1,125 research outputs found

    Descriptive Translation Studies of Audiovisual Translation: 21st-century Issues, Challenges and Opportunities

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    Preprint Version (SherpaRomeoGreen)This paper aims to identify theoretical and methodological issues, challenges and opportunities posed by the specific nature of research on audiovisual translation (AVT) developed within the framework of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) based on a selective overview of such research in the 21st century. For this purpose, it offers a brief presentation of the overarching principles of DTS; a selective overview of research on AVT in the 21st century, considering the main achievements and challenges involved in such research; and a discussion of some theoretical and methodological issues, challenges and opportunities faced by Descriptive Audiovisual Translation Studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Power of Locality and the Use of English: A Case Study of Non-Translation in the Portuguese Blogosphere.

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    The reader of Portuguese blogs is often faced with a recurrent use of English in the titles of posts. The aim of this paper is to discuss this as an effect of the hegemony of English on the Portuguese blogosphere. It begins by an analysis of titles of texts posted in three Portuguese blogs in order to quantify the use of English titles, expressions or words. It then goes on to consider the possible historical and cultural factors underlying the ostensible propensity of Portuguese blogs to such colonization by the English language.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Translating orality, recreating otherness

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    This article discusses the problem posed by linguistic variation for interlingual translation, in particular by the relation between language, context and identity in speech and orality, within the framework of Descriptive Translation Studies. It starts by defining linguistic variation as a correlation of linguistic form, communicative meaning and sociocultural value. It examines the particular case of literary representation of varieties to suggest strategies and procedures for their translation. It ends with an analysis of selected examples of canonized British fiction and their translation into European Portuguese, and a discussion of causes and consequences of the patterning resulting from the translation of speech and orality in fiction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS)

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    Versão preprint (SherpaRomeoGreen)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Translation across time in East and West encounters: an overview

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    Preprint Version (SherpaRomeoGreen)Introduction to the edited special issue of Translation Studies entitled: East and West Encounters: Translation across Time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Theoretical, methodological and terminological issues regarding indirect translation: An overview.”

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    This article offers and overview of the current main theoretical, terminological and methodological issues regarding indirect translation defined as a translation of a translation. The first section on terminological issues addresses the terminological and semantic diversity involved in the metalanguage, clarifies terminological discrepancies and patterns, motivations, and consequences. The second section on conceptual issues highlights an array of main variables used to address indirect translation, and produces a classification based mainly on the number of intervening texts, languages and their choice, though considering further variables for the subcategorization of indirectness. The third section on methodological issues stresses the time-consuming nature of a process encompassing contextual and textual analyses, of texts and paratexts, and lists main features symptomatic of indirectness. After a brief presentation of the special issue, the article ends by identifying several open issues and further research avenues to catalyse further research on indirect translation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ampliação da jornada escolar e atividades artísticas: análise da produção científica entre 2000 e 2012 no Brasil

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    This study addresses the inclusion of artistic activities in the context of after-school programs. We consider it important to map and investigate how the inclusion of these activities, as well as relationships between young individuals and education institutions, have been discussed. Theses and dissertations, available on the CAPES platform between 2000 and 2012, the themes of which were artistic activities included in after-school programs, were analyzed. The method used is defined as “State of the Art”. A total of 49 theses and dissertations were found and categories such as main topic and results were analyzed. This analysis highlights new ways of doing research and current opportunities of aesthetic education directed to young individuals. The results show changes in the lives of young individuals participating in educational projects that include Art. Enabling access to aesthetic knowledge within formal educational institutions is essential.Este estudio trata de la inclusión de actividades artísticas en contextos de ampliación del tiempo educativo. Consideramos relevante mapear e investigar el modo como se discuten tanto la presencia de esas actividades artísticas en eses espacios como las relaciones entre jóvenes e instituciones formadoras. Analiza investigaciones disponibles en el banco de tesis y disertaciones de la CAPES entre los años de 2000 y 2012 que presentan como temática las actividades artísticas en programas de ampliación del tiempo educativo. La metodología se caracteriza como “estado del arte”. Por eso, fueron identificados y analizados 49 tesis y disertaciones a partir de categorías, tales como: temática principal de investigación y resultados alcanzados. En el análisis, se destacan nuevas formas de hacer investigaciones en el contexto de la educación y las oportunidades de educación estética a los jóvenes actualmente. Las investigaciones indicaron en sus resultados cambios ocurridos en la vida de los jóvenes al participar en proyectos educativos. Se considera fundamental dar la oportunidad de acceder a los conocimientos estéticos por medio de los espacios educativos formales.Este estudo tem como temática as atividades artísticas em contextos de ampliação da Jornada Escolar. Consideramos relevante mapear e investigar o modo como discutem tanto a presença dessas atividades artísticas nesses espaços como também, as relações entre jovens e instituições formadoras. Analisa pesquisas disponíveis no banco de teses e dissertações da CAPES entre 2000 e 2012 que apresentam como temática as atividades artísticas em programas de ampliação do tempo educativo. A metodologia caracteriza-se como “estado da arte”. Por isso, realizou-se levantamento e análise de 49 teses e dissertações a partir de categorias, tais como: temática principal de pesquisa e resultados obtidos. Na análise, destacam-se novos modos de fazer pesquisa e às oportunidades de educação estética aos jovens na atualidade. As investigações indicaram, em seus resultados, mudanças ocorridas na vida dos jovens ao participarem de projetos educativos com Arte. Considera-se fundamental oportunizar o acesso aos conhecimentos estéticos por meio dos espaços educativos formais

    Portugal para inglês ver : Murray’s Handbook for Travellers in Portugal, 1855

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    Neste capítulo analisa-se, no âmbito dos Estudos de Recepção e dos Estudos de Tradução, as trocas interculturais entre Inglaterra e Portugal, durante o século XIX, baseando-se na obra de John Murray Murray’s Handbook for Travellers in Portugal. With a Travelling Map.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este estudo foi estruturado a partir do cotejo entre as duas primeiras ediçõesdo romance Três casas e um rio, de Dalcídio Jurandir: a princeps, publicada em 1958 em São Paulo, pela Martins Editora com capa de Cândido Portinari; e, a segunda, editada somente em 1979 já sob os cuidados da hoje extinta Editora Cátedra, Rio de Janeiro, em convênio com o Instituto Nacional do Livro / Ministério da Educação e Cultura, em Brasília, com capa de Luiz Falcão, também do Rio de Janeiro. As edições post-mortem do Autor não foram objeto de nossa pesquisa, porquanto este tipo de estudo é feito apenas, e, somente, com as publicações produzidasquandoaindaera o Autorvivo, oquenos fazpressuporque as alteraçõesfeitasemrelação àprimeiraedição tiveram asuaprópria e autorizadaanuência.Palavras-chave: Variantes linguísticas. Romance. Dalcído Jurandi


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    Lindanor e Celina meninas-colegas-amigas conviveram juntas entre risos, gargalhadas e muita alegria, mesmo nascendo em lugares diferentes: Lindanor em Castanhal, e Celina, em Bragança