198 research outputs found

    Penerapan Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand De Saussure dalam Pertunjukan Kethoprak Ringkes

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    Kethoprak Ringkes sebagai salah satu grup kethoprak yang ada di Yogyakarta memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Banyolan para aktor sarat akan edukasi perihal seni tradisi dan keseharian masyarakat setempat. Meskipun demikian, ada beberapa hal yang tidak dapat dimaknai begitu saja. Adanya semiotika dari Ferdinand De Saussure ini dapat dijadikan sebagai teori dengan tujuan menganalisis pada tataran paling sederhana. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis komponen linguistik salah satu pertunjukan Kethoprak Ringkes yang berjudul “Sampek Eng Tay (Korban Multi Krisis)”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni analisis kualitatif, dimulai dengan reduksi data hingga membuat kesimpulan. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan adanya analisa lima dialog menggunakan analisis penanda-petanda, hubungan dua kosakata dengan analisis in present-in absentia, dan lima dialog lainnya menggunakan analisis poros kombinasi dan poros seleksi. Penggunaan berbagai kosakata ini melibatkan sistem tanda dengan semiotika Saussure. Upaya pemaknaan ini bisa dilakukan dalam rangka mengedukasi khalayak umum tentang peran seni pertunjukan bagi masyarakat. Kethoprak Ringkes, as one of the kethoprak groups in Yogyakarta, has its uniqueness. The jokes of the actors are full of education about traditional arts and local people's daily life. However, some things cannot be taken for granted. The semiotics from Ferdinand De Saussure can be used as a theory to analyze it at the most superficial level. This study aims to analyze the linguistic component of the Kethoprak Ringkes performances entitled "Sampek Eng Tay (Multi Crisis Victim)". The research method used is qualitative analysis, starting with data reduction to making conclusions. The results obtained show five dialogues using analysis of signifier-signified, the relationship of two vocabulary words with analysis in present-in absentia, and the other five dialogues using combination and selection axis analysis. The use of these various vocabularies involves a sign system with Saussure's semiotics. Efforts to interpret this can be made to educate the general public about the role of performing arts in the community.


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    Art For Children (AFC) adalah sebuah program yang bentuk oleh Taman Budaya Yogyakarta. Tercatat sebanyak 7 cabang seni yang diajarkan di dalamnya, salah satunya ialah teater. Proses kreatif teater pada AFC ini cukup menarik karena tidak menggunakan teks.  Penelitian ini mencoba melihat upaya yang dilakukan guru selama proses kreatif teater di kelas AFC. Peran tersebut tidak hanya tentang otoritas guru dalam kelas teater, tetapi juga cara guru memaknai dan melaksanakan perannya pada setiap tahapannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif, dengan metode pengumpulan data wawancara semi terskturktur, dokumen, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanannya, guru membagi dua tahapan yakni training dan rehearsal. Training yang berarti melatih keterampilan dasar anak dengan cara melakukan observasi di lingkungan sekitar, olah tubuh dan olah rasa. Kemudian berlanjut pada tahapan inti proses kreatif yakni rehearsal yang berarti melatih dengan mencapai tujuan tertentu atau dalam hal ini ialah mencipta naskah bersama-sama

    Comparison of F1 cows sired by Brahman, Boran and Tuli bulls for reproductive, maternal, and cow longevity traits

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    Birth weight (BW) (n =1277) and weaning weight (WW) (n = 1090) of calves, pregnancy rate (PR) (n = 1386), calf crop born (CCB) (n = 1386), calf crop weaned (CCW) (n = 1294), cowâÂÂs weight at palpation (CW) (n = 1474) and cow body condition score (BCS) (n = 1473) were evaluated from 1994 to 2006 in 143 F1 cows sired by Brahman (B), Boran (Bo) and Tuli (T) bulls and born to Angus and Hereford cows. Mouth scores (MS) (n = 139) were assigned to the remaining cows in 2004 and 2005. Fixed effects included sire breed of cow, dam breed of cow, and calfâÂÂs birth year/age of cow; random effects included cow and sire of cow. BW and WW were evaluated using the same model and adding gender for both and age for WW. All two-way interactions were tested for significance. CalfâÂÂs birth year/age of dam was significant for all traits (P < 0.05) except WW. BW for calves out of F1 B, Bo and T bulls were 35.08, 34.76 and 34.87 kg, respectively, and were not different. WW differed (P < 0.05) for calves out of F1 B, Bo and T cows (235.87, 221.10 and 208.35 kg, respectively). PR (0.922, 0.955 and 0.936, respectively), CCB (0.881, 0.931, 0.890, respectively), CCW (0.848, 0.898 and 0.869, respectively), did not differ among F1 B, Bo and T cows. CW when cows were 8- or 9-year old were 600.78, 514.63 and 513.14 kg, respectively, for F1 B, Bo and T cows, with those sired by B being heaviest (P < 0.05). BCS for B-, Bo- and T-sired cows were 5.23, 5.48 and 5.18, respectively, with F1 Bo cows having highest scores. Higher MS (P < 0.05) were assigned to Bo and B-sired cows (0.95 and 0.94, respectively) compared to T-sired cows (0.78), when both broken and solid incisors were scored 1, and smooth scored 0. When both smooth and broken were scored 0, and solid were scored 1, higher scores were assigned to B- (0.53) compared to T-sired cows (0.24), the Bo-sired cows being intermediate. Higher reproductive rates were found for Boran-sired cows, but Brahman-sired cows weaned heavier calves

    Infected Peri-Pancreatic Necrosis Causing Gallbladder Necrosis by Direct Extension

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    Acute acalculous cholecystitis may develop in patients suffering from necrotizing pancreatitis. Conversely, acute pancreatitis may complicate acute gallbladder disease. We present a case that lends support to the existence of another possibility: gallbladder necrosis caused by direct extension of the necrotizing pancreatitic process

    Evaluación de preformados prefritos congelados a base de malanga variedad coco y blanca (Colocasia esculenta Schott) a escala de laboratorio

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    En Nicaragua el consumo y aprovechamiento agroindustrial de malanga es muy poco, en la actualidad algunas pequeñas industrias artesanales elaboran chips tipo snack. Sin embargo, se necesita buscar otras alternativas de transformación para la agro-industrialización de este tubérculo dada su calidad nutritiva. En correspondencia con lo anterior se estableció la evaluación de preformados prefritos congelados a base de malanga variedad coco y blanca (colocasia esculenta Schott) a escala de laboratorio, el estudio fue realizado en los laboratorios de la Facultad de Agronomía, de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA). Primeramente, se caracterizaron las materias primas determinando humedad el cual la variedad coco tuvo uníndice mayor que la blanca, materia seca, longitud, diámetro y masa. Además, se establecieron cuatro formulaciones de preformados, los que se sometieron a prefrituras a 120oC por 30 y 60 segundos y 190oC con los mismos tiempos, donde los preformados a 190°C por 60 segundos fueron los que presentaron mejor comportamiento y los cuales se evaluaron sus características organolpeticas, por medio de prueba efectiva con 30 panelistas, como resultado no se obtuvieron diferencia significativa, se determinó humedad y materia seca a las cuatro formulaciones obteniendo que los preformados de la variedad blanca tiene mayor índice de materia seca que la coco. Finalmente se determinó el costo unitario de los preformados, siendo estos de C$ 3.55, 3.52, 3.37, y 3.33 para las A1, A2, B1 y B2 respectivamente

    Non-randomised patients in a cholecystectomy trial: characteristics, procedures, and outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is now considered the first option for gallbladder surgery. However, 20% to 30% of cholecystectomies are completed as open operations often on elderly and fragile patients. The external validity of randomised trials comparing mini-laparotomy cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy has not been studied. The aim of this study is to analyse characteristics, procedures, and outcomes for all patients who underwent cholecystectomy without being included in such a trial. METHODS: Characteristics (age, sex, co-morbidity, and ASA-score), operation time, hospital stay, and mortality were compared for patients who underwent cholecystectomy outside and within a randomised controlled trial comparing mini-laparotomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. RESULTS: During the inclusion period 1719 patients underwent cholecystectomy. 726 patients were randomised and 724 of them completed the trial; 993 patients underwent cholecystectomy outside the trial. The non-randomised patients were older – and had more complications from gallstone disease, higher co-morbidity, and higher ASA – score when compared with trial patients. They were also more likely to undergo acute surgery and they had a longer postoperative hospital stay, with a median 3 versus 2 days (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). Standardised mortality ratio within 90 days of operation was 3.42 (mean) (95% CI 2.17 to 5.13) for non-randomised patients and 1.61 (mean) (95%CI 0.02 to 3.46) for trial patients. For non-randomised patients, operation time did not differ significantly between mini-laparotomy and open cholecystectomy in multivariate analysis. However, the operation for laparoscopic cholecystectomy lasted 20 minutes longer than open cholecystectomy. Hospital stay was significantly shorter for both mini-laparotomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared to open cholecystectomy. CONCLUSION: Non-randomised patients were older and more sick than trial patients. The assignment of healthier patients to trials comparing mini-laparotomy cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy limits the external validity of conclusions reached in such trials

    Rapid intraoperative insulin assay: a novel method to differentiate insulinoma from nesidioblastosis in the pediatric patient

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    Introduction: Hyperinsulinism is the most common cause of recurrent and persistent hypoglycemia in infancy and childhood. Causes can include nesidioblastosis, pancreatic islet cell tumors such as insulinoma, and associations with multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes. Although new, improved imaging techniques have allowed for more precise preoperative localization of insulinomas, the differentiation of nesidioblastosis and insulinoma, particularly in children, can be challenging. To improve intraoperative localization and confirmation of successful resection of insulinoma, a novel hormonal assay, the rapid intraoperative insulin assay, is reported for the first time in a pediatric patient. This intraoperative radioimmunoassay for insulin yields results within several minutes and confirms complete resection of insulinoma. Case description: We present a case of pancreatic insulinoma in a child with symptoms of severe hypoglycemia, causing seizures. The insulinoma was enucleated laparoscopically, and rapid intra-operative insulin assay used to determine the success of the procedure. Discussion and evaluation: This rapid intra-operative test provides a valuable adjunct for determining complete excision in complicated cases of recurrent or questionable insulinoma. Although not a common problem, for pediatric patients in whom the diagnosis is not clear, this test may provide a novel approach to confirming disease. Conclusion: We propose the use of this assay in facilitating intra-operative resection and confirmation of complete excision in pediatric patients. This population may especially benefit from this novel assay to confirm complete resection and to differentiate multiple etiologies of hyperinsulinism

    Clinical Characteristics of Dialysis Related Sclerosing Encapsulating Peritonitis: Multi-center Experience in Korea

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    Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis (SEP) is a rare but serious complication in patients with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), and is characterized by a progressive, intra-abdominal, inflammatory process resulting in the formation of sheets of new fibrous tissue, which cover, bind, and constrict the viscera, thereby compromising the motility of the bowel. No satisfactory estimate is available on the comparative incidence of dialysis related SEP and the pathogenesis of SEP still remains uncertain. Although recent therapeutic approaches have reported varying degrees of success, an efficient measure to detect, at an early stage, patients at risk for SEP would be beneficial and a standardized treatment regimen to prevent the illness is urgently needed. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical features of SEP and to identify the possible risk factors for the development of SEP in CAPD patients. We retrospectively reviewed by questionnaire SEP cases among CAPD patients from 7 university hospital dialysis centers in Korea, including Yonsei University, Ajou University, Catholic University, Inha University, Kyungpook University, Seoul National University and Soonchunhyang University, from January 1981 to December 2002. Out of a total of 4,290 CAPD patients in these centers, 34 cases developed SEP with an overall prevalence of 0.79%. The male to female ratio was 17:17. The median age of these patients was 44.5 years (range 19 - 66). The median duration of CAPD before SEP was 64 months (9 - 144) and 68% of patients (23/34) had been on CAPD for more than 4 years. Peritonitis (including two fungal cases) was the main cause of catheter removal in SEP (27 cases, 79%). Seventy-five percent of the cases (15/20) were administered β-blocker for a mean duration of 85 months (26 - 130). Among 10 cases with available peritoneal equilibration test (PET) data, 8 showed high transporter characteristics, and the remaining 2 were high average. Eighteen cases were diagnosed by clinical and radiologic methods, and 16 were surgically diagnosed. Eleven cases were surgically treated and the others were treated conservatively with intermittent total parenteral nutrition (TPN). The overall mortality rate was 24%. SEP is a serious, life threatening complication of CAPD. Most cases had a PD duration of more than 4 years, a history of severe peritonitis, and high transporter characteristics in PET. Therefore, to reduce the incidence of SEP, careful monitoring and treatment, including early catheter removal in patients with severe peritonitis, should be considered for long-term CAPD patients with the above characteristics