216 research outputs found

    Floração e frutificação da cerejeira-do-mato, em áreas fragmentadas da floresta ombrófila mista, no município de Colombo, PR.

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    Monitoramento dos estádios fenológicos reprodutivos da cerejeira-do-mato.

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    Monitoramento fenológico da corticeira-da-serra, nos municípios de Colombo e Curitiba, PR.

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    Monitoramento dos ciclos fenológicos da imbuia, no município de Colombo, PR.

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    Mutations In Sry And Wt1 Genes Required For Gonadal Development Are Not Responsible For Xy Partial Gonadal Dysgenesis.

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    The WT1 transcription factor regulates SRY expression during the initial steps of the sex determination process in humans, activating a gene cascade leading to testis differentiation. In addition to causing Wilms' tumor, mutations in WT1 are often responsible for urogenital defects in men, while SRY mutations are mainly related to 46,XY pure gonadal dysgenesis. In order to evaluate their role in abnormal testicular organogenesis, we screened for SRY and WT1 gene mutations in 10 children with XY partial gonadal dysgenesis, 2 of whom with a history of Wilms' tumor. The open reading frame and 360 bp of the 5' flanking sequence of the SRY gene, and the ten exons and intron boundaries of the WT1 gene were amplified by PCR of genomic DNA. Single-strand conformation polymorphism was initially used for WT1 mutation screening. Since shifts in fragment migration were only observed for intron/exon 4, the ten WT1 exons from all patients were sequenced manually. No mutations were detected in the SRY 5' untranslated region or within SRY open-reading frame sequences. WT1 sequencing revealed one missense mutation (D396N) in the ninth exon of a patient who also had Wilms' tumor. In addition, two silent point mutations were found in the first exon including one described here for the first time. Some non-coding sequence variations were detected, representing one new (IVS4+85A>G) and two already described (-7ATG T>G, IVS9-49 T>C) single nucleotide polymorphisms. Therefore, mutations in two major genes required for gonadal development, SRY and WT1, are not responsible for XY partial gonadal dysgenesis.3817-2

    The tailings dam failure of 5 November 2015 in SE Brazil and its preceding seismic sequence

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    The collapse of a mine tailings dam and subsequent flood in SE Brazil on 5 November 2015 was preceded by a small-magnitude seismic sequence. In this report, we explore the spatiotemporal associations between the seismic events and the accident and discuss their possible connection. We also analyze the signals generated by the turbulent mudflow, as recorded by the Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR). In light of our observations, we propose as possible contributing factor for the dam collapse either ground shaking and/or soil liquefaction triggered by the earthquakes. The possibility of such a small-magnitude earthquake contributing to the collapse of a tailings dam raises important concerns regarding safety and related legislation of dams in Brazil and the world. ©2016. American Geophysical Union.H.A.D. and M.A. acknowledge support from Sao Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP grant 2014/09455-3 and CNPq grant 30.6547/2013-9.Peer reviewe

    Addition of tabulated equation of state and neutrino leakage support to IllinoisGRMHD

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    We have added support for realistic, microphysical, finite-temperature equations of state (EOS) and neutrino physics via a leakage scheme to IllinoisGRMHD, an open-source GRMHD code for dynamical spacetimes in the Einstein Toolkit. These new features are provided by two new, NRPy+-based codes: NRPyEOS, which performs highly efficient EOS table lookups and interpolations, and NRPyLeakage, which implements a new, AMR-capable neutrino leakage scheme in the Einstein Toolkit. We have performed a series of strenuous validation tests that demonstrate the robustness of these new codes, particularly on the Cartesian AMR grids provided by Carpet. Furthermore, we show results from fully dynamical GRMHD simulations of single unmagnetized neutron stars, and magnetized binary neutron star mergers. This new version of IllinoisGRMHD, as well as NRPyEOS and NRPyLeakage, is pedagogically documented in Jupyter notebooks and fully open source. The codes will be proposed for inclusion in an upcoming version of the Einstein Toolkit.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures. v2 matches PRD versio