157 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Seed Rates and Sowing Methods on Growth, Yield, and Yield Attributes of Tef [Eragrostis Tef (Zucc.) Trotter] in Ada District, East Shewa, Ethiopia

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    Tef is a major staple cereal crop in Ethiopia. However, its productivity is limited, amongst others, by the use of improper sowing methods and inappropriate seed rates. A field experiment was conducted at Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre, East Shewa Zone during the 2012 main cropping season under rain-fed condition, to assess the effect of seed rates and sowing methods on growth, yield, and yield attributes of tef. Factorial combinations of two sowing methods (row and broadcast) and six seeding rates (2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 kg ha-1) were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Seed rate significantly affected days to panicle emergence, days to physiological maturity, main panicle weight, main panicle seed weight, and thousand seed weight. Accordingly, the maximum values of these parameters were obtained at the seed rate of 2.5 kg ha-1. Moreover, significant main effects of both seed rate and sowing method were observed on the number of total tillers, productive tillers, plant height and grain yield. Row planting method and seed rate of 2.5 kg ha-1 had produced the maximum number of total and productive tillers with concurrent decrease in plant height and grain yield as compared to the other treatments. Higher grain yield of 2702 kg ha-1 was obtained at seeding rate of 25 kg ha-1 followed by 15 and 20 kg ha-1 which had produced grain yield of 2453 and 2371 kg ha-1, respectively. There were significant interaction effects of sowing methods and seed rates on shoot biomass yield, straw yield, lodging percentage, culm length and harvest index. The highest seed rate of (25 kg ha-1) with both sowing methods produced higher shoot biomass yield, straw yield, and lodging percentage. However, combining the highest seeding rate with the broadcasting method resulted in lower harvest index. Lodging index was consistently increased with increasing seed rate under row planting. Hence, considering the growth and yield obtained from the current study by using 25 kg ha-1 seed rate together with row planting can be suggested for higher tef production in the study area. Key words: Tef, row sowing, broadcasting, seed rate, yield, and yield attribute

    Towards effective and sustainable global academic partnerships through a maturity model informed by the capability approach

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    BackgroundShortage of skilled workforce is a global concern but represents a critical bottleneck to Africa’s development. While global academic partnerships have the potential to help tackle this development bottleneck, they are criticised for inadequate attention to equity, impact, and sustainability. We propose a new values-driven partnership model for sustainable and equitable global partnerships that achieve impact.MethodThe model was based on the authors’ experiences of participation in over 30 partnerships and used insights from the Capability Approach.ResultsWe developed an Academic Partnership Maturity Model, with five levels of maturity, extending from pre-contemplative to mature partnerships. The level of maturity increases depending on the level of freedom, equity, diversity, and agency afforded to the partners. The approach offers a framework for establishing a forward-looking partnership anchored in mutual learning, empowerment, and autonomy.ConclusionThis is a pragmatic model limited by the biases of experiential knowledge. Further development of the concept, including metrics and an evaluation tool kit are needed to assist partners and funders

    Establishing a multicenter longitudinal clinical cohort Study in Ethiopia: Advanced Clinical Monitoring of Antiretroviral Treatment Project

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    Background: The purpose of this paper is to describe the establishment of the  Advanced Clinical Monitoring of ART Project in Ethiopia for monitoring and  evaluation of the longitudinal effectiveness of the ART program and to show the opportunities it presents. This cohort was established in response to the 2005 call by WHO for establishing additional mechanisms for stronger monitoring of ART and the need for creating the platform to generate evidence to guide the care given for the ever increasing number of patients on ART in Ethiopia.Method: A participatory and multi-stage process which started from a consensus building workshop and steered by a mother protocol as well as guiding documents which dictated the degree of engagement and expectations was followed. The primary and secondary aims of the study were agreed upon. A multi-site longitudinal observational clinical cohort was established by a consortium of stakeholders including seven Ethiopian medical schools and their affiliated referral hospitals, John Hopkins University, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Ministry of Science and Technology, US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control - CDC-Ethiopia, and the Federal Ministry of Health. Adult and adolescent cohorts covering the age range of 14+ years) and pediatric cohorts covering those below age 14 years were the two main cohorts. During the initial recruitment of these cohorts information was extracted from existing documents for a total of 2,100 adult participants. In parallel, a prospective cohort of 1,400 adult and adolescent patients were enrolled for ART initiation and follow-up. Using similar recruitment procedures, a total of 120 children were enrolled in each of retrospective and prospective cohorts. Replacement of participants were made in subsequent years based on lost follow up and death rates to maintain adequacy of the sample to be followed-up.Achievements: Between January 2005 and August 2013 a total of 4,339 patients were followed for a median of 41.6 months and data on demographic characteristics, baseline and ongoing clinical features, hospitalization history, medication and laboratory information were collected. 39,762 aliquots and 25,515 specimens of plasma and dry-blood-spots respectively were obtained and stored longitudinally from October 2009 to August 2013. The project created a research platform for researchers, policy and decision makers. Moreover, it encouraged local and international investigators to identify and answer clinically and programmatically relevant research questions using the available data and specimens. Calls for concept notes paired with multiple trainings to stimulate investigators to conduct analyses further boosted the potential for doing research.Conclusions: A comprehensive and resourceful mechanism for scientific inquiry was established to support the national HIV/ART program. With meaningful involvement and defined roles, establishment of a study, which involved multiple institutions and investigators, was possible. Since ACM is the largest multi-site clinical cohort of patients on antiretroviral treatment in Ethiopia---which can be used for research and for improving clinical management---considering options to sustain the project is crucial. Key Words: Ethiopia, HIV clinical cohort, Antiretroviral therapy, Establishing Longitudinal Cohort Study, ART Monitoring and Evaluatio

    Evaluation of Banana (Musa spp.) Cultivars for Growth, Yield, and Fruit Quality

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    አህፅሮት ይህ ጥናት የተካሄደው ዘጠኝ (አራት ከውጪ የገቡ እና  አምስት ከሀገር ውስጥ የተሰበሰቡ) የሙዝ ዝርያዎችና አንድ በመመረት ላይ የሚገኝ የማወዳደሪያ ዝርያ በአራት የተለያዩ የሀገሪቱ አካባቢዎች ለሁለት የምርት ዓመታት ያላቸውን የዕድገት፣ ምርት እና ጥራት ሁኔታ ለመገምገም ነበር፡፡ በእያንዳንዱ የሙከራ ቦታ እያንዳንዱ ዝርያ ሶስት ጊዜ በተለያየ ረድፍ ተተክሎ አስፈላጊው እንክብካቤ እየተደረገላቸው ተገምግመዋል፡፡ የተገኘው መረጃ እንደሚያመለክተው በተክል ቁመት፣ ተተክሎ ማበብ እስከሚጀምር እና ተተክሎ ምርት እስከሚደርስ በሚወስደው ጊዜ፣ በአምባዛ (ዘለላ) ክብደት፣ በፍሬ ውፍረት፣ በፍሬ ርዝመት፣ በፍሬ ክብደት፣ በምርት መጠን፣ በልጣጭ ውፍረት፣ የሚበላው ክፍል ከልጣጩ ጋር ባለው ጥምርታ፣ በሚሟሙ ጠጣሮች መጠን፣ በአሲድ መጠን፣ በፒኤች፣ በፍሬ እርጥበት እና በፍሬ የአመድ ይዘት መጠን በዝርያዎች መካከል ከፍተኛ ልዩነት ተመዝግቧል፡ እንደአጠቃላይ ዝርያዎቹ አጭርና ወፍራም ተክል (ግንድ) ነበራቸው፡፡ ዝርያዎቹ ተተክለው እስኪያብቡ ከ243.8 እስከ 316.8 ቀናት እንዲሁም ተተክለው ምርታቸው እስኪሰበሰብ ከ374.4 እስከ 446.7 ቀናት ወስዶባቸዋል፡፡ የሁሉም የሙከራ አካባቢዎች አማካይ የምርት መጠን ከ43.67 እስከ 52.46 ቶን በሄክታር ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል፡፡ አምስት ዝርያዎች ከማወዳደሪያው ዝርያ አኳያ ተወዳዳሪ (ተመሳሳይ) የሆነ ምርት አስመዝግበዋል፡፡ በስሜት ህዋሳት አማካኝነት በተካሄደ የትንተና መረጃ መሰረት ሁሉም ዝርያዎች በቀማሾች ዘንድ ተመራጭ ሆነዋል፡፡ ከማወዳደሪያ ዝርያው አኳያ እጩ ዝርያዎች ከፍተኛ የሚሟሙ ጠጣሮች መጠን፣ ፎስፎረስ እና ፖታሲየም እንዲሁም አነስተኛ የአሲድ መጠን አስመዝግበዋል፡፡ የፍሬ እርጥበትና የአመድ ይዘት መጠን እንደቅደምተከተላቸው ከ71.53 እስከ 76.56 በመቶ እና ከ2.5 እስከ 3.36 በመቶ ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል፡፡ የዕድገት፣ የምርትና የጥራት መረጃዎችን መሰረት በማድረግ ‘ሌዲ ፊንገር’ እና ‘ድንኬ-1’ የተባሉት ዝርያዎች በዋና ዋና የሙዝ አምራች አካባቢዎች ወደምርት እንዲገቡ ምክር ተሰጥቷል፡፡   Abstract A study was conducted to evaluate four introduced and five local banana cultivars with a check variety for growth, yield and quality performances at four locations for two crop cycles. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results revealed significant varietal differences in plant height, days to shooting, time from planting to harvest, bunch weight, finger diameter, length and weight, yield, peel thickness, pulp-to-peel ratio, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, moisture and ash contents. The cultivars had generally short and thick plants. Cultivars took from 243.8 to 316.8 days to flowering while from 374.4 to 446.7 days to first harvest. The yield ranged from 43.67 to 52.46 t ha-1. Five cultivars had comparable yields to the check. The sensory results indicated that all the cultivars were generally preferred. The candidate cultivars recorded higher soluble solids, phosphorus and potassium, but lower titratable acidity than the check. The moisture and ash contents ranged from 71.53 to 76.56% and 2.50 to 3.36%, respectively. Considering the growth and yield performances as well as fruit physicochemical and sensory characteristics, ‘Lady Finger’ and ‘Dinke-1’ are recommended for production in the major banana growing areas of Ethiopia

    Adjuvant therapy with minocycline for schizophrenia (The MINOS Trial): study protocol for a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Schizophrenia is understood to be a heterogeneous brain condition with overlapping symptom dimensions. The negative symptom dimension, with its protean cognitive manifestations, responds poorly to treatment, which can be a particular challenge in countries where clozapine therapy is not available. Preliminary data indicate that minocycline may be beneficial adjunct in the treatment of schizophrenia: positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. In this study we aim to assess the efficacy of adjunctive minocycline to alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia in patients who have failed to respond to a therapeutic trial of antipsychotic medications. Methods: The study is a parallel group, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Participants will be adults (aged 18 years and above) with first episode or relapse episode of schizophrenia of under 5 years’ duration. Patients who failed to show adequate therapeutic response to at least one antipsychotic medication given for a minimum of 4 weeks will be recruited from a psychiatry hospital in Addis Ababa and a psychiatry clinic in Butajira, Ethiopia. A total of 150 participants (75 in each arm) will be required to detect a five-point mean difference between the intervention arms adjusting for baseline symptom severity, at 90% power and 95% confidence. Patients in the intervention arm will receive minocycline (200 mg/day orally) added on to the regular antipsychotic medications participants are already on. Those in the placebo arm will receive an inactive compound identical in physical appearance to minocycline. Intervention will be offered for 12 weeks. Diagnosis will be established using the operational criteria for research (OPCRIT). Primary outcome measure will be a change in symptom severity measured using the positive and the negative syndrome scale for schizophrenia (PANSS). Secondary outcome measures will include changes in severity of negative symptoms, proportion achieving remission, and level of functioning. Whether changes are maintained post intervention will also be measured (PANSS). Key assessment for the primary outcome will be conducted at the end of trial (week 12). One post-intervention assessment will be conducted 4 weeks after the end of intervention (week 16) to determine sustainability of change. Trial registration Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01809158

    Consumption of dietary folate estimates and its implication for reproductive outcome among women of reproductive age in Kersa: cross-sectional survey.

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary folate inadequacy is one the most common micronutrient deficiencies that cause neural tube defect (NTD) among infants in Sub-Saharan African countries. This study aims to determine the dietary intake of folate among women of reproductive age (WRA) of Kersa, Eastern Ethiopia. METHODS: A cross-sectional study took place among voluntary women that were selected from 1140 random households. Using a validated Food Frequency Questionnaire, participant's weekly dietary intake history of Ethiopian foods and dietary folate intake was worked out. Statistical analysis was done at a 95% confidence interval. Modified Poisson regression was used to identify factors associated with dietary folate consumption. RESULT: The estimated median usual intake of folate was 170 μg/d (IQR: 118.3; 252.2) and about 33% of WRA had low folate intake and 73.9% were at risk for folate inadequacy. From the reported food groups, Beans and Peas, Starchy staples, and Vitamin-A rich dark-green leafy vegetables were the top three ranked foods that contributed much of the dietary folate. The following conditions were statistically related to dietary folate inadequacy; women's age, being in poor wealth index, low dietary diversity, having seasonal employment, and reliance on market food sources. CONCLUSIONS: We found that women's dietary intake of folate in Kersa is very low and cannot protect their offspring from the risk of having NTD. They could also potentially be predisposed to poor health outcomes. Diversifying and fortification of Ethiopian wheats and salts could decrease the burden of folate deficiency in the country

    Epidemiology and individual, household and geographical risk factors of podoconiosis in ethiopia: results from the first nationwide mapping

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    Although podoconiosis is one of the major causes of tropical lymphoedema and is endemic in Ethiopia its epidemiology and risk factors are poorly understood. Individual-level data for 129,959 individuals from 1,315 communities in 659 woreda (districts) were collected for a nationwide integrated survey of lymphatic filariasis and podoconiosis. Blood samples were tested for circulating Wuchereria bancrofti antigen using immunochromatographic card tests. A clinical algorithm was used to reach a diagnosis of podoconiosis by excluding other potential causes of lymphoedema of the lower limb. Bayesian multilevel models were used to identify individual and environmental risk factors. Overall, 8,110 of 129,959 (6.2%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.1-6.4%) surveyed individuals were identified with lymphoedema of the lower limb, of whom 5,253 (4.0%, 95% CI 3.9-4.1%) were confirmed to be podoconiosis cases. In multivariable analysis, being female, older, unmarried, washing the feet less frequently than daily, and being semiskilled or unemployed were significantly associated with increased risk of podoconiosis. Attending formal education and living in a house with a covered floor were associated with decreased risk of podoconiosis. Podoconiosis exhibits marked geographical variation across Ethiopia, with variation in risk associated with variation in rainfall, enhanced vegetation index, and altitude

    Early post-stroke cognitive impairment and in-hospital predicting factors among stroke survivors in Ethiopia

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    BackgroundIn low-and middle-income countries, post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) is the least investigated stroke complication that clinically is given little attention. Finding patients who are at high risk of having cognitive problems after a stroke could allow targeted follow-up and help with prognosis discussions, which would then contribute to improved treatment outcomes. The main aim of this study was to determine the incidence and predictors of PSCI among stroke survivors in Northwest Ethiopia.MethodsThe study was a multicenter prospective cohort study. The study participants were 403 stroke survivors who were alive on follow-up after 3 months of stroke onset at the neurology department of three hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia. To investigate the link between the outcome and the explanatory variables, analyses of bivariable and logistic multivariable regression were performed. A value of p of 0.05 or less was regarded as statistically significant, and data were presented as odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals.ResultsThe mean age of the participants was 61.3 years (SD = 0.7), 56% were females, the mean time from symptom onset to hospital arrival was 46 h (SD = 3.32), and the mean National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score at admission was 14.79 (SD = 0.25). PSCI was observed in 122 patients (30.3%) after 90 days of stroke onset, that is, 83 (20.6%) of female and 39 (9.7%) of male stroke survivors. The result of multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed PSCI was independently associated with age (adjusted OR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.061–1.981), women (AOR = 1.390, 95% CI = 1.221–2.690), admission modified Rankin scale (mRS) (AOR = 1.629, 95% CI = 1.381–2.037), moderate Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score (AOR = 1.149, 95% CI = 1.402–3.281), and poor GCS score (AOR = 1.632, 95% CI = 1.610–4.361) and stage one (AOR = 1.428, 95% CI = 1.198–2.922) and stage two hypertension (AOR = 1.255, 95% CI = 1.107–2.609).ConclusionNearly one-third of stroke survivors developed PSCI. Moreover, further research is needed with a larger sample size, showing a time trend and longer follow-up duration

    Integrated mapping of lymphatic filariasis and podoconiosis: lessons learnt from Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND The World Health Organization (WHO), international donors and partners have emphasized the importance of integrated control of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Integrated mapping of NTDs is a first step for integrated planning of programmes, proper resource allocation and monitoring progress of control. Integrated mapping has several advantages over disease specific mapping by reducing costs and enabling co-endemic areas to be more precisely identified. We designed and conducted integrated mapping of lymphatic filariasis (LF) and podoconiosis in Ethiopia; here we present the methods, challenges and lessons learnt. METHODS Integrated mapping of 1315 communities across Ethiopia was accomplished within three months. Within these communities, 129,959 individuals provided blood samples that were tested for circulating Wuchereria bancrofti antigen using immunochromatographic card tests (ICT). Wb123 antibody tests were used to further establish exposure to LF in areas where at least one ICT positive individual was detected. A clinical algorithm was used to reliably diagnose podoconiosis by excluding other potential causes of lymphoedema of the lower limb. RESULTS A total of 8110 individuals with leg swelling were interviewed and underwent physical examination. Smartphones linked to a central database were used to collect data, which facilitated real-time data entry and reduced costs compared to traditional paper-based data collection approach; their inbuilt Geographic Positioning System (GPS) function enabled simultaneous capture of geographical coordinates. The integrated approach led to efficient use of resources and rapid mapping of an enormous geographical area and was well received by survey staff and collaborators. Mobile based technology can be used for such large scale studies in resource constrained settings such as Ethiopia, with minimal challenges. CONCLUSIONS This was the first integrated mapping of podoconiosis and LF globally. Integrated mapping of podoconiosis and LF is feasible and, if properly planned, can be quickly achieved at nationwide scale