the data with Cuspfit procedure. As measurement of goodness of fit, Cuspfit procedure uses the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayes Information Criterion (BIC). The model with the lowest AIC and BIC is selected


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    Katastrofi, merupakan bagian dari teori singularitas dan bifurkasi, secara umum merupakan kajian yang mempelajari transisi, diskontinuitas, dan perubahan mendadak secara kualitatif. Dalam kajian terdahulu, telah digunakan model dasar katastrofi yaitu Cusp untuk mempelajari perilaku kecerdasan intelektual, Intelligence Quotient (IQ). IQ dipandang sebagai variabel keadaan sedangkan aspek-aspek dari IQ yaitu Praktis-Kongkrit (PK) dan Verbal-Teoretis (VT) sebagai variabel kontrol. Data yang ada mendukung model Cusp. Model Cusp memprediksi terjadinya sebuah ‘lompatan’ dari satu level kecerdasan ke level kecerdasan yang lain karena perubahan salah satu aspeknya.. Dalam tulisan ini, akan dikembangkan model performansi kerja JF yang diduga berkorelasi dengan tiga komponen kecerdasan yaitu IQ, Emotional Quotient (EQ), dan Adversity Quotient (AQ). Studi kajian data memperlihatkan ketiga faktor IQ, EQ, dan AQ, merupakan indikator yang tidak berkorelasi. Hasil ini mengarahkan pada pengambilan ketiganya menjadi variabel kontrol dan performansi kerja JF sebagai variabel keadaan. Dengan tiga variabel control, model katastrofi yang bersesuaian adalah Swallowtail. Dalam penelitian ini, akan dikerjakan beberapa hal spesifik model Swallowtail yang berkaitan dengan pemodelan performansi kerja yaitu proses pemodelan, estimasi parameter, validasi model, dan interpretasi model. Diharapkan peneltian ini akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang signifikan dalam tinjauan kembali terhadap kurikulum pendidikan nasional yang nantinya akan menghasilkan manusia Indonesia dengan performansi kerja optimal. Kata kunci : performansi kerja, variabel keadaan dan variabel control, model Cusp dan model Swallowtail

    Pengaruh Konflik Peran Gender Laki-Laki Dewasa Terhadap Strategi Koping

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    Konflik peran gender pada laki-laki menuntut laki-laki menjadi tangguh, unggul, dan pantang menangis sehingga laki-laki fokus mengejar kesuksesan, mengutamakan kekuasaan, membatasi emosi, dan memiliki konflik antara kegiatannya dengan hubungan keluarga. Hal tersebut kemudian memunculkan stress dan Toxic Masculinity pada laki-laki dikarenakan konsep maskulinitas yang negatif dalam masyarakat. Dibutuhkan strategi koping yang efektif untuk dapat menangani masalah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik peran gender laki-laki dewasa terhadap strategi koping. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan teknik accidental sampling dengan 385 responden mahasiswa laki-laki usia 18-25 tahun. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan kuesioner skala Gender Role Conflict Scale I (GRCS-1) dan The Ways of Coping Questionare (WCQ) untuk mengukur skala konflik peran gender dan strategi koping. Hasil analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana (p < 0.05) menunjukkan bahwa konflik peran gender laki-laki dewasa berpengaruh sebesar 10.7 % terhadap strategi koping dengan nilai signifikansi 0.000

    Peran Parenting Self-Efficacy dan Optimisme terhadap Psychological Well-Being Ibu yang Memiliki Anak Intellectual Disability

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    The presence of children will affect the lives of their parents. Parenting and educating Intellectual Disability (ID) children creates certain pressures, especially for mothers. Many mothers experienced stress and have feelings of uncertainty about their ability to care for which lead to pessimism. These stress and anxiety may have an impact on the psychological well-being of the mothers. The purpose of this study was to determine whether parenting self-efficacy and optimism affect the psychological well-being of mothers with ID children. This study used a quantitative approach with a causal correlational design. The research subjects were 43 mothers who had children with ID. The data was collected using a questionnaire consists of the Self-Efficacy for Parenting Index (SEPTI) adapted from Coleman and Karakker, optimism scale, and psychological well-being Scales (PWBS) adapted from Ryff. The results show that parenting self-efficacy and optimism had an effect on psychological well-bein