162 research outputs found

    Correlation between actual nutrition and lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense parameters in aged 14–17 years adolescents living in rural area

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    The aim of the study was to reveal the relationship between the parameters of actual nutrition and the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense system in adolescents aged 14–17 in a rural area. Material and methods. 76 adolescents aged 14–17 of the Irkutsk region were examined by the cross-sectional study method. Actual nutrition was studied by the 24-hour nutrition reproduction method. The content of substrates with unsaturated double bonds (DB), diene conjugates (DC), ketodienes and conjugated trienes (KD and CT), thiobarbituric acid reacting species (TBARS), α-tocopherol, retinol, reduced (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG), total blood antioxidant activity (TAA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in blood by spectrophotometry and fluorometry methods were analyzed. Results. The adolescents’ diet did not meet the principles of a balanced diet – there was reduced protein intake, an imbalance of unsaturated fatty acids, A, C, D, B vitamins deficiency. An excessive element in the diet was sodium. The content of substrates with DB, KD and CT and TBARS increased significantly in the studied group of adolescents, the concentration of DC decreased. Parameters of antioxidant defense both decreased (TAA, retinol content) and increased (α-tocopherol, GSH concentration). Correlation analysis showed relationships between DB and vitamin B1, B2 content; DC level and calories, carbohydrate and vitamin B1 content; concentration of KD and CT and fats, TAA and vitamin A and β-carotene level; level of α-tocopherol in blood and vitamin E in food; GSH and vitamin K; SOD activity and vitamin H content. Multiple negative correlations were between GSSG and fat, vitamins B1, B9, C, K food concentration were found.Conclusions. The calculated vitamin consumption indicators allow to reveal nutritional deviations in adolescents and to connect them with the real provision of the body with these metabolites

    Influence of high-intensity CO2 laser irradiation on collagen matrix composition of normotrophic skin scars (experimental study)

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    The experiment was carried out in 25 laboratory rats. After modeling of normotrophic cutaneous scars, the procedure of laser dermabrasion with 50 Watt carbon dioxide laser was performed in superpulse mode with impulse-pause ratio of 0,5:100 ms and 500 µm spot diameter. Morphological, immunohistochemical and morphometric examination of skin histological sections were performed. A single exposure to CO2 laser radiation in this mode resulted in the early formation of mainly type III collagen and then type I collagen in ratios approaching to the intact skin.Проведено экспериментальное исследование на 25-ти лабораторных крысах, которым после моделирования нормотрофических кожных рубцов выполняли процедуру лазерной дермабразии излучением углекислого лазера мощностью 50 Вт в суперимпульсном режиме с соотношением импульс – пауза 0,5:100 мс и диаметром пятна 0,5 мм. Проводили морфологическое, иммуногистохимическое морфометрическое исследование гистологических срезов кожи. Установлено, что однократное воздействие излучением Со2 лазера в указанных режимах приводит к образованию в ранние сроки преимущественно коллагена III типа, а затем и коллагена I типа в соотношениях, приближающихся к показателям интактной кожи

    cisRED: a database system for genome-scale computational discovery of regulatory elements

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    We describe cisRED, a database for conserved regulatory elements that are identified and ranked by a genome-scale computational system (). The database and high-throughput predictive pipeline are designed to address diverse target genomes in the context of rapidly evolving data resources and tools. Motifs are predicted in promoter regions using multiple discovery methods applied to sequence sets that include corresponding sequence regions from vertebrates. We estimate motif significance by applying discovery and post-processing methods to randomized sequence sets that are adaptively derived from target sequence sets, retain motifs with p-values below a threshold and identify groups of similar motifs and co-occurring motif patterns. The database offers information on atomic motifs, motif groups and patterns. It is web-accessible, and can be queried directly, downloaded or installed locally

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics and effectiveness of antiviral therapy for COVID-19 in children: The experience of the first year of the pandemic

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    Background. The use of antiviral agents can shorten the duration of the viral infection. The aim: to study the clinical and epidemiological features and the effectiveness of antiviral therapy for new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in outpatient children.Materials and methods. From April 2020 to March 2021, 9334 outpatient children aged from 0 months to 17 years were randomly tested for new coronavirus infection. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in oropharyngeal and nasal material by PCR. Patients with confirmed new coronavirus infection were prescribed interferon-alpha (IFN-α) intranasally, antiviral agents of systemic action. The control group consisted of children with COVID-19 who did not receive treatment.Results. When examining clinically healthy contact children, SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in 7.4 % of cases. In the structure of ARI, the specific weight of COVID-19 was 12.3 % with the peak incidence in April-May (up to 22.8 %) and NovemberDecember (up to 30.0 %). In half of the cases, children became infected in the family, and usually adults were the index patient. In 47.7 % of cases, an asymptomatic form of COVID-19 was registered without significant differences in patients of different ages. In one third of children with concomitant pathology, the disease was asymptomatic, in half it was mild, in other cases moderate severity was diagnosed. The clinical picture of COVID-19 did not differ from other ARIs. Anosmia (9.4 %) in half of the cases was combined with ageusia (4.4 %) and was significantly more common in boys. The duration of clinical manifestations in children of the control group and those who received antiviral therapy did not statistically significantly differ in mild and severity of the disease. Also, various antiviral therapy options did not significantly affect the duration of SARS-CoV-2 detection in children with various forms of COVID-19.Conclusion. In the first year of the pandemic, the novel coronavirus infection did not dominate the pattern of respiratory diseases in outpatient children. Further research is required to develop pediatric guidelines for the treatment of COVID-19 at the outpatient stage

    Anthropourgic Foci of Plague in Vietnam: Past and Present

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    The review contains the results of ecological-epizootiological and epidemiological investigations of plague in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1989-2012. Studied has been the structure of epizootic triad - carrier-vector-pathogen. There is a low probability of plague foci occurrence in zones of tropical forests and savanna under the conditions of humid subequatorial climate. Main plague agent carrier on the Thai Nguyen Plateau is the synanthropic little rat, Rattus exulans . Specialized fleas species are absent on wild-living rats Rattus genus, as well as mice, and bandicoots, and the abundance of other species is small. It has been demonstrated that all the elements of the parasitic plague system are classified as introduced species. Thereupon it is inferred that plague foci in Vietnam are anthropourgic and are of anthropogenic origin solely. Plague cases in humans across the territory of the country were registered between 1898 and 2002. The most persistent ones functioned on the Thai Nguyen Plateau. Although epizootic activity of the foci in territory of the former endemic provinces has decreased, it is necessary to continue epizootiological monitoring further on in the modern period

    Thyroid cancer risk in Belarus among children and adolescents exposed to radioiodine after the Chornobyl accident

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies showed an increased risk of thyroid cancer among children and adolescents exposed to radioactive iodines released after the Chornobyl (Chernobyl) accident, but the effects of screening, iodine deficiency, age at exposure and other factors on the dose-response are poorly understood. METHODS: We screened 11 970 individuals in Belarus aged 18 years or younger at the time of the accident who had estimated (131)I thyroid doses based on individual thyroid activity measurements and dosimetric data from questionnaires. The excess odds ratio per gray (EOR/Gy) was modelled using linear and linear-exponential functions. RESULTS: For thyroid doses \u3c5 \u3eGy, the dose-response was linear (n=85; EOR/Gy=2.15, 95% confidence interval: 0.81-5.47), but at higher doses the excess risk fell. The EOR/Gy was significantly increased among those with prior or screening-detected diffuse goiter, and larger for men than women, and for persons exposed before age 5 than those exposed between 5 and 18 years, although not statistically significant. A somewhat higher EOR/Gy was estimated for validated pre-screening cases. CONCLUSION: 10-15 years after the Chornobyl accident, thyroid cancer risk was significantly increased among individuals exposed to fallout as children or adolescents, but the risk appeared to be lower than in other Chornobyl studies and studies of childhood external irradiation

    Выявление Вич-1, резистентных к антиретровирусным препаратам, среди жителей томской области с впервые диагностированной Вич-инфекцией

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    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the spreading of HIV-1 resistant to antiretroviral drugs among Tomsk Oblast population with newly diagnosed HIV-infection.Materials and methods. It was collected 122 clinical samples of  peripheral blood of HIV-infected patients from Tomsk Oblast who did not take antiretroviral drugs. In HIV-1 isolated from clinical samples we studied nucleotide sequence of genome fragments encoding virus protease and reverse transcriptase. Complex analyses of epidemiologic data from patients and the presence in genome HIV-1 mutations associated with resistance development to protease inhibitors and virus reverse transcriptase were carried out.Results. Analysis of HIV-1 isolated from Tomsk Oblast naïve HIV-infected population made it possible to detect HIV-1 mutations associated with a decrease of virus sensitivity to antiretroviral drugs in 9,8% of cases. Among described mutations 50% were associated with resistance to virus protease inhibitors; 33,3% were resistance mutations to nonnuclease inhibitors of reverse transcriptase, and 16.7% were resistance mutations to nucleoside inhibitors of virus reverse transcriptase. Out of 9,8% of resistant viruses 7,3% of casesincluded mutations associated with the development of potentially low level of reduction of HIV-1 sensitivity to drugs. Main HIV-1 resistance mutations of high and average levels were registered only in 2,5% of genotyped HIV-1 isolated from people who inject drugs.Conclusion. Current study detected considerably low sampling rate of HIV-1 carrying mutations associated with resistance to antiretroviral drugs among Tomsk Oblast naïve HIV-infected population. It is believed to be caused by a relatively short period of extensive application of antiretroviral therapy in that territory. Analysis of epidemiologic data resulted in detection of factors negatively affecting prediction of further development of HIV-infection epidemic in the region including prevalence of risk behavior practice contributing to resistant HIV-1 transmission both among patients via heterosexual contacts and among people who inject drugs.Цель: оценка распространения ВИЧ-1, резистентных к антиретровирусным препаратам, среди жителей Томской области с впервые выявленной ВИЧ-инфекцией.Материалы и методы. Собрано 122 клинических образца периферической крови ВИЧ-инфицированных жителей Томской области, не принимавших антиретровирусные препараты. Для выделенных из клинических образцов ВИЧ-1 исследована нуклеотидная последовательность фрагментов генома, кодирующих протеазу и обратную транскриптазу вируса. Выполнен комплексный анализ эпидемиологических данных пациентов и наличия в геноме ВИЧ-1 мутаций, связанных с развитием резистентности к ингибиторам протеазы и обратной транскриптазы вируса.Результаты. Анализ ВИЧ-1, выделенных от наивных ВИЧ-инфицированных лиц Томской области, в 9,8% случаев выявил мутации ВИЧ-1, ассоциированные со снижением чувствительности вируса к антиретровирусным препаратам. Среди описанных мутаций 50%составляли мутации, связанные с резистентностью к ингибиторам протеазы вируса; в 33,3% – мутации резистентности к ненуклеозидным ингибиторам обратной транскриптазы и в 16,7% – к нуклеозидным ингибиторам обратной транскриптазы вируса. Из 9,8% резистентных вирусов в 7,3% случаев были выявлены мутации, ассоциированные с развитием потенциального/потенциально-низкого/низкого уровня снижения чувствительности ВИЧ-1 к препаратам. Основные мутации резистентности ВИЧ-1 высокого и среднего уровня были зарегистрированы лишь в 2,5% генотипированных ВИЧ-1, выделенных от лиц, потребляющих инъекционные наркотические препараты.Заключение. Выполненное исследование выявило среди наивных ВИЧ-инфицированных жителей Томской области достаточно низкую частоту регистрации ВИЧ-1, несущих мутации, ассоциированные с резистентностью к антиретровирусным препаратам. Вероятно это связано с относительно коротким периодом широкого применения в области  антиретровирусной терапии. Анализ эпидемиологических данных выявил факторы, негативно влияющие на прогноз дальнейшего развития эпидемии ВИЧ-инфекции в регионе – широкую распространенность практик рискованного поведения, способствующих передаче резистентных ВИЧ-1 как среди лиц, инфицированных при гетеросексуальных контактах, так и среди потребителей инъекционных наркотиков

    Получение сополимеров терпенов с метакриловой кислотой и их влияние на устойчивость неорганических дисперсий в присутствии катионных поверхностно-активных веществ

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    Copolymers of methacrylic acid and natural terpene monomers (α-pinene; β-pinene; ∆3-karene) with the molecular weight of (0.3–0.5)∙104 and a content of carboxyl groups of 14.5–16.3 % were synthesized. For the synthesized copolymers, hydrodynamic radius and the Kuhn segment, which characterizes flexibility of a polymer chain, were determined, as well as the Huggins constant in aqueous and saline solutions, and concentration regions for formation of supramolecular structures. In the presence of a cationic surfactant (benzetonium chloride, Hyamine), depending on the concentration of copolymers in the system, polymer-surfactant complexes were formed in soluble and insoluble forms. It has been shown that the effectiveness of the stabilizing action of soluble complexes with respect to an aqueous dispersion of calcium carbonate increases with an increase in the content of nonpolar groups in the polymer chain. A cationic surfactant (Hyamine) has been proposed as a precipitant in the method for the quantitative determination of carboxyl-containing polymers in aqueous and saline media. Синтезированы сополимеры на основе метакриловой кислоты и природных терпеновых мономеров (α-пинен, β-пинен, ∆3-карен) с молекулярной массой (0,3–0,5)∙104 и содержанием карбоксильных групп 14,5–16,3 %. Для синтезированных сополимеров определены гидродинамический радиус и сегмент Куна, характеризующий гибкость полимерной цепи, константа Хаггинса в водном и солевом растворах, концентрационные области формирования надмолекулярных структур. В присутствии катионного ПАВ (бензетония хлорид, Hyamine) в зависимости от концентрации сополимеров в системе образуются комплексы «полимер–ПАВ» в растворимой и нерастворимой формах. Показано, что эффективность стабилизирующего действия растворимых комплексов в отношении водной дисперсии карбоната кальция возрастает с увеличением содержания неполярных групп в полимерной цепи. Катионный ПАВ (Hyamine) предложен в качестве осадителя в методе количественного определения карбоксилсодержащих полимеров в водной и солевой средах.

    Derivatives of 9-phosphorylated acridine as butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors with antioxidant activity and the ability to inhibit β-amyloid self-aggregation: potential therapeutic agents for Alzheimer’s disease

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    We investigated the inhibitory activities of novel 9-phosphoryl-9,10-dihydroacridines and 9-phosphorylacridines against acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and carboxylesterase (CES). We also studied the abilities of the new compounds to interfere with the self-aggregation of β-amyloid (Aβ42) in the thioflavin test as well as their antioxidant activities in the ABTS and FRAP assays. We used molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations, and quantum-chemical calculations to explain experimental results. All new compounds weakly inhibited AChE and off-target CES. Dihydroacridines with aryl substituents in the phosphoryl moiety inhibited BChE; the most active were the dibenzyloxy derivative 1d and its diphenethyl bioisostere 1e (IC50 = 2.90 ± 0.23 µM and 3.22 ± 0.25 µM, respectively). Only one acridine, 2d, an analog of dihydroacridine, 1d, was an effective BChE inhibitor (IC50 = 6.90 ± 0.55 μM), consistent with docking results. Dihydroacridines inhibited Aβ42 self-aggregation; 1d and 1e were the most active (58.9% ± 4.7% and 46.9% ± 4.2%, respectively). All dihydroacridines 1 demonstrated high ABTS•+-scavenging and iron-reducing activities comparable to Trolox, but acridines 2 were almost inactive. Observed features were well explained by quantum-chemical calculations. ADMET parameters calculated for all compounds predicted favorable intestinal absorption, good blood–brain barrier permeability, and low cardiac toxicity. Overall, the best results were obtained for two dihydroacridine derivatives 1d and 1e with dibenzyloxy and diphenethyl substituents in the phosphoryl moiety. These compounds displayed high inhibition of BChE activity and Aβ42 self-aggregation, high antioxidant activity, and favorable predicted ADMET profiles. Therefore, we consider 1d and 1e as lead compounds for further in-depth studies as potential anti-AD preparations. Copyright © 2023 Makhaeva, Kovaleva, Rudakova, Boltneva, Lushchekina, Astakhova, Timokhina, Serebryakova, Shchepochkin, Averkov, Utepova, Demina, Radchenko, Palyulin, Fisenko, Bachurin, Chupakhin, Charushin and Richardson.122041400110-4; FFSN-2021-0005; Alternatives Research and Development Foundation, ARDF; University of Michigan, U-M; Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 19-29-08037; Russian Science Foundation, RSFThis research was partly supported by grant # 22-13-00298 of the Russian Science Foundation and IPAC RAS State Targets Project # FFSN-2021-0005; quantum-chemical calculations were supported the IBCP RAS State Targets Project # 122041400110-4. The synthesis of the compounds was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (research project # 19-29-08037). Support for RR’s contributions to the computer modeling components of the work was provided in part by a grant from the Alternatives Research and Development Foundation (ARDF) and an Mcubed grant from the University of Michigan

    RNA expression of TLR10 in normal equine tissues

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    Background: Toll like receptors are one of the major innate immune system pathogen recognition systems. There is little data on the expression of the TLR10 member of this family in the horse. Results: This paper describes the genetic structure of the Equine TLR10 gene and its RNA expression in a range of horse tissues. It describes the phylogenetic analysis of the Equine TLR1,6,10,2 annotations in the horse genome, firmly identifying them in their corresponding gene clades compared to other species and firmly placing the horse gene with other TLR10 genes from odd-toed ungulates. Additional 3’ transcript extensions to that annotated for TLR10 in the horse genome have been identified by analysis of RNAseq data. RNA expression of the equine TLR10 gene was highest in peripheral blood mononucleocytes and lymphoid tissue (lymph nodes and spleen), however some expression was detected in all tissues tested (jejunum, caudal mesenteric lymph nodes, bronchial lymph node, spleen, lung, colon, kidney and liver). Additional data on RNAseq expression of all equine TLR genes (1–4 and 6–10) demonstrate higher expression of TLR4 than other equine TLRs in all tissues. Conclusion: The equine TLR10 gene displays significant homology to other mammalian TLR10 genes and could be reasonably assumed to have similar fuctions. Its RNA level expression is higher in resting state PBMCs in horses than in other tissues